ouT OF wre TODAY? NEXT MAILS Try The News’ Want Ad. oT aUAtiven ade Way. 7 Vo L S ae bd ifs Friday 8 a.m —$—$—$——$— f fe oe 3 Qi? i} Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist \ rep 19,12) = ere \ View co... © c ~ OI ee = )L. / ALIDATION BILL MAY POSSIBLY SUFFER SETBACK VU Dt ECISION THAT TIME IS NOT RIPE YET FOR ANY EXTENSIVE DVERTISING SCHEME, BUT BOOKLET OF INFORMATION (ARD OF TRADE COUNCIL Il], NO. 32 PRINCE RupFrRT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS COAST IRISH AND PUBLICITY FOR CITY ARE WAKING UP ‘Ten Thousand Or Orangemen of Vancouver Ready to Send Money| WILL BE ISSUED TO ANSWER NUMEROUS ENQUIRERS. } and a Thousand Men to Fight Against Home Rule. | meeting of the]first time night's in America on Septem- — Trade council in the|ber 12 at Boston, For the sum of (Special to Daily News.) Court room Mr. Frank $10 Prince Rupert Board of Trade Vancouver, Feb, 7.—Ten thou-| becomes affiliated with the con-|., | he newly elected presi- ; |} sand Orangemen were represented ! : jeress and reaps certain special | the board, presided. ‘| advantages. at the gathering of the county fe dase tad A ied Following are the Board of|!048es and decided to afford ma- interested attended, |, — : : terial aid to their brethren in Ire- hose interested in the| 2! ide standing committees ap- ana ! ad nublioite manne te ad-| pointed by President Frank Mob-|!#"d in the latter's fight against d ae y a reme vo ¢ ley for the year 4949+ Home Rule. They declare them- nee Rupert. | : a Oa ' 4 |selves ready to send ¢ f pecs : Legislation—A, J. Morris, L. G, VE SS Ce taaat aad, er fae ee of this matter, how-| money and a thousand men if and W. E. Williams. | Patmore ;and }which conducts the | the PARLIAMENT ON GRAIN BILL No. 1 Hard Be Classed as Can-| ada No. 1 Hard to Be Further Considered. | (Special to Daily News. Ottawa, Feb. 7.—The House spent the day in committee on the grain bill, passing the seventh eighth clauses. The only proposed change was that Mani- toba No. 1 hard be changed to Canada No. i hard, This was left over for consideration. CANADA'S own WEAPON National Rifle Assn. Denies That Ross Rifle Is Barred. Special to Daily News. London, Feb. 6,—The secretary of the National Rifle Association, Bisley compe- titions, informs the Canadian As-|} sociated Press that he not} aware that any prohibition § of Canadian Ross rifle was even Bisley. contemplated at CONGESTION IN SIR GEORGE DOUGHTY GRAIN TRAFFIC Stalled in Yards at Port Arthur) and Along Canadian Northern) Railway. | —— The Princess Beatrice arrived Special to Daily News. here at four o'clock this morn- _ Port) Arthur, Feb. 7. Some) ing, and among her passengers 3,500 cars loaded with grain for} lwere Sir George Doughty, of Duluth to relieve the congestion| Grimsby, Engle i vil- in the elevators are stalled in the sPien ee mote ayo Fie he mn a yards here, it being impossible frid Vere Doughty, and Mr. Car- Bh ed yore j ter, manager of the Oceanic can- or the railway company to move nary. on the Skésht They. pr them. In addition to this it is ’ : ar aR was |ceeded on the Beatrice to Skide- | gate to look over the cannery and |fish plant there Sir George and | his associates recently purcheas- ed from the Simon Leiser com- NAVAL SERVICE ACT | pany. Mr. Carter to be the ere |manager in charge of the Skide- Resolution for Its Repeal to Be ate plant, and the trip now is to stated that over a thousand cars stalled between here and Win- nipeg on the Canadian Northern. are is Introduced Tomorrow. }see what is required in the way ; Se of machinery to place the plant Canadian Press Despatch. lupon the most modern and up- Ottawa, Feb. 7. Sevigney,|to-date footing. The party will member for Dorchester, gaye