Ltail Assistance and Trade Paef ItrttB Soviet Concluded Amounts To Protectorate MOSCOW September 29 Con - t'ssba of a mutual wuiancc kt ind trade agreement Deiwe-n Ruii-i and Esthonia was trtrt iaooncfd last night following of the Esthonlan for- lia minister with Soviet authort- Itt The agreement U for a period tf tea rears and proTldea for Rus- j to obixa laval. air and mlll- btse concessions giving It i) tc-'jol of the Oulf of rs-r.4 and the Oulf of Riga A -f 35,000 troops In Es- be "V permitted. .,.v . Russia, ..... itCJl iv La, ! :0RCE FOR OVERSEAS 1 iwgers. minister of na- dtfe:-,"e. announces that the ! xranaan division for active yvttu service Is now being or- lused p will proceed overseas " w when required. ; first division will be as-! pblfd at once. A second division " w kept in reserve. AU parts Dominion will be renresent- W u fir u possible on the basis CerUh technical unlU from sOary troops will be sent over- " l these eventuallr will form gtrt of the overseas force. t announcement of the organ- "1 Of the nvrrxra. urvlee rt came foUowlng a meeting of -tcsDmet yesterday, tfl the Canadian force will jrccwd abroad will depend upon ae Britb government Brush Fire is under Contrnl at Cultus Lake Near Chilli k Did Utile Damage PSf Cam no. trn S "f in all nloh n-ui . i v. "ttiv iiiiv, a Imo' bm!LCultU6 Lake near he. wiht under control without do irf txtensive damage. ! Weather Forecast &tnerl bi, ,Muvia nit pressure I "iRn OVr Rrltl.V. rti. wi. I mmi vuiumuia tutu IfMni- &V?1 l.h? th of the W "oue "lands. Showers ttr,,, " ",vu u" wne norm coast. -Moh. of vncouver Island erate northwest winds, shlft- , ' . w southeast U1 wouaincM and ool ai.u . snowers: . NAZIS TAKE Reported Warfare ANTWERP. September 29: Torpedoing of a 3325-ton Swedish freighter in the North 6ea is re- Dotted. The vessel was hound for According to reports from Oslo three -Norwegian freighters were sunk yesterday and today In the North Sea but no lives were lost! Survivors of two sinkings said they, were torpedoed. A third is report- ted to have struck a mine: The Nor wegian freighters were the Tak-staas. Pern and Salaas. j Belgium Supply M . - far guarantees Esthoniaj Anrj I rjAncnnrt sit iigresslon srgresston and will be a!111 auapuil tcf supply for the smaUer IT f lUJ itaa which will henceforth be U 111 Id VsCUlCU . tt status of a virtual pro tec- ( smeinent of the conclusion V.t ttreement followed the com. in ov ulation of Foreign Mln- reV:jzr 3 the demands of the laaj '-reign commissar. V M. ' t naval, air and mlll- i tr-ions and a display of rats cava) might off the Es- ast yesterday. rreemerd. terminate a R:j:-EthonIan situation be report by the official . towi agency of a. second atl n, a wo aays oy an unaen- Strrarlne on Soviet shipping! BRUSSELS, September 29: CT Arlrtlllrmal IVlffUn nmnlr and I transport units art being called cntu Into service. AIDING IN OLD LAND Former Premier R. R. Bennett is Leading Canadians There In - War Work"' t LONDON, Sent. 29: ICPI- A I group of Canadians, meeting in London, appointed a Committee of ; nine, under Rt Hon. R. B. Bennett, former Prime Minister-of Canada, jto eo-ordlhate Red Cross efforts of Canadians resident In the United , Kingdom. Vlwnunt ond Ladv Astor have of- ra4i To Send Division Abroad ffred their country houses for use Shortly All Parts of Dominion ' as a Canadian hospital Mr. Ben- T B Represented 'nett told the meeting. He said thai !he had accepted the offer tenta- 0HAWA. September 29:- Hon.itirely. OVER TODAY Formal Surrender of Warsaw Gives Germany and Russia Complete Control of feiand WARSAW. Sept. 2: (CP With the formal unconditional surrender of Warsaw today, the oerman ox-, flclal announcement of the capltu-1 latlon being borne out by a Polish news agency dispatch indicating that further defence has been abandoned after the city had been shattered by twenty days of Oer- man siege. Reich and Soviet armies are now virtually in complete con trol of Poland. Right to the end the Warsaw ra dio station continued its denani emissions, finally becoming silent after telling a dramatic story of the city's valiant defence and ruin in the face of overwhelming oaos. n is estimated that 35,000 Poles 18,' 000 soldiers and 20,000 civilians-lost their lives in the selge of War saw. German Bombers Are Driven Off Approached Scottish Coast Yester day But Were unao to uri Through LONDON, Sept. 29: CT The tirituh Press