i Everything Must Be Sold at Half Price and Less Men's Shirts Dress and work shirts. Damaged by water 49c Ladies' Rubbers Brown only, broken sizes. Regular $1.00, at 49c Men's Sweaters Assorted all wool. Regular price up to $1.50. Now $1.95 Men's Windbreakers Blue, Regular price $5.00. Now Men's Windbreakers All wool, assorted colors. Regular price $5.95. Now 3.95 Phone Black 324 HIIIIIIIHHilHHHIHIHIiflHkVBIIIklilillflliiHilillk Men's Ties Regular price up to 75c. Now- Men's Dress Gloves Regular price up to $2.00. 69c 10 99c Men's Caps Regular price $00. Now TRAPPERS Don't be foolish and sell your furs at the waterfront. Fetch your stuff up town to Gold-bloom's and get the buyers together to bid on them. In that way you will make 30 Per Cent MORE for Yourself Goldbloom The Old Reliable NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot St Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Phones 18 & 81 P.O. Box 575 FOR SERVICE And SATISFACTION Iry Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Quality Groceries Fresh Fruits and Vegetables gBBMMBHBRMBONI Bridge Party For Spanish Children Successful Affair in Canadian Legion Results in $19 Being Realized A successful bridge drive was held i In the Canadian Legion Hall on Monday evening, the proceeds of $19 to go to the aid of orphaned' ( FOR SALE FOR SALE Triumph cook stove with oil burner. Good condition, Also circulatory heater. Phone I Blue 276. (15)' FOR SALE Two houses, one lot, Reasonable for cash offer. Apply 428 8th West. Phone Green 730. I (17) GARDEN SOIL GOOD garden soli free, take It away. McRae Bros. (17) WANTED LOAN of $300 Will pay 8, best security, for six months or 12 months. Apply Dally News. (15) FOR RENT CLEAN. Well - furnished modern apartments. Phone Red 444". if. KINGSTON Rooms, furnished or unfurnished fooms, also housekeeping. Phone 573. (15) 89c Thursday, January 19, uj PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS ;nju jj DAMAGED WATER ! B.C. CLOTHIER'S STORE Boys' Sweaters All wool, regular price up to $1.50. Now 95c Men's Sweaters All wool, Two-tone and plain colors, zipper style, regular price up to $6.00. Now $3.95 children In government Spain. Mrs. A. Gomez was convener of the af-j fair. " I Prize winners were: ladles' first, Mrs. Hale; second, Mrs. Mclver; third, Mrs. Norton; men's first, J.! Vldovlch; second, A. Anderson;! third, George Howe. An electric toaster, donated by the Northern British Columbia Power Co., was won by Mrs. Dickens with ticket No. 2. Kincolith Sons Name Officers KINCOLITH, Jan. 19. Sons of Kincolith have elected officers for the year 1939 as follows: Honorary President, Herbert Doo lan sr. Honorary Vice-President, Herbert J. Burton. President, John Haldane. Vice-President, Cecil J: Burton. General Managers Percy F. and Bert Barton. Secretary. Herbert Doolan Jr. Chief of Committee, Sam Lincoln. Kincolith Ladies Of Royal Purple Officers Named KINCOLITH, Jan. 19 The Ladles )f the Royal Purple here have elected officers for the year as follows: President, Mrs. Fredilla Gurney. Vice-President, Mrs, Christine Stewart. Secreatry, Mrs. Evelyn Nelson. Assistant Secretary, Mrs. Adella Grace Nelson. Treasurer, Mrs. Bertha'Halnea, Odd Pants Men's odd pants, Now $1.59 Men's Pants Everyday pants. Regular price up to $3.95. Now $1.95 Men's Suits Great Values. Various prices $6.95 10 $14.95 Ladies' Shoes All kinds. Regular price up to $5.00. Now 99c $1.95 $2.19 oa $2.39 Absolutely No Credit TODAY'S WEATHER Prince Rupert Overcast, calm barometer. 29.58 (falling); tern-ature, 42; sea smooth. Triple Island Raining, northwest wind, eight miles per hour-light chop. I Langara Island Overcast, northwest windwest wind, 26 miles per hour; barometer, 29.78; tempera ture, 40; sea moderately rough. Dead Tree Point Fair, calm barometer, 29.86; temperature, 36; light swell. Bull Harbor Showery, southwest wind, .miles. per hour; baro meter, 29.80; temperature, 42; sea rough. rt Bay Scattered clouds southeast wind, five miles per hour; barometer, 29.08; temperature, 40; sea smooth. I Estevan Cloudy, southerly wind 14 miles per hour; barometer, 29. 