THE DAILY NEWS : York, was questioned recently]234 separate railroad and indus- | Helerson Block, Prince Rupert. fi-12 ad | The Hudson Bay Gompany’s ~ 3 FAST LINE FOR HARRY THAW SEEKS TO BE Arce ; , q Architect , in Vancouver $ | aE: When You Should Stay at the $ , Second avenue and Third street eras 3 SOUTH AME RICA SET AT [ IBERTY AGAIN Over Westenhaver Bros.’ Office, > > — 3 CARLTON HOT 3 . : < O EL 3 vs H. Gordon Munro W. Nichelson Lailey $i inest Cafe in)B.C, European Plan, Rates $1.00 to $2.50 per day, $|YUSt a8 Soon as the Panama Is e SHOOTER OF STANFORD WHITE ARGUES IN LIGHT OF THE MUNRO & LAILEY Hot and Cold ‘Water in each rox ' $3] Completed Steamers Will Be , O'SHAUGNNESSY CASE THAT HE IS ENTITLED om. $| Ready to Geoure the Growing Sails Every Friday at 8 a.m. for TO HIS FREEDOM Architects, CORNER CORDOVA AND CAMBIE 2 Trade. VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATILE , ee ee ee ' STREETS 2 hnaiiibiani 6.8. PRINCE JOHN Harry K. Thaw, it is said, s¢ eae ae Vancouver, B.C. 2) wena Every Wednesday st 1 p.m. for Stewatt.|o.., 07) ly bv 08 Bald, soon if 2 (Spec bated to Daily News: Also maintains weekly service to Queen|Will make another effort to ob- ’ PPAPPPAPLIDDDAA DD Adda %| Washington, Feb. 1.—Six large] Charlotte Island points. For particulars|tain his release from Matteawan Pome Star aee ; ; 4, Phone 260. I awan. ACCOUNTANTS -:- AUDITORS “a vry | fast steamers will be in readiness Train Service to Van Arsdol He probably will base his con- Law-Butler Building Phone No, 280 e ? j{o inaugurate a new passenger|,, Mixed trains leave Prince Rupert/tention that he is entitled to his Prince Rupe ~ : ednesdays days ) ; rt P.O. Box 351 Mf PLAL AL I LALO PPA | line between Valpairaiso, Chile, i ail points aes ot Chicago Cravel viaj liberty the same as Mrs. Francis OW . $ ? | and New York, when the Panama|!he,,@rand Trunk Railway System for!(’Shaughnessy, who murdered { ; “FROM HOME TO HOME.” jCanal is completed, This in-] Por full information, reservations and|her husband on May 5 last in New Paes ab OG Red Cd at Teoneasdateaen } E. ’ formation was received today at| tickets to all points apply to York, and who paroled by the|!mmense Wealth of United States| of Pyitish Columbia Sakseee cnt oe the Panama Union and was inter- A. E. MCMASTER court in the custody of her at- Invested in Railways and tn- ARSS ENN } pretated as meaning that a new] GENERAL AGENT Granp trunk |torney, Jeremiah T, Mahony, and| 4ustrials—7 Per Cent. Increase : oc LYSIUM lera of communication between PACIFIC RY. CO. Dr. Wm. Maybon, in charge of| i Number of Stockholders. Se Sid. Sykes, Ma |the United States and the Latin Agency all Atlantic Steamship Lines Ward’s Island. sitive Otieo~ maeinnge Mosk, gormas Teiee arenes Gad | % See aes |American countries of the west- Thaw is of the opinion that the The New York Journal of Com- The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. ern hemisphere would dawn when He t ‘ ~ jease of Mrs. O'Shaughnessy and|™erce has completed its custom- WM. S. HALL, L. D.S., D. D.S. Excellent Cafe, Moderate Prices, the opening of the canal took his own are identical, and if the}4"y annual canvass of the num- sorte Daten, As : place, Y woman is entitled to her freedom] ber of stockholders in the prin- Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. { 1142 Pender Street West - - Vancouver, B.C. $$$ $$ a, so is he. Judge Warren W. Fos-|¢ipal large corporations in the oct dental dione akilfully treated. : | Phone 8500, | Hudson Bay Land Sales. ey ter, of general