PAGE TWO . ,THS DAILY 1TEW9 "Campacs" THE LATEST & FINEST SUMMER SHOES ON THE MARKET See the new thick crepe sole with steel arch for lightness and fitting qualities. DAILY. EDITION Priced $3.45 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes EDITORIAL building Is the huge picture of three weeks Monday, July 17, 1939. DRUNKEN DRIVERS Vancouver is about to make war on drunken drivers. In that they will receive the backing of the public. The same would be true in Prince Rupert. A number of persons who had caused damage as a result of driving when intoxicated have been charged with some lesser offence because of the difficulty of proving that a man is intoxicated. If all were given a chemical test it would easily solve the problem. The .test should be given whether the suspected person wishes it or not. INTEREST IN HIGHWAY Evidently there is greater interest being taken in the highway leading out of Prince Rupert than has been tak-. .en for many years. It is reasonable to expect that this , highway should be built soon. If it is desirable for the f safety of the United States that a highway be built to Al aska, it surely should be desirable to Canada that way be built to Prince Itupert The authorities seem tc .be awakening to this fact and the result should be benefit ial ;to this city. OTJIER CITIES TOO Prince Rupert is .not the only place where it is difficult to get huge crowds out regularly to watch sports or games. The Sentinel of Kamloops complains that no longer ;do the people turn out in large numbers as they once did. Instead of fitting in the sun and broiling and waiting long periods while the races are organized, they now jump into the family car and go off to some quiet spot and have a family picnic beneath the shade of trees and perhaps by the side of a beautiful stream. Sports and games have their places and we should do all we can to encourage them but times are different frorr what they were a generation ago and we all change with the times. This week there is a sports program at the water-front and we suggest that this is a good occasion to ser something worth while in the way of sports events if we can Deneve tne promoters, everyone should see the re gatta on Thursday afternoon. Told People About Rupert K. Hallberg Was Delegate To Valhalla, Gathering At Helena, Montana Taking advantage of his position as delegate from Prince Rupert to the Valhalla Grand Lodge at Helena, Montana, Knut Hall- people of that city know that this city was on the map and, both In speech and newspaper Interview, told all he knew about his home town. In return for this he Manager Of Local Theatre Is Going To Niagara Falls Taking East with him a hand some twenty-Inch slate minature Eagle totem pole which will b presented to N. L. Nathanson, president of the company, as 4 souvenir of the extreme western week-end, says that he let the SSJSS which extends all across Canada to Halifax at the east and which will also send a memento, D, G. Borland, .manager of the Capitol Theatre here, will leave on Wednesday evening's train for Niagara Va lie Hnf nrln in o tfoH o aam to tell Prince promised Rupert yentk)n of tneatre managera of people about Helena. the Famous Puayers. The conven- Mr. Hallberg says that Helena iijtlon will mark the twenty-first a beautiful city In a beautiful country.. It Is the capital of the tate of Montana with a fine capltol building. A feature of the birthday 0t the company and will bring together all Famous Players executives In Canada. Mr. .Borland expects U be away for two or Clark meeting the Indians, Clark having been the leader of the Five thousand Prlnct, Rupert Lewis and Clark expedition. people read the Dally News. It Helena has many beautiful pays to let them know what jrou homes and gardens. It Is a mining have to sell, centre and also there Is a fine m. cattle country around It. Many ' " Scandinavians live there and they ore celebrating their Jubilee and were much Interested In the Scan- the residents are allowing their dlnavlan settlement In Prince Rup- beards to grow and are generally ert. Among the prominent people Imitating the days of the first Mr. Hallberg met an ex-governor, settlement. Mr. Hallberg evidently Just now the people of Montana enjoyed his trip very much. YACHT CUP grounds RACING ON DrawmgMany S, Kingston' Annie J. Lead Way Arth- Week With MrCly- In First Tin Ton Cun Events n,0,,t ,ark Principal Outre Ivanhoe (Skipper, M. M. Lamb),' 1 hour. 51 minutes, 8 seconds. 