Association, in -armit last nftght. announced hat a souadron of Oerman bomb lng planes had approached the .tirn coast of Scotland but were met by British planes which drove ihm nff before (Key could get through. War News Antwerp. All members of the crew returned.' are reported to hate been rescued.' command ATTACK ON HELIGOLAND ( pursuit planes had shot down five of sis British planes which attacked the warships. TURCO-RUSS TREATY LONDON It is announced that Turkey has already arrang-. ed a new commercial treaty with, Russia. AUSTRALIA HELPING LONDON Reports from Australia say that two million pounds is to be Invested by that country In factories for the manufacture of machine guns and other war materials. A shipbuilding program has also been arranged for the building of mine sweepers and other small ON WESTERN ITtONT PARIS Successful French mil- tack on the MoeIle River developed favorably and we took prisoners." Today French advices reported a Fjtnch.-4Tn'?J,,rn the eastern bank of the Moelle River which carried the French lines forward about 1500 yards. REACTION FAVORABLE LONDON Sir John Simon, Chanrellor of the Exchequer, is pleased with public reaction to his budtet in spite of its severe taies. There will be a campaign to ensure the utmost economy in government and to conserve funds to the greatest degree RACING AS USUAL LtKDON The ban on horse racing, Imposed at the start of the war, has been lilted. The great Cesarewiteh Stakes will be run as usual on November 2, it is announced. ARK ROYAL SAFE LONDON The British aircraft carrier Ark Royal, which Germany claims to have sunk or virtually disabled, is safe and sound at her usual base, the British Press Association anounce. The vessel was never even touched. 1& DEBATE NEUTRALITY LATVIA ALARMED RIGA Following the virtual absorption of Esthonia by Russia, a state of emergency has been declared In Latvia and a special council of defence has been set UP- PLANES OVER HOLLAND AMSTERDAM Foreign planes passed over the frontiers of Holland yesterday heading both westward and eastward. They are believed to have been British, flying eastward to Germany and then homeward. DARING COUP LONDON Announcement was made Ust night that a Royal Air Force flying boat which landed in Iceland after It became lost on a patrol flight around the Faroe Islands, being Interned with its crew of nine, was back in England. The fliers made their escape from Intern ment, repossessing themselves of the plane and Immediately taking off for home. BULGARIA AmTrUSSIAN PACT SOFIA, Bulgaria The Tremier of Bulgaria will leave Sofia on Saturday for Moscow to sign a new trade agrement between Bulgaria and Russia, negotla- ON MONDAY LONDON The Ministry at In- formation announces that the " To Introduced In Royal Air Force attacked the Upper House Then Following Oerman fleet at llrilaoland and Apprerai y rornjn neiauom 'some of the planes bad not yet The German high said that German Uonlsts. Committee WASHINGTON. D. C. Sept. 29: The amended neutrality act for the United 8Utea. 'providing, for the repeal of the embargo- clause and the substitution of a modified .yesterday. The vote, of the foreign r1!nc rm tn 1 1 f A in faror of Tomorrows Tides Weather Forecast 2:03 tin. 201 ft. Prinet Rupert and Queen Charlotte 210 14:08 pjn. ft. , Islands Fresh to strong 8:08 am 53 ft. southeast winds, unsettled and 20:J st';Zt ft. 0 M cool with showers. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER l xx j j Na. 228 No. V. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 29,11139 PRICE: I CENTS usi in - German Friendship Pact 1STH0NIAN !NEUTRALS AGREEMENT ; TORPEDOED NEGOTIATED Scandinavian Vessels Victim of Submarine Soviet Pledges Economic Aid ' To Reich and Will Consult On "Measures" If War Continues Veiled Threat of .Military Aid Meets With Scornful Reception in Britain Attempt to Frighten Allies Into Unworthy Peace Seen T.n'nO!s: Spntemher 29: fCP) Russia's new nact' the amended bill was,16 to 11. Five CT TDRf A D TKII7C senators who voted against a OUDllIiXIl ll-iO change the last Ume the question came up switched to support the administration on this occasion. I DRIVEN OFF Congressional observers concede Xhat the bill Is assured of pass- Menace of U-Boats &ge by both houses . of Congress although there will be bitter op- , t potiUon by certain Senate lsola- I LONDON. LONDON. . September September 29: 29: CP CP It Is stated