PAQE TWO TOT-DAILY NEWS - Jf You Arc Considering Uppers for Xmas Gifts Buy Them ffow Sizes Are! Complete Our range of slippers In every department is the finest quality, variety and styled in the latest fabrics. Paris Maid Slippers Steel Arched .ru "FOOT GUARDS" For Women , "COMFORT WELTS" For Men Priced to Please Everyone Family shoe store ltD, The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations DAILY EDITION .im Wednesday, December 13, 1939. c.c:f. viewpoint on russo-finnish war On several occasions we have felt that the C.CF. the Federationist. has been decidedly anti-British wurmiig in ciose co-noerauon wun ine enugninen. nemo cratic countries of the Scandinavian ptoup. In the fur moil of the ;st fpw vpprs this part of Eurone ha"? beer known as "Fnrooe's "iiiet corner." The pence of tM quiet cornerthas,now' been wantonly broken by a Russian iniiuary invasion. RUTHLESS AND INDEFENSIBLE "No more ruthless or more indefensible aciressfnp has taken place: an vwhere in modern times, cnncbvlen tv. write-, "it i ennal t anvthinp- that has happened in Am tria, Chechoslovakia, Snain or China. Finland was villjn' to arbitrate "ihatever difference there might be betwr herself and Russia. Snvipt Russia, in renud atintr ipi non-aeerpscinn pact with Finland, her acceptance of th Covenant of the league of Nations, her obligation when signing the Kellor Pact that she would not use war as an instrument of national policy, has totally disregarded ir the most brutal fashion4 every claim for'consideration pu forward bv.F-inland. She had set un a punnet Government before she'had "cohbuered an inch of Finnish soil, recogniz ed it as the government .of Finland and signed a treaty with it. "Socialists everywhere should protest against this in vasion of a peace-loving and progressive people bv the Soviet government This is not the way to duiki socialism and Democracy. It is the way to perpetuate terror, tota itananism and barbarism. PLAYS ARE DELIGHTFUL Colorful Pre-Chrlstmas Entertain ment Stated at Booth Memorial Ilith School as Robin Hood, others taklne prom-1 ffi inent parts being Howard Hougan, 'as an Innkeeper; Harold Nordan,' 5? as the sheriff of Nottingham; Ted-S ,dy Capstick, as a stranger: Alistair Crerar. as "Little John." and Ver-,ft non Ciccone, as a boy. Robin Hood's Intosh. Jack Macey, Bobby Crulck- shank. Stanley Hodgson, Donald and as Caada is part of the i British Empire this is a ?E' joyai auiiucie. ai any raie inose nut are agam&ir us. Now this week we wish to express appreciation of an. article bv Aneus Mclnnis. one of the Vancouver members, West, Leonard Youngman, Billy ? Thaln, John Christiansen, Archie tyf McLeod. Peter Johnson, Bill Davies htf in this week's issue and also of an editorial expressing an.stanley Wo2nej; similar sentiments. The following is from Mr, Mclnnis article: . gram was a pretty and well execut- ed Ball Dance by girls of the Jun- "Since the pact with Germany all signs were pointing lor Dramatic society Edith Mur- to the irtct tbat Russia' had discarded anv pretentions tr socialism Every move was a move for power and nation aggrandizement. , Since,the invasion of Finland. Russir s'anu cpnnennrai .oeionj ine worui as an unpei uujsi na tion plavinu Power politic as ruthlesslv and as regardles? of human values as anv fascist or capitalist state. Finland. f o and Weoendent. could not be a threat to he Soviet Hrn'on. If Russia vere in danger from aggression, that dancer-came from two sources onlv, Germanv andi Japan. We mav assume that the danger from, the former was removed bv the signinqr of the non-agression pact the rev?ciner 0f Mein Kamof so as not to offend th? tender sensibilities of Rtnlin and tV fhn'np: of the wasMkn over the Kremlin. It U obvious that Jauan could not use Finland as a mepi5 of agression against Russia, even if Fin-land were willing to be iwd.. No other country could make war on Russia, even if its government desired to do so. Its working class would have prevented iL ;. EUROPE'S QUIET CORNER : "If, in the name of democracy, it were desirable t protest agains't the attacks on China and Spain, it is mpr-. times more necessary to protest against the destructior of Finland, continues Mr. Mclnnis. There is much mo' democracy in Finland than there was in China or Rnair Finland is a remiblic with a parliamentary