O O o o o o o o o o o o o c o o o c o o o O Q a o a o o o o o o o o o o o a o o a o o o a o Q a & 5 if if ! If If If I? If If If If If s W If If 1 if If If If PAGE TCiTQ I SEASON'S GREETINGS I? We Wish Every One a Happy Christmas and a Prosperous y New Year ff THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. A Merry Christmas There is Entertainment And Good Taste In Every Drop . . BUCKINGHAM GINGER ALE Mellow and Smooth. Made from a new formula Pints.per dos. Q-f Qts-Udoz. :5c. LLME CRUSH RICKY The True Fruit Drink. Pints.per doz Qts. doe. 75c I IU I COMMAIIOlS KTTtLS gsCofX 1.25 OLD COLONY GINGER ALE Approved by Good Housekeeping Institute gar si-io 2-WAY The Lithiated Lemon Soda Takes You There and Brings You Back" Pints.per doz Q4 Qt& 1 4 doa. 75c. Order by the Dozen from your Dealer NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORKS ROSS BROS. 67 TAXI AND BILLIARD HALL Wish to thank the people of Prince Rupert for their patronise during the year and ask a continuation of the same MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR To all our customers and friends we extend heartiest Christmas Greetings At this season, and we trust, in spite of the tragedy of war so disturbing at present, that the coming year will bring you Peace, Happiness and Prosperity CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports S.8. PR1NCES3 ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 pm To Vancouver Direct SJS. "PRINCESS NORAH" December 7th. 16th. January 3rd, 18th Winter Excursion Fare Vancouver and Return Tickets on sale Nov. 1st. 1939 to Feb. 28th 1910 QQ O Hft " Final Return Limit March 31st 1940 O 0 Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Paolflc Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L, COATES. General Agent. Prince Rupert, ac, SIS OIO ! O o O O o o .Q o a oa o Q P.Z o!o oo o o o Q o a Op o O O.Q O o O-o OjO o o O Q o $1 $1 n ft ft n if' is! I S"B ft i"a ft A S 5 A! ft ft- 5 1 8: in! 5 ft; 0 ELIO'S FURNITURE 1 THIRD AVENUE Prince Rupert a a a a 5IS Sil a o o a o o o o o o a a o o o o o a Lieut Col. S. D. Johnston is ex pected to return to ine city on the Catala tomorrow evening from a two weeks' trip to Victoria. J. S. Irvine returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver and Victoria on vacation. At its monthly meeting this week the Women's Auxiliary of the Prince Rupert General Hospital made arrangements to gtve each oooooooooooooooooooooooooo A Merry CHRISTMAS and a Very Happy New Year To All Is ihe iVUh of CHRIS' May they have the happiest, g jolliest holiday season ever 5 eiperieneed in Prince 5 Rupert 2 For the Gift of a Lifetime J The sift yoa will never site ajaln . . . the rift that rceai.s so much murt be beyend ordinary limitations. Slake your choice from our stock of incomparable stones. DIAMOND RINGS $17.50 n S25.00 IJOHHIMHR? VZ. STOKE. VTTM THE CLOOV o o S! vr IftgggggglggggggggES SRggggB ternoon. "TH3 CAIL7 Ii u J LOCAL NEWS NOTES . New Years" Eve dance Moose Hall For prompt and courteous ser- Canadian Legion Christmas Din ner for single ex-service men. Apply IX Lesion for ticket. (299) M. P. McCaf fery, who has been on a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere Patient in the public wards a pair in the south, returned to the city on u supers, canay. Jfflostj, rsc. for' the Princess Adelaide yesterday af nrrsunas was also decided to hold the annual ball on February 2. S. O. N. Christmas Tree. Tues, Dec. 26. 2 pan. fsr children. Pro gram at 8 o'clock, dance to follow, refreshments, admission 50c. Moose HaU. Everybody Welcome. (599 Miss Ruth Wilkinson R-.V.. da ugh o ' ter of Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Wilkinson o arrived in the city on the Princess o j I Adtlatde (iuwjuuc jrcsiriuaj yesterday afternoon iikiikwu from tiutu j Vancouver to spend the Christmas and Kew Year holiday season. o o gi Mias Dorothy BaBwger arrived In o'the city on the Princess Adelaide 5, yesterday afternoon from Vancou-S 'Ter to spend the Christmas and Kew giYsar holiday season with her par Stats. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bsllln- S. Mv Marie BaUfno arrived hi thf tenwy afternoon from her musical studies at Seattle to spend the CorMton and New Year holiday .season with her parents. Mr. and XO PAPER UNTIL WEDNESDAY Thf- Daily Kews will observe both Christmas Day on Monday and Boxing Day on Tuesday by not publish- l T-W A 1 1 MILL BAKERY noon 0000000000000000000000000 Most people ra Uw classlfleC larly Announcements , AH adtertlseaenis in uiu en imo will be charted for a full n..ntn is , wnrA Canadian Legion Christmas Tree December 23. SOW. Christmas Tree Decembei 26 l i Norkap Christmas Tree. Dec. fiajles Bridge Jan. JO. Fresh Shrimp BOAT iVX. Daily at 1 p.m. TROT IE R'S DOCK Xmas Greetings MILLER'S Florist Shop Printe Rupert's Newest rtoral