sessions of New|United States. The returns cover | ealanasth sath. Commmniion ex Oikos: | " of ert F~ a ‘ ‘ “a jland sales for the nine months to Le LG as to the similarity of the Thaw]!rial concerns, whose combined ie | December 31st, 19141, were 33,000 case with that of Mrs, O‘'Shaugh- capitalization is $10,711,575,719,| Alex-M-Manson B.a., W.E.Will ener cesar eaee alialda a a we acres for $624,000, and town lots i ness He said: Of these 91 are railroads, having WILLIAMS & MANSON he : MEMEMY 3 an ees : ’ ve ”| B.C. Coast service — Famous Prin ae : : Soatt re 4 i ici ‘ , Fe EE eee ee igh “ CET were sold for $700,000, as com- Line comes “Although the court followed|4 Capitalization of $5,431,852,174, Barristers, Solicitors, etc. | pared with sales of farm lands, ‘ ‘ the Thaw case and acted on it as}@Md 143 are industrials, with a oes Rupert, B.C Be s 199,400 acres for $1,001,000 and Princess Beatrice a precedent for the O’Shaugh- apitalization of $%5,279,723,545. Penh 3? 3 | town lots for $265,500 for the nessy trial, yet [ do not think]The number of stockholders in °C RIN re lcorresponding period of 1910.| Saturday, February 10th, at9 am. |Thaw can establish a case mak-|these 234 railroads and industrial | ?=% BOX % ee KS | The total receipts for the nine For Victoria, Vancouver and Seattle ing the release of the O’Shaugh- Server stone a dh kdl eee, JOHN E. DAVEY P /months, ending December S1st,|/J.G.McNab = = ~— General Agent |@ssy woman as a precedent. She/@verage holdings being 109% TEACHER OF SINGING se amount to $41,258,050, as com- was paroled by the court for her|Shares. The decrease in the Se |}pared with $1,243,000 fo beo"—"_: Ss }own good, not that the court}/average holdings is six shares,| PUP! OF WM. FOXON, ESQ., A.R.A.M., I@N., ENG +8 corre ine sared she w 2 The increase in the total - <2 corresponding nine months of feared she would be a menace to f 1 the total num a the previous year. NOTICE the community at large. ber of stockholders is 64,596, or GEORGE LEEK & CO. cS oe. “Thaw was placed by the]? per cent. ; the ADELE RSP au the MERCANTILE AGENCY oe | Two dollars per thousand duty], Notice is hereby given that an applica-|court in a criminal institution for|total capital is $159,465,178, or COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS a . .- | tion will be made to the Legislative As- i sr ocent The ber Fire, Life and Accident Ins xi jon lumber from the States is} sembly of the Province of British Columpia|the insane because he was con-|1% per cent. The number of a ee pees ne eae | Bi |urged in a resolution passed by at {ts ne Of the British’ Columbia amending | sidered dangerous and a menace| Stockholders owning the $5,434,-| 618 ard Avenue Phone 208 and Green 252 | ay? |the associated boards of trade of Seen acts Bis’ 40008, $6, Statutes of/to society. Of course some other|852,174 of railroad capital is PRINCE RUPERT ms : z sh Colum ) , 8 ; ; ; ir avers j +3 a ome | Eastern British Columbia at a re-| ail the words after the ‘word “Columbia” | judge may look at it in a differ-| 389,571, their average holdings 951 lak ; : ; ; in L 10 of sai ) : wht 1? 391 3 " . 3 }cent convention at Rossland. Shieator the imiswean n and substituting! ent light. 