P Ix X!.:.:ran from Calgary, Ed- ItCIO THE DAILY JTEWi w - Seagram's Famous Brands SEAGRAM "VA" Priect for 2j ox. C!Ai :R.AM3 "KING'S PLATE trttki range SEAGRAM'S "OLD RVE" from J J. J J to Jj.JJ litis advertisement Is not published ol dupltyed by the Liquor Control uoara or dy me uovenuneni oi unii&n wuumoia. htSINO BISTERS WAITING ued from rage One) u 1 uruunj uciiciut )iwu- And It is the most won- hi rxscrlence In the world." bs if he nursing sisters' homes t near Ontario' but there w from other parts of Can- tr.J urainca in uniano ana L: r 1 wit h the Canadian Nurs- Men In this province. M-Kenzle from Pictor liUrLran from Charlottetown .jEfsr.cr Purdy. daughter of G. tvi7 Member of Parliament for -a, Lrm a Martlme trio In the In from Medicine Hat. Mar- i-rt w . taite:- from uegma and Kr-gln from Prince Rupert r ' .he west ' four recruits will Join the Li f ursing sisters before they leave for overseas duty to complete the quota of 80 nurses allotted to the first division. . Quartered at Grace Fntltlr1 tn 9 lieutenant' n.lv nf i? ir.ay be too old to go to1.. ,u. u.vm .h ,ie Nursing Sister Ruth -iw nf si to a dav appear In mufti, however, and, LEAFS LEAD IN SOCCER - Defeated Reaver 3 to 1 In King Edward School Football . Yesterday's football game in the King Edward School League pro vlded another very hard fought game with the Maple Leafs coming from behind to win 0ver the Beavers by three goals to one. After good combination Holke- stad opened the score for the Beavers with a good goal. The Leafs fought hard and from a pen alty awarded against Murray for handling Bartlett equalized the score. The second half found the Leafs dangerous but Bagshaw cleared. Malrs kept a good goal and was unlucky when a shot from Wilson Just got over the line before he caught it. He had no chance at all with a fine cross shot from Pll- ford. This ended the scoring leav ing the Leafs winning three goals to one. Teams: Maple Leafs J. Prince; Bagshaw, Blake; Ness, Rothwell. Bart lett. w Orimble; Pat " Wilson. Hansen. hUk tvh.n h.v nnvf ...v.. ..v .-v ........ ...v ...... .. Dk.nn,r T and injured soldiers are already be ing cared for. There are few restrictions ret out for the girls other than the usual nursing code. They may not when attending formal functions, they murt wear their dress. unl-' , taf forms, similar to their service blue jm . t Wanderers uniiwmj. oniy in ngiii wwi material and must always wear their veil head-dres When off duty hey may wear their recreation three-piece navy wool suit with soft -brimmed tailored hat greatcoat In navy when appearing n nubile I Miss Edith Kergln R.N, Is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. L. W Kergln of Prince Rupert). la Jmm- Cm CtJtfetnra' 9 inner Cook it THIS Year on an ELECTRIC RANGE W hay a chelc el various malt, boti all Uctrle aid 'cemblnatlen. You will k cut lo UnJ en I mt Tour itqulrtmint. Ear tns on all mod!. An automatic oUctrle roatlr cook a compUlo mal lot tlx ptrion. Us vrr lit" iili (pact. Fullr !ntu!atL clan and ay lo u. Ual for picnic or uromr cottag. A tpltndld Chriitma Gilt. Eay Urm availabl. it Pllfold. . . . . t . . V4 lis , vs. uiviu. sv Murray: L. Husoy. Woods. Holke stad, Bye. Ormlston. Bond. Referee, J. S. Wilson; linesmen. M. Teng, J. Davles, W. Rothwell. . League Standing W D L F A Beavers 4 1 1 15 5 3 1 1 11 6 0 0 5 3 18 Hockey Scores National League Chicago 0, Americans 4. Detroit 1. Boston 3. 