2 points. Rupertla (Skloper, Carl Glazle), damaged, 1 point A new member of the club, Carl Glazle, had bad luck In Ids first attempt with the Rupertla, purchased from A. J. Croxford. The damage, although easily repaired m the next attempt. Keep up to ilalf. Advertise SOFTBALL TONIGHT G:30 3? vs. UpsetCs Moose vs. Grotto ttHEO BOARD AND ROOR1 BOARD, Oood home cooking, 814 2nd. Avenue West. tf. CONNECTIONS WANTED WEST African Importers and exporters seek connections with Canadian producers or manufacturers. 8amples, offers for merchandise of all descriptions, principally fish products, and terms solicited. The Colonial Fisheries, Limited, Benyiwah House, Wln-neba, Gold Coast, British West Africa. tf. FOK8ALE MONARCH Range including oil burner, coal And wood heater, rug, etc. Apply Mrs. W, J, Ncl-,son, 417 Agnew Place. Phone Green 390. U. FOE RENT CLEAN, well-furnlshed .modern ap artments. Phone .Red 444. (156) FOR RENT 5 room flai, 725 Fras- er Street, Phone Oreen 378. tf TENDERS WANTED TENDERS wanted jiot later ihan July 20 for construction of concrete basement. .Lowest or any tender not .necessarily accepted. Particulars at Collar t St McCaf-fery Ltd. (165) Of Interest The first of the race? of the Prince Rupert Model Vacht Club Gvro club's supervised play- for the Tip Top Cup was run off Brounds have concluded another Saturday afternoon and resulted successful week of activities wltn in a win for 8. Kingston with the McClyrriont Park .and its swimming Annie J. Harry Gawthorne with 5UU aracung tne larges-the Ivahhoe was second juid A. J. number of children. Croxford with the Tyee was third. Tne total attendance for the The races are run on d plan by past weck was 1550 wltn 716 which each boat entering gets on? UlPSe attending McClymont Park, point The boats also get a point The enrolment totals 380 children, for everv other boat beaten In .Anions other activities. Seal Cove children. 20 of them, walked the race. As a result of Saturday's rase. S. Kingston has seven points M urassy uay under the sup-II. Gawthorn has six points and A. "vision ot Miss Jean Kraiue for J. Croxford has five points. It Is a Plcnlc while the younger boys planned to run off six races al- ot Westview, under Miss Jean together so that boats which were Cameron, held a model yacht race not among the leaders In Satur- at Mors Cr Winners of the day's races have every chance of race wer: flrst. Allen Hart wig-makUig up points. second. Jimmy Forman. ! The wind at the start was fresh nfNoteworfthy w" enlevement th wh but died down and the secon-1 lr?ors r?" had succeeded in and third legs were sailed at a 2? Iclow rate. Willi stronger winds I" there might be a considerable dlf. J"1" fU PGround.. " jerence In the order of finishing J thatfHsom,f ta in the other races, the next of J toe. bad language and iris ,whlch Is planned for next Satur- jjratlfy ng T f finr -w rat n Aris4 nns a nr t Vi '.hl'dren on the supervised play grounds. Baseball Scores SATURDAY'S SCOItF.S National League Cincinnati 8, New York 4. Pittsburg 2, Brooklyn 6. Chicago 5, Philadelphia 8. St. Louis 3, Boston 7. American League New York 10, Detroit 7. Philadelphia 3, Chicago 7. Boston 9, Cleveland 5. Washington 7. St. Louis 8. SUNDAYS SCOItKS National League ClncinnaU 0-3, Boston 3-4. Chicago 9-0, Brooklyn 2-4. St Louis 3, New York I.. Pittsburg 2-7. Philadelphia 3-3, ' American League New YorkjT8,- Cleveland 2-3.- Washington 2-3, (Jhicago 3-6. Boston 9-3, (Detroit 2-0. PhiladelohL'i 7.5 Kf Tnl ii.? twelfth, darkness). CANADA IN DAVIS CUP Potential Ability in Tennis Squad Playing Cubans at Havana By JACK CALDEK Canadian Press Staff Writer TORONTO, July 17: (CP)-Can ada's noble tennis experiment be gins Wednesday beneath the blue skies of Havana when an eager group of youngsters -takes on the Cuban Davis Cup team. . .No member of the 1939 Canadian Davis Cup squad was ranked In the Dominion last year but each of the four represents the type of player the Canadian Lawn TennL Association wants In Its plans for the futurean enthusiastic young ster of potential ability. The four are Bruce Hall, Phi! Pearson and Bill Pedlar of Torontc and Ellis Tarsrus of Montreal. At 24, Tarshts Is the oldest member of the team. Hall, University of Toronto divinity student, Is 23 and Pearson and Pedlar, who grew up together on Vancouver's public courts, are 19 and 18 respectively. The quartet supplants four of the pest players developed In Canada In the last decade Bobby Murray and Laird Watt of Montreal, Ross Wilson of Toronto and Doug Cameron of Vancouver. Murray, Watt Wilson and Cameron retired from cup .contention In favor pf others after their defeat In all five matches with Japan in last year's .first round. For Build.Up No one looks for as much of this new team as was expected Jn the 1938 squad. The experience and power Just aren't there. Watt, ranked No. 1 In the country last year, showed he can beat any of the Jour when he won the Quebec title recently, defeating Hall easily in semi-finals and Tarshis in the finals. The bottom fell out of Immediate Canadian cup team plans when Watt decided to concentrate pn his public accountancy work, Murray on a Job, as a legal adviser in business, Wilson on law and Cameron trying to line up. a position In the east. The C.L.T.A.' was fated then with Chew Doublemlnt Cum reftularly as millions do! You'll love Its coollnfc, lonft-lasting flavor. It's so ftood for you, too helps keep teeth bright and attractive, Imparts a pleasant breath, and aids digestion. Healthful delichnisrefrtshlnil Enjoy It after every meal! ament star or lose to a mediocre entrant Hall made the most sensational rise of the four. He spilled Lewis Duff of Montreal In the Ontario, George Robinson and Roger Durl-vage of Montreal In the Canadian and Joe ailara of Montreal In the Quebec to climb from practical ob scurity to a team position. HU ?ame has gained In force and accuracy to an amazing degree. ' There are weaknesses In this team more perhaps than the C.LXA. would like to admit. Pearson Is weak on ground strokes and Ped-'ar Inconsistent at the net. Hall 'acks a service return to combat the 1 )est and Tarshis needs to be en-oylng a good day. I But this Is the itart of Canada's ' Oavt? Cup rebuilding plan. It Is, not this year's team or next year's,' ivwiciauun is constaering. ff the teams three and four years from now 'are strong the progrnm vlll be rated a success. Harry Todd Is Golf Champion OKLAHOMA CITY- July 17. Harry Todd, 22 year old Dallas Citv champion, defeated Larry Molleri of Qulncy. Illinois, two and one, to1 win the western amateur coif. tournament 36-hole final was a nip and tuck nur wjui me icaa changing i hands frequently. Todd finally' wore down bis opponent to win on I the thirty-fifth hole. hC Todd and Moller, survivors of all new of 187, had been conceded only an outside chance to get past the'' quarter finals. Phones 18 Si 19 P.O. Box 575 Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents-Have you tried our CASH COUPON SYSTEM? You re-celve dishes, silverware and valuable premiums suitable for gifts. Why not start now at no extra cost to you? Opposite Canadian Legion a Mere's a real treat ! qenuine peppermint of WRlGLtY S DOUBLEMINT GUM rrPN S v ju: 4UM Davis Cuppers as wrignt, crocxer. wno lh n,iuh mn ctor Ralnvllle, Nunns and Martin used plgwn Routine champlwwhlp he), iu we. iic .Botiiiuti h'"u'c wjthji score of 98 out ol a pomvm thrown open and It was announced J00 the team would be chosen from showings In the Ontario. Canadian and Quebec championships. Pedlar and Pearson, a rollicking pair with terrific overhead and service shots, earned their berths by reaching the doubles final In each was enough to put the ship out of (jsetond called end pf theuabie to knocJ down a bIg onm. the running for this race but It will undoubtedly do much better of the three eastern tournaments. In the Ontario and Dominion tourneys they were beaten by United States combinations and In the Quebec by Watt and Gordon Mac-Nell of Montreal. Tarihls and Hall are dead-serious singles players. They concentrated on singles assignments and won them by knocking off more highly .rated Canadians. Tarshis gained new .recognition by defeating Don McDiarmld of Ottawa, a high-placed contender. In the Quebec semi-finals. A plodder and possessor of a game that can oull aggressive tennis apart, be Is FOOTBALL SCORING SUMMARY ChrUtiton, Navy. 11. II. Dickrn. Vtlvrl. 9. IL Smith. Nivy. 5. Ititrhle. Vthrt, 4. Vlnk, Velret. 4. Crow, Laundry. 4. Davie, Navy, 3. A: Smith, Laundry, Z. Vance. Laundry, t HnlkctUd, Vflvtt, 1 Armstrong, Navy, 2. Cameron, Velvet, 2. Baker, Velvet. 2. Kerguton, Velvet, 2. Kaatman, Navy, 1. Mc.Meekln, Navy, 1. Slmundien, Laundry, I. Gillies, Velvet. 1. HolkeiUd, Velvet I. Keay, Navy. 1. Morgan, Navy. 1. Parson, Velvet, I, Houston. laundry, 1. I). Comer, Velvet, 1. Krrori Greer, U.C.N.V.It, I. Monday T flavor .--JfefeJ day- ..... cessation of this practice. It Is In a Prb,em of building from the KKF.KT WINNER All boats started at 3 nours zu I(.h ,,. thot u fnimH nrnn, bottom, of finding newcomers wno nn . v rir Juitf vt- iCP- C minutes 57 seconds, ineir oraer or cf beneficial trainlne of the m "v mlht " KOOa Fear, of England, a former hU- finishing, their times and the numbers of points were as Annie J (Skipper. S. Kingston), 1 hour. 21 minutes, 3 seconds. 7 points, Invader (Skipper, H. Oawthorn). hour, 22 minutes, 3 seconds. 6 points. : Tyee (Skipper, A. J. .Croxford),) 1 hour, 28 minutes, 38 seconds. 5 points, ' Sheila (Skipper, Jack McRae), 1 hour, 33 minutes, 37 seconds. 4 points. Saucy Lass (Sklppes, M. ' Mc- Kemie), 1 hour, 38 minutes, 8-seconds. 3 points. ( Letter Box SKIILNA nSIIWt.MAX BAM. Daily News I Mt by your paprr white aprtnes at K ,4gttt ewli a pound a, -1 ? !On the 9kcena R JflOr cent a pound tuA emu Th river w;i. far 4 ring ftohlng get all the r.-d tnr the tore MRU and white trn The i ipaper h. M thr experimental experiment wltn K' JcBy fun and devil f don't experiment Ther leave that to MacKenzie's Furniture PILLOWS From, each IJAHY SWINGS From, each 95c Complete. KIKSCII CURTAIN HOD Each 327 Third Avenue t sum and bookkeeper A r ao a lat run of v k tne Fraaef mey w- -c . to SO around Vaiif. li "-from WtU that wm spaw the Skeena ha ;. i Ml damped Into Frax" Ut I took me a long time ' U'j T thai because I only vtS a every ten years TOM YOUNO Skeena River F The Morning After Taking GrtersLWe UverPitlS t ta FANCY CUSHIONS j gQ a a Wf vuv 81.60 25c Phone 3j championship. The yWAVWA'Aw.vv -www-wwj'.V' ------ w - m nfw and COLD CURED ICE For the Halibut and Saimon Fleetf Following the investigations, of the Fisheries Research Station, the Company has Just completed extensive clianges and Improvements in ice storage and Ice delivery methods. Ice for the boats will ail be ,old Ice, thoroughly tured or aged at new low temperatures! It will be delivered Into the hold, even In the hottest weather, n cold a sloragt room. Fishermen are Invited to Inspect the new system. Better Ice than ever before, at no Increase in cost, means economf to the boat and Improved quality in fish delivery, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert UA DrtUh oiowW