139% shares. The number of A. M. BROWN 95 | i dle “And or trom Fort George in a north- The judge was asked if he did|Stockholders owning the $5,279,- ie easterly directi the valley u mm . : . vin | Dominion Trust Company. Parsnip River by way ‘of. Fore MeLeba, not think Thaw is entitled to his}723,545 of capital in the indus- nena cineca a oe oe ) ) e 0 ‘ s{| thence along the Parsnip River to a junc- P g LA L. . . pe ‘ials is 590,828 aj rerage epairing a ecialt Ps i Stock of + aor yn Trust tion with the Peace Klver, shanée along liberty, 35 7 conte so he o foittheeHeiseral ar wee average Complete Stock Carried. f a lompany, simited, ancouver,; the valley of the Finlay River through| sane and n nger ¢ icide z8 Deng 23 8 28. , on Ay of ~ z Sifton Pass, thence Gown the Stikene | x : 5 eee pees aie eo : Outside Orders Promptly Filled. +? , with par value of $100 will short-| River to a junction with the main lir ;} maniac, as was represented in|e TMS abr es , ie ee ; ernie itk d Oth and 11th S +5 e 2 ly be offered in Eastern Canada| [Telegraph Creek; ‘also powers to bulld| the case of the woman slayer. THE STORAGE EGG 2nd Ave. between 10th and 11th Sts a Zr} at $140 per share. This com-|]or Peace River passes to the eastern boun- “Certainly,” he replied, “if —— ; ays ; ; ribed cs a7 eo dary of British Columbia, or by way of The s ‘ ie I } Ce oe es $455 . ies a 4 pany’s subscribed capital is $2,-] the most feasible route, of in the alterna. iaw is a sane man he should|Gray wanderer from the hoary THE IROQUOIS . . 5 > . $1.500.020 tive by the most feasible route between ave 3 arty,’”’ Vas Ay 250,000, of i which = $14,5 U20 18 Lytton and Teslin Lake, also to build from have his liberty, . past, A sve jpaid up. If the shareholders so 4 point on said line of railway to the City; Dr. Graeme Hammond, of No.|]Dumped at Dawson’s door at last POOL Be decided they will be able to make eouver to & point on said line, by the xen 60 West Fifty-fifth street, said|We break you with a prayer or . a+ ref ‘eserve ac-| feasible route.” *S She x ISsy a 2. eurse: i i illi S22 jin the near future a reserve ac And” CHRIS: Lae Asn) Ret PaRSeinmee Mrs. O’Shaughne: y could de _ curse; — English and American Billiards jcount of $500,000. time within which the company has to/mand her release from Ward’s|We know you're bad, you may be] Twelve Tables SECOND AVE. mene Caer Ona eee ene ten Det Teland ‘; and if Dr, May- worse. « | fer ES MDE on tee ty cent of its capitalization. It has all the news of the Noted Geologist Dead. Dated at Victoria, B. C., this 5th day of}hon held her against her will he December, 1911. ? 1 ¢ | Charles Gilbert Wheeler, noted ROBERTSON & HEISTERMAN would be subject to legal action.| The hen that eackled at thy birth week S rogress in the * nd , Bolles foe he ARG a subjec jon./The hen that eackled at thy birth ; Pp g ye (chemist and mining geologist, Columbia & Aiasee Raliwky Cormpeaar Dr. Hammond added he thinks Long since has mingled with the Hotel Central ©" FintAre. cit and district It tells ye died in Chicago a few days ago, E 3 Thaw is sane and should be lib- earth, and 7th Street y : i at the home of his brother, Death I IRC oN > erated, He said that it was|They boy that gathered thee with European and American plan, steam more about the lace than #3 [was due to heart failure. He was LAND PURCHASE NOTICE Thaw’s own fault that he was not “glee, ; Shon ts So per days Pp ¥ 75 years old He was one of the at liberty D: dl io =i ichild his knee . * Cnc aar ie a bt 1 Prince Rupert Land District—District of | * j ae told that if! andles a grandchild on his knee, Peter Black ; : Proprietor See irs sralogis ake aclose Coast. “Jer , 2 Le rat ji you could write in a month. SNe eee e tok it aod “Portal fake, notiog. Gat 1, thamneh Pro hic: coaiiatiaoks ie ce rica ¥e jinvestigation of Behm and Port-| vancouver, B. C., occupation r, in-| Thaw would remain in Matteawan Tell us, oh, how and where and = |land canals. feud to apply for permission to purchase quietly for a few years he would} non 4 z 2 cal - ; an ne no ymmencing at 8 post planted on the not oppose his release,” he said. Thou relic of primeval hen =F. EBY @& Co.