f. Centre Suggests that Your Ij Gift Be a Floral bnf ' V See MUlers beuutUul display I of every variety. Fresh ship ments are arriving on tf .vice Phone 13 Taxi U. 5 evrry u boat so you can be sure of a t freh. stock always. Chocolates. Candies and Fresh if Fruits Also Await Your In- jpection at MILLER'S. ! ... m . j ? rnone a r $ 300 THIRD AVENUE V GREETINGS We Take This Opportunity :!Hv!tliniwll A Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Albert and McCaffery Ltd Idora Roller Skating Arena, Cor ner 2nd. Ave. and 8th. St Afternoons and evenings. Open Satur day. U. Appreciated and inexpensive. Capitol Theatre has special Xmas gift tickets in gift envelopes for children (under twelve) and adults. Ask at box office. Phone 669. tf, A fifty cent csassinea ad. often make you many dollars. wJl St.Andreus Cathedral Church of England) Very Rev. J. II Gibson, Dean Choir Leader. A. J. Lancaster Organist. Peter Lien Christmas Service Sunday II ajtn Morning Prayer and Sermon 12:30 p.m Children's Srrvire Address by Miss K. Lang 7:30 p.m.Carol Service Junior and Senior Choirs Christmas Day 8 am --Holy Communion 1 am .Morning Prater and IMy Commnnian unday School Christmis I'jiter- talnment Thursday 2Sth First United Ch tirrh i ! Senior Choir Leader-.Mr. JS. WHwn 5 .Minister Rev. J. C. Jackson g a CHRISTMAS SUNDAY. Dec. 21. Ujg 11 a-nv Music by the Junior Choir lo nlhems. "Angels From the Realms g if Olors - Honkinc Mrr' rAU a Song" 'SoioUt Mi Betty cinsoni Legge. -When Christ Was Bom of Mary Free' Barnes Sermon "Wle Men" 7:lfl pm.Music by the Senior Choir Anthems. Besancon Carol "Shepherds Shake off Yossr Drowsy Seep" rranged with descant flood King Wenceslas' arransed with descant Soto "Christmas Song " Adoiphe Adam by Dr. Large Sermon The Gift of God St. Paul's Lutheran Church Comer 8th and th Streets J. H. Mrnrang. S.T.D. Pastor Inge Yalen. Organist CHRISTMAS SERVICE 1919 Sunday. Dec. 21 11:00 a.m Dhine Services In Norwegian I 30 pjn.Saerrd Musical Broadcast over Station CITi: By Varden Sing.Ti 2 00 pm Christmas Service In English over Same Station Sponsored by the Church Christmas Day. Dec. 25 11:00 a.m- Festive Services In Xornesian Special Matte by Varden Stagers Ail our people are most eordialry Invited Thursday. Ier. 28 73c6njuCbris(mafTree Festival m SyllUI 111 members and friends St. Peter's Church . Seal Cove Holy Communion 8 a.m. Holy Communion 10 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 ajiL Carol Service 7:30 p.m. . -r - fVtted and aU-soldiers who are free to attend Firsf Presbvtcrian Church Minister, Rev. IL G. Funston 1J. Organist and Choir Director , Mr. C J. Smith Ha5m. Addresvbjjjlr. IV. W. C. O'Xeill Carols sunt by Combined Junior and Senior Choirs The Sunday School Will Meet With the Morning Service ":30 p.m. This will be a Carol Service when Christmas Carols, old and new, will be rendered by combined Junior and Senior Chairs Everybody Welcome i & 1 Jlf 1 1 If H 2! If i i? if if i; X 9 Isf If 1 1 1 BOSTON CAFE CHRISTMAS SPECIAL. DINNER $1.00 RELISHES rtlpe and Oreen Olives. Stick of oer COCICTAIL Fresh Shrimps or Fruit with Whipped Cream Salad Oombtnatfen Crab Louis with 1000 IstarWI DresinK SOUP Chkken a la Napolllalne or Censofnme STARTER Dolled Fresh Spring Salmon with Aurora Saure ENTREES Rosst Milk Fed Younc Torn Turkey with Chestnut Dr. m and Cranberry Sauce VEGETABLES Cauliflower In Cream or Asparacs Tip Mashed or OUrien au gratln Potato CHOICE of DES SECTS BssfHsh Plum Pudding with Ursndy Ssurr Psmpkm or Hot Mince Pie. lee Cream .FRUIT DelkfcMS Apfrf. Sstsuma Oranges. Grapes. Aaorted Nuu Christmas Cake TEA or COKFEi: ' iils(tfttfl BEN'S NEWS STAND AND GAS STATION Wishes All His Many Customers and Friend A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year OrganistMiss Swanna OUfson TOTOmWWW't?6lOT ft T t I Junior Choir Leader .Mr. H.T. Lock IO WU-lo of pat plants and cut flowers The Pastor and his Family extend . Rlneere Chriidmai nrintr !! In ever)' home you're xure to find scmcthin? from Mcitae Hros. From the Cards and Wrappings to the Finest (sifts of a Lifetime. Along with it, large or small, goes our Very Good Wishes For A O 0 i VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS l U.C.A. Victor Singer m m Home Kelvinator Easy thnstmas Wjshes k We thdnk our customers and friends for their patronage and f$ good will 'and wish every one of them all the compliments of the season ft Oil Distributors Ltd. SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! lr il OCAI FILLS mi POWELL BIVEB Steamer leaves Prlncw Hupcrt every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains leave I'rlnc Hupcrt for the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday. 6 p.m. sv Steamer for Ketchikan and Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For Jare$t tc call or tcrlt I14i TV f. - f If rmn a I J -