THE DAILY NEWS. | | The Daily News '97-Piece Dinner Sets ABF ATTELL ON THE ART siloe sence Mitglavanaectommeomes | BEeOO OF BOXING TO WIN BOUTS) ¢> mane] Harrison & Cy neater ul DAILY AND WEEKLY We are clearing some of our patterns, sabe TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates | ND? ‘he above price. See them in OF FE ATHERWEIGHT CHAMPION ADVISES PUGILISTIC ASPIRANTS| ® on application, iy 6 ee a FIRST AND FOREMOST TO KEEP THEIR TEMPERS AND Real Estate and Stock Brokers SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexieo—Datty, 50c | [O"'°* $24 Blankets. as GIVES POINTERS ON THE USE OF THE MITTS. APPROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE pup per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All BIG FURNITURE STORE a ea a udge distances. Many Other Countries—Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly | F. W. HART Get control of your temper.| early gs to 1dge ists “hs he Prince Rupert - and te . ¥ yi} hi ~ 2 |} . in the game for years, Stew in advance. | Phone 62 2nd Ave. & 6th st. This is my first advice to the boys|boxers, in the gan wart HEAD OFFICE Entrance on 2nd Ave who want to learn to box,|have never. learned the art, and } | whether for fun, exercise or in! their blows often miss. When a : tt Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98.0 (EEE—E>——— a match, punch is started be sure the op es ul BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES eee and) teeny Promising) ponent: io ee ena ttre WHIT Unit atomeind Gea e-~—~ ‘ ) New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City | oes..® EPAIRED xers. ruined by oe ae r ae _A wild a 7 + omnia x a rm rare adenine | oe | i emper, swinging wildly and giv-/off balance and a fast oppone ae { : ; SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. ing an opponent an opening for! will land a stiff punch. { | A fi eee the Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar | JOHN CURRIE a punch that stretched them on} Some boxers are known as / | . : Tee ee pee: eee ockout” men. They hit to put / } ft = | Position is important. Stand! | f : : ; i . }} DaILy EDITION ane TUESDAY, FEB. 6) with the left f rt ht to|/@ man it dreamland. I don't. I ij : ; . i e fe 00 rom eig oO = + 3 . * “| Servian Labor Benefit Society twenty ‘ ‘ can't bring myself to the point of tt . Seer chat = { | i i j ity inches in front of the . }} me tt No. 195, S.S.S.5. right, according to the length of| wanting to knock a man sense- General Merchandise b ‘ Largest Stoch || POLITICAL CONFLICT IN COUNTY ULSTER. ™: the legs. This gives a chance for|less. I try to wear down my op- = = / | eens Tai ee Chigened Calas tae fthe quick foot work. Don’t stretch) ponents with a rain of punches, | | Our telegraphic despatches for several days forecast al, yoxovic ii the legs too much or balance will) preferring to win on points. ’ , ’ =e “|G. VUKOVICH, T. MAZLUM. mn" shih kat: erin eae strenuous time in the city of Belfast on Thursday, when Winston! Secretary P.O. Box 991 President aa ; — Or nat ag ae 7 said Lowest Prices mn Northern B. G | 5 > left ar ould be extend-iners is 1a e W204. 16 j + { Churchill goes there to speak in favor of Home Rule. Local} — =led = oe, ee au S. Bo ate and in doing so do} f eteissin 664 | Irishmen are unable to understand why there should be any! ae ’ NG ‘ir re t] pie ae y ‘ any| =A _@|Point of the opponent's jaw.|much to spoil their future. Don't) gen ie msemermsrmermsrmmermneomiaihs ad prenedprmermsrmeresenes res. { opposition in Ireland to the inauguration of the principle for ] oo ? Cover your ribs and stomach with! try to knock out an opponent. Use| tee which Ireland has agitated and suffered so long, and even to the) | FRED STORK right hand and arm. The left is/ your head as much as your handa. | —_— ; : aticune x . i¢ ” your great asset, as it is used) Be cautious. Acquire general- | = close observer of the trend of international events there is some--| } essai Feaawiite : ’ isl Take it sasr Gt feak Walel > ‘ * | “ sonsta 4 . or jabs ar ship. ake easy ¢ “st, atc ieimnnesi thing puzzling in the situation., Generally the discussion of the|f —— : ; eae Pee ort de ro s rae ; j 1 QS===SS>>=SS==: =SSS= ES ney A: ) : | blocking. The left is used tolevery move the other fellow} ll —— a a matter is dismissed with the statement that Ulster, of which|? Hotiders’ Hardwite ? wear down the other fellow, while| makes. Be alert for openings. | i Belfast is the county seat, is wholly Protestant and in that regard| @ Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves *| the right is for heavy punches. Never be “uncovered.” ll TH E ID E AL FUR N ] S H | N ( directly opposed to whatever is suggested in the best interests| Gtanitewite Vinwees at Many boxers don't seem to| Different boxers employ ae SN Neecnesen of Ireland as a nation. But the time has come when truth and/| l oe te nner eos ast ad ba oe sae 9 ten il ; : . . F r i | roken umbs or battered hands; punches to land one. ley lay) ustic ; ster| ? justi e demand that the glaring fallacies underlying the Ul ter} SECOND - AVENUE 4 are the penalty. The fist, closed|back wailing to shoot over a} BOOT : Unionist arguments against home rule should be ruthlessly ex-| petigbcie. We ap lendid -wéapon.|“haymaker." 1 fon’t “1 never | aoe Corliss Coon Collars posed. To speak of this northern province as either Unionist —o-o-@-# — @ © -@-@ © © © | The fingers must fit snugly into|let a man hit me when I can pre-| SHOE RAAT: or Protestant Ulster is in the first place a misnomer, and this | the palm, with the thumb over the |vent it. I hit every time there is| is the declaration of a Prince Rupert man who has lived there. | middle joint of the index finger.) an opening, whether the blow is} ° : Pp ; ee pete ¢ ? | Never place the thumb on top of|giancing or smashing. Every HOUSE Harry Smith i 2 3rd & 7th In a recent issue of the Toronto Globe there are some state-| es en I | the fist. punch I land counts so much for =———— —— -—_ ——SSSS==_=_—_=_—_—SS_ ments we here quote which bear out this assertion. The Another thing you must learn! me. Globe says: Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers | “The northern province of Ulster embraces thirty- Loa ii : : 54 wise Be I S :: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS} LAND LEASE NOTICE LAND PURCHASE NOTICE | three constituencies. Of these sixteen return Unionist GAR be v | | ? representatives, while seventeen are held by National- G.T.P. WHARF ictc , : 2 > s s | Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5| Skeena Land District—District of Coast, . ists. Half of these were returned unopposed, suv no ee — — Take notice that 1. Alfred Christian Garde of Range 5. A st ] t : correct comparison of the relative strength of the Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation mining engin- Take notice that I, Abraham H. Barber, u Ya lan overnmen url ng ss Bias é i pS a eer, intend to apply for permission to lease 70| of Prince Kupert, B. C., occupation miner, parties on the register can be made. In three contested 1836 191] | acres of land described as follows: intend to apply for permission to purchase ‘ ‘ Fe 5 oa oe . naseothe Commencing at this post planted 1-4 mile east | the following described lands divisions of the city of Belfas t, out of a total regis- j of the Tyee Station, G.T.P.Ry. and approxirately| Commencing at a post planted at the Drink Habit Ado ts Famous tered vote of 31,342 the Unionists polled 16,1414. In The Bank of 27 1-4 miles east of Prince Rupert, thence north | southwest corner of a small island about "ae i 40 chains, thence east 20 chains, thence south 25/ twenty-five (25) chains north and two (2) two contested divisions of Antrim, another stronghold chains (more or less) to railway grade, thence | chains east of the northwest corner of Lot Of Unionism, (the successful Unionist candidates polled | British North America |iasizis a immrmmnt= 8 Sessa) tins, Mieco Yauoming. the hore ine i only 8,829 electors out of an aggregate registered vote | 10 ACTOR NOTE OF ieee. tt) CHRISTIAN. GARDE | Sent rtheasterly direction bout twenty ~ 7 eos af “| (29) chains to the north er he island, ‘ . ‘ of 17,416. Ulster, therefore, is about evenly divided Date Jan. 31, 1912 [uienee ib & southwesterly direcuon alué | Sending Sunshine and Happiness Into Hundreds of : “ i euine ; oe : >ub. . 