Wir, OKNEVA, Dec. 13: 8ovtet Rus-' tla Tuesday night formally re fused the offer of the League of Nations to mediate the dispute be tween Russia and Finland. The' negative reply of the Soviet was delivered to Geneva three houn liter the expiry of the League's twenty-four hour ultimatum. After the twenty-four hours had ex-' plrrd, the League extended the time by sixteen hours for the So-! vlet to make Its reply. The next move Is expected to be the expulsion of Russia fromi the League or Nations although' the League members may not be agreeable to this. The Soviet has Intimated that It will break oft diplomatic relations with all nations that vote for Its expulsion. ' The Soviet reply to the League was brief but polite. It was written by Foreign Commissar V. M. Molotoff and said: "The Soviet extends thanks for the kind Invitation which it finds It impossible) to accept " Russia, Molotoff added, . was not 'Invading' but was "help-1 big" Finland against renegades which were governing It. Ixxiki Like Expulsion The League of Nations moved t! vt Twslfa J rom membership ( ov day whm a special committee adopted a report Including an expulsion clause directed against tin Soviet as an aggressor against a fellow member. The expulsion proposal, sponsored by Bolivia, was divided into two clauses, the first summoning aid for Finland and the second Imposing penalties up on Russia and invoking the ex .1 pulsion clause of the League Covenant Another special committee, upon which Oreat Britain, France. Sweden and other nations Including Latin-Americans, will now examine the report and present it to the Assembly from which it will requUc majority approval. Then it will have to receive unanimous approval of the Council before becoming elective. Observers believe that all these steps leading up to expulsion of Russia will h tVin BREMEN IN i HOME, PORT! Great German Uner Successfully! Runs British Blockade The $20,000,000 luxury n i m ... 1 by having encountered a British submarine which appeared to be orenarlnir to fire a tornedo when The Bremen will now be given a thorough overhaul and kept in sea condition. She and her sister ship, the Europa, arc being specially guarded and the Oerman authorities declare grimly that "death awaits" any enemy attempting to approach them. g f (JUL JL Ks W J o ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooa GERMANY HACKING RUSSIA LONDON It Is believed In official quarters here that Germany It actively backing KumU In the Invasion of Finland. The Reich Is reported to be blocking the entry of supplies to Finland. The Soviet and Iteleh plan to eventually set up zones of influence In Scandinavian countries as well as the Baltic SWEDEN HELPS FINLAND STOCKHOLM Prime .Minster P. A. Ilanfon. In announcing the formation of a new coalition government for Sweden today, expressed the people's will to give material aid to Finland In Its resistance to Russian aggression but listed defence of neutrality and safeguarding of "vital supplies" as Sweden's predominant alms. CHURCHES AS HOSPITALS LENINGRAD Churches here have been converted Into military hospitals as a steady stream of Red Army casualties from the Finnish frontier taxes the city's regular hospital GERMANS REPUI-SED PARIS German forces launched six small attacks on French outposts as well as a number of small raids In the vicinity or the Saar but eventually were driven back with heavy casualties by withering French artillery and mschlne gun fire. There were air raid alarms In northeastern France today. TREATS FOR SAILORS TORONTO Christmas treats will be provided by the Navy League of Canada for sailors of Canadian warships In such ports as Victoria. lUqulmslt. Vancouver, Prince Rupert Halifax and ftalnt John on Christmas Day. Hundreds of bags are being s - ; -T , II IT B A LLOOIS H A R R A(I E I.O.NDON Four BritUh fliers were killed when a Air Forre plane collided with a balloon barrage yesterday. since war was declared In Septem German airplanes came along and her. it snhmrro-rt hin no more. There are tall ones, shori n.. w-i..... . ua nlumn and slightly built ones, . . . . . ! . . 