l i4' I 41 ANNUAL STOCK ENDS Broker and Short Lines Clearance Now is Your Chance for a Real Bargain OOOOQOOOOOOOCHXKJ Sale Starts Friday Morning Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes EDITORIAL News Department Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION THE TIME TO liUY 8G Thursday. January 19, 1939. ENLIGHTENING ADDRESS CANADIAN liANKS (Continued irom Paj?e Oue) that money expended on defences is also devoted largely SiJSf ON holders' lists, which can bee seen by anyene, in Ottawa, will show that fo, peeping people employed. In Canada money laid out in these savings which, m hundred! air bases and other defense projects should reduce the of thousands of cases, are the life's amount paid in relief. accumulation of hard work. Tht In 1938 the British national income is given as $2?,,- baf are krptn,sMtheff TT 672,000,000 jnd the United States income during -the Tsame ?drgj$?!g period, was $64,604,000,000. The population of the United at theih with hungry eyes, wher Kingdom is given as 45,000,000 and the population of the our political leaders talk about United States as 130,000,000. UI,nS the national credit to build .bridges, roads and public buildings T UITTT TAI V j what they really mean Is dippinf . , , . 'Into your savings account as every Tales of the tropical Pacific islands .i are usually inter-jtime the government sells bond esting and "The Dark River" is no exception to the rule. (for such purposes the bonds arc .It is by Charles Nordhoff and James Norman Hall, known mostly ughi by the banks or m-best authors of the "Pit-JJJ"" comPanles w,th yur av-cairn's as jdint "JIutiny on Bounty," fsland" and 'The Hurricane.' As of the a study race .. i'e is a strange trait of human problem, and of life in the French islands it is excellent, nature that we are so careless ft' is also a story that holds the reader, although many do i about our cash savings and carefu' not like' the type which is too true to life to be always about our material savings, if you hannv .Ko away for a long time you store Part of the yarn shows how two young people can rent and insurance but certain live arid have children on an uninhabited island for several do not give your warehouseman years arid enjoy almost every minute of the time. 'permission to use the furniture or TMwordlpictures pf the islands are fine and the des- re"1 ll- Thuere,!s 'n,0- ,0fl2fa,l. realr criptipn; of the peonle excellent The book is one wellV0cuur worth, reading for those who look chiefly for human in-;Cause he doesn't charge you ren terest in the books they read. but pays you for the money in E 5 Just ti t man Itirns to know the good" nd bid pointt of Kit favorite horse and places a value on it that cannot be bought with money so, to6, dots man often cherish the flavour of his favorite beer, People everywhere who enjoy t glass of rich, malty beer have learned to depend on the high uniform quality of Phoenix Export Lager which has been mainiained throughout the years. Thursday. Januar? 19. ijJ J:. ,0, istead. That being so. It would seenvhs the cruelllst form ot robblnf the jhad dozens of people tell me thai 'logical that you would watch the working man." UViey cannot get bank loan, but I I keener3 and see that he doesn't! "The only money the banks can have always tried to find out why detroy your property and when loan are the sums deposited with and they ore always for Uiesanif any attethtot is made from the out-' them for safe custody, no mort reason mat tneir loan wouiu m- have been presidents of our Cham- de djriate VOur savliws von- and no less. If they could do more comply with bonk regulations. Der 01 wommtrre. service ciuus, until um.n rh K,.iir n.. v.. thnn thi. nnrt mnnov ran v rrnl hospital ttrnrds. church commit- teaW ,t u hlm x supp, be- ed easiiy why haven't morn tees. etc. Who knows but that one ,.