system of gov ernment in which the Socialist Party is the largest crroir Like the 'other Scandinavian .countries she ha& a stron' and efficient co-operative movement. The strength ant influence of her trade union movement has been increa0 ing from vear to vear. The cultural and material stand ard of living has been steadily rising. Finland has been i.; i i i i vold, Norma Watt. Molly Frew. Bes W Ritchie, Gilda Campagnolo and Pat- W sy Moore. . Ka l ... Tl. T..JA -I -.1 1 ..V. . I it.. audience with ringing "Over the rC Rainbow" and "Down Mexico Way" if as vocal solos between the two plays. Vice-Principal W. W. C O'Neill acted, as announcer for the evening and, In a neat speech at the opening, expressed aDnreciation of the size of the audience, welcom ing all present. GETS SIX MONTHS Edward M. Mccabe. whn brought t6 the city a few dayc ago irom Atim where, he had been committed for trial on a-charge of retaining stolen property, aooeared before Judge W. E- Plsher in County Court Monday afternoon and, elect ing for speedy ttlal, pleaded guilty. A sentence of six months' lmDrison- ment was imposed -and McCabe was taicen on to Oakalla yesterday af ternoon, Keep up to date. Aowt)fe MINERAL ACT Stflct To OH Inn To ihn V. Allien and (lonilrr Rlrkf' ana or auif, Wahlnftn, U. . A, WHEREAS there Are owticra other than mytif to th txUmt of more Man one quart internal In each and ct tne star wo. 1, Btar No. 3, Star No. 3, Star No. 4. Star No. 8. Str No. . BUit No. 7. Star No. 8. Str No. 9 ana -BUt No. 10 Mineral Claim ltuat on the north aide pf Porcher Iclanxl m wwamoT Pwwage about 600 feet from tie beach In the Blceera Mining DlvUlon. Province of BflUah Columbia! TAKE NOTICE that. Unlet tou da pay wltWn VO dyi. from the Ut here- w wi aum ox 1IS37.&0 being your proportion of the expenditure required for the Teara 193T, 1938 and 1930 by Section i of Che Mineral Act. It. S. B. C. 1838, Chapter lbl, together with aJl eoau of thla notice, to the under-algoed, the reutered owner ot ald Mineral Clalma, your Intereat on eat4 Mineral Claim hall be forfeited and become verted In the underlined who haa made the required expendlturea, DATED at Pnnce Rupert, B C. tola 8th da; of July, 1839. E. 8. BERNEY. OLD LAND YULETTOE (Continued-' from Page One) PHONES 18 unU 19 FANCY PACKAGED CUITS Red Arrow. ... . i BIS- 80 c YE OLDE PAL WINE-Cherry Port and Ginger. OlTn Quart bottle XMAS CRACKERS Beautiful Zl'-45c $1.95 CHERRY and GENOA FRUIT CAKES Weston'. ylCi Per lb. XMAS WRAPPED BOX CHOCOLATES All sizes at popular prices. All fresh sto:k. other customary topics are there as usual. Expect Record Trade Dealers expect a re:ord trade. In said he expected "a normal de- a(jdltion to the cards sent to men manri. normal hlrrix nnri nlmost nor- . ...... .....I., pvnprt that r , an acute o:iv- . - mal prices." Wholesalers and re-1 ihoiismds will be nosted to friends tallers are preparing to meet the and rtiauves abroad who normally traditional demand for turkey. jcome nome f0r Christmas. War has left its lmDrlnt on the; cards may be sent free from cen- staled' " ' """'"r".-" sorsnjp cunirw w u - TV-, ..,i . -rrrflntlv . . . v.lM"ea ia me"aiesi army aevices. but m certain cases is nec- a and the t playlets "The Princess t h u tonks Bren gun? flnd antl. J fnpmv Swineherd- and -The King s war- alrcraU gnns. rjoiij are dressed in nKnU extensive use of them rant." the Junior uniform as nurses or women of the mformaUon to Germany of Booth Memorial High S-n001 Auxillarv Territorial Service. Even' .u k ....ri MntrleA woti nrpsirlnt. lastn Bhtl 5 r.. ..... t.. ",luu" offered a delightful pre-Chrlstmas entertainment in the auditorium of the school. The audience was so larxe as to require additional seat ing accomodation over and above that which had been arranged for. The young actors acquitted themselves with much credit, their ef forts fully Justifying the enthus iasm with which they were received. The colorful show will be re peated tonight and, doubtless, will be rewarded with anomer iarRr house. Miss Janet Rochester and Jerry Woodside played the tlUe parts in "The Princess and the Swineherd". & and left nothing to be desired, both 1 2? displaying considerable talent along. Jj? the historical line. Gwyn Holtby 5$ took the role oi tne King wun me'jj J.Ilsses Betty McOlnnls. Sheila Mc- Rae, uorotny Meoa ana