Saturday, December 23, 1039. 8 8 hi 9 k A if 9 6 ! k 0 I 5f I Thanking jou for your Ti!ud patronage during (he past, f nlth jou all another year 01 and good cheer and your Christmas a jovial one A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy Sailing throughout the New Year' 3 I s 1 Pioneer-Canadian Laundries.! t,,. , fa ft Glad Tidings j Nlifn ChlUtmsi hflU rinr out thrir mruim nf rllrli,r mtjrjout.tlure of YulttUlp happinm be bothitrouv1 ndfrnar-",4S jou and jours bak In the warming glow of a contented 2 lirarlluide. GORDON'S HARDWARE I W e re hoping 1940 will be Jf p MnnaKcr and Staff of STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF B.C. LIMITKI) A JOYOUS CHRISTMAS May Your Christmas be Joyous Your New Year Be Happy is the Sincere Wish of Drygoods and Novelty Store Mrs. Dowthrr Miss Watson I 6 9 1 9 9 I CANUCKS INVADE LONDON One Thousand Iteach Metropolii On Christmas Leave LONDON, Dec. 23 One thous and members of Canada's First Di vision Invaded London yesterday afternoon, coming down from Al-dershot They arrived at Waterloo Station by special trains and re ceived a warm reception as, singing and waving their hands, they walk-d through the streets in groups of twos and threes. Practically all visited Canada House. Only about 250 will spend Christmas In London, the others going to various parts of the country to spend leaves. Those left in camp will b- specially entertained and will enjoy Christmas 8 8 all a goodnight." 0000000000000000KKH000H000K00lK PAOI THREI THZ DAILY KT77B ! Wealhcr Forecast 'Expects To Fly i .. 'His Plane Out Imalns hlchover the British Colum- 2? ,bia interior and low on the coast. iPJlot Fred chamber To Take To j? The weaincr nas Deen mosuy cicar . A,r raln After Repairs Are and somewhat colder in British Made To Broken Oil Line tj? Columbia. M Prince Rupert and Queen Char-Jotte Islands East winds, increas- ANCHORAGE, Alaska, Dec. 23 : A Ing to strong. Part cloudy and cool , (CPpiiot Fred Chambers, whose with some rain or snow tonight. 'plane was located by aerial search- 2 West Coast of Vancouver Island j rov-,IlZ now-covered western i f i Moderate to fresh east winds, most- Alaska tundra yesterday. Is ex- W ly iiir ttuu vwiu pec ted to dc aoie W II OUfc WiCvjf CHRISTMAS Christmas Without a Visit to Copeland's He Wishes Everybody an Ideally Merry Christmas And A Fruitful New Year A a Tlih Store Will Only Be Open From 12 to 2 p.m. on Christmas Day. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOCHJOO 83? I Best Wishes For A-Merry Christmas and a Happy and Successful New Year SMITH and MALLETT LTD.' Wishing All Our Friends A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year EDWARD LIPSETT LTD: landing. Chambers found It neces- to bring hU ship down owing . u .... -4'sary ' . .. beef and turkey, lursry. ro roast .cu u . brcak oU ne H e had ha(J iare sucn as & pium puuuing wim piciiij o cis radioed his position but the arettes and drlnte , i able wc?e at flrgt Mt UTWW" A .rlt 'to locate him there. He had evl- r some enmo 1500 IVM) Hanarllans. Canadians, the the Scot-. Scot ,., .... for tlsh units celebrating Hogmanay vertising that counts. Twas the Night Before Christmas As I drew in my head, and was turning around, Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound. He was dressed all in fur from his head to his foot And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot 4 But I heard him exclaim ere he drove out of sight, "Happy Christmas to all, and to dently mistaken nis posinon. m- terday, however. Pilot Jack found him, ascertaining that It's the cumuatib elficl of ad- 'all were safe including Mrs. Wll- Ham Jefford, her baby son and James Walsh. Pilot Hans Mlrow, veteran Al aska flier, who was helping In the search, was also missing yes terday but. In view of his long experience, no fears were held for him. GARCIA IN EASY WIN Scored Technical Knock-out Over Glen Lee in Middleweight Title Bout At Manila MANILA, Dec. 23: (CP) Cefer-ino Garcia successfully defended his middleweight title here tonight, knocking out Olenn Lee of Nebraska in the thirteenth of a flXteen-rounder. It was really a technical knockout for Referee Jack Dempsey, former world heayyweight champion, stopped it after Lee had suffered his second nine-count, having been floored in the third and eighth rounds. Lee weighed 156 pounds and Garcia. 152. Dempsey stole the show. Arrow Messenger Len Griffiths it Co. PHONE 459 Reasonable Rates Parrel and Baggage Service Stand Venezia Grocery Fulton Street J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Rank Rldg. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MH VALENTIN DAIRY phonic M7 DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and Engineers Iton and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding Specialists on Sawmill and Mining Machinery All Types of (5 as Engines Repaired and Overhauled .... "If yyu miller frum Khruniu-tNni, Cntlwtln, stoiiwrh or Kldnry Truhlr, Nmnunr, or from one of a hut of other -mm iiion llmen( LEARN TO EAT If you van to bo well and strong. Iwwn Whtah foods poison your yi"tm T4vtah act i1IiJiimb: hrn' which ftnda , Jou should tut to relieve AtthrttW, Anemia, IndlgenUon or whnitevr your par tloulw UuUbla la . . . now you, too, n lrn thwe vital secrets In the privacy of your home. In. vfMtlpxte this new vnay to vibrant health tuid a tappler life. rilKK 1IKAI.TH IIOOK Write tiMlajv.N'o rot or obllKatlon, 2(th Tentury Health Institute St llHrtrae t., Ulimlieg, Man. V 9 -15? 'PRINCE RUPERT Ik- cl-l t Pk m tpVp ' "is Our Wish To ail our customers and friends is that they hare a Good Old-Fashioned Jolljr Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year STAR WELDING and REPAIR WORKS II. B. Stiles 2 Greetings We Wish All Our Customers and Friends A Very Merry Christmas Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Telephone 651 or 652 ariato Wc wish to thank all our customers and friends for their Patronage and wish them ail A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year RUPERT BAKERY mr'r Uk- B. C. Furniture Co. Wishes All Their Customers and Friends A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR tor is i i k I i h