-.,5. he has vour confidence It Is banks been started? Anyone can of our lad) In one of our Rupert a liul unfau" and 1 wouid suggest get a bank charter and start un banks-mav be a aeneral manager .1 m. , .,, r.. in , u nHri. ft tme He can bs ,f n has thi: otirter wrus let s coin anothf 1 KtaCfiOOO and the Dominion gov- abllltyand cares to work. There fc phAge Viands of our savlngi." ernment will twue a charter sc no lavonusm. "Tffe second function IS Import long' ai the people subscribing, art Functions of Raiik ftL mean."; loothhg after oUr Honorable people No bank char- "Now as to shareholders. It Is FwBw cash which we use to pa tcrs have been refused to anyone said that the banks are comnnleu ur Tne amount left with the so long as they can conform to. the by a lew wealthy shareholders wh- banks for this purpose Is quiU simple conditions covered by Dom-dictate policy. Nothing is further ,arse and in most case no chart Inlon government regulations. Oyr frftm thn truth Rinlrc nra s made for keeping it for you friends in Alberta have been of oy a great many small Investors However, also can be dipped fered a charter any flmc'they want inere arc! some 49.000 shareholder ,nt0 if arr not careful. It Ruf they 9 re wise enough not ihelr average holding is roughly thlrd funet'on U really th to token out as It would ifflmedl- !tyi; tk MfiKmiil'nn tTnvif mt marvellous be chaotic Once again we occen: function The restpf the shares are hel- as ewmnonpiaw a J""- four-lea price or costs .Wh trust for estates, viz.. widows and orphans. Most definitely no Individual or group of Individuals controls the stock of our banks. "Now what are the functions of a bank? I will place them in their order of Importance. Firsts- Safe custody for the people's savings, viz, savlnss Second Safe custody for merch- , According to the financiers the Dominion goveniment p0112 casn v ' VI2 current accounts. J i - - l -l ii ii z Ai. l 1.1 un hs aiuiuiuca lutano umi. Third Transfer of cash from f5r1may Canada not teoendant on foreign markets tc 0 take most of its oroductlon and our noDUlatlon would starve with ig out foreign markets. jg "The fourth Is the Investing of to, 'he oeople's savings In safe and 2 ,i(iu!d' securities so as to pay bacls.9, avln. when needed. The banks, o ire In wonderfully liquid condition 2 Experience haa told the banks,? how much Is needed even In times of severe crisis and the figures show that their easily realizable Invest ments far exceed the bare safety point. Money Lending "The fifth ls probably the cause if more criticism than any other and that Is money lending. There I s an idea abroad that the banks tre a bottomless pit. That they can create money by writing In a led ger. Welt they could create money with pen and Ink. but that ls exactly what the Dominion Bat'k Act prevents and It ls called by another ugly name deliberately) avoided oy our reiormers ana tnat is inflation. Inflation caused the French revolution, was prbbably the cau.se of a dictatorship In Oer-many and has resulted In unhap-ilness and distress In France Daniel Webster says that "Inflation mm PHDiniX EXPORT ' ' Z !" Wbuy iTiiI I fST 1 ' 'I BY THE ll SINCE 1858 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Boaid or by the Government of British Columbia. WLA Thone 775 One of the larger Canndla.. hanlw published somr figures last I. n,l.l-U n i.nrar tK (ircHCI tlon tnat tne Danics aon v loan Ihev ore quite startling. Durlnif the preccdltuj eleven' month they made ld&tfOO Individual loans of 'cm than five hundred dollars eacfc aggregating fifteen million dollars. at? and also during tne preccain? two years made 108.000 separn: loans called "personal loans" 91-rreatin fifteen mllMon dpjlan This excludes any large commercial of as and mnrk you. U only r n of the ten chartered banks. j ... . V . . of of th tolk- aoout tne oanrji' :.":;,; TLir'r we accent without thought hut h of tht tny. n would tt'. 