no-|return on the Prince John, and tice last night of a resolution on|Prebably remain in the city for several days. | Mr. Forbes capitalists with Sir George in the development of the the Act. Thursday next calling for peal of the re-| . . and other English Naval Service associated ha aie cnt Railway and Navigation—A. E,| "®CeSsary. sing of the city. But|MeMaster, W. P. Lynch and ; : a bs ‘i George D. Tite. THE WEATHER. blic interest all over| \merican continent and in Freight Rates—W. J. Sandals, ane | ‘in is alive to the im-|J. H. Thompson and W. P. Lynch, Twenty-four hours ending 5 the Pacific coast ter- Trade and Commerce—A,. J.|/a. m., February 7: Bar., 29.496; the Grand Trunk Pacific} Morris, H. P. Wilson and Fred | max. temp., 58.0; min. temp.,| president and mem-| Stork. 150.0; precipitation, .03. suncil decided that Fisheries—J. J. Sloan, R. A.| f a booklet detailing| White and D. A. McKinnon. ; the facts about Prince Lumber—J. H, Pillsbury, F. G. For row boats and launches often asked for by;Dawson and George D. Tite. telephone 820 green. Davis boat should be got ready. A! Mining—J. H. Thompson, J. H.| house. 00 to defray the cost of| Pillsbury and W. E. Williams. ‘ s to be raised by| Insurance—W. J. M. Sandals, bseription Later on|H. P, Wilson and Fred Stork. of Trade may launch| Port A, E. McMaster, R. A. extensive campaign] W hite and J. H. Pillsbury. f the city. Finance A. J. Morria, L. C, is come to that the|Patmore and F. G, Dawson. Board of Trade Civic—R. A. White, J. H. th the Inter-| Thompson and D. A. MeKinnon, f Boards of Public Works—J. J. Sioan, W. meet for Lynch and Fred Stork. the} P. | AMIES RUTHERFORD, MINING ENGINEER OF VICTORIA, JUST satisfy the RETURNED FROM AN EXPLORATION TRIP, CLOSELY DE- SCRIBES THE QUALITY OF THE LAND HE TRAVERSED. ey OST RECENT ACCOUNT OF isa Rte 79 the be second read- valida- moved the Prince Rupert THE PEACE RIVER DISTRICT explaining that its pas- sage was urgently necessary to solicitors of the bank city dealt. Attor- allowed it to and said with which the -General Bowser pass the second reading surrounding Swan VALIDATION BILL PASSES SECOND READING Attorney-General Bowser Hints That He Will Discuss It Fully When It Comes Before Committee he would attend to it later in com- mittee, | A bill to incorporate an electric | railway in the city of Nanaimo] was introduced by Mr. Hawthorn-|} thwaite. Price Ellison gave notice of the introduction of the budget on February 14th. The Forests Act passed its second reading with pein) buts fishing industry in this neighbor- hood planned on a large scale, are passengers on the Prince Ru- ARRIVED ON THE BEATRICE |Proposed Change That Manitoba| Thousands of V Wheat Laden Cars ENGLISH BARONET AND HIS ‘SON GONE TO SKIDEGATE—BAL- ANCE OF PARTY ON THE PRINCE RUPERT DUE AT FOUR THIS AFTERNOON. FIRE DEPARTMENT SATISFIES Council Had a Drill Alarm Rung in—Swift Turn Out. In two minutes after the alarm had been rung in to the fire hall from the city hall, where stood a group of interested aldermen, an imaginary fire in the post office was extinguished by a very prompt turn out of the brigade. Members of the Council holding the test expressed satisfaction with the efficiency of the brigade. St. Andrew’s Society. The regular meeting of the St. Andrew's Society will be held on Friday night in the Carpenters’ Hall at 8 o'clock. CHAIN GANG NEXT. Vancouver Sorely Troubled by Vagrants and Undesirables pert due to arrive here this after- }noon at four o'clock. New Arrivals. Just Arrived—New prints, gin- ghams and curtain goods.