'I SPORT CHAT The boys of the Booth Memorial High School Boxing Club are to be congratulated on their sponsoring of the wrestling and boxing snow in the Moose Hall Saturday night. It was a good display every bout of the manly arts. It deserved a wg- eer measure of support than It got There have been many pugilistic hows here not nearly its equal Most people ads. Do you? This year, have a finer, tastier Christmas dinner than ever before, Cook it with electricity. You'll be amazed at the speed, economy and coolness of an electric range ; and even more amazed at the lack of shrinkage in ' meats. Electric cooking is sure and easy. You merely put the complete dinner in the oven, set the timer and rest assured that everything will be cooked to a turn. And ' the cost is only half a cent per meal per person. Let us tell you how easy it is to own one of these modern time, money and labour-saving electric ranges. A small down payment will put one in your kitchen now or hold it for you until Christmas. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED tea a trnr classified i LADIES' BOWLING Ilex Scored Clean Sweep Over Knox Hotel Other Games By Two To One Margin Rex defeated Knox Hotel three eames to nil In the Ladles' Bowl ing League last night and Maple which di;v out large crowds oi. Leafs, Blue Biras ana Hangers; roarine fans. Undoubtedly, an- won over Annettes, Big Sisters and other such card, possibly more timely arranged and with some revision of the price scale, would draw i biz house. The boys themselves ild well in the boxing bouts and thet wrestling bout between Private Sun pressing and Wilson hit the cross neison oi me uanau bar. Ormlston and Holkestad were ana i-Tanx rwger u Merchantettes respectively by scores of two to one. High average scorer was Mrs. P. Peterson with 203. Last night's scores: Annettes Basso-Bert Stone Maple Leafs McLeod Smith . Arney , Ingram , '. La Belle Handicap .. Total . Big Sisters Pierce Turgeon Boulter Hartwig Keron . Blaln Handicap Totals . ...Merchantettes Moss Madlll Morrison Johnson Hunt Fritz Brasell .. Yager Handicap Total BOB'S 164 .121 1 i ..203 123 193 154 148 65 8X9 1 B. Gomez 128 E. Bond M. Dickens 129 E. Rothwell 81 V. Alexander 170 M. Bond 86 Handicap 90 Totals 691 Bluebirds 1 .....155 521 197 ...ill 128 - 16 9!8 1 .114 141 .125 .119 .127 Handicap 161 Total . 797 , Rangers , . 1 Petersen 145 Yager 92 Wharton 85 Morrison' 142 Dalrymnle Woodside Asemlssen 69 : Handicap 106 Totals . 639 ' R- i E. Bury 162 E. Bury ...1 114 Eastman 151 Wesch 156 Croxford . 223 Handicap 87 Total ......913 Knox Hotel 1 McKeown ... 174 Scharff 149 ...148 -.187 .119 83 .860 2 117 152 wa, a very creditable squinn c- :.UI 138 Tnese dojs snouia ju.. m. i better gate and they say mat tne Dens Scots nave even a supejjvit iu n Private Darrow Thompson who -elereed the Saturday night affair. Incidently. the falls Saturday night wer; first, arm iocs oj neison; second, body press by Folger; third, shoulder press by Nelson. In the Pacific Coast Hockey, League Vanrouver Lion and Port-i land Buckaroos appear to be em- rglng as the contenders for this winter's first place honors. They are now tied for the leadership with' five wins and four losses each while the third team in the circuit, Seattle Sea Hawks, are slumped Into the cellar with three wins and five loss-s. That Is the picture following the two to nIL shut-out of the Sea Hawks by the Buckaroos at Seattle Saturday night. The race In the Pacific northwest International dl vision continues interesting. Mon day night the tie between the Lions tnd Buckaroos remained unbroken is a result of a two all overtime tie game at Vancouver. 118 213 Handicap .. 