== 3 shore a northerly direction fro ort] inn ie; y See Aig yn — It will come regularly each ye New Arrivals. Nelson Cannery, marked LPs Sb ‘corner, Thaw is of an excitable temper- What evil genius spoke the doom RFAL ESTATS 7 iva Je ‘ints, gin-| thence 20 chains north, thence 20 chains], 5 “ie "08 ings.’ |... . Lt Just Arrived—New prints, gin-| Wen nence 20 chains south to shore tine, |2ment and tried to rush things.”| pat laid thee in thy frozen tomb. Kitsumkalum Land For Sale ike a] f ; ent and tri k | zrhams and curtain goods,—Wal-|thenée east along the shore to point of Edwin Taliaferro, lawyer, of wee 1 e a etter rom you. eee prc se ( mmencement, ‘containing 40 acres, more No. 5 . i ask KITSUMKALUM e R.C. 5 Beekman street, was asked Seventh Ave, and Fulton Phone 301 Se Co lace’s. ub r less ite ; . ta 3 8. ee ER Sotto n sunbaked barn in Illinois y LEMUEL SER. » considere at Thaw o i a hina 7 Adie ee if he con idered that Thaw could wan @atherod: by &. bavateaed ie : ; “We feel as if we know ys Pub. Jan. 5, 1941. use the O'Shaughnessy case as a iui : Chimney Sweeping and Furnace Cleaning See Skeena Land District—District of Coast| Precedent in habeas corpus pro- FP an ‘i a doze ‘as the tii thi d b d a Ranges. leceedings. The attorney said it is|*!¥° 4a § &@ dozen was ; price | Prepare for winter by getting your fnr- oe rake notice that I, CAROLINE JOHNSON, : A ye t 2d me t a room . ice, naces an ues CVORy ing an every 0 y *3 DRIED BREWERS’ GRAIN ‘t Vancouver, B. C., occupation married| unnecessary for Thaw to use any | That led me to ’ Sere put in order by 5 in Pri Rupert through 3 cme |) Ta, tated, to arty fOr permission '0lothor ease as a precedent, and| : C. H. CUTTING Se in Ince uper oug “ys Commencing at a post planted at the}{hat he has a right to a trial by} ‘Beside me rose the great world’s] prcticg Chimney Sweep Address: Knox Hotel, ‘or + . ’ 2B Clean, bright and wholesome, low southwest corner of Lot 3065, thence south . , ge ct fair, PHONE 71 . & rez d It ys Gitar Ana Raphohvdrates, HULCOn: 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence | jury to pass on his sanity. Thaw’s| oo ea Ing your aper. S nm water § ; oer neret north 60 chains to the southeast corner of oti . s Yet left me in my frozen lair; oo we taining nearly double the amount of Lot 3062, th west 40 chains along| /™@prisonment is unconstitu-| The Kl ike’ Hibldad aoulie Bold, Ai? 2. . z fat ana protein, pound for pound, south line of Lot 62, thence north 20/ tional, he added. 1e onadike elder ) 1S Bole > the most interesting paper Sa than the ordinary feedstuffs in local chains along west line of Lot 3062, thence “T ; similar cases Yet found me still in storage cold. west 40 chain ne south line of Lot I have had similar cases in E. L. FISHER . we recei 99 ites a sub- “ys use, It 8068 to point mencement, contain- | 4{hep jurisdictions and states, 4 8 ive, wrl ¥ Meets all the Requirements of a wae t INE JOHNSON. and in every case a jurytrial was] ‘‘Seattle said, ‘You're good Funeral Director and Embalmer z ‘i i . . Carr, Agent. scriber from En land 53 Profitable Dairy Feed ae 4014 R. Carr, Age iv ranted, and I consider the pro- enough CHARGES REASONABLE g . ae aan ear a Peano y rerete Pub, Jan, 18, 191 [ceedings in the Thaw case ille-|To feed Yukoners rude and rough ag i ym og na 356. ; protein value for your money. Its Skeena Land District—District of Coast,|gal,’’ Taliaferro said. So here at last I end my race, 43 Dette sases bath’ the ‘wtal al: Take notice that 1, Mlchas Beganis, cook, oat tgheeree—aenene—e Engulfed in hungry sourdough’s 0 > IRESS — } gestible matter and the amount of of Victoria, B. ¢ end to apply for per- rs “j >; e Me .