4Via niirca . n.H rutlu claimed that a submarine retrain-1 , " ed from torpedoing the Bremen and 35. Some wear spectacles, many without giving warning which have cur ly hair and others comb u u.r . their locks straight back under HUUIU I1KVC OCCII III lilHHii" I ... . ... . . :iV.a1m their film., white u.ViHa VAilff veils U-! or the laws of international war fare. uniforms and white aprons. They have all signed up "for the duration" and arc under military Jurisdiction, the same rules applying to t-aa to ofHcers for they all hold the rank or lieutenant. "It's the natural Instinct for a nurse to want to enlist, her ser- j Royal COLLIER SINKS LONDON The 496-ton British collier Marwlck Head has been destroyed by a mine off the east coast. Six members of the crew are missing. SOLE SURVIVOR LONDON A Danish sailor picked up by an Aberdeen Is believed to be the sole survivor or .a crew of 26 of the vessel sunk by a submarine Saturday. The man became unconscious before he could reveal the ship's name. SWEDISH LOSS LONDON The 5S-m Swedish steame r Algol was mined in the straits between Denmark and Sweden, NURSING SISTERS WAITING First Division Nurses Moblllie Tiu-onto Local Girl Among Them By MURIF.L ADAMS Canadian Press Staff Writer In TORONTO. Dec. 13: (CP) Forty- Smithers Raises $1300 In Drive for Red Cross LONDON. Dec. 13. Special guards were posl'ton members. PROVINCIAL I Weather Forecast Tomorrow's Tides mm High 3:37 a.m. 19 8 ft. Trlnce Rupert and Queen Charlotte 15:15 pjn. 20.5 ft. Iilands Fresh to strong Low 9:30 ajn. 7.7 ft. southeast winds, 'cloudy with some 21:53 pjn. 3.7 ft. light rain. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol, XXV11I . No. 290, PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13 1939. PRICE: 5 CENTO May Suspend Finnish War League f f Nations Moves Against MEDIATION IS REFUSED Russia Gives Answer To League Of .Nation Ultimatum oocooooooooooaoooooooooooocKaooooooooooooooooooooooooa . iO o o w w m f .a :0LD LAND Parliament In YULETIDE Secret session j CP .. selected and soundproof doors Install ed In the House of Commons to- -! .ret Parliamentary de- bate today on munitions and other war supplies. Prime Mln- ister Neville Chamberlain call- !qn which was the f first secret one bellcvd . DfttirU Falrhank Tiw"1 on Shakespeare Marfe Many Grea Pictures Sr.. famous wre'r a"tor. training at Denvw wherj h' was born. Included fencing, dancing Delsarte. dramatic literature and a wide rane of athletic exercises be-, side regular academic studies. Be- tic enthusiasm made ambitious for the staee. In Denver Fairbanks was educated at the Jarvls Military Academy, at East Denver Hleh School and at the Colorado" School of Mines. When he was seventeen. hU wish was gratified. Frederick Warde. a family friend, met youns Douglas Fairbanks and added him to his repertoire company In Ne Yrrk. where the youthful asnirant ran the whole gamut of Shakespeare, acquiring valuable experience which he supplemented in special courses In Harvard University. Before long,; Douglas Fairbanks was u Broadway: star, the vouncest of his rank. . 1 SMITH ERS. Dec. 13: At a meet- Fairbanks film career started in lng of thq campaign committee of 19u after his stage successes in the 1 the Red Cross Society Monday eve- gt. Motion pictures were gaining nlng, It was found that collections great following and prestige at the' to date for Smlthers and district, time and the favorite showmanship ! which Includes Telkwa, Evelyn, deVice of motion picture entrepen-' Olentanna. Driftwood and Quick, eurs was to acquire for a picture the : approached $1300. The president, services of a prominent Broadway ) llner six bright-eyed girls are geny Mrs Dando, and campaign mana- 5tage star. Hence, when Douglas I awaiting troop movements that will Evolve their fo docked Tuesday afternoon at ,"giB f.lp Bremenhaven in Oermany. finally w ",w getting home after having sailed nln tne war- . from New York thlrty-slx hours They are the nr1; 1 Canada chosen from the before the war commenced. Twice f of hospitals In Mllta y DU trlct No. 2 the vessel ran the British block-1 .j. . ...... .....j who have been listening to lectures sue. inc ucrman Aamirnuy biuvcu - , ji,, ,'. discipline, studying military v,. .u. ti u.j on Anti-gas precautions, drilling and tending soldier-patients in Toronto ger, W. J. Turner, were very pleased Fairbanks yielded to their lure he with the success or the drive. .could do so at a salary or $2,000 a' vices the minute there Is an emer- London, England. Since qualifications state that nurses must be unmarried or wl-j week. He was Induced to enter the gency,' Matron Agnes nem saia, ' r ' durln , a chat at . the New York for her