—Wal- llace’s. Canadian Press Despatch.) Vancouver, Feb. 7-—The city authorities have decided to estab- lish chain gangs of the vagrants and undesirables, with a view to reducing the number of such in dividuals now infesting the city. | | = Premier McBride took Ono to reply to the criticisms SPLENDID PAIR Messrs. Brewster and Williams of the Governinent’s policy in the matter. Mr. Manson Comox), OF LOTS SOLD approved of the general princi-|} ples of the bill, special provision should be but thought some made Lots 5 and 6, Block 20, Second herford, mining en-/|Coupe prairie, \ j : wake, west of and adjoining \ ria, B, C., who has a Lees cauee Haat #ente ne i MEETING OF LIBERALS ed from a three A idles Seth baad dee tag oe ther extends easterly into : vecting trip in the ‘ ; Convention to be Held in Vancou- : berta an area of agricultural a . wes teats ountry, having tra-|pearly 500 miles square, unsur- ver Near End o on d explored extensive |), issed in the experience of man.” j ‘ te oO Ss Ci ‘ t t f Northern British Colum- Speaking of the mineral re-| Atte ne nis ca led { , an ee Prince Rupert to Hazel-} coypees of the Peace River coun- lisement in anol sr column OF @ the Bulkeley and Na- aici ra De ae rd said: “Phe| Fart Grey's Rifles, Prince Rue| convention of Liberals to be held ve anda ee PRS eae ale | pert’s Own Regiment, Will) in Vancouver February 29th. ys and down the Pars-| whole country is underlaid with) Finlay diver tvs: ' 7 a { coal, particu- Shortly March to Music from It is hoped that Prince Rupert ‘ ers, Says. extensive areas of coal, pi : ae ; , ; ed from McLeod's Lake larly in the neighborhood of Hud Own Drum and Bugle Band. mn be well - p fi mg a: at whe Peace River to Pine River | son's Hope, where the measures | a a gathering, whe wl ee ms Phe altitude of this pass] ape of first class quality. With the prospect of having a arrestor ron al over oe puis 850 feet, and it is well} “t1udson'’s Hope will probably|drill hall and parade ground of} Y!"C°- 1G AC VET WARMED L -BUBYOS I > Cc vue f » the : ; , {that arrangements have been d for the construction Of; peeome a strategic point for the] tneir own very soon, Earl Grey Rida be th Re ee asta ! The d sie . aga fmade b e set ary , mn- vail ee fe ane Se h ; een od Rifles, through their commanding | vention with the O.P.R., entitling miles wide; through ce i hd I oi a its expan- oMcer, Captain Stork, now 4n-)those who travel on one of the : Fen cae the Peace, and because lis expal-|nounce that the equipment for!noats of that ipany form this stance of fifty miles, and) give coal deposits, available ie their new drum and bugle band port to a ticket at one ning f , ‘onsis g cae in far vy t s} i é 1 il ¥ illey, oon $6 power and rich farming Bn practically all ready. At aljhird the usual fare. ineadows, interspersed! suprounding will make it an in ‘awnoi of the company in| s ik poplar. This see dustrial, manufacturing and agri-| strength shortly the band will be s ete lo farming and) eyjtural centre. jin evidence. As soon as all the} JUST VOTE BY | otis y River: soendiato | }bugles and drums arrive the] P "Rive er thirty five | MISSION LANDS DISPUTE whole band will carry on steady na inh St Tan xt | practice, there being already a COMMON SENSE of-4ahniit \ 500 fant. Arbitration Board Will Visit Rev. | group of well tpained buglers and | ne ve Tomlinson’s Territory. drummers in the company, Prob- | mane . appa, ties | ably to Master Bob Ritchie be-| Result of Debate in Mcintyre Hall Along the Half-way By today’s train the members| longs the distinction of being the] Lagt Night Is Against Educa-| ! extends from three to|of the arbitration board, appoint-) pioneer Be hngips and coummer| tional Qualification for the Ex- , mide RON AnGAn, noo 40 settle the right of way dis-| of Prince Rupert's own Fagients ercise of the Franchise. 