| face,” POST PAID TO ANY ADDRE IN 3 fat and protein in the daily ration mission to pure ‘hase the Toticwing de- Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, | fact ae atic Nagin AS AND SAVES YOU 40 TO 50 Pena es t Siastel “mo eng | Pe ONe ee —Dewaon Dany Name: ommencing at a post planted on the * United States or Eng. Canada ys PER CENT ON FEED. SOME Ee ee Willlamattrkake wears the | “ ap You should not be without it Kitimat branch of the G, T, P, Ry, crosses | aS Di i ea aa ara ot a F HAYNER BROS. 23 Malted grains, fresh and sweet from Walliams Creek, and sbQb tp tgp) cues | UNDERTAKERS anp EMBALMERS eye the brew kettle dried in a continu- rom the creek shore, ence ae. monee, ¢ ° \ Funeral Directom § , le dried } shains, thence east 40 chains, thence north | 23%: $! 3! se33 > SESSESSESS: er @ar rt ous vacuum process by 30 chains, the nee we st 40 chains to ee | 7 ane SESSESRESE ESSESSESSESSESSEHS SEES ‘eure SESSESSES sess 8rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. 86 3 of commencement, containing 120 acres, | 3% oy more or less ° 6 THE ROYAL STOCK FOOD CO. } MICHAS, BEGANIS. |B DE ASR 2s Limited baedda, 31, oe ee ae ou ant Fee VO’ ‘ WE YR BSS S THR vate Dryers of A Peciors In Feed Pub. Dec. 9 | Se ——————— PHONE 301 P.O, BOX 804 ‘~ roducts | ge SCOTIA AND FRONT STREETS Skeena Land plate ot als rio of Queen | 2 a W a t atch h PONY EXPRESS VARGOUE IS |. Pere ngnee Tet ‘to “form rine af | iG Then get into communication SYSTEMATIC MERCHANTS’ DELIVERY SERVICE | Saanich, B, ¢ occupation farmer, intends ee ae e Geor etown to apply for permission to purchase the 3 a ta with us, We can serve you as Baggage, Storage and Forwarding Agents, For - Ch urch Ser a bee ie Ga PaaS | following described lands; 3) Rigs or Motor Car day or night vices - | Commencing at 4 post planted at the s2 satisfactorily 500 miles away as northeast corner of Lot 1550, thence south to the north boundary of Lot 1551, thence i e FIRS S wm ll C Ltd | east along the said boundary to the sea- T PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH a 1 Oo. ° shore, thence following along the shore to oe vices every Sunday in the ee ee eee the point of commencement, containing mpress Theatre, ll a.m. and | | three hundred and sixty-one (361) acres, more or less RB ment. We carry every reliable ‘30 p.m. Sunday School and REV Bible Class at 2 D. me umber ’ JOHN SCOTT YOUNG, * ¢ ‘ ‘EV. F. W. KERR, MLA. PASTOR L | George Young, Agent. 8 watch known to the trade. Send | 5 1; ‘ oo Dated Noy. 15, 191 and Pub, Dec, 15, 1911. WB iG = __ — for our illustrated catalogue or though you stood before’ the counters of our watch depart- .Grand Hotel. Workingman’s Home Free Labor Bureau in Connection Phone 178 Ist Ave. and 7th St. seeee HE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH | | | q . : dis ( m nin . st ee YRE HALL, 8RD AVE., NEAR 6TH 8T. M Idi AND Skeena Land District—District of Coast, “ : Range 5, $: pite ; for formation regard- ervices ery Sunday at 11 ou In. Ss ete i f . . eee write us for informe Re x sd G0 pam aay 8 | Pl eater 2H Sita, naan Ne apply tak