PAGE F0IT5 Christmas Cards That Are Really Personal Now is the time to order your Christmas cards if voti want them really personal Place yew order early and have your own name Irnprinted on your Christmas message. We oiler a wide a-wfcment cf attracti!' illustrated greet i n s. expressing your sentiment In cleverly written and sin -ere messages. Order today for that personal touch. Gift Wrapping. Tas and Seals, Fancy Boxed Stationery, Fountain Pen Sets 4 J5.25 Ceiiahdy not! And for good fellowship that's lure to be welcome. IMPORTED OLD SCOTCH WHISKY Tins advertisement Is not pub-Quor Control Board or by the nshetf or displayed by the Ll-Qremment of British Columbia 'Many Flowers DIBB PRINTING CO. Besner BJoek, Third Street Frank R. Butler, member of the JJ I D 1 British Columbia Game Commas- X 1I1CS 111 lOllCC slon from Vancouver, arrived In . SMSUSSSZ Court Increased here, to attend the annual game dinner this evening of the Prince Collections For Month of November Rupert Rod & Gun Club at which Were Lower Than Year Ago he will be the guest speaker. Advertising u n .iimimtni Althoujh Year b Up City police court lines In Prince Rupert during the month ofNovem- ber this year totalled 3193 as com: -pared with $235 in the same month last year. So far this year, fines have aggregated $4575 In comparison with $3312 In the first eleven months of 1938. Police court has! been exceptionally busy so far In December with some thirty eases already handled. Many Attending Revival Meetings The largest crowd that has as sembled at any of the. week-night ttreices of the revival campaign, gathered in The Salvation Army Citadel last night. Several new choruses were learned and the splendid congregational singing was enjoyed by alL Major Jaynes took as his text a familiar passage of Scripture, "Be sure your sins will find you out" From the Biblical days and also those of our time he drew illustrations that proved that sin always in the end secured its victim. The. Major also Impressed upon the congregation the fact that the only remedy for the present day Ills of the world both In a material and a spiritual sense wat a return to God. One soul found: Qhrlst during this service. These revival meetings are con tinuing to be well attended. Major Jaynes will lead a service again tonight and the campaign will be brought to a close tomorrow night when he will give a resume of his life entitling his talk "Forty-three; Years of Salvation Army Warfare Rev. J. H. Myrwang, pastor 'j&SU Paul's Lutheran Church, wlU be the speaker tomorrow at: the regu lar weekly luncheon of the Prfnee Rupert Rotary Club. He., will- speak on the subject of Capt. Raold Am- uxidsen, famous Norwegian Ahtatc-tlc explorer. Tomorrow, Incidentally, will be the twenty-eighth anniversary of the attornment by Amundsen of the South Pole. A REAL TREAT FOR CHRISTMAS Fresh Churned SKEENA BRAND CREAMERY BUTTER Made LocallyIn 7-lb. Boxes PHONE 657 Valentin Dairy Or Your Store At Funeral Beautiful floral tributes at the funeral of the late Leonard Wearer were sent as follows:. , Your Loving Wife Owen. Inspector Edwards and Family. 34 (Taxi, Prince Rupert Rowing & Yacht Club, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hoogan. Mr and Mrs. Carl Zarelll. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Fraser. Mr. and Mrs. R H. Parker. Inspectors and Rupert Fishery Office Staff, Mr. and Mrs. James Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. L. Raabe, Mr. and Mrs. Skat- teboi and Family. SUff of Edward Lipsett Ltd.. Mr. and Mrs. Flndlay. W. H. Malkin Co. Ltd, Thelma and Eddie. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Judge and Family. Mr. and Mrs. Wingham and Oscar. Mr. and Mrs. Feero and Venetla, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Durran, Hudson's Bay Co. Raw Fur Dept.. VaneouTer. B. C. Mr and Mrs. Geo. Woods. Staff of Mussallexns Economy Store. Mr. and Mrs. F M. Crosby. Van's Bak ery 'Roy and Johnny. Hotel Arrivals Central O. J. Fagan and W. Beamer and W. S. Holmes, Barrett Rock; W. Quinlivan, Hazelton; E. W. Moren Terrace: P. Piiihka, Edmonton; G A Grand, city. Prteee Rupert J. B. Barclay, BIQmor: Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Wctterstrand. city; Charles M. Adam. Stewart: T. Van Dyk, Prince George; A. Jacobsen Shirley; P. Magee. Bulkley Canyon; A Brozuk, Sea ton: Major Ramsay Armltage, A. W. Bumlo. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Doherty and P. R. Butler. Vancouver; Joe K. Hart, Everett; Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. Comox Royal C. Anderson. Alke Arm: A. E Bailey, Stewart: Sam Jordle. Van couver, Mrs. R. Stashnlak. Kltwan- ga; R. Spencer. Fort St. James; R. A. Hange. Calgary. Letter Box A SUGGESTION Editor. Dally News: With reference to a paragraph rppearing in your paper for some Jays and to your editorial requesting assistance in obtaining a plane for the use of the troops now In -fur midst, may I suggest that a subscription list be opened and the proceeds used for the purpose f purchasing a piano. I saw one 'or sale advertised In your col-imns a few days ago. zolns for s snap. The soldiers officers, non-com- jnissioned officers and men in the larrison appear a splendid type They gave us a good show Sunday night They are merry and bright nd appear as full of fun as a ;ageful of monkeys, If I may be permitted ueh a simile. These voung fellows are the sort that Tin wars. That's what the country Sano. I will subscribe If a list is Ripened. EX -OFFICER. Rucsell Ellsworth Weks sentenced by Magistrate McCly-i "V t l- LOCAL NEWS NOTES Some bowler wins a turkey every day. Max's Alleys. tf. Canadian Legion BXS1 ly meeting tonight Dance. Mose HalL Decetrioer 15. month-(290) Friday. 292 Shipment of ladies' and child tin's pyjamas Just arrived at the Dollar Store. tf. For your -friends A Christmas Gift of real value "A PURITY COOK BOOK" specially wrapped for Christmas Gift. Ask your gro cer or can be supplied by The Brackman-Ker Milling Co.. Ltd. 1293) Mrs. Henkel and granddaughter. Virginia Keefe. who have been the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. McL&chlan, are returning on tonight's train to their home at Francois Lake. Mrs, Frank Dibb b expected home on the Princess Adelaide on Friday after an absence of three months from -the city visaing her daughter. Mr W. W. Woods, in New York. She has been in Vancouver stoee last week. The Prince Rupert Oyro Club was in regular monthly business luncheon today. The agenda In cluded election of officers for the year 1M0. President W. M. Watts was in the chair and there was a good attendance of members. As a result of a recent campaign. the Red Cross Society of Premier raised $450. The Society has a membership of 220 and the officers are: president. Mrs. Louis Swig- gum; Wce-presldent, Mrs. w. S. Kergin: second vice-president. Mrs. M. M. Cowan; secretary. Mrs. U. P. Langford; treasurer. Mr. Cornish. In spite of repeated warnings. boys are persisting in riding bi cycles at night without the required lights. Sergeant C. C. Jacklln, chief of ritr nolir rpmrit Tt ha mf to a point now where prosecutions J instead of warnings will have to bet resorted to. Those convicted are liable to a fine of up to $23. The law requires that a white light, visible for 200 feet, be shown and that there should be a red reflector at the rear and white mudguard. Complaints have also been made at boys riding bicycles on sidewalks. Announcements All advertisement ts thu col ems win be charged tor a full month at 3X; a word High School Plays, Dec. 13. Annual Game Dinner, Dec. 13. Eagles' Bridge, December 13. Hospital Auxiliary Tea, Dee. 14. Moose Christmas Tree, Dec. 21. Canadian Legion Christmas Tree.; was December 23. WWt?iBiJ?9jl$e 'Wt jesMriiay " SO.N. Christmas Tree 4 December