irenc Nordan as ladies in waiting. Pages were Archie McLeod, Jimmy Spence. Vernpn Ciccone and Hemsby Kim?.; "The King's Warrantr equniiy v entertaining, featured a laree cast jjg of boys headed by Oeore McAfee! the snakes and ladders game has The country is lust about ready been brought tip to date with mus- t0 g0 0 serious training for the tard gas and incendiary bombs to riROrs of the two-day food festival, trap the unskilled Instead of the Christmas Day and Boxing Day. gaping snake. . . . More elaborate toys take the form of scale-models of the Maglnot Line. Toymakers are looking forward to a good Christmas trade. The war influence has not crept Into Christmas cards because they were prlrited before the outbreak. London scenes, Alolne pictures and IS ITS A C.V.K. TRAINS For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6 P m- From the East Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 11 pm. GIFT $ 1 P.O. Hot 57 S ASSORTED OLACED FRUITS Robinson's, 8-oz. 20C CURRANTS Re-cleaned, lG-oz. cello PINEAPPLE RINOS Assorted colors, Each 4-oz. cello FOR YOUR XMAS TABLE 15c MARSCHINO CHERRIES Red and green, -f Cn A31' 3 oz. Jar OLACED CHERRIES Best pack. Per lb. 8 35c 5c MELON CUBES Robln'on's. Red and green. 1 fin AVI 8' PLUM PUDDINGS Cross & Blackwell's quality. QQs 16-oz. tin . CLUSTER TABLE OQf RAISINS 16-oz. pkgr'"' MIXED NUTS-Per lb. 19c 8 y a The playj were under the dlrec- UJ-?tlS?lSlSlS'W tlon of Mln Joyce Fdcmbe and Miss May Jones whose efforts, to gether with those of all the wrii- clpants, are worlhy of comrrend- ltlon. A feature of especial lm--KJrtance which lent a ereit deal to he color and ef fectlvene wre the costumes whllh were under the dl- ectlon of Miss France Watt. MUs Tean Irvine and Miss Ruth Hind. Miss M. McKenzle was pianist for the nlays while Miss Leona Whiff In TComranld the Ball Dance. Miss Frances Moore provided incidental Mano rhufic and also accompanied1 Miss Judge in her vocal solos. ft: (3' It's the most modern. scientific method fa 5i tiff Crush up un your wardrobe and improve tour personality for the Festlre Season j Sj? PIIONC8orll8 J T P J' f J 5 J L A 4I af A 1 AT m ATX mM m ak I aft 1 A I nuiieei-idiiduidii Lauiiuiieb. Mussallem's Economy Store Where Dollars Have More Cents" FOR YOUR RAKING REQUIREMENTS CUT MIXED PEELS 1-lb. pkg- SHELLED WALNUTS Best quality Lb. 25c 50c ALMOND PASTE 2?C RoblriEon'g 8-oz. tube SHELLED VALNUTS t'ht amber pieces. 29 C EMPRESS MINCEMEAT Top quality. l-oz. I Qf g-gl-' tube MOIST MINCEMEAT Hap-pyvale, 32-oz. OR tin XMAS CANDIE3 or all kinds from 20C 10 35C BRAZIL NUTS-Perlb. and ALMOND QAp AUiy SOFT SHELL WALNUTS and PECANS OCn Per lb. Prompt, Free Delivery Service Throujhout the City Two Telephones for Your Convenience float and Mall Order Itccelve Prompt and Careful Attention APP Phone 9 Wednesday! December 13 hi., EAL Pirate don't cough in public Keep Smith Drothcra Cough Drop bandy (liliik or Menthol.) Hclitl fur jutt 10V t SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPS Time' Srges!ions Ft Your Xmas Gift Problems Silk Hosiery Makes the Ideal Cift We have them In nil the luteal shad; In -r? te. ehtffum . s-rrlce welghU QtZn to C4 en From, per pair GloTtt In fabric, kid or capr Llnd or unllned. From. pr pair 75084.50 Coed or Indirpunl IUittVerr!ilfIn a charrnlnt a wrttnent ""T 25c "81.25 I r Hi .M n FtV-t?n f Ut . Mandk-rjlilef Hoi, Starr . .nn. bandv. Garter .Set, Ml at Very Altrariive Prim See Our Actorttnenl of Chrlitnm Pirds, Wrappinia, C'rarkrrt, Tax. SeaU and Itlbbona WALLACE'S TIIIRI) and ITLTON OYt AM Km sr.K tiii: Biggest Stock Of Toys IN TOWN Hear that fr."fre? Hare comra Jumbo, bedeckrd In gay trap pint' . . . an.f In Ihe leid, the juartl nf honor Uie Woodrn Soltllerr . . . It'" Ihe Tolland Itevue! Gordon & Andernon p' henti hundred of toy in hundreds of tthapes and rolort . . pleate hundreds of (iris and boys. Old Ideas and new ideas many that you've nem een before. Come In! Come In! At Gordon & Anderson Just Completed NEW SMOKE HOUSES From specifications of Prince Rupert fisheries Experimental Station Rupert Brand New Process KIPPERS - SMOKED BLACK COD Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert (q Jjfj British Columbia If you have something to sell, a classified advertisement In this papar will soon let you know if there is a buyer ir me cuy, wuj.