3, 1912 e shore e abo enty (20) ains on the issue of home rule. Some of the divisions in A Strong British Bank, with eae 110° the point of commenseesent, beg, ap Darkened H I d of Inflicting Fines Ulster have been continuously represented by National- Connections Throughout the | ‘sland containing about forty (40) acres, arkene omes Instead of Inflicting Fines or ota is Ag ae aS j | more or less, ® roe if ists for over forty years. i World, | Skeena Land District—District of Queen | ; : ABRAHAM H. BARBER. Prison Cells Upon Her Unfortunate Citizens be . is ; adde > far at 2 peas eA awl pane | Charlotte Islands, | Dated Dec. 6th, 1911. Hi To this may be added the fact that at the meeting Thursday) | Take notice that Arthur Tremaine, of| Pub. Dec, 13. TA Sovatinihand Tot Mout TA nMtanHik Tr MAAC iGo Rael + yee | evening at which Winston Churchill is to speak on Home Rule Forei Drafts os iavaty gi besaieas ae tues “ine tee has set an example worthy of imita- | sanitariums in Aust 15 for Ireland, the chairman of the meeting is to be Lord Pirrie,} re gn O Caaineading Wack an s _| Skeena Land District--District of Coast,|q ‘08 Dy the other nations of the world PSPPete. “ROROPE Y i : é , . } som ¢ post planted at the|~ ‘Take notice that I, Paul Curtiss, clerk Owing to the extent, enormity and the | of the centuries has head of the world famous ship building firm of Harland & Wolff. 3 Southeast corner, being eighty ché-as south) of Victoria, intend to apply for permission|} awful consequences of the drink habit, | ated in the estat } és . Agents in Canada for the Colo- at; toetater suweunS west.f ot ny fe teers | to purchase the following described lands: they have for years past been tnvesti- | that the drink hal } Lord Pirrie has guaranteed fifty thousand dollars to fight home) .. ; x Seite akatee o hibtns in tbece aaae there Commencing at @ post planted on the Soa Senn one : cord ee eae : Fae nial Bank, London and West | Rorth eignty_ chains, thence east | forty east boundary and about five (5) chains|| @ating its cause, effect, treatment and | caused by the pois ; i av i » a ¢ s j A Mees. Ss, B B re 3 to € | tro on eas “or ) soasible cure , 6 syate aa e rule, and today is a confirmed Nationalist. | Indies. We have special facilities | point ‘of commencement, containing three | ;},, nee BOrth 60, -cheins, thence, east $010) nee on ae eee bil § ‘ Nor is Ulster as some allege overwhelmingly Protestant. | j 7 é ee hundred and twenty acres (320), more or chains, thence south 60 chains, thence west In the year 1910 Rev. A. C. Rankine, | Or excessive use 1 Wy ress s for handling business with Great | less. P } ’ 30 chains to point of commencement, con-|{ Commissioned by that government, | and that the man aa although political divisions follow very closely the lines of re-| p..; ; : ARTHUR TREMAINE, taining 180 acres, more or less. |] visited the United States, and after a | Micted is as muct d : ‘ Britain and foreign countries George Young, Agent PAUL CURTIS have medical bh ee ligious cleavage. The active political labor vote, mainly Pro-} Dated Nov. 15, 1911. Fred E. Cowell, Agent. thorough investigation of drink habit | typpoid fever or tae . re ; ‘ ; Drafts on France, Germany, Pub. Dec. 15, 1911. Dated Oct. 31, 1911. treatments, returned to his government | Dr. Neal has solv 4a testant, is anti-Unionist; while Antrim, Down and Armagh are | Sati eri? Keakiitia New Pub. Dec. 9. last September and’ gave a detailed and pas Dot only dem : 2 . aye. . ‘ f jut he has found | the Protestant and Unionist strongholds. Outside these the} Zealand Gesda: China Japan and | Skeena Land District—District of Q ae ee the NEAL THD BE-DAY DRINK with Other. well kno tha . ; 7 7 7 A | ‘ ‘ > i Skeen nh Strict—District o ueen ion © vr t ) mK with other well