Model JF Special Only $121.50 Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rnoNAwi - . itm ran led "-" - Phone 6J for Vrompt Free ir"" .ML - X? 1 sHn This adver tiement (s not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, "k Thrift Cash & Carry Offers You Greater Savings for the Weck-End Granulated Sutar TO Ibi 57c Trs Nabob r Blu AQP Ribbon 1 lb twclc's rrar Country--K 1st I 16-Tl! t!lH 10 c Quaker Oat Regular -j Qp Salt Windsor or Purity Pl.Un r IodNtrd 1 1 P XLK 2 for . Juicy Navel Orancr 2QC Friday Onlr KraH Chreie lb i lb l irkets Sani-Whlte Toilet Tiue S roll 17c 32c 19 c Scott s or Brookfleld. Grade A large OCp Doten Coffee Nabob QCf OOV 1-lb. Uns Catchup- Ubb) s Polly -f ftp Prim Hot botti.s White Corn Aylmcr OC choice quality 3un Corn Nlblet variety 4 A Choice quality Tin Soda Hivcult Red Arrow Packet Saturday Onlr 15c I'ork and llean. White Corn, Peas- Sieve 5. All 9n Ui 11-or fin 4 for Athrroft Potatoes Snow white gems CQn 23-lb sacks Combination Vegetable Special 5 lb. Turnips 5 lb. Carrol, 5 lb. Onions, 3 lb. Parsnips or Reels All Interior vegetables fresh from the pit 49 C 18 lbs PHONE 179 WE DELIVER Beat the Weather Any Day, Regardless of Itain, Your Clothes Dry Perfectly in nn EASY Spin-Dry Washer The All Season, All Purpose Washer flM1"". 7 111 r of the many e 5MSrJ Tu of owning an E .Jjg7CsJjlll you a demonstration xclustve advantages Easy. EASY on the Clothes EASY on Yourself And EASY to Pay For There Is an EASY .Model to Suit Every Parse" and Purpose EASY ranks highest merit In the homes America. There's a reason. Let us show you. Phone G for a personal call. J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal n.uik ItlrtK. If you lose anything, advertise for it. i ;! LOCAL NEWS NOTES Tonight, trail,, due from the FOR SALE 8-10 tj.p. seml-dcLtel. iiast at 11 o'clock, was reporU-df, May be wen at manaara on. i-uriner rsrucuiars or ase or i w this afternoon to be on time. i J Mrs Douglas Sutherland will nail tonight on the Prince George (or a trip U Vancouver and e& where In the south. I 8am Jurmaln of the Canadian National Railways general office jitaff returned to the city on Tues- tdn ' night's trafn from a holiday trip to his home in Toronto, He alo paid a vltlt to New York. Ous Nelson, a recent arrival in the city from the Yukon, is appearing in city police court this afternoon Or fore Magistrate McClymont on a barge of drunkenness. V7 II. Toly. C. N. U. divisional superlnfendi-nt. who his been on a trip wuth U Instal officers of Oyro Clubs at P'ortfcmd. Seattle !T;icoma, New Westminster and Nanalmo in his capacity as district Roverhor. is expected home on Saturday night's train. M,r J. R Elfert will sail tonight I on the Prince George for Vancou ver, accompanying her sister. Mrs. John Tiirple of London. England, who has been visiting here for the past four months and who will be sailing February 11 on the Pacific drove on her return to the Old Country via Panama Canal. will loin vessels of the, Canadian Navy for an extended training cruise which will tike them m 'J-valca and elsewhere In the At lantic. Orme Stuart. Matt Harris .Robert Armstrong. Robert Elklns ,and Walter Smith wUl sail tonight on the Prince George for the south. Sitting yesterday morning in his rapacity as a dty council. City Commissioner W. J. Alder gave In troductory readings to the cus tomary bylaw providing for the allowance of five percent Interest on advance payments on the year's taxes Accounts for October total Hntt 532.665 52 and for November totalling $18,896.80 were passed for i payment Phone C3 Ayreshire Ra-con Lb, . . Butter First Grade. 3 lbs Phone C3 Eggs Scott's 'A prade CI p large. 3 doz. x Quality Meats Hoston Hutts Lb Pork Chops Lb Rolled list. Veal Lb Rolled Pot Rst. Lb 25c 27c 25c 15c RAKEASY Look in your pantry and see that you have a good supply of Bak-easy on hand. Its the best by test. OCL 2 lbs -"" 28c Sausage Meat- K.y I)oj? Food 0 2 lbs tl Murray's Spuds Per OS) Off sack .... 79c Place Your Order for Reid's HAGGIS and White Puddings With Us. FISIL Shelled Shrimps Filleted Soles Iladdie Fillets Crabs and Shrimps Remember You Can Get It at The Sterling day from a trip to Vancouver. MOOSE DINNER- The catering was under the man i agement of Wm. Lamb who prepared a fine banquet in his usual capable manner. There were 150 persons present to take part In the dancing and en tertainment. Music for dancing was supplied by Cameron brothers. Harry Men- zles was master of ceremonies for the occasion and also In charge of the committee for the decorations and entertainment. 10. Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert P. IX. Cawley. Edmonton; C S. Argylc. Winnipeg. Royal S. Johnson. Stewart. Cenrtal Magne Rabbin and Charlie Anderson, Dlgby Island; W. NleoL J Ralney and M. Saunders, Eddy Pass. Knox J. McNeill, J. Wardroper and J Smith, Vancouver; Miss M. Fraser. Victoria Announcements All advertisements la this column will be charged for s full month at J5c a word. United Tea at Parsonage, 19. Dance Seal Cove Hall January 20 Presbyterian Burn's Banquet 25. Eagles' Bridge January 25. Anglican Tea Miss R. M. Davles January 26. Junior Chamber of Commerce Snowball Frolic, Moose Hall, Janu ary 27. Hospital Ball. February 3. Toe II. Valentine Dance February Toe II Bridge February 15. United Missionary .Tea Mrs. Jcn ner's February 16. Masonic Ball February 17. Cambral Valentine Tea Mrs. S. C. Thomson's, February 18. Anglican Spring Sale April 13. i VIULUNKM i and TEACHER E. P. GRANGER Tralard In Europe Advanced Students Beginners and PHONE. RED 920 BACK HOME I I ON ISLANDS UGt .Mastt.Mert Who Drirted. Aero . . ' DI?on'g Entrance Miss E. Moo rehouse will sail to-1 night on the. Prince George for(tBack home at Massett at 10:30 Vancouver. msl night were Charles and Corbett Smith of Ma&selt who Mrs. VV. B, McOallum and cfilld.drftted acroM Dixon Ziltrance (a- are sailing- tomorrow rllghc on thff-the south erid of Prince of Wales Princess Adelaide for Nanalmo. i island after their gasboat Mabel had broken down Hut Friday off Joseph Cook returned to tha the north coast of Graham island city on the Prince George yester- pn the course of a trip from Naden Harbor to Massett. The" Smiths' I boat was wrecked in stranding and the two men were- picked up- by i a passing boat which took, thenv to Rydaburg, Alxska. Ftofn there they i I ere flown to Ketchikan, where 'the r A XTiT L7M IWCn were P,clced UP by the Massett U All Xt Lll JUI EiU ' fish paqker Edenshaw and returned which Piper Alex McDonald sup-J piiea me music. to Massett. One nundred and Hfly Persons at!turned to Port tote yesterday arler-i Highly EnJoyabU Affair J.11- vm called back by 'radio after having been about naif J way across Hecate Straits enrouie j The local Moose Ledge held a t" Massett to conduct a search forji very enjoyable dinner-dance for Its'the Smiths. The PJ-At. 8 had lef members and the Ladies of the 5 at noon Sunday but. owing to Moose and their families after thel)" weather, was forced Into Initiation of a class of new mem- shelter at Squadaree. leaving there bers Into the lodge at the regular! yesterday morning with a view to' weekly meeUijg last night. crossing to Massett. Enroute the. Dancing was Interspersed by a 'received the radio message advls-ikit from Bob McKay, tap-dancing J iflB that the Smiths had been found! by Pat Ratchford. songs by Henry and xhzt lt wou!d unnecessary Skinner and sword dance and High- or her to proceed. 1 una mng oy ueorge wopeiana ior, TONIGHT and THURSDAY Last Complete Show 8:Il ROMANCE . . . With the Kick of a Sazarar Cocktail ! LAUGHTER... With the Gay Abandon of a Madi Grasl MUSIC . . . That Gives You Springtime Feeflngt Thar You'll Find AIT This in TTUs Grand Pictnre "J0SETTE" With DON AMECHIJ RORT. YOUNG SIMON SIMONE And That Limber and Loose Jointed Lass JOAN DAVIS The Ace of Female Comediennes (7:00 k 9:29) Fot Movietone News (At 8:11 Onfy I PETER LORRE As the International Sleuth of Saturday Evening Post Fame in "Mysterious Mr. Moto" With MARY MAGUIRC (At 8:27 Only IU CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Hoasehold" Coal MRS. C E. BLACK Walker's Musk SforeJ Large Stock Musfe Helntsman. Nordheimer and Lesage Piano Piano Tuning with "Resonoscope Phone Blue 389 tit 4tb St Music Ruth Nelson A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. PHONE GREEN 390 I a a a a a o I a a 15 a a a o o o to ENERGY TO BURN! FREE! .A & -"JSBBK VSI 3 It U wonderful lo liae mergy to hum apd Kt simple to grl ami Iic.l.l that kind of Ixwlily l-in It is Urrly a mattrr of ample noiirUliniriiU Tliat Uuliy Oialtlneissiicha (MjiiilarftAl Ix-vrraga with artire.-enrrcrtlc ire. 0aflln l.rincs ymt eonrenlratrtl nrihm-nt In easily tiigmtiMa turm. It helps nmirNh Uj. nrrvrs an. I l.raln. Enjoy Oralt ine at meals r when yu need a piek-iip, and always at l-.i-tiine to hrlp joii n Kniiml, restful sleep. (Mam (a iwvnwratecr' fW nai m ,ml V Decorated Fruit Juice Tumbler with Every Purchase of Briten Tooth Paste Roth For 29c Ormes Lid. "3h Jh'onecr Druggists The RexaU Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 noon till 2 p.m. 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. 39 o o o 0 a 3 a s a a a a a a a a a B s 0 a o 0 g WHCHO0OH500O00CH6O0a000O0 0 00 P7000000H3 OO0H00O0OHSO mvrnm tfrmraimuiiii mm ?bvi :b 78xbztbehu! hum mtuim 5 i 9 9 i i i JANUARY SALE It is a good time to recover the kitchen. At this January Sale you can do so economically Dominion Inlaid Linoleum Six feet wide. Regular square yard $1.40. January Sale ELIO'S FURNITURE S1.20 THIRD AVENUE Prince Rupert i - v-- - - - - - '- ' ' Narrahno-Wellington Alberta Foothills and BuITiley Valley Coal Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Telephone 651 or 652