10 - owu,,,, the, 1.445,000 shares Issued, the 160 V ls trlcate and works be a; emuty shell as no one ex-oad directors held less than 4tw tnB P"eWon of a fine watch ceding a fanatic would deposit 179 Without "the f-cHltles of the bant Utelr savln?s In their bank and .uiares each or per cent. This ..AxiUmi h i nnL mrttPrinin, ,.h-.i,rt to Py ur debts business would withcut savings they couldn't since. oy more than 48,300 people who an nually elect their own directors. "Well how true Is It that th political propaganda The feasor for the recent drop a loans Is because business Is not ftcWvc ehough W require bcrrow iihm and moreover conimodlty prices are so much lower that It 'eoulres les money to finance. To borrow against halibut todayneedV u , ' .i . f. merelal DUmoses? I can cite mi onlv slxtv Dercent of 1929 as thr "An examination Of the Share- ' . .... , nwn evnoHonVi nnrlno th- nnt nrlr lh-n irn tetl rnl. ftrtft tiV .naMging gotxis anu j-er.ca iiuui ... . -- - cue port of the world to another twenty-five years I have, for, m day six cents. The prlc of wheat r, n cost s, low that It hardly af- company, borrowed millions from in 1029 was double today's price inc Danns. un no single instance so requires oruy nan mc oani. cut banking equipment It would ve we had any difficulty In get loan to finance wheat today. . . . v-- f 1nr nt vet- wantArf UV hnv nvpr 'PVntnn.illv I pWe lh "banks a Si GIVE THEM FRY'S - it is BETTER i ooooooooooooooooooooooooooouooooooooaoooooooooooooo .1 MacKenzies Furniture Extb. 1924 Venetian Blinds Made by KIrsch. New spring steel can be flex rd apart eight Inches, cannot warp or rust, feather-like lightness, complete control of light The latest in Venetian Blinds. Trrmi Arranfed " 1 DC almost lmWSlDte tor uir nan- - . ...... .. - ---- : 1 . ht anri ubnnn fishprmpn to on- wen refused a loan and our loans clean bill of health and repeat erate We buv hn' but and salmon nave neV" n pal,ed even n th cur slogan should be Hands of In dollars and our customers sell depths of the depression I have the banks. It In pounds, francs, marks, kroner i i tV bank" collects all these for us rnd gives us back dollars. They protect us against exchange fluc-frtant'. We get our money back In Rutwt the same day the goods, are delivered In England, France Norway or Pwden. Think of the people: yho buy annuities at the present rate make money one part of Canada and the world lP Z U!L - ;i n' m i' -i . a . i.. - . . ... ind Davs for his goods. Now tn on u. i'ossiDiy me government wisnes to encourage sav- j anomer w pay aeois. hAk rnmt setthment between irigs ih' that manner and is willing to lose a little money rourth-safe investment of the ad I)er techniqUe 0f with that end in view. At any rate this seems a good time pepflehs fT"!" cat an this has been developed over ft buy before the rates are changed. . vuardur; . can break down overn,Khl 11 tnere I neonle's lavln-i peopie s savings. i,.,i ,hk nr hnnV. WHICH WAS BETTER SYSTEM? "Most important is savings ac- B', parUcmarly true The New York Times publishes comparative figures counts There are over four minion Canada wh08 prosperity de-in regard to the national incomes of Britain and the Un- S LvSSatToJiiS" nd on keep,ng the n5w r co,m. ft'prl St'ntP vvitr. -a vipW tn onnwinrr tW t ho Rritish svst.Pm T!!!!1"!. modltles moving, without restraint ,cu "' or over one ,nlto.the Grid's markets. There Is ui uay at) yuu v.u was ucllci uiau ine niei luiui .y&v.ciii ui every wree or ine jnen, women anctj.. nd . . ,jf, industry r In t trying to spend itself out of the depression. : children in this country has a sav in connection with this we must always remember pass book. This represents the ooooooooooooooooooooooooooocsoooooooooooooooooooooooo