charges. Tall, and dark. Sfss Nelll wfth the rank of mWa " Blrth of Nation, tatn, halls from Peterborough, Ont.' Formerly she was surgical superln-J HJ " " P"c"onor Oenerall U WM for tne ??trm- mad,.e tendent at the ' Toronto ",, ", ni.tant Is Miss old Triangle Company, others even j - v. ....... "mo wt.i icpcai,- ed on the screen. His happy sense of virile comedy and thrilling acrobatics whetted the popular film aows ana gi taste and a new type v of picture v lurc was was cent graduates .there will not be establlshed any wedding rings noted on the. - ', . . ...,..,. . . filmy worn over capable nurslngslsters' Hands. Mar- plcturcs rthrougn ArtcraIti whWi the shoulders with their Dutch blue rlage U out They can only leave ,WAJ afterward acquired Dy . Famous u.P a...., w.w r J I. Players-Lasky Corporation. These cally unfit, un it for oversea, duty produced by "And that Is not or Incompetent. banks PIctures corporation and In iiKeiy as j eluded "In Again. Out Again." -Wild chosen." Miss Nelll said. "and tfooly," ..Down to 1.. Chance ot Lifetime Man from Painted Post." "Reach- There's only one war In a life-(Cnntinucd on Page Fiw) (Continued on Pyage Thre?) AS USUAL Turkey Situation Near Normal and Shops Alive Wit ii All it Takes For Merry Christmas By HAROLD FAIR ranadUn Press Stafr Writer LONDON. Dec. 13: CPl,It will k rs fian a wir to spoil the h s rr hejd sine? January fngllshman'r Christmas and pres- 1913. It wus requested by Op- :i indications coin! to iht Yule WAS TOPS $1 eason being almost up to par. 'lltrrc will be regreis of course In home- where men are at the front but John Bull Is going to try to keep smiling. The wit if you'd call It that 'has begun. A staid press bureau I release frcm the ministry of food TM I PTIlVTi0 o th! headline "'Xmas Fare 1 Jr 1 In ' I WU1 Be Very T' ministry be- 'lers "ou: first Christmas of the . jwar will find u a land of plenty 'ani. ood cheer." VeH rnj't. Suni'les were delayed own limitations of shlpnlns but the situation Is belne rectified. . Pate Mr. Scrooge Poultry dealers lrlst that the Wl -.n J , t I i coming proficient, his chararteris-,""' ' ''V"r0n.r "IV ... -.v-...i ui him v..i'Chrinmaf dinners." One dealer VS.S,tJ Russia REDS0N ADVANCE AID MINEQ I ! COMBATTED Great Britain Resorts To New Method of Aerial Warfare-First Flight I Successful LONDON, Dec. 13: (CP) The Air Ministry today announced a new method of combatting the German practice of laying mines with airplanes. "Security patrols" of Royal Air Force planes made flights over four main Ccnnan North Sea bases at the islands of Sylt, Borkum, Vrt-demer and Heligoland. The ministry said the flights were designed to Interrupt 'activities of mine laying aircraft" and were carried out successfully "despite considerable anti-air-eraft opposition." Such flights are entirely new in aerial warfare. The ministry sM the night ir"M hr. fontlnuonsiv maintained but gave no other details. , I Chrlstma- card appear in the QnnVy ArriVPQ III ! widen store, seaside resorts are OllUVf rviliYCO HI IrTenarin" entertainment for the holidfr Influx, plans are being drafted for Chttmas leave Y for ST r. !1 '.111 4 m . - z "ome to the EnslUrfnen there will dead h7e.was trained for the film, nt0lne a, UMnl on Shakespeare Ills family being . . Bulldey Valley FINAL BULLETINS STEAMSHIP WRECK TOLL IS 700 WAKKANAI. Hokkaido, Japsn More than seven hundred Russians are missing and believed drowned or froxen to death in the wreck of the Russian steamship Indigiirka on the treacherous Hokkaido Island coast. A Japanese ship, arriving with three survivors, reported the disaster which occurred in a blii ard yesterday. The vessel was a comparatively small one of 2,690 tons but was crowded with 1000 passengers. RUSSO-JAPANESE TREATY TOKYO The Foreign Office, through a spokesman today, confirmed that Japan would open negotiations with Soviet Russia on January 10 looking toward a trade treaty but said hopes were still held for a new treaty with United States. .MURDER IN VANCOUVER " VANCOUVER, W. D. Nash, aged 39, Hudson Bay Co. tobacco truck driver, was shot and killed at a North Burnaby street Intersection last night by an unidentified man who fled from the truck after the shooting. Eyewitnesses said the truck xig-xagged for several blocks and then stopped, Indicating a struggle in the cab. Nash was shot as he leaped to the pavement. .MEDITERRANEAN CONTROL KOME An article yesterday by Virginlo Gayda, author!