LH3RARY VICTORIA, B.C. w s 8e main NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XVIII.. No. 299. PRINCE" RUPERTTbxCS ATURDAY7 DECOIBER 2 3, 1939. PHICE: CENTS 1 gl gl Red Rout Complete i. Old Fashioned Christmas Cheer To be sure, we're a lot more modern nowadays . . . and justly proud or our advancement. But there's one thinjj that's never been improved upon the Rood old fashioned Christmas spirit. We look back to the days of sleigh hells, frosty breath'd steeds, footwarmers and mufflers ... and wish the genuine joy of those hearty times to all our readers. May your Christmas be as full of treasured happiness! , 1 The Daily News oooooooooooooooooooo oaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooboooc-ooocoooocioooooooooa, 'XMAS IN GERMANY Hitler And III Gang. Assured of Good Time, Ttll People To j Forirt About Festive Season ; BERLIN, Dec. 23: 'CP la , Oermany it will be a real "war, Christmas" for t most of 0r-, mini. Propaganda Minuter Ooeb-1 be:.? told the people ytraay that thry must forget Christmas Uitil After the w H expressed confidence that Tic tory was as- "inCeflwAf Hitler and the mt it the Nazi leaders are. how-em planning to have a good to? no matter what the rest of the people msy have to put up( 1th The Wllhelmatraffe Is prac-' trHv deserted of political and B'l'sr futures. Der Fuehrer will rlai between his luxurious moun-Uin retreat at BT-hirvjaden and. the br Hardens of Munlrh. Young Fisherman Now In Vancouver, Sesrth Being Continued on West, Cossl of Vancouver Island For Capt. Geo rr.e Sinclair VANCOUVEH. Doc. 23: iCP Hugh Skinner, young Vancouver ( fisherman, who walked for flve ly in his bare feet over rocky, shores of QuaUlno Sound after the fish packer Oreat Northern V, m wrecked, was flown yesterday, from Zcballos to Vancouver for' hospital treatment. He had been found on Thursday by a search pilot Search Is being continued for Skinner's father. George Skinner, the skipper, who is still un-lound, his son reporting that he was becoming weak from exposure nd hunger when he was forced to leave him. Ted Bernard, the engineer, had been washed overboard when the Great Northern V truck the rocks. I 8 Bulletins TWO NAZIS Altfi DOWN LONDON The Air Ministry disclosed last nltht.lhat two German llenkcl Lumbers were brought down jeslerday during 1 attempted air raid on the British cast coast. One ;ls plunged in swoke and flame into the Firth of Forth under fire of anti-aircraft guns and pursuit planes. The other was brought down off the roast of Suffolk. I lion. Norman Itoters, minister of national defences, has sent ac- kncUdrmi-nt of donation of $100 made by the Skeena Fisher- men's Association to be used in connection with national defence of Canada. "I deeply appreciate the spirit of loyalty and co-operation expressed In such a tangible manner." the minister's acknowledgement states. Other members of the government also associate thermeWes with appreciation for the gift. HALIBUT RF.C.ULATIONS Opening date for halibut fishing on this roast In 1940 has been i set for April 1 by the Internation al Fisheries Commission. T,,i I dale Is the same as last year. There will be no changes in quotas in either Areas No. 2 or No. 3. The last clearance date for Area No. 3 has been done away I with and only a closing date for fishing Mill be set in a manner similar to that which is followed for Area No. 2. Fishermen will be permitted to clear for only one area each trip. Formerly they could clear for both areas. Baby chicken under five pounds must not be retained or had In possession. ANTHONY FOKKEK DEAD NEW YOKK Anthony Fokker, airplane designer and builder, died In hospllal here. Forty-nine years of age, he was the first man In the aernautlcal Industry to become a millionaire. 1 I din i Christmas and New Year Greetings To the residents of Central pnd Northern Hritlsli Columbia, I extend my sincere wish-es for a Christmas full of ITaiinincss and a New Year with much Prosperity OLOP HANSON Ol 5' SEA FIGHT IS LIKELY : , , ... . , TbUMjr of taigagemenl Between German and British .Fleets Is Seen PARIS, Dec. 23: CP PossibU-'ttv nf & ma lor naval enzacement Ken as a result of the more-1 mine oiast ment of a Oerman war fleet out J of Hamburg. VesseU of the British i T TTLIT ITTJEiVT !Nary, It was known yesterday. I Q t , J JlLCnljLvlT.l had gene out. I French .sources attribute the' TJ P DTJ k py t jmavtnienWoC theOemiftn'fleTt tol -- JLITilj I inLiFi the purpose of bring" "pressure to! bear uPn neutral sUtes .border-1 inK n Oermany which Nail news-, (papers ha been urging to form an anti-British bloc. IBLACK SEA lHAS STORM Bulgarian Ship, With Crew Of Fourteen, Among Casualties Of Tempest VARNA, Dec. 23: (CP) A terri- fie storm In the Black Sea has Icaused widespread damage toshlp- ping. Casualties Include a Bulgar ian ship with loss of fourteen 'members 0 the crew. Shipping Board Being Organized .Major J. G, Parmalee Is Appointed To Head New Federal Body OTTAWA, Dec. 23: (CPI The Canadian shipping board to direct shipping from Canada to the United Kingdom Is being organ ized with Major J. O. Parmalee. deputy minister of transport, as chairman. Parade Starts India Trouble Fifty Injured When Moslems Attack Hindu Procession Passing Their Mosque LUCKNOW. India, Dec. 23: (CP) Fifty persons were Injured In riot ing at Gorakhpur In the united Provinces when' Moslems, offering thanksgiving prayers, objected to a Hindu procession passing their mosque. WHEAT PRICES WINNIPEO, Dec 23: (CP) Wheat futures were 2?ic to 2Bc lower on the Winnipeg market yesterday with May closing at 87ic to 87?Jc. In New York wheat prices were l3c to Ihc lower today with May at $1.01 Vi- NAZI SEA i nee tid Wan Double That of Allies Daring Past Week, It It Disclosed LONDON, Dee. 23: CPi Germany's mercantile lea losses In the war for the weejc ending yesterday were more thantiouble those of the Allies owing to tne scuttling of such ve&sels as the. Columbus. It was stated In Admiralty circles today During the week fourteen British . , . . . , -ii Sft'ELir ft mn.nl1 smaU veels Including fishing craft and coastal ships, their a- ,. .3 whereas Germattrloit 40.927 tons. inis is in aauiwuii w lyc uiuvwii& up o: the battleship Admiral oral rr:.; r:,:; . . 2, Lo of neutral tonnage during the weJk. was 30.000. Todays Losses Further small shlas were lost to- jday bv striking mines. Sinking of the Norwegian ship Rudel jh. 924 tons, when she struck !a mlne.ln the North Sea was dls-iclc-cd. the crew being saved. A dispatch by exchange telecrauh agency from Copenhagen mid the steamship Jaegersborg. l"5t tons. ' --- feared lost. The British tanker Doslnla reached port with a list as a result of a Different Scene Than In Three yMrs at Birthplace of Christ BETHLEHEM, Dec. 23: CP The little town of Bethlehem, 5rt5?MJi f c?kL1" Day In three years. No longer do soldiers guard the route from Jerusalem to Bethlehem which Is now thronged with pilgrims. GERMAN RAILWAY WRECKS KARLSRUHE. Germany, Dec 23: (CP)- Another disastrous railroad collision in Germany occurred last nirjit near Karlsruhe with probably one hundred losing their lives. Faulty signalling is believed to have been the cause and two station agents have been arrested. The trains crashed at full speed head-on on a single track line. The equipment was almost demolished and there were scenes of horror. It was the second serious wreck of the day on war-strained German railroads, the total dead in both being 182 with 139 injured. officials announced. The first Wilson wno aiea recenuy is noi ex-colllslon had occured earlier in jPected to be made until after the the day at Genthln. JNew Year- Yesterday's wrecks raised to ten the number of such disasters since the war with a total of 319 killed and 311 Injured. The wrecks are generally blamed on black-outs. Xmas Cheer Fund The Salvation Army effort Is being Increased by the donation of two tons of coal by Albert St Mc-Caffery. Vegetables from Mrs. A. McKenzle, fruit from S. C. Thomson and carrots from J. Wear-mouth. Cash donations fellow: Previously acknowledged ..$82.90 H. S. Wallace 5.00 J. Campbell 2.00 Mrs. O. W. Woodland .... 5.00 Christmas . Tot 22.30 Anonymous 20.00 mm BIG FIGHT . tr.n DESCRIBED Battle of Helgoland Bight Was Largest In History of Air Combat centre n tne Empire oroaacass Christmas morning in which varS- LONDON. Dec. 23: CP The ous parts of the BritJi Common-story is now being told of last wealth will participate. The King . ..m.i t will riv a flrex!rf.tjilk from Sand- n , m Parm, stand- jomou mm unuiuii uidim uii Heligoland Bight. It described as the largest aerial battle In his- tory with eighty aircraft taking nart ' P-"M'h h!n were making an aerial rmmn-MMince when - '"b - i th nve to one. r battle ensued and both ds pvt n number of shins. One BrU'h !an ?ine known to have dlsoosed of five Germans. " r,FRMANY 1 FRANTIC Fire Hundred Vessels Are Ordered to Try to Grl Home From Neutral Ports With Cargo PARIS. Dec. 23. CP) French sources say that Allied naTles are keffMn? close watch for some 500 German ships which are reported t" have been ordered home to' the Reich "by all possible routes" from neutral port with cargo estimated at two million tons. Oermany Is. authorities say. making frantic effort to bolster up her rapidly dlm- initmng supplies by getting raw material for the ships to carry- . " Two British i And One Nazi Plane Downed Friday PARIS. Dec. 23: (CP Two Brl- tlsh planes and one Oerman Mes- at $65,000,000. agriculture at $50.-serschmldt were shot down ln yes- O00-000 and fisheries at 519.000,000. terday' aerial engagement on the Western Front when reconnals sance machines clashed. It Is an : nounced. Aerial reconnaissance continued over the Western Front today but. owing to Intense cold, patrol land activities were practically suspend- ed. Appointment In New Year Likely . ence Day when there will be dem- Will Be Then Before It is Known onstratlons of the civil dlsobedl-Who Will Be New P.G.E. Chief Pnce campaign VICTORIA. Dec. 23: (CP) Ap- polntment of a new general man- ager of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway to succeed the late Robert Turkey On Menu Of Trans Canada MONTREAL, Dec. 23: Passen- gers who find themselves flying on the TransCanada route of the TransCanada Air Lines on Christ- mas Day need not miss their turkey, It was learned at Trans- Canada Air Lines headquarters today. The festive spread will be Included in the menu and there will be Christmas cake, mince tarts and such seasonable trlmm- lngs as nuts and bonbons. The Christmas menu will extend over the holiday week-end. Each flying travveler will receive a holly bordered Christmas card bearing the best wishes of the T. C. A. 'p Christmas J sP.eak Morn Radio Interest Will Centre On Empire Broadcast To Be Presented Monday LONDON. Dec. 23: (CP)-Radto .Interest on Christmas Day wlU ----- - ard Tim, GOVT IS ARRESTED Itusiian Puppet Administration Of Finland Deceived Dictator Stalin STOCKHOLM, Dec. 23: (CP) The newspaper Social-Demo-kraten reports, without confirmation, that the entire Terl-Joki, Finnish Communist "people's government has been arrested by Rnssla because it had misled Dictator Joseph Stalin concerning Finnish military strength. It was a puppet government cf Russia led by an exiled Communist. PROVINCE PRODUCTS Aerial Attacks Costly and Ineffectire HELSING FORS, Dec 23J (CP- Finnish anti-aircraft batteries yes- terday shot down one of seven Russian war planes which dropped twenty to thirty bombs on the Hel-singfors area in the fourth successive day of Russian air raids. The "damage done by the Soviet aerial bombing was very slight and there were few. If any. casualties. The bombers continued their raids to- : t day. Meantime the Russian hordes were in wholesale retrea'. before the Finns on the northern and central fronts and were being battled to a standstill on the Karelian Isthmus to the south. vaders at Sala in the mid-sector on Total rrimary Output For Year Is whlCh they had been attempting to Estimated At 520900,000 bisect Finland through its waistline. Forestry Leads lThe Russians were being hurled back In great confusion. VICTORIA, Dec. 23: CP Fig- The Finns were holding the Rus-ures are incomplete but provincial 511115 at bav ln D,tter "Shting on offices estimate primary produc- Ka"Uan Isthmus and were tlon of British Columbia this year launchine a counter-attack, will amount to some $209,000,000. ' Loss on both central and south- rv- forestry figure Is Dlaced at . .m aha na.wu.uuu, metals and minerals Independence Day yrY InrJin Tc af 1 U1 iUUIa 15 Uul January 26 Set As Time For Demonstration In India, It Is Announced BOMBAY. Dec. 23: (CP) Ma-hatma Gandhi and his Nationalist Party Congress of India have set January 26 as National Independ- I In the far north the Reds have withdrawn past Salmijaervl which j , they had occupied a week ago to the , region of British and Canadian-. owned nickel mines and today were i diverted by the Finns from a northerly to eastery direction towards I their own frontier. They are in no : shape to withstand the rigors of 25 J below zero weather and thousands I are freezing to death. A countcr- offensive with bombing by the tFInnspf the IningradTHurraansk, Rail war. their supply line, forces the Russian withdrawal. There was also a rout of the In era ronw a" TerT heavy :or the uiteeiane General Is fired General Metetskoff, the military chief of Leningrad Is reported to have been relieved of his duties after being called to the Kremlin at Moscow to explain his army's failure to score decisive victories. He Is blamed for making Inadequate' preparations for a quick victory. Russian military authorities are implying their defeat by failinR to make further claims of victories. A Moscow communique last night said that "most difficult geographical conditions have presented themselves" in the Finnish campaign. The Mannerheim Line is not inferior to the Siegfried and Maginot lines, the Russian military authorities declare. , T. I). I'ATTUIXO; - - -- - oohjchschsmoohjooooooooochjochkkkhwo 2 $ g 2 5 S g g g & S ? 2 j 5 PREMIER PATTULLO'S CHRISTMAS MESSAGE In the midst of so direful world events it may -seem incongruous to rejoice but one can hardly avoid it in view of the fact that we live in such a favored portion of the world. In any event, it is our duty to be of good cheer. Accomplishment is difficult if we are downhearted. Let us, therefore, determine that with resolute spirit we shall go forward in our daily lives ready to do any service or make any sacrifice to. winning of the war in order that there may be a fair and just peace so far as may be humanly possible. " V , My best wishes to everybody for Christmas and the New Year, . 1 chkhhxhoooooohvooo RUSSIANS . LOSE OUT ALL OVER ,Finn Puttlnc to Rout on Xwo Fn)ntl and ii0idjn!r on Another- I ft ti k .1 i