here that there Is Oerman submar jies are said In an belief that France and Great Britain would spurn the Soviet's "veil ed threat" to enter the war unless Itary attacks on both west and "V"' rih ported to be consulUng over im . u-hlrtk u-nuld nrpvent Oreat Brl- rtrivpn (ram ,h the thlctlv Arf dotted T. ... .... east ends of the western front st ere claimed yesterday. A French communiaue said: "A local at- tain and France getting credit steamship ruutes around the Bri- dq c jrum uir sjssisru o, v. sisu cuau uatloQ wn!ch wouW cause them to wpiieo w mem aiuiougn mey in tess man a moaia uiey uaio tv,.,, C.I.0.1S SUSPENDED Trades and Labor Congress of Ca ; ada. In Annual Convention, I Confirms Executive Action m AKvnvm y-v . a l r a sn n S Trades and Labor Congress of Victoria Ready For Air Raids VICTORIA, September 29: (CPi The civilian defence committee of Victoria Is considering arrangements for the roundn of warning sirens should the city ever be 'threatened with air raids. The 'possibilities of arranging for "black-outs" are also being dls-, cussed. tlon of which was carried out ' this week during the visit of the ' Bulgarian finance minister to Moscow. Establishment ot a new Moscow-Sofia air line is provided for under the agreement. POLES IN LONDON LONDON Mne Polish airmen who have arrived in London are being sent to France where they will probably join the Polish unit being raised there. FRANCE ALSO ADAMANT Paris In connection with the attempt being made to blame Great Britain for refusal of the peace proposals made by Italy, it is officially stated here that France was equally responsible for refusing to make any peace with Hitler. HELPING GREECE LONDON Owing to the war Greece is suffering from food shortage which Is being relieved by Britain. RECOGNIZE. POLAND TOKYO It Is announced here that Japan will continue to rec-ojnlre the government of Poland. r., sc.hmarinM are beirur unable to export any NEW LEAGUE OF NATIONS cash and carry PlVr the- sup- q friendshjp witn fJeimany, which Was signed today at (Great Line-up Is Suggested Taking ?L wrS?' the seSte Moscow as trie culmination of lengthy conferences during m Practically ah of Europe on Monday for finrt; reading and me last lew aays ueiween roreign minister joacnim von debate following its adoption by Ribbentrop of Germany and Dictator Joseph Stalin, Prem-I Copenhagen, September 23: the foreign relations committee er-Foreign Commissar Molotbf and other officials of News leaked out of Moscow last both nations, was coldly received iug,m 01 a pian ior creation or a in London and it was the general'aew League of Nations under the leadership of Russia and Germany which would embrace all of Eastern Europe, a good portion of the the Allies agree to German peaeelwes' Mediterranean countries and terms. A hieh dinlomaUc source possibly extend to the Far East. described the accord as a desperate I rt would be Instrumental In Becoming -ithpr to rtriv.. a h.iing a totalitarian peace upon Eur- Less In Waters Close To British or,0pe. Uefn Gfeat Briuln C1 'frighten them out of their express-. Included in the League would L ed determination to fight Hitler- s1 countries as Russia, Oer- . . ... . Imany, Italy. Hungary, Slovakia. The British and French are re, . f"- urew- "oumania. jngosiatW, .Bulgaria, Denmark, Norway. Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Esthonia, Lithuania and Latvia. All nations outside the Tjssnif i would be considered as being were technically Indebted for sup- found the pace too hot and have ' J' 'against It England and France plies for the last war. .retreated frcm the much used . ,would be regarded as borde! shipping channels." the aumenlxi- , states. . ld: Jtier htfvnow-'brrnla'niwlll make-aa omciaLsUtt.e u fifiif t in regard to it on Monday. lurther in the sea :to operate open whose w 'whcje the catch is bound to be The new trade pact Is not alarm- have consuItwt "'H'u"""c Mlu- " much smaUer. sunk far faster than they can be rge amount of supplies on ac- f Til jiff A IMC couni ot her nceds- 1 : ULmfJiiniJ n. bunt it Is declared. Twenty have been dtsposea 01 ine government was Deuevea w s nce the war began, the Admiralty be In the dark as to whether a mili claims. -The acUon of the executive of the A gfCfJ QY l6Eul Canada in suspending Congress on1 UT C nntr On Industrial Organlration units waSjIlCapUll UUlllg Jll upheld by the fifty-fifth conven-, tlon here