-itativc Fascist editor, declared yesterday that Italy was not disposed to remain longer a prisoner of Great Britain and France in the Mediterranean and she was getting into a position where she would break the bondage implied by Gibraltar and Sues. Italy will demand full and secure access and egress to the Mediterranean and will also renew her claim for colonies. SKATES FOR QUINTS CALLANDER, Ont The Dionne quintuplets will take up skating after Christmas. Each is to get a pair of skates from Santa Claus and a special rink will be-established at their hospital home. ENGLISH CHANNEL TUNNEL , PARIS The project of a tunnel under the English Channel to connect England and France Is being revived and is expected to be undertaken soon alter the war. A railway across the Sahara besert Is another French pot-war plan. Russians Driving Qn Two Cam- paigns. Either One of Which' May Bring Finland To Kneel Stubborn Resistance Soviet Forced To Use Best. Of Its Fighting Forces To Subdue, . Little Nation HELSINGFORS, Dec. 13: CP) i- Flnland's red invaders, operating from dearly won footholds ithln the border, pressed two separate campaigns today either one of which. If completed, might bring Finland to her knees. The newest campaign is an effort to outflank: the stubborn defenders of Karelian Isthmis. The other is An atV tempt to advance through thSt mid-section of Finland 'to the Swedish frontier, splitting Finland In two. The Russians have advanced one-fifth of the way j In this movement. Fierce fighting all along the ;Russo-Finnish frontier from Baltic Sea to Arctic Ocean was reported (yesterday and, in spite of overwhelming odds, the Finns were still making stubborn and effective resistance against the Russian offensive. The Finns claimed to have Unintentionally. Dbu,las Fairbanks ZT' l ttT TotrrsMe If.s More Seasonable annihilated three battalions of working full blat and most Wei- . ..... h u. i. is , n..j. it Russian lnfantrr destrnvlntp mon ..ULrvM. .iiv k iuaui ll.l u i, " nc-Ubl rH-fTds in the purofe,lr.n. toT put rTmore seasonable and tne vTet preparlng-to stage he w. reared In those polite ac- " fr idatT Ch:ists-Ilke appearance on the a neIargc KM "en wlth eomnllshmenu which go so far to JS, 1 S? ? and LV eotintmfde. 1X).000 troops and thousands of t fertillre the preparatory soil for T . . .T" m'n! Thr,. r.mnnn.;,m. Pnes being thrown into acUoh, ... . . . i.sirv ri min nunc nnrna or r ' tanks and capturing a number THraS. Dec 13: -Snow has of machine guns. s 1 mi r a i A dav afternoon and about four in- Yiei De" "gnr ches was on the ground when it n e 10 cru the nnnis defence, hid stoooed. The weather Is not cold, however, as It lust stays R"Ian supply bases and corn-around the freezing mark but the . mcan lines have suffered neav" irom "nnlsn rmds have hardened up a bit bombing and( which makes for better travelling maf hInl ennln-thai has ben experienced for the The heavy Russian casualties, .which the Soviet itself admits ran ' six weeks. through a much stlffer resistance - than it had ever expected. In cluded many men who perished from exposure. Neutral observers today gave Russia but a week to accomplish its objectives in the invasion of Finland before the paralyzing Finnish winter will call a halt to operations until next spring by which time the defenders will have received effective aid in bolstering up their defences. mm MATERIALS FOR HANGAR j Minister of National Defence Heard Connection With Local IFron,in Seaplane Base A message received by Old Hanson, MP. for Skeena. from Hon; j Norman Rogers, minister of natloh-al defence, said that the War Supply Board had been asked to arrange for materials for a double 'seaplane hanger at Prince Rupert. This message was in connection with reply to Inquiries made, in xe jgard to the construction of the new seaplane base at Seal Cove, tenders for preparation of the site of which were invited some time ago follow- jed by the unofficial report that the contract had been let to the Ryan interests of Vancouver. The minister stated that he was making further Inquiries Into the matter. Frank Waterhouse freighter Chll-Uwaek, Capt. Talbot, Is In port discharging a large cargo pf fumber and cement. She arrived at 6:30 Monday evening from Vancouver via the West Coast and will be leaving today on her return south by way of Surf Inlet arid the Queen Charlotte Islands.