s PAar six TO VOl'. Our Valued Friends and Customers, e extend our sincere Thanks mr toi r continued support d urine nineteen thirty-nine. May your Christmas be tull of Joy and and Merriment, and may the year to come bring a heaping measure of Happiness and Prosperity ST Watts & Nickerson s tawa hi IP ii V y o o s o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o : o , o a o o o o o- o o 3 8 " Greetings F.ora Santa Claus We join with the Children' Saint In wish i nr. too all a Very Merry Chrfet-it and a Hippy and Prosperous New Year Wc hope we have done oar share in .rinsing happiness to many hones GORDON & ANDERSON To All Our Customers and Friends Wc Wish A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year Four patronage has been appreciated and wc hope to be able to serve you in the future S. E. PARKER LIMITED 4vi,ei X4 BaaaraaBaaTaaaaaaaT BaWBaBaaaaaanEBaaaaaXoBB7 y BBaaaTdaaaaaaaarK a&Kjyii ., . , . .,, We Sincerely Extend Good Wishes To All For a A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year . LINZEY & DAVIES i a t 3 si n ft n n "nk aj v 6 o o o o o o o o o o o o o c o o o o o g o o o o o .o o o o a o o o o o o o 1 o - - - v. M far this winter is canal tn nrrviniui r. Having played Santo Claus ship for various points along the coast and being further delayed by having to make a call at Kltlmaat. Union steamer Cardena, Oct. John Boden. did not arrive in port until 1 o'clock this afternoon from the south, being more than twenty-foar hours late. After discharging local cargo, the Cardena sailed later ln the afternoon on her return to Vancouver and waypoints. Basketball UNIVERSITY OF U.C. VancouTtr Vs. STANDARD OIL Prince Rupert DECEMBER 27 and 2S Dance Wednesday Nitht BOB'S Beauty Parlor Next to Q A S. Grocery Phone SIS NEW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue Housekeeping Apartments (Hot Water Heated Mrs. C E. Black, Proprietress (Central Hotel' THE SEAL QUALITY 8 GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon racked by the only salmon eannlnr company with an an ' the year round payroU la Prtne Rupert at 9 9 To our waterf.tmt and marine s$ friends particularly, this depart-ment of the DaUy News extend ' j& hearty best wishes for a very Merry NT Christmas on Monday. That the j season may be replete with all good , A things and that all may find them- 3f selves able to enter faQy into the 2j? good spirit of wish. the occasion is oar 1 W. H. Tobey. cVJi. dhrialonal S superintendent, will return to the! K city on tonight's train from a trip' V over the line as far a Juwr tp- ! f fin nffiHa) lnnattii JM n Ing in with him will be his son. Wll-1 tlflm 71 "TV.K . 4 A l . i n. . . ma and New Year holiday season ?S at his home here from his engineer- " Ing studies at the University oi Al-. !x berU. T No. 3 - a? B W No I 1 " 8 ; I 8 M I is? THE DAILY Waterfront Whiffs Waterfront, Like Rest of Community, Like Rest of Community, Takes J 'Time Out for Yulctide Herring Fishinjr Suspended Until After Holidays I tslz 'au Bob RiUhie Te "r"M"'1" SI w l II II H Aw VMVri m AIR LINER PICTURES GOESDOWN ENTERTAIN Imperial Airways Ship. With Ten Oracle Allrn and Wl.llam Boyd On Board, Comes To Grief In rilms on Capitol Theatre Rouble Mediterranean Four Lost -Bl Tonight MALTA, Dec. 53: CP On the way from India to England, an tlirnmmiinif,f r r. t ,:ii t 4 i O Fair of Kingston. Ontario, pilot SSc SrECIAL DINNERS S5c Sonpw Cream of Tomato or Clam Chowder NtRsaat Turkejr. chestnut Drt4nt "ranb-rty Sauee Roast Young Chicken. Celery Staffing GrtHed Lamb Chops. AffMrtt Ttoa Smalt Club Steak Freah Mushroom Sauce Frieaue of Chicken a la Jardiniere Green Peas. Steamed. Mashed or Baked Potatoes Jelk a ad Cream. lec Cream. Aopte or RatMn Pie LnglMth Plom Pudding. Hard and Wine Saaee 45e SPECIAL DINNERS tic Soaps Cream of Tomato or Clam Chowder Choice of O rilled Red Salmon Steak. Leon Batter Fried Breaded Halibut Steak. French Fried Potatoes Broiled Chicken Livers and Bacon on Toast Minced Ham and Savoury OmletteBacon Roast Leg of Spring Lamb. Mint Sauce Green Peas. Steamed, Mashed or Baked Potatoes English Plum Pudding. Hard and Wine Sauce Hot Mince. Apple or RaXsin Pie. Jello and Cream. Ice Cream Coffee. Tea or Milk Served with Above Compliments of the Season To all ear friends we with the compliments of the season SILVERSIDES BROS. Representinr A REAL TREAT FOR CHRISTMAS Fresh Churned SKEENA BRAND is CREAMERY BUTTER 3Iade Lootlly In 7-Ib. Boxes PHONE G57 Valentin Dairy .2 5 The Grade Allen Murder Case." a comedy and tnjrstccy ,111m frat- Imperial Airways air liner, with tiring Oracle Allen, .M - and I "Sunset five of a crew and fire passes- frail." another of the Hopalong ; iters, was forced down tn the ':aattdy pictures starring William The Prince Rupert waterfront, as well as the rest of .Mediterranean nr msiul Peter Boyd. eomprUe a double bin pr,. i as to lut w use trvwuajr a C; VL V Vu """"I'cowii lUM-imie oui ui wie- m charR. wa4 thUy Injured. A the Capitol Theatre .4ic luiLiauiiuu v nnsunas ann icw lear noiuiay season. About the onlv current fiHn'nrr nrrivitv hr.ri tonight search, with the nary eo-operat- In "The Oracle Allen Murder Inc. was instituted and atx sur- Case." MIm Allen la east as a very these days is the herrine: seining and now it has been sus- rirw ' o4f kfd up b r'nch rwou young tody who tak-s I)ennea until after the first of the year. The fishing had nunc uo fpxxi anyway ana, oy the time it Is resumed, a more sub- 5 sUntUl run will probably have de-U vek)Ded. reloped. The The general eeneral thorv theory Is u tht that the very wet, dark weather, which certainly is due. would bring them closer to the top. Nevertheless, the fisheries department is authnritv i HsO J . for the statement that the catch of herrine in Prinro Runr ttkvw. K D. McD. Lowe sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a Vancouver and Victoria. shins near Malta. SteHy and landed at, detecting because she Is fascinated Dally advertlxina m trip to News is sure to bring suits lUt Dally , dally re- Commodore Cafe CIIRIsniAS DINNER, DECE.MRER and 26. 1JJ9 Vo- I- $1-W STECIAL DINNERS Sl.CI Heart or Oelery Oyster Cocktail Queen Olives Sounv Clear Cansomme or Cream Tomato Steamed Filet of HaUbttt Holla ndaUc Choice of RoaU Young Turkey. Chestnut Staffing. Cranberry Sauce Koast stuffed Younc Coo?e. Baked Apple T-Bone Steak Braled Onkma Baked Eastern Casters aa araUn Diced Chicken PaUlea a la v King Creamed Lobster on toast en Casserole Bke Dattered Hubbard Squash Baked. Steamed or Mashed Potatoes FotUatt Ptun pudding. Hard Sauce and Wht Saace Cranberry Pie, Pumpkin Pie or Hot Mince Pie. Ice Cream Frwtt Cake Coffee Craekers and Cheese No, 2. ic SrECIAL DINNERS R5e Tomato J trie Combination Salad Soup Cream of Tomato or Clam Chowder Choice or-Raast Stuffed Yomt Turkey. Cranberry Settee Starred Roast Young Goose. Baked Apple Fried Half Spring Chicken Country Gravy Native Cat Sirloin Steak a la Stanley Eastern Oysters Fancy Pepper Pan Roast Green Peas, Steamed. Mashed or Baked Potatoes Encash Plam Pudding. Hard and Wine Saaee JeOc and Cream. Ice Cream. Apple or Hot Mince Pie I by Phllo Vance played by Warreu I William She becomes Involved in la murder eat hmutf at fh f, : that she happened to meet Kent Taylor at a ptcnle and then accompanied him to a nlfht club later la the evening. There ar- R factory ceocbtstoo. 5 In "Stmset Trail" WUUam Boyd 5 U east acain as the colorful and SZ hard-rid Ing Hopalong" Catsld who sets out to rid the cattle tr "i ricjooa gamoier wn.: is holding up coaches along th- 5 trU to Sacramento Poemg as a (J tenderfoot and. with the assui- 5 a nee of -Windy- and "Lucky f: Boyd lures the gambler into a r- card came on which everything la 2 finally staked on the turn of one 3 rd. the money being proven U be tost which was stolen from a f murdered man. sr V2 Dr. and Mrs. C. R. Eleey arrived 5 in the dtv on the Prteess AdeUkte yesterday afternoon from Vaneou- f er to soend Chrtstmaa as the guest of Dr and Mrs. Neal M Carter Dr S y l m charge of the seienune researeh denartnnt of the B, C Packer- a Vancouver to id S II S II II n 5 i 6ii g II ii 8 n 6ii 5 ft rr II II II II 5 5i a CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LTD. PAINT ft II r.3 sl m -2? si II II II II II II H II If II H II Ml 5 n y n 8 TONIGHT r.v. 2Sl.ow,, 7;M 1B . v" 'lit it, " " ,ri, ft..-.-. , MONDAY Matinee? n Evening ba. . I ' ytint s i:eiit: C've Them lieket in Xnu. tnitkpa . A4H and f hiMrta Now Sellmj- Ham' COMING Will in; K fXI "U-Boat 29" 'mee Hull ,i : y We Wish Everyone A Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year MacKenzie's Furniture Vs. 1 The Manatement of PEOPLE'S STORE-CUT RATE SHOE STORE and RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOP Estend Greetings to the People of Prince Ropert. Wishing Them a Very Merry Christmas and a 1-. . . . I D . .. Vr-nr It is a pleasure at this holiday reason to wish you all once more A Merry Christinas and A Happy New Year May 191 Bring You a Full Measure of Hipplne and Prosperity ELITE BEAUTY PARLOR Mrs. Sutherland XMAS GREETINGS From COOKIE'S COFFEE SHOP wme up and see n( sometime. If you do joun rw and araln. Jnst the place for a Christmas llUds