Heat In Blasts from Coal That Lasts BUY Bulkley Valley Coal UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSIOiN RATES TO VANCOUVER I KOM PKINCK ItUrKICt ritor tout Simpson $30,00 RI:Tl,KX Meals and Itedutcd Itale td Vancouver also ipply from Intermediate polnU Special TickeU on Sale Between November M, 193K ami 1'ehriiary 28th, 1939, Inrluslve Go d to Itetirm up to March 31, 1939 Children Half Part Steamers: Leave Prince Rupert: Ar. Vancoaver CAtALA Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Thursday, a.m. S.S. CAROENA Friday,, 10:30 p.m. Monday a.m. Tickets and Reservations from Prince Kuptrl Attn t A, W. NEWMAN Third Ave., Phone 5C8 If Convenlrnt Please Purchase Tickets at Office "NT KKX Bowling Alley Kor Health and m rillm Wiut Ltne Rowt Kor Heervtlnn rhonr f, THE $L QUALITY mm GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Spckeye pink; seal Kineat Pink Salmon packetf by th only nlmca canaior company with ta t& tht rear round payroll ts 7rac Rupert is- inf. rrttitMC fnmr or mitnI imrMBi ix rwnT In lh lUIIrr "I lb' -AdnildMntinl IrC the MX Iff ! ! I1l M i nIMil Mrumtotk. lvtfi TKKt WOrJCX UvU bv 't Bi Iforor. W R. mrr, tite IV di Jjrwy, A. D ISW. I dmin rOf at Om nrfMv t WsRord arnnbtk. )rc-Mi, t l rnH- hftvinr cMm mil m. proper trtf mi to tnr x. ae V I firt iu UHi rtT rf rrjrr, ual ut Ji iwrMM mWtf w Ka 1W NORMAN A. VTATT CMOrMl ArtmiriUirra-.- IOKM S. 11 (fcxSion 10) UMI ACT tn run i, OtMt lend Dttj- 'A Pynrdinc DUVtrt trf Pram Rjiff riUiMt on U rut bank ot ttp l IUtr nrt roilm rmm port Ti. t- Ti notice ttM Noruwrn rra gljntmda to 4piy for prttmuof n i mirohM Uw foU Tim dmnbfd UnJ O ; Cmnrlnc m pMt pltrtMl t a lit. W. Corrwr U U tton Mr Suiii Y'Ho 11 Miiml Ctettn tXtnr a n' 0tr 45" W 3 chuna fnllovtr.? MKn nKHHUU7 OS oiupniw .-to lltruvM Cl4m V the EcaUlt Un lhnr Snutltrrlx mm tMtj f Inj th mm tank of Mid Mint ' ttniivt men- or im to th tom iuj of B. No I rrMiorMl Micif cwtn: ntir www 7 in vriwrr followlfls Ux 'riy and loaxhn bnurxUru of 8. No I Pnwrttaru), S pb'j No. a and Suiphid No. n T2 ml CUima 09 eiMttx morr of lm ' th point of oommentlnf nd ft U4r.ln forty ww more or lraa. ' rwrd KoTftnhr Ui. int. woimiKRN rrnma ltd. Ptftd Kurt, AAt- Mivr.nu. trr (rorot d CrttUVrnie of lmprrmt .011n: SulpWtV No I. SttlpMric KO. X tt phkfe No. 3. Sulphld No. 4. Buk4i No. S. Sulphtor No 6. BtilphVA N BulphltW No B, BulphkWi No. , St phtrte No. ID! SutpHidM No. II A B. f 1 f rctvfial uinml Oainvi l' '- lj Uv BkMna Mining DlvUion of rue I W7rt kXTUrd I On lh EcuUII Rirrr on or htf TAKE NOnCX tht I, FTirf Unrfi, idn$ tmt for Now' iPyrMr td, rr MLnrra CWJ" 'No. 40ST9 t. intwt aiwr dr f :tn-d!t! twwrf, to ply to 'BkwW for OrtUlfwt of lmpr mnu for tlm purmm of otxa-' inl Crown arwu of th hov eloto' And Mrt r-r Uke nottOB Uit n w3t aation Bi. muK l ontnmjf Mom t lnn- or wifh or trw or invprovwa'ntji. Dutrd trvU l&Ut dJT of Nornrr IB38. iohm N. ll (Oouon No. SO UMr ACT In Bans 4, Orx DWtriot. I rerdlnj DWrlcc of Pruvr Rtifrt ,IUiit tt Ur Wrwt ban ot 'UUJ tttwr tftrfy mllwi firm Pon 1 Tk notlr that rorbrti Wffl CKitnwy of Vftftcoutrr, 2Sft iMlnUi Injiwr, ninfU o WJ prrmlMlftn to purrhx th rotiov-,clrrtbd luWU: , CMnnwtKlng at Pt rJn,' L, , South'. wmt eomrr of f 25r,,:i :Buipiuaf No. o Minml ci u 'Routh 40 iiiAin: ihrwe Ewi ao rw1" thNic, South 30 clialiw thrnra W ,'clMUnir mor or lwi to the Ur of Bl)JUIe NO. 7 MIWKtf v1., N-H) r J0C4- UvMf Noh,Iirt :wUh Wtowlha; M Wrat .ot Bnlphlita No. 7 nd B. No. 1 JJJ, ftonht 'Mllrfral plains Ui Uia t.n of th Bmuil Ittwr 'L, r'r "vi Toiirtiy lotiowmg v1 (W rhimw mowi or IrM to Rcnihdnry or BitpMde No. Mi" Oimmr tArtuo s. 87 dfgww " t ohaWa following Uve' imJd ""1r!'rL, .tM poUit of eonutiwicww' fUnWg 130 worn or t. FonnES wiixjam quEruis rrrd NAh. Af" Dlrd Novwnhrr OU, . Ttv a Diillv News cluaslfl"' & ' vertlsement for best resulU.