1 of level flats for near-|pute between the G, tT Pan nae 7 vine ired miles, having within|Rey. R. Tomlinson relating to the MONTREAL HARBOR That voter need not have any | ea expansive tracts of ex- railway’s crossing of the mission ~ereees educational qualifieation for the} black loam, which is the|!ands al Meanishkinisht will pro-| Plans for Improvement Costing | exercise of the franchise was the nd that has come under|ceed to the scene of the difliculty| Two Millions Before Minister. | decision arrived at on the merits { vation in British Golum-|so as to see for themselves the ———- lof a straight debate between rep- ) ling one of the mosticonditions to be adjudicated tanadian ‘Press Despatch, jresentatives of the Baptist, An- ne and picturesque valleys | UPOR- Ottawa, Feb, 6.—Plans for atta an and Presbyterian churches Dominion of Canada. f — outlay of $2,000,000 on the Mon-|in the MeIntyre Hall last night, ! same may be said of the Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners,|treal harbor next summer have | Rey, W. bE. Collison presided,| ‘heast portion of the Pouce| Phone 4. been laid before the Minister of/and there was a large and en- Marine by Harbor Commission~|thusiastic crowd present, Great ers Ballantyne, Geoffrion and | interest was taken in the debate, Stephens, The projected work | the speakers for the aflirmative embraces the finishing of the Mheine Messrs. Gill, Carss and Me-| PRINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AGO dry dock, new sheds, dredging of|Gorkindale and for the negative | a channel, piers, ete, The Min-| Messrs, Simpson, MelIntosh and | Van Arsdol train pulls ait Of apnet schedule, a will give his consent to the} Fulton, , { . . te ‘ he lliard Ss ylaw will ans, pono ° ot a dee tae the Billiard Balog. byie — _ Remember the address by Rev. Arbitrators A, Carss, J. H. Hilditeh and J, F. Ritchie ap- Pitiful Case |P. Ww. Kerr tonight in the Presby- pointed in right-of-way case up river leave by train to visit _ Louis frommer, shoemaker, of} terian Hall on “An Evening in ene in dispute ' Sixth Avenue, is in charge of the Ge rmany. | New City Hall still’ growing. poliee in a demented condition. ——— W, R. Whitley confirms the news of his resignation from His condition is a sad one, Trom- Vag Charge the Prinee Rupert Dramatic Society. mer was a good workman, many |’ Frank Wilson appeared in ne Che Municipal Commodore predicts that Captain Barney jwho have patronized — his BbIIl| police Court this morning char Johnston will make a starboard landing. jmentioning how thorough were|ged with vagrancy. He was re-| oe | his jobs, manded until tomorrow, |S BIGGEST LAND DEAL IN WEST Million and Half Cash Paid Down for dealing with fractions and) Avenue, Transferred Yesterday| for Special Immigration Scheme sinall areas of timber on the is-| for Consideration of $23,000—|! Planned by Canadian Northern lands or along the coast. $ Local Syndicate Buys. Railway. i Two of the finest unoccupied A. R. Davidson, agent for the 180 TION lots on Second avenue were yes-!Canadian Northern Railway land LA terday disposed of through the department, has just closed the agency of 8. Harrison & Co., also largest land deal for which cash HOSPITAL Mr. Lee Baker of Westenhaver,was paid that has ever been con- Bros., for $23,000. The lots are;summated in Western Canada. Nos. 5 and 6, block 20, Second|The land, which comprises 500,- situated next to They avenue, and are Question of Site Must Be Referred Scnanrison & GOCE Omhan, to Dr. Fagan—Medical Health Officer Expects a Good Deal of were purchased by a local syn- licate, Delay Over the Matter. mente : ; Scat ens So far nothing definite has IMPORTANT been done regarding a site for the) ay), importanee of the strat- proposed’ isolation hospital for egic positions of the sections of the city. Dr, Reddie, the medical this ais living aan in nua health officer, this morning men- proximity th Haba Greek Gainat tone ee “pee yy eonpeersaaten? be overestimated in face of the oF ’ sa on we " . ™ lea enormous potentialities arising 10. OF BER, | ED PovInelal) from the construction of the dry health officer, at Victoria, as cer- tain details regarding such insti- tutions are very particularly garded by Dr. Fagan and any mis- dock, now assured creation, To the an Lake OD them might mean the en-| \yich will mean much to him in| tire his orders of the build- ina nonwrfutinal ing to his orders. | Have you ever stopped to con-| e wee |sider the demand for houses and} COUNCIL TONIGHT property that will be created the) ee moment active construction 1s started on the new dock. The very best buy today for the small outlay is undoubtedly Sec- Billiard, Saloon and Milk Bylaws Will Be Discussed With Other Matters. investor or working man} with smatl available capital there} jis an opportunity offered to grasp} 000 acres, was sold to an English syndicate, whose names for the present are withheld, for a price linvolving over $1,500,000. The property lies in the Humboldt district, a large acreage of which }is in the near vicinity of the main line of the Canadian Northern Railway. A large portion lies 15 miles east of Rosthern and north of Bruno, Howell and Vonda, It is the intention of the purchasers to bring out young English and \Scotch farmers, whom they will |assist in putting the land under | cultivation. CROWDING To ‘CANADA | Immigration Supt. Looks for Rush from the South. Special to Daily News.) | Ottawa, Feb. 6.—W. J. White, | superintendent of Canadian im- migration agencies in the United states there an increase number of States, Is | oer TED tions 7 and 8, jot 30 per cent. in the Asked this morning if there Mr. Frank a Ellis will sell by} railway cars booked in the United was any special matter to come!public auction on the easiest of| States by people who propose to up before Couneil this evening,|terms, sixty picked lots in Sec-| migrate to Canada. He antici- the Mayor remarked that no|tion 8, at the Empress theatre,)pates a corresponding increase in special matters fall to be consid-|Thursday night, Feb. 8th, at 8/the number of new arrivals from ered freshly tonight, but the Bil-| p.m lacross the border during the liard Saloon bylaw and the Milk Don’t miss this chance as fifty; present season, bylaw both come up for consider-| dollars will put you In posse pnlon| $$ —______—__— ation, There may be more inter-|of property which will most as-| For Sale. esting matters, but the Mayor did} suredly increase greatly in value Furniture of four-room house. not know of them today. jin the near future. 2t |Apply F. D. Keeley. tf “Sidewalk Bee.” \ large foree of volunteer Convention workmen, organized by George |Frizzell into a “sidewalk bee, last evening placed a walk be-} ‘ tween Eighth and Ninth streets é fi ; “coh ie and Third avenue. Members of A convention of British Columbia Liberals will be held at the Gounecil can now with safety O'Brien's Hall, Hastings street, Vancouver, on February 29th, land comfort pass along one side 1912, Upon purchasing a first-class ticket to Vancouver via jof Third avenue in that neleRnars c, P. R. and obtaining at the time of purchase from the t serve » condition s : : Rods er ab _ z be 00 ticket agent a standard certificate, and upon the signing of f the thoroughfare, , 5 , : , ¥ ’ ‘ ‘ | this certificate by the Secretary of the Convention, the holder Choicest liquors and cigars | will be entitled to a return ticket at one-thtrd the usual fare, Savoy. | of Liberals er ee