k t é é “Ss are é ajority. ( 2 city ¢ 3elfast, | ; Charlotte Islands, alae eliminating drugs : ae Roman mero = eallpeceie be hk the My Of Belfast: West Indies bought and sold. | Take notice that Alfred McGregor, of | Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar,|J MABIT | CURE a hi so cec Neal treatment, i a where Roman Catholics number nearly one-third of the popula-| | Victoria, B. C., occupation broker, intends 5 Aree tenn seat nett igh yer e fei ) ere adopted his report, 8nd) cases, hay perfect ‘ . . ; |} to apply for permission to lease the fol- }° ancouver, occupation reai es P agent, established the cure in a large govern factory cures tt / tion, the figures for Ulster, according to the census of 1901, are: Primee Rupert Branch— lowing ‘described lands: intends to apply for permission to pur- ment sanitarium, where those addicted | time of only th f ; , cs ie Commencing at a post planted about h the ylowing described lands: to the drink habit are treated at gov The Var Roman, Catholics, 699,202; Protestants, 627,674, showing a F. S. LONG, Manager three-quarters of a mile southwest from} Commencing at 4 post planted about/# ernment expense, instead of being fined | of the many that i e - : een . » , the southwest corner of Lot 1548, Masset) *¢ miles distant and in an easterly rv sent to prison cells good work. and gra fi majority for the former of 71,528. Inlet, thence east forty chains, thence | direction from the Naas River, and about During the first ninety days 182 per- | day attest to t t ; =| south to the north boundary of Lot 1557,| ¢!ght miles north of Alyansh Indian village, sons so affected were perfectly cured | Treatment oe On its political side Unionism rests on the untenable as- thence west one hundred chains, more or | ‘hence north eighty chains, thence east| | by the Neal treatment at government | If in need of } ; : ~~. ere less, thence north nimety chains, thence | ©'#hty chains, yence South eighty chains, expense and restored to citizenship In | have friend w 5 sumption that under no circumstances must Ireland be governed j nen rk a east to the beach, thence along beach to | thence | west eighty chains to point of |} addition to this, reports show that more | write for book , , i ‘ point o commencement, containing six | ©Vviiihencement. Sue, ‘ y ‘ < than double that number availed them- | tion 4 in accordance with Irish ideas; that Ireland, in relation to her THERO al Hotel hundred and forty acres (640), more or JAMES EWING MACRAE | gp é pass - i less. H. P. Rutter, Agent. j purely local affairs, must be satisfied to remain a permanent ALFRED M’GREGOR. Dated Oct, 34, 1011. r ect no Cor. Third Avenue and Sixih st. | | eS Yona haves: pub. Deo 36 ‘ minority in the Imperial Parliament. On its religious side the i er ~ j Dated Nov, 15, 1911. | r j i : pe ae et | Pub, Dec. 16. 1911. ; charge of bigotry and intolerance against the Irish majority is j | ( ; . The Fincst Rooms. | Skeena Land District—District of C : not established by the facts. Monaghan county, for instance, ithe best eduipped 1 f ; ee OMe ae oe 1250 Broadway W., Vancouver, B. C. Phone Bayview 686 aay ; ; ete ; 5 ; ‘ ee aed : | and steam heated Skeena Land District—District of Queen Take notice that I, Theodore Nichalis, ae which is Nationalist, has thirty-four Catholic officials and twenty- Hot and cold baths j A ieee ae sick has halen atvints Young, | 2''ver, of Victoria, B. C., Can., intend to : ; 7 > ‘ ° Dining room and axe notic wat d co 7 p>) apply for permission to ( 2 . Z ue three Protestants. Antrim council, which is predominatingly i Si al ge gg of Saanich, B. C., occupation farmer, in-| {Nike gestribed landse. Pee ose the fol: | a : eRe: . a é : | tends to apply for permission to lease the Commencing at @ post planted at the| jy Unionist, allots only five positions to the Roman Catholics, while i oe al | following described lands: planted at the | Southwest corner of Lot No, £287, thence | : . ’ ins = = Commencing at a pos e east 80 chains nce 80 ; i sixty go to the Protestants. In the city of Belfast less than a j Pen A RES ae southeast corner, being about one mile] thence west 4d onguce iter eae PO sar 6 aa cf e S : : : * ke ‘ € : east of the northwest corner of Lot 1551,) cnains, thence west 40 chains, thence north Stk Ft et Ht hs tH Ps Ht Pte Ht Hts HH eH A md I dozen Catholics fill salaried positions under the council, against i Corle & Bur ops j thence | north to the south boundary, 80 chains to point of commencement, con- | q) { if ie ‘ ot 1550, thence west to the ea: oundary | taining 480 acres a OF los ° : Y i 437 Protestants. Out of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars j y g P j of Lot 1550, thence south along she a paddy ee HEODORE, NICHALIS / ° i : t is fe j * Le boundary to the southeast corner Of Sai ed E. Cowell, wl : ane paid in salaries, the small sum of four thousand dollars gOe@S (0 Seperate Lot 1580, thence west, along sald boun- Dated Oct. 31, Feeg o COWSIL Agent, i It Is The Trained Man or Woman | * ; r « , ec D i ® ub ae r ; t Roman Catholics, ——— thence south along the said boundary to] PU». Dec. 9 ; ; * : ) A ay) ‘ the north boundary of Lot 1552, thence { . ' | ' it i Therefore, as will be seen, Protestants have no reason to ast to the northeast corner of Lot 1553, | 0 ses to t é op 0 t e a (ler: { wm . tp Ihence north to the northwest corber 0 Sk Land Dist a : oan | ' ; complain of the treatment meted out to them, Throughout the UNION 55. COMPANY OF B. C., Ltd Lot 1551, thence cast to the point of som. Take notice that Thomad Antkee Wale el Vex. { i rencement, containing § ep ) | } south and west of Ireland the prosperous merchants and shop-| a at pe acres, more or less, > a ae permilenon to, purchase the tenis | j ] { . ; : : gies to e new steel Passenger Steamer | MALCOLM WRIGHT YOUNG. described lands: j 1 | keepers are in the main Protestant, evidencing the entire ab- ® | Be ‘ George Young, Agent. qcomnmencing at a post planted at the con- i { an " " : Dated Nov. ‘ ; nce 3 e > . j a sence of bigotry among the Roman Catholic population in the 66 99 Pub, Dec. 1 otk tonerrion ppp bye y en A i | Ti : . 5 hip c : a cabin. Post marked T. A. W. 8. E. Corne: } j i everyday affairs of life. Therefore, why should a bloody conflict | £0" hain north, then % N. 8. E- Corner, thence 4 Pp chai. th, th 80 ch i eh on Thursday be so confidently predicted by our cable corre-| | Skeens Land District—-District of Queen SenTeeds sontalsie Ct note cere lan | | : 0 ‘ THOMAS ARTHUR WHITE 1 spondents? cagike, notice that William = Moore, Of | Dated Sept, 23, 1911. | i — leaves" | to apply for ‘permission to lease’ the fol | "e» Nov.2 ‘le j —_—__— ~ a) o : 8 ps : ‘ . . lowing described lands: | + j ee Prince Rupert every Sundav | Commencing at & post planted at the | To fit your son or daughter for a business career you ! | ° : ~ | southwest corner of Lo 8, hone, | Skeena Land District-—District of Casstar. | them a business training, The best place to send them t i Telephone for NEW Heated by | at 6 p.m. for Vancouver, | let, thence east ane bundred chains, thence | "Take notice that Clarence Bowen, of Se: | g | | ae Guests = Steam | arriving Tuesday morning. | beach, thence along beach to point of| tends ws apply tor pen Woodsman, | In ° e l/ Te | | * | commencement, containing six hundred and] the following descriiey an, 2 Purchase ; | " : | mLy 5 res t ywilhs Cesc aC 8: Pea B tift ill Furnished R N R d |For Stewart City on arrival | " (4%) scres, more of less. mite eet OF yal 8. post planted four analmo usiness 0 ¢ ce | } r e | A ‘ ies east o 1¢@ Naas River and about ) ae eall y ooms NOW heady from Vancouver Friday} patea nov. 14, ste? “OMe APO | five miles north of Alyaush, ‘thence ‘west | i I , . ° sighty enal 18, rence south elghty chains, ‘ ' sy The rooms in the Alberts Block are now ready for occu- night. se ai lle cigttty, Chains te Bolg ec ence, north t " a. . ; : Oo point of commencement, 4 pancy. Everything up to date, including bath and telephone. r Pats CLARENCE BOWEN. | (8 A os Spree { : | S H d Ce pes yapeon : Dated Oct, 31, 1911.7 MUMer Agent. | ! (CRACERES os Cae Las, ee nes ] ; ver eanesdays é 4 t Sale de ae ahr St, 4028, | Ba tt on j if team Heate ays at 9 p.m. LAND PURCHASE NOTICE. Pub. Dec. 14. ei) F ta ) _ Furnishings all new and up to the minute, Steerage Fare a $6.00 i$] why the nearest business Our shorthand course inclu’ <- , ‘ re college to Prince Rupert The Ben Pitmar | : ’ “on ae 4 ; yp ° ne Ben Pitma | | ie: ALBERT Ss BLOCK UPSTAIRS The“ Camouen viene pene | rakeens Land District —District of Camsiar ‘ Skeons Land Distries District of Casstar, i o teed are yanis reach Shorthand ; ] me = a ah . 