to three months' Imprisonment for 26. retaining stolen property. Thei property Involved was a watch be-, Norkap Christmas Tree, Dec. 29 longing to John Richards which was missing from his room. Eagles Bridge Jan. 10. srrsnsr:?srmsnwisn3KsgsnigTirs Tor prompt and courteous ter vice Phone 13 Taxi tf. Idara Rotter Skating Arena, 2nd. Ave. and tth. St. Afternoons and evening. Open tl. Charles Graham, taspecior.. oil mines, returned to the"cHy on the Catala yecterday afternoon from a trip to Stewart on official duties- J. R. Steven, after having been here for the past two or three weeks on insurance bustneas. sailed by the Catala yesterday m his return to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. J. C McCutcheon returned to their home at Premier last week after spending a hoUda In Vancouver and elsewhere In the sooth. Doe to lack of In ter eat by the public, a free library, which the Canadian Legion has been operat ing at Stewart for some time. Is to be discontinued. Charles M. Adam of Stewart ar rived in the city on the Catala yes terday from the north and will pro-i ceed by this evening's train to Has- el ton He brought his car with him ! and will drive from Haielton to Vancouver ill "RONSON" Cigarette " Cases Tbe cigarette cac with lighter wmi to be quite popular the latt few yean and we have a number of stylet. Prices rante from 88.50 w S15.00 We also have other makes at otr.ewhal lower price. i Alo we have many style in lighters made by Itonson In the enameled styles and plain and engraved. Prices ranee from i S2.50 " S6.50 I ty cJEVELbERS V& 5T0R WITH Tnt CLOO iCOPELAND'S FRUIT MARKET I il TELEPHONE 87! FREE DELIVERY MARVEN'S PASTRY SHELLS - - - 23c 4-ox. pkt. Ground Almonds Boiled Cider-Bottle Almond Paste Vz lbs. Rhubarb Lb. j:.9..HX Cherrlo Crackers or Rita Pkt. 25c 25c 25C 17c VICTORY TEA 49c lb. CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS 5c 10c 15c 25c 75c Cocoa nut Large size. 3 for For Things That Are fiood to Eat COPELAND'S 25c n -a r; jSpecial Church Services Held (At Burns Lake i u m cimairiiatsizii-iiB rxraiTi rirnva annri r.rirjiritsirarsrraisiaii. j ! im inmimxmiMTm BUR-N8 LAKE. Dec 13 -Special services were conducted In Burns Lake United Church on Sunday In the morning there was a very Impressive White Gift service with the Sunday School children taking part. A confirmation service was held in the evening followed by the observance of the Lord's Supper. Those confirmed were the Mlses Marguerite Patterson, Anna Bat-terstrom. Dernlce Mclntyre, Evelyn Hemstreet and Arline Patterson WHEN A COLD THREATENS YOU nn do this VlCKS i . vlOpd, J dtkn fir - t -frt- VA-TRO-NOL Letters of transfer fY. rt from Miss Louise Miner R t Alberta and Miss Marv Lig.v from Vancouver A fifty cent eiassmea v) often make you many doiuri. You wouldn't bum five dollar bill. Why burn coal that f im io anything les than IM per rent coal heat value Oar toil b carefully selected, clean-burning fueL rflally pWkrd fr matt-mum heat and low ath content. Cot no more than ordinarj coal. Phone 11C ar 117 Albert and McCaffery ltd MacKenzie s Furniture NEW STOCK HAS JUST AKKIYED And is very suitable to meet your reqvtretnetit tor Christmas Season. OKU of Furniture are suitable for for Home or Friend They Inst. rhne MS QUALITY c ounls in Coal For Furnace Or Heater Radiator Or Circulator Buy Bulkley Valley COAL SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! ulliez it 60EAI FALLS ud POWELL RIVER Steamer leaves Prlncn Rupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Steamer for Ketchikan and Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For far$, etc.. call or trlt9 City Tlchtt Ojfficw, 528 3rd Ave. VII ' !J. H.BULGER Fresh Local Raw and ' Pasteurized MDk Optometrist i. . VALENTIN DAIRY j Royal Bank Bldf. PI10NE M7 ssnnnnni mm mnnnnMMBmHBMi mmMmmmmmmrmmmammmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi