PAOZ UX if , Arrow Neckties hare that i Something that today is r described as "Oomph." fx See them in all their gay shades and patterns. $1.00 '"d 51.50 Steamship Sailing; For Christmas Giving C SHIRTS ) . Shirts By Arrow They're here The newest, smartest patterns In prints and English woven Broadcloth. Fancy whites and silky lustrenes in all shades. Tailored as only Arrow knows how. See our selection if yon want to please that certain party. S2.00 10 83.50 For Vancouver Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss. Prince Rupert 11:15 pji Frlday-Ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 p.m. Ss Cardena 10:30. pin. December 9 and 18. -. Ss. Princess Norah From Vancouver-Sunday ss Catala .... Wed. Ss. Pr. Rupert . Friday Ss. Princess 5 pjn. Ss. Pr. Adelaide 4 pjn. Thursday. OOOOPOOOOOOOCKKKK100oAOCftrft f ARROW I CRAVATS ) Watts & Nick USEFUL GIFTS FOR MEN a' a -oi ti v--. k,, vo, v?. v. Pre-Xmas Specials Men's Gft Sets- Containing Shave Lotions, Hair Tonic and Cologne. Regular $2.25. Special $L58 Colozne Assorted ordors, In attractive de luxe decanter. Regular $2.00. Special $us Fancy Glass Candle Holders Regular SIM each. Special, each r.'.rHin.eT"In attractive gift package, assorted ordors. Regular $lMspecfaf .!.'.....'.'. . .."1.:. 50c Men's Wallcts-Regular $1.25. Special . 75c En;lish Made Children's Plush Toys Reg. $2. Spec: $1.00 Ladies Compacts Reg. $2.85 to $1.50. Spec. $1.75 to $1.00 Attractive Tcrfume Bottles Reg. 60c to $2. Spec. 25 off Oiass powder jars In attractive colors. 60c to $1.00. Special 25 off Ash Trays and Cljrarctte Box Sets of three Regular' $1 00: ' Special ' '. '. 60c Perfume Atomizers- -Regular $1.50. Special fl.00 Perfume Bottles Regular 50c Special 25c Ormes Lid. 7itA Pioneer Druqcfi at Th Retail Store Phones: 81 JL It Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 noon till 2 pjn. 7 p.m. till 9 pjn. I ft I s 5 ft erson 1 5 trier) cr. ss Cardena .. pjn November 12 and-23-Ss. Princess Norah am For Stewart and Premier Sunday ss. Catala 8 pju Friday Ss. Prince Rupert 2 pju. From Stewart and Premier v Tuesday ss. Catala .11:30 ajn Indian Department's power Naskeena, with the Indian Agerft :Rev. James Olllett on board, left pmjMonday morning for a trip to Klti 10 a m i alla and Hartley Bay. Return to port is expected to be made on &ooaoooacoooooQaQoooo0oaoaiocKJooooDaoaaaoDaoa0aoaoooa CAMPAIGN SUCCESS Demand For Apples Strong And Prices Firm Stores Hare Christmas Appearance The . success of the freely as there Is still a definite sentiment, against them. Florida satsumas are arriving In large quantities and are accepted as a suitable substitute In spite of the higher price. Local retail stores are very Christmassy in appearance these days. There are no large stocks of Christmas delicacies on hand, particularly imported lines. In the meat markets buffalo meat from the annual kill Watnwright Park Is being featured and Is popular as usual. C Fresh Extras, Grade A Large, cartoned, doz. .40 Local, new laid. doz. 43 Pullet eggs. doz. 20 "C grade, doz .25 Frolt Florida SaUumas, box $1.00 lap Oranages. box .85 Orapefrult, California 5c to 01 Texas Orapefrult, 3 for .25 Lemons, doz, 35c to .45 Oranges, doz. 15c to 45 Bananas, lb. ,12 Emperor .'Grapes, lb. 15 Cranberries, lb. JO Coconuts, each 05 Pears, Anjou, doz. 25c to J5 Cooking Pears, 4 lbs. .25 Pomegranates, each, 5c to 10 Apples Cooking apples, 5 lbs. 21 B C. Oravensteins, doz. 21 Yellow Newtons, 3 lbs. .25 Box, fancy $250 Rome' Beauties, 5 lbs. 25 Box', fancy $250 qpitzenbergs, 3 lbs. .25 Box,Jfancy $250 Delicious, 3 lbs .25 Crabapples, lb 05 Batter First grade, lb .. J4 Second grade J2 Lari Pure, lb .13 Vegetables B.O. Potatoes, 10 lbs 25 sack $2.25 Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs .25 B, C. Onions, 6 lbs .25 Garlic, Imported, per lb 25 Carrots. 