enry ir a GUO. RRODIRILNE, Poeotatg Hible Clans io pn 0 AN NE X Berinad lat e purchase. she following: Ce: | —Limited— ing wate hes. A. W. H. McLEOD KA B.D. Pastor +i scribed lands ' 4 A large stock of dry finish- Commencing at & post planted on the 90 CARTAGE and Ht FIRST METHODIST CHURCH ing jumber on hand. Boat wert Prat een ee ke on en Jewellers and Silversmiths EES LINDSAY’S STORAGE (WEEN CENTRE ST, AND 2nd AVE, lumber a specialty. Delivery aS aE TIT ETn about fifty chains southeast from where Geo. E. Trorey : ROK == , ervices every Sunday at 11 made at short notice. the Kitimat branch, of the G. tT. F, cue: & Managing Director 3 re Wwe “rosses i 1 ree ce | 3S: School et A Sunday ; ‘ Obsway 40 chains, thence east 46 chains, | ¢4 Vancouver ete B.C. G, T. P. Transfer Agents REV. ©. R, SING nS : Our prices are as low as any. Owned and operated by the thence north 40° chains, thence west 40 | AP tren ]) alton us before ordering. | Grand Trunk Pacite Railway on (HEE su Sein Sb “ot- eae raeraraaaaes RENESHERREERGREREERE | Over rom et, rc aia : se Asngniset +20 mapopess plan, SANURL BELL eee OFFICE—H. B. Rochester, Centre St. Phone 68, xcellently urnished, with PON ; Dated Oct, 31, 1011, — _ — SS f steam heat, electric light, and all Pub. Dec. 9. . : 7 r en OFFICE: modern conveni i 2 iences, being abso- ——— PAPERHANGING) emeness theatre supa, J lovey trotclass im evory reupect. [ca ov anrnan SMITH & MALLETT Cor, 6th St. and 2nd Ave, The ; aN , P COLUMBIA, THIRD AVE. 1e appointments and service i i S fitti id —AND— are equal to any hotel on the §|!N. THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting an —=————— a5 I | TION ACT, and Sheet Metal Work coast, : ; IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Omeel tna A Workshop HIGH CLASS > } LUDGER ROY, DECE ASED, 1] TATE The lock work of a so-called machine made gun, bullt by the mile and cut off Phone 174 ve 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and 8th Sts | -TAKE NOTICE that by An Peder of i by the yard? While its exterior might pass muster the veriest novice would W i ak Bt 8 | Honor, Judge Young, made the 28rd da Hiect t udenes f its interior, SIGN ORK and lof November, 1911, 1 was appointed Ad in hn sienta anion R GUN inside and outside receive the same care, in ——— Rates: $1 to $3 50 per day | PreteresOr a ine eater TeeOr Boy. fact, the gun is made under the direct supervision of me gabers ot . firm in 5 : ¢ e receased, Intestate, anc r 6 ‘ non " sport n factory in the worle ne ma ) OUR SPECIALTIES Herecehoere my poe kee fj j claims against the sald estate are hereby terial 1s ‘ao baat, the iaepeetion In every stage is rigidly enforced, the experi pet ee Carriage Repairing | Prince A je var ae ree. tO uP a enee is unrivalled and the whole forms the perfect gun-—-a GREENER, General Work | Prince Rupert, Shaken March, A! D, | The only fault to be found with the Greener gun 1s that it lasts too long. SILVERSIDES To1gs apa att parsies indebted to the said Send for catalogue describing 38 grades from $56 to $1,000, malled free, 012; a ¢ hb 5 : BROS eT estate are required to pay the amount of — - . G. A. Sweet, Manager. their indebtedness to me forthwith, W. GREENER MONTREAL, P. Q. P.O, BOX 12 . ; 5th di tJ ae YY Ww. . , 20 PHONE 156 GREEN FRASER AND SEVENTH STREET Dated this 65th day of January, A, D, ane, AP BEAVER HAT HILL Cor, Fraser and 5th, Choice Wines and:Cigars ) +» 63-65 } THOMAS A. ROY, Administrator. Second Avenue, near McBride - Phone 59 Red Feb. 3, Prince Rupert, B. C. RUPERT’S PALACE OF COMFORT