54 Totals 821 141 123 54 725 2 121 239 216 103 215 65 959 2 154 105 150 161 142 90 802 2 203 174 127 95 164 16 779 2 51 103 84 123' 134 161 661 2 110 106 887 2 148 K 153 85 190 87 807 89 92 142 96 74 83 576 Beauty Parlor Next to Q. & S. Grocery Phone 348 Bob Ritchie FRESH SHRIMP Boat W.S.L. Daily at 4 p.m. TROTIER'S.DOCK C. Thomson returned to the IS. city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a brief business trip 3 . 125 193 160 148 106 54 786; 3 91! 162 166 110 172 65 766 3 197 124 107 145 138 90 801 3 172 162 152 111 178 42 817 3 147 158 138 130 138 161 872 3 2tf. ,221 496 158 124 106 134 149 134 106 902 3 179 152 123 222 189 87 952 3 166 99 125 136 97 83 706 CUssiHEO SALESMEN WANTED SALESMAN wanted to call on grocer);, drug, hardware stores in Prince Rupert and district. Must ; be well connected with trade. Commission basis. State territory covered. Replies confidential. Box 26. Prince Rupert News. (290) to Vancouver. Angus Mclvor of the fisheries patrol servile returned to the city O D. Wetterstrand. who .has been located here for the past few yeari as Inspector oh the Canadian NaJ tlonal Railways, division engineer' staff, and Mrs. Wetterstrand will leave on this evening's train for Victoria to which city Mi. Wetter strand has been transferred: tit on the PrlnceB.uperKthis morning the engineering service of therall-1 rrom a tnp to Vancouver. way. "THE EXCLUSIVE" 4 Ladies1 Ready to Wear Mrs. II. S. Parker Moving to New Store on Third Avenue Next to Daily News Office A Perfect Gift For Xmas . . v A STUXM.NG WINTER COAT Plain tailored style or fur trimmed, all idling during these specials at greatly reduced, prices. ALSO FUR COATS Plain Black Seal or Silver Pox or Bombay Lamb trimming. LADIES' HANDBAGS English .Morocco. Patent Leather or soft Kid in a nice variety of shades. Also wonderful display -of cmtume jewelry. Call In and make your choice while they last. ' Phon 651 UNION onscdes Ji e f Bulkley Valley Turkeys -H I: i uirectrrom ine Farm : If you want a good Turk?? from the Bulkley Valley place your crderpnpwi,.The supply is limited but thej prjce. is right.. Clasr Number 1 birds at 0r a pound. Bulkley Market THIRD AVENUE For warm comfortable borne- all purposes Furnace Cook Stove Heaters. Our coal has the highest heat content so start enjoying its comforts by filling your bin now. Philpott Evitt & Go. Ltd. STEAMSHIPS Pbone 652 LTD. SPECIAL REDUCED WINTER EXCURSION FARES Including all meals and berth accomodation TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN From PRINCE RUPERT From Port Simpson $39.75 $36.00 (Reduced Rates Fare and one half also apply to Vancouver from Intermediate points.) Children (Five years of age and under twelve) Half Fare Tickets on Sale from November 1st, 1939 to Febrary 29th, 1910 Good to return up to March 31st 1940 Steamers . Leave Prince Rupert Ar. Vancouver;-., S.S. .CATALA Every Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Thursday a.m. iJ; CARD EN A Every Friday 10:30 pan. Monday a.mi "Tickets and Reservations from V N.B. S.S, "Cardena will leave Prince Rupert Friday, De- cember 15th at 9;00 p.m. instead of 10:30 p.m. arriving Vancouver 9:00 p.m. Sunday. N.B. Those Intending passage on the "Catala" leaving Prince Rupert December 19th are advised to make bookings ?OW. Prince Rupert Agent (FRANK J. SKINNER) Third Ave. Phone Mi It Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Phone 178 l7i0ii!ni9i0inmmxijsij!tinTniiMfAa,M.tt! Coal Coal Coal Nanaimo-Weilingtpri "We Know cur 3 J M J . . IT J. J. - Foothills Bulkley Vailey ivatwftwiijy: stoke up with our carefully J.C SfrefTfCt selected coaL We stock coal for