7 Dehn. Se ‘ . y j e » havin. er-Ug' ulK- | notice that Charles William am o _ ike Hotice that Prank Furey, of Seattle, Tt everyone, 8 tuition is siness English 4 I } i i. Second Avenue Near New Theatre Head of Centre St. } heads and double bottom, thus en | Yansouver, B. C., occupation inspector, intends Wash ' Occupetion pchainman, intends to personal, and develops the Busines Fai f ; ; hase ollo app 0 er 8810: op : se 2 ' 7 i. ' . ‘ if suring safety of passengers in case | (aehhey lenis OY © | lowing described lands, PUT oDase the fol- individuality of the pupil, Commercial Arithm: j ia of collision or wreck, |, Commencing at a post planted at the con- Commencing at @ post planted about siz | Room and board is cheap Office Routine ' +} | fluence of Blackwater river with the Naas river | miles east of the Naas River and about! in Nanaimo The pupils : ; f i - | about two miles south from the sixth Dominion | Seven miles north of Alyansh, thence north | | are away f . PuUpus Spelling — { 4 iz % sebin, Post mariied C. W. B. & W eighty chains, east eighty chains, south ant avn. pom the distrac- Typewriting j : | Corner, ence chains north, thence chains | eighty chains, west ej , « , ¢ ons Oo he larger cities : . . t re J. H. Rogers, Ticket Agent. | cast, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains | of commencement elenty chains to polat | i & A Penmanship ] | west to point of commencement, containing 640 | FRANK FUREY j BEIRNES & MULVANY |—— [Aa met oF ec araes WILLIAM HAM| Dated oct, a4, isi!” Rumer Aweat. | 2) GES pERaR cera EF: | fz: REY . c | Pated Bop gaber 23, 1911, | Pub. Dec. 44.’ rahe Umes FD sy (CPO) Cac > ’ AY Diya. 17 MOF. & bee ; Be eee F. M. DAVIS u's | Bh cou a Aum =i ' 2 icy | Skeena Lapd District ie 3 * ‘lure [o You j General Machine Shop and Ship's | Skea Lend District —Distriet of Camiar | Range 6. ict OF Coast, It May Mean all the Difference Between Success and Failure \ . . i { A ‘arpentering. so agenta for Fair- @ notice that Herbert McLennan of Van- ake notice that I, Dagobe { — — . oe ] Leave all express packages for iuterior points with the Pacific Trans- banks - pate and Knox Gasoline | co¥ver; B, C., occupation real extate agent, jatende Nanaimo, B. C., ove Uipation ming leet / ‘ ‘ . 7 ; = : a y for i } to apply or e ssio' sae, ¢ x | j fer Co,, 807 Third Ave., and insure prompt forwarding. Engines. Gasoline Engines and Ac- desertbed uae to purchase the following | followiive arene ston to purchase the | j Ask at Daily News for our booklet teaching how to write { ) All accounts and correspondence addressed to cessories carried in stock, | Susans 8. aa planted st, the | southbent ae one Post planted at the | Launches and Boats for Hire N.E. end of Wharf shout ove wiles south of the sixth Dominion | 40 chains, thence wat “$8 “cnatene’ uae | GE | & yee one , pee | 8) ns, then A 8, thence P.O. Box 806 _ BEIRNES & MULVANY Hazelton, B.c. | Corner, theses 0 chains uth thence 80 sbains | Point Of ‘commencement ast, Ae .chatns to 3 | THE NANAIMO BUSINESS COL — — a ‘is west, thence 80 chains north, thence 8 chains | acres, more or less ment, containing 160 | j . | . . : 2 } to t ceme: : wili receive immediate attention TRY THE NEWS WANT | acres nao G comen i ee oe Pred Be RT AURIOL, C, E. Perry, Principal Nanaimo, BL. | ~ i » : ed E, Cowe 2 AD. WAY OF FINDING | BuedBet,2) 1911 umRBERT MeLENNAN| Dave Nov. sou, Toit: OM Ames, | DE em ~ oe . ¢ Pub, Dec. 9. | JOR eer treet trse tras erect