yesterday by a rote or 239 to 97. Vancouver Police Seeking Axe or Hammer With Which Old Man Mas Done to Death VANCOUVER, Sept 29: (CD-Vancouver police have Intensified the search for the weapon used In tary pact was implied in a clause of jthe accord calling for "appropriate .acUon" In the event of the Allies the slaying of George Gray, aged ... , In thn non' Triors. H enir. tri frr Kt. 73. whose body was found lying on ' v , ?T m and Rssla the kitchen floor of his home in Grandvlew Wednesday, his head'80?!' Prom5s? .nomtc suP?rt battered by similar tool. an axe, hammer or New Regulations Do Not Affect Local Fisheries clear that the new exchange regulations did not In any way affect the business of the selling of Am in the war and, at the same time, commits herself In consultation on unless Oreat Britain and Francei agree to peace. Observers made reference to the measures as implying the threat of possible- military aid for Germany. Highlights of the agreement are: First, establishing of a mutual frontier through Poland with the allowance still existing for the cre- At the Prince RuDert Rotary Club atln of a small Polish protectorate. luncheon yesterday it was made s,rcuuu- -""nK io vniro powers not 10 liuenere wim me new Doun-darlcs. Third, agreement to strive for erlcan fish at the port of Prince Dece-Rupert but that the American fish- Fourth, agreement to fully devel-r,n rn.iirf sMl their fish and be P economic relations. 1 P n WnnUn and R. M. Wins- mwiuug. now mai me ClOS 'low spoke briefly in regard to the " understanding with Russia has regulations. Still Seeking jMissing Boats ' Fourteen Pleasure Vessels Still Un ) aecounled for Following Storm i On California Coast been reached. Baron von Ribben trop Is expected to leave today or tomorrow on his return to Berlin. For a clue as to the developments of the Immediate future in Europe. diplomats have been watching Moscow where foreign ministers of Germany, Turkey, Bulgaria and Esthonia 'have been conferring with .the Soviet government Although jthe new pact Is still not entirely I clear as to the part Russia may nlav LOS ANGELES, Sept 29: (CP) fin European affairs. Moscow specu-Naval and coastguard vessels are' latlon mentions the possibility of a continuing the search for fourteen Soviet-German military pact and pleasure boats still missing off the Jthe formation of a new Balkan bloc southern California coast following wun mrKey participating. Sunday's sudden storm. J Claiming that the war with Po LOSE OUT Are Provinr No Mateh For Freneh (earning on battle against Hitler-J i Aerial Combat Over Western ' ism. A military pact between Rus- j Front sla and Germany. It was observ-J ed by some, would hardly appear to! PARIS, September 29: (CP) The be consistent with a statement i Germans are losing an average of made yesterday by Soviet Ambas- three planes per day In fighting rador Ivan Malsky. at a meeting over the western front, French with Foreign Secretary Viscount sources claim. The French air Halifax that Russia was ready to fighters are continually demon- consider a war trade with Great Britain. agreement Provisions of Treaty strating their superiority, it is raid, despite being often outnumbered. Further, the aerial conflict Is being kept almost entirely deep In German territory. In two days of dog fighting, the Germans lost eight planes while the French lost four. Allied planes have been pene trating Into Germany as fax as Silesia, New York Stock Market Is Weak Uncertainty Over Neutrality Legislation and Narl-Communlst Dealings NEY YORK, September 29: In face of uncertainty over congressional action on the neutrality act and Nazi-Communist dealings in Russia the stock market fell eff I paid In American funds Just as us-, . The agreement was signed at 6:40 one to three points yesterday lth TFW9 WW -kV 1 h m bV.. -1 - . I ... . a a new two year rugn lor volume of sales. land had ended with the capitulation of Warsaw at noon Wednesday. Germany. It was reported from Berlin last night, was preparing to make a final call upon Great Bri tain and France to cease the European war. The suggestion was that failure to accept the peace offer would result in the launching of full warfare by the Reich against Britain and France. It is suggested that Italy or United States might act as mediator. Russia has agreed; to co-operat? In negotiations with a iVlew to bringing about peace, li Is 'laid.