92. Victoria Raining, westerly wind 30 miles per hour; barometer 30.04. Vancouver Fair, westerly wind four miles per hour; barometer 30.02. Prince Oeorgf Fair, southeast wind, 12. miles, per hour; barometer, 29.58. Terrace Foggy calm, temperature. 30. Smithers Part cloudy, calm, 27 W. W. Trotter, after spending a week In the city, left on last evening's train for Terrace. Mrs. Trotter will leave for the Interior tomorrow evening and they will spend the week-end at Smithers, proceeding next week to their home at Prince George. HOCKKY scours Pacific, Coast League Vancouver, 4; Seattle, 9. $16.95 Ladies' Overshoes Drown and black, all sites. Regular price up to $1.75. Now at $1.15 Ladies' Overshoes White and blue overshoes. Regular price $2J0. Now $1.69 Rubber Boots Chldren's, Regular price $2.00. Now $1.59 Boys' Windbreakers Assorted colors. Regular price up to $3,75. Now $1.95 Boys' Pants Assorted colors, all wool. Regular price up to $2.50. Now 81.59 BETA WINS TWO GAMES Gamma Goes Down in Both High School Basketball Fixtures In the High School basketball games on Wednesday Beta won both senior and Junior, games Iron Gamma, the senior game by a ecore of 23 to 22 and the Junior 21 to 12. The senior game was exceptionally fast with both teams working well. In the" first half Gamma was better in shooting, outscorlng Beta 10-3. In the second half play was more even with Beta getting most of the points. Best for Oamma were Knutson and Macdonald and for Beta Holkestad and Klhara. Individual scoring: Beta Holkestad 17. Klhara 2 Hopkins 2, Macouvcr, Busscy 2. Oamma Barber (manager) Knutson 14, Macdonald, Brown Morln 6, Christian 2. Junior Game The Junior game was played well I Beta being victorious with a score pf 21 to Oamma's 12. For Beta , O'Neill and Slmundson worked well ' Score at the end of the first half was 6 to 7 In Beta' favor. There were numerous penalties through'! out the game. Best "for Gamma were Cameron and lllrano. Individual scoring was: Beta O'Neill 12, Slmondson 7, Belvlg 2, Holkestad, Pierce, Bird, Perkins. Gamma Cameron 6, Davis 2 Astorl 2, Hlrano 2, Gomez, Rob crton. Referee was J. O. 'McKlnifcyinU scorekeepcr C. H. Leighi. Everything Must Go. Sale Starts Tomorrow at 10 a.m. This is Your Opportunity. Come All to This Great Event. Our Stock Consists of Men's Clothing and Furnishings and Rubber Clothing. Men's and Ladies' and Children's Shoes, etc. Men's Ties Regular price up to 51.00. Now- 10c Men's Dress Shirts Regular price $3.50. Now 79c Work Shirt Men's strong work shirts. Now 79c Blue Serge Suits 18-ox. Regular price up to $25.00. Now Kincolith Village Council Is Here Boys' Pants AU wool, assorted rotor. Regular price up to S3.00. Now Visiting Party on Business In Con nection With Reconstruction of. Sawmill Plant On business in connection with the construction of the old sawmill plant at their village, members of the native council of the Naas River village of Kincolith arrived in the city yesterday afternoon and are leaving this afternoon on their return home. The party consists $1.98 Boots and Shoes All men's boots and nhoet at reduced prices. Handkerchiefs Men's. Regular 10c. Now 5c Heavy Pants Men's, all wool. Regular $1.00. Now $2.59 Coveralls Men's, niue and khakL Reg, $3.00. Now $1.95 Students' Trousers All wool, assorted. Regular $1.00. Now $2.49 THIRD AVENUE 2 Doors from Royal Hotel of Herbert Doolan. chief rounriilnr J. Stewart, secretary, and M. J, '8teart, Eddie Haines and Simon McKay, councillors. A Hot Time Is What You Want This Winter You can get It by using our famous Kdson, Bulkier Valley or NanalmoWclllntou coaL PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. rhones 58 or 558 5 O 1 1 (tr . r its Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunch on Ton3teI Sandwiches or Hors d'ocuvrc One rackage Serves Four People Keeps for Weeks in Refrigerator Canadian Fish & Cold Storage j Co. Ltd. I'rinee Rupert rH,Jn rjolumbU g