3 bunches 10 parsley, bunch,- m Beets,3 bunches 10 B. C. Hothouse Tomatoes, lb. 19 putdoor Tomatoes, lb. .19 B. C. Lettuce, head 7c to 10 New Green Cabbage, lb. 05 Utah Celery, head, 10c to 25 Cauliflower; each .20 Spinach, 3 lbs. .25 Leeks, bunch .05 8quash, lb. 06 Danish squash, lb .06 Cucumbers .... .25 Honeydew Melons, each 45 Brussells Sprouts, 2 lbs. 25 California, 2 lbs 25 Radishes. 2 for 15 Onions, 2 for 15 ttnuBarb, 2 lbs 25 Parsnips, 6 lbs .25 Turnips, 8 lbs. v.... 25 . reea Hay, BulkJey Valley Hmothy J00 lbs. 1.25 ! Wheat 2.20 1 Bran 1.75! Shorts 1 liw Oats 1.95 Fine Oat Chops 2.05 Barley 1.90 Laying Mash ..-. 2.70 Oyster Shell ....r , 1.70 Meats Fowl, No. 1. lb 21 Bpastlng Chicken, lb. 22 I Ham, first grade, lb 25 Turxey. a grade 20 B grade ... 28 1 C grade 25 Bacon side, sliced, best grade 45 1 Second grade, lb 25 Picnic Hame, Lb. 25 Pork. shpiuWer, lb. .., 25 Pork "Chops, lb .IwJ- ai Pprk, loin, lb. 20 Pork, leg, lb , 20 Pork, dry salt, lb 5 Veal, loin, lb. 20 Veal Chops, lb. 25 Veal, shoulder, lb. .18 ueer, pot roast, 45c and .18 Beef Steak,-lb. 30c and 25 Whifflets From The Waterfront ISeinebbats operating at the head of Prince Rupert Harbor took 130 tons of fish yesterday morning. ,m u...B w tial catches cannot yet be made dlan apples. In view of the col- lapse of the overseas market due ! to war conditions and the ar-1 ishn r?rrii local contractor, left rangement of exports to Australia at the first of the week for Stewart nas maae tne aemand so strong (where he. has obtained a contract that prices are now going up and i from the federal department of will probably continue to d0 so. : public works on rebuilding of the Orange prices are very reason- Marmot River dock. able, the duty on, this fruit having I been removed' a' month earlier: than usual this year. The crop is uniform and case prices for all sizes arc the same. C. N. R. steamer Prince "Rupert. CaptrH. EvNcdden, arrived In port at 9:30 this morning from Van- Japanese oranges are not moving couver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and sailed at 2 o'clock this afternoon Tor Ketchikan and Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow evening southbound. Major W. R. R. Armltage, dean of Christ Church Cathedral at Vancouver, who Is organizing chaplain services In British Col umbia for the first Canadian Ex peditionary Force, Is a visitor in at the city, having arrived from the south on the Prince Rupert this morning and will leave tomorrow night on his return south. Major rmitaee Is senior Protestant Chaplain for Military District No. " 11. Lamb, leg. 'lb 22 Lamb Chops, lb 25 Lamb Shoulder . 25 Fish Halibut, lb CO Smoked Kippers, lb 15c and .20 near Flour. 49's, No. 1 hard wheat .. 2 XX) Second Patent 1A5 Flour. 24's 1.05 Pastry Flour, 10 lbs. .60 Nuts Walnuts, broken shelled 25 wainuis, snewea naives, id. ,Uj Almonds, shelled, lb 55 Peanuts 2 lbs. .25 No. 1 Mixed .25 1 Almonds,' 2 lbs 45 Brazils, lb. 20 Fillberts. 2 lbs. ... ' .45 Diamond Walnuts 25 Pecans .' ;. 25 Drtetf fruits White Figs, lb .19 alack Cooktna Figs. lb. . Ji Dates, bulk, lb, :. 15 Lemon and Orange Peel JO Citron - Prunes, 30-40, lb Prunes, 40-50, lb. Prunes, 60-70, 2 lbs. ... Raisins, Australian seedless, lb. Raisins. Cal. seedless, lb Currants, lb. Apricots, lb. Apples, dried - .... . Migar TEX DAILY NE7T3 Wednudt" 55 .17' .15 25 .15 15c .15 25 -,18 California Table Dates, lb. . J5 Peaches .'... 20 White, 100 lbs - 7.00 Yellow. 100 lbs ... 850 Golden Brown, 2 lbs .15 Honey Extracted Honey, per Jar 22c to JO Comb Honey - - 2S Chert Ontario solids, new, lb .28 Edam. lb. 50 Ontario, mature, lb. 40 Stilton, lb.' 40 lloquefort, lb. .80 Cambrai Chapter Has Dinner Meet ftcgular Monthly Gatherings Will take This Form In Future, it is Decided Henceforth reular vulted In Mrs. TSteomb winning. Canada At War 25 Years Ago By the Canadian Press Dec 12. 19H-Slr Wilfrid Laurlrr. Liberal leader and former premier. emphasized there must be "no drawing back" the Empire's fight acalnst German aggrcMlon and ideals. Turkish troops abandoned Beirut in Syria, fearing allies' advance. Mrs. Olof Hanson arrived in the city on last evening' train from Smlthers and will be here for several days. LINZEY & DAVIES rilONKS 585 586 No Charge for Delivery 1 11 1 m 1 1 1 11 1 m v 1 P 26 OUNCE r BOTTLE This adre n ' published Dr dlnplayed by the liquor Control Hoard or by thn c ".nment of I!nuh l uiumbta. Butler -First grade. Q7p Woodcock Turnips QCf 3 lbs. 10 lbs. for "" Shelled Walnuts 3yQ Spinach 25C I-arfe Almonds Graham Wafers Ofr Shelled, per lb. tlUU Per packet AUC Almond Paste IQp Welners )( V2-lb. packet vl' Per lb. Cut Mixed Peel OC! Cooking Kris U' QAp Per lb AOS grade. Per doz OXJK, Glace Cherries Qfin Bleached Sultanas -f n Per lb.; .." P lb l' We Have a Large Assortment of CANDIES, FIGS, DATES, TABLE RAISINS, CHOCOLATES, WINE CORDIALS, BON BONS, FRUITS, ETC. See Our Stock SMITHERS , Nominations for commissioner to fill the vacancy caused by the expiry of the term of Charles Morris. !on the board of village commls-j stoners was held Monday when Returnlnt Officer W. S. Henry watted at the Village Hall for as-j . plrants to the office to file their monthly nomlnaUon papers The only pap- i nA nrnntr arr xliii ninnuiv iu i mrrimpi cii i rn n ra l i ninuT. im- . . federally I . . . ' .VJfV " J , " " . " P"t were lnose 01 Mr. Mor- , ieoeraiiy r. and waU ahooU M tuUn-i perial Order, Daughters of the Em- rta .... and h a-ia plre. will take the form of dinner n.tlttted by acclamation. Mr. TT.KTiL21 TV ,1 .If1 Morr has 'or many years W' h USni m Si',' f n e board and ha, turned In a ,T . record for length of service as a rhalr and thirty-four member. e9mn)IMoMt for tne iresent. War work of the chapter; -vas the principal matter of busin- " ess. A raffle of atllow cases re-1 Provincial Oomtabl Andrew Orant met wtth an accident while on duty out in the country Monday. He fell and Injured his hip nd let; and was brought In to the tmlthers hospital where he Is now resting comfortably. A nurrtfxr of veterans left Sml-Ithers Tuwdav to go to It arc I ton LAST TIMfs 2 Shows Ni,hu A Convultin. cdy. EscitlnVC, , where they will Join other men and " Uke over the duty of guarding have br- (the Skeena Crossing bridge In the past few next few days The soldiers who n-r I . Ginger R0 J '5lh AVE GIR and in Mo ti m. nnori COMNi Till M.J.I.. "CAFE SOU 'rnaf SATIN-GLO A Distinctive Finish For WMAS, WOODWORK. ( I II F and I-TKNITlJTtK n brautlful jivt-l Unt- if Satlr.-CHo ! ful ilmospherc to sour r.... )OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOuij : ITY It THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Lid.' FOR SALE 2 Winton Marine Deisel Engines 100 h.p. Knch Airless Injection J Complete. Guaranteed in first class condition. m used very little ATLAS BOILER WORKS M Don't Fool Yourself Alwut the Value of Personal Appearance Clothes may not make the man hut they help to make him more successful. Ilcsolve today to cash In on a neat, trim appearance by having your wardrobe spruced up at Ideal Cleaners. The cost Is mtiaII but the reward Is (treat. Phone 858 For Our Itouleman to Stop IDEAL CLEANERS - - N