y d July 17, IMP. ff E Drake sailed last night Mr Minnaker and Infant daugh-1 , in calata for a brief buAlne jr left Balurday night for their ?hi Arrandale. . home In M&awtt. The child wail it, t- Hudema returned to the ( ,, the Prince Charlotte this ii' from trip to Vancouver. M, HMe Ueverldge returned city on the Cutala last "...,. from a lslt to Vancouver s, , .wwhere in the south. M Duialda Rlx left on Batur-d... tr Arrandale where she will ? -hr truest of MUs Nancy Walker. ...... uur of ihe cannery manager. M p McCaffery Ailed Saturday ii, (- on Ue Prince Rupert for a ., Vancouver and elsewhere In M v- Kay Watson conducted an : , n wvt! evening service In First r -bywruu) Church Ujrt night t' :,.i- ihe pastor. Rev. Jl, O, Fun-relieving In First I . (TlUOMf I 1 COHMUHICAJKMt I HOItU I Dorn recently In the prince Ruptrt Oeneral Hospital, Mri. Lee Bethurrro of Uk left by PrIHov ....... I.. ... . .,- Ru. manager of the Im-jturn to the Interior after a vUlt at r, .a ui w . b. .v oniHurr point, Porcher Wand, with her t aula, for a brief trtp to, brother. Oeorae And Arthur Alger, f- . rt and abler. Mr. K. L. Jlnuh. Dr I W Kergln returned to the city on 8unday night's train afUr spending ihe week-end at Lakelse Lake. Mrs. Kerxln Is soendine a couple of weeks at Ukelse a the guest of Mrs. E. T. Kenney and Miss Florence Watt. Constable W. .Currle of the city police sailed Flday night on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver on escort duty, having In his custody Walter Parnejl of Massett. sentenced to three years' imprisonment with ten lashes for attempted rob- bery' under .arms of a fUh camp at' Parry Passage. Oraham Island, nd Tliomas Esplln. who will servr three montlM for Vagrancy Kvcry Sot Completely Bcrviced and (luarpnttttl In Good Order :u Tube model RE4S. Victor Radio phonograph combln- anM S60.00 .Olube model D10. Victor Radio phonograph comblna-',.,1. with short and long wave radio. One Q4 OCT AA ' r RwwUlf flmn (nr lJIIUlvU 7 'ube model R49. R OA Victor console jdio A bargain for COAL Grain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. 1'hnne is and SSt S37.50 T ACT QUICK FOR REAL BARGAINS C ube model K02-Oeneral Electric console QfO Oil O'iU.UU fadl.. Cuttoler T ube Rogers Short and Long Wave console model. With E.- tric clock. 2.UU Q?? HO A tans, at We Have a Numler of Used Table .Models from SIO.(H) up. Fully Reconditioned. Hargain Radios for Every Requirement Rest Value lowest Prices Kasy Terms MaeMvsMd NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. garelli Proprietor -A II0MK AWAY HtO.M IIO.MIT lutes sua np SO Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rnpert, B.C. PhenelSl P.O. Bos I9t CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atluntlc Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports S3, ntiNCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 pjn. To Vancouver Direct SB. PRINCESS LOUISE S.S. PRINCESS ALICE July 5th, 15th. 26th July 8th, 10th, 29th BR PRINCESS CHARLOTTE July 22nd Aug. 2nd Direct Connections at Vancouver .with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W I. COAXES. General Agent. Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. 4 Steamera Leava Prince Rupert for Vancouver; T.R.H. CATALA EVERY TUES' T.S.S. CARUENA FRIDAY, MAY, lilt prn. 10U0 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. ajn. Due Vancouver, Monday a-m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From HlANK J. BKINNEU. Prince 4Uipvrt Agent. Third Ave, riione 568 ternoon's train and sailed on the .Prince Charles that evening for Queen Charlotte City to spend a 'month visiting with his son-in-law and daughter. Dr. and Mrs. D. T-McColL While here, Dr. Johnson conducted the baptism of Oyendo-lyn ltabeth, Infant daughter of Rev. and Mrs. H. G. Fujvston. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central C. W. Beamish. Stewart; C. B. Lawsey. C.N.R.; L. R. London, Tulsa, Oklahoma; Dan E. Feray, Beaumont, Texas; C. B. Flewln, Port Slmnson: C. Anderson. Sunnyslde: J. Anderson and N. Schelnman,! city: Oeorge A. Wallace. Burlin-game. Cal.: Eunice Woods, Lyla Scott and Mrs. Allda Scott, Exstew. Prince Rupert j Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bejanger, Mrs. J. Hanson, L. A. Bullen, Jack BaU kin, J. O'Connor, Vic Oarnham, p. R. Elsey, Hugh Brocklngton, V. A. Rollins and H. P. Cahlll, Vancouver; Hon. Dr. O. M. Weir, Henry WhUtaker, L. W. Patmore. Oeorge J. Alexander and L. W. Stephenson, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Vose, Oklahoma City; L. E. Uttle-wood. Bath, England; B. H. Little- wood, Worthing, England; Mrs. Martin Miller, city; A. J. Whltmore, Ottawa; J. Rukln and family and Mark Rukln, Georgetown; T. A. McMartln, Smlthers; Mr. and .Mrs. Oeorge Hobson, New York; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Paalen and Miss Eva Sulzer, Paris; W. T. Esselmont, Stewart; Dan Feray, Beaumont, Texas; Fred Nash, Terrace; Grace M. Bedford, .Port Simpson; John R. Leonard. Tulsa, Oklahoma; H. W. Chambers, Klemtu; Mr. and Mrs. C. Sawyer, .Amsbury; lr. and Mrs. J. L. Hunsperger, Telkwa; Mary Simpson and June Simpson. Glasgow; J. Berg, Winnipeg; E. E. Mason, Port Eslngton. Royal F. Jackson, S. O. Moberg, B. Westman, J. Cheykarda, Oeorge Wlilpple and Thomas A. Kelley, Vancouver; P. Pllskto, Edmonton. .THt DAILT JTVWB LOCAL NEWS NOTES li L. .. .1 D. Cavaljer called Saturday on the Prince Rupert for Van Fpr prompt .and courteous ser vice Phone 13 Taxi. If, I i 1 1 i a a - At. i a . m I j . mm - A a Miss Edna Vickers sailed afternoon on the Princess for Vancouver whence she will proceed to England where she Is to be married. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vickers. Miss Vickers has lived here since early girlhood and for some years has been a valued member of the local school teaching staff. PATTULLO WILL FLY Premier To Visit Ottawa And Return Via Mackenzie And Peace KJver ' VICTORIA, July 17: (CP) Premier T. P. Pattullo plans a 15,001 mile aerial Jaunt .next month, fly-lag to Ottawa for the Liberal party dinner In honor of Prime Min ister William Lyon Mackenzie King. Returning he will vlsll tK Mackenzie .River basin and the Peace River district, probably calling at his home seat of Prlnee Rupert. The Premier did not mention the object of Uie northern flight but last year when he proposed the Yukon annexation he said sohv northwest territory should be b eluded. Announcements All advertisement la tills eol-cmn will be charged for. a fall mouth At 25c word. Prince Rupert Regatta and Dance July 20. Lutheran Tea Leland's August Hospital Bazaar, October ,4. Catholic Bazaar Qctoper 11. 13. "Crescent Canadian Shows" Big' ger and Better. Dance every Thursday, East End Hall Legion Women's Auxiliary Bazaar November 3. CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK MISS YURI Dressmaker Ladlei and Children's Alterations Moderate Price Phone GREEN HI 727 FRASER ST. Miss Phyllla Hill-Tout' sailed laat night pn the Gatela for a vlalt In Stewart- Mrs. K. Amren sailed this morning on the Princess Charlotte for Dawson to Join her husband who is employed there. Mi9. r. VUiu jemrnea w tne aiyi ian Macaunaia wyea oamroay i w R n JOhntn and m Ken- on the Prince Rupert Saturday ev- evening on the Prlnee Charles tor Mihi Saturday nigW on the enlng from a trip to .Stewart. Civic HU Holiday, Thursday, July 20! Be sure Ut .visit the ' Waterfrgnt and view the jtegalta. 167) Mr. and Mr. W. 0. Day, ho have been paying a visit to the city, sailed by the Princess Adelaide Friday night for Vancouver. MUs Nancy Pallant of the Prince Rupert General Hospital staff sail a visit to Massett. ed on the Prince Rupert Saturday. resides. Canon W. F. Ru4hbcook Saturday .night on the Prince Charles for a trip ,to Massett. W. T. Esselmont of Stewart la paying a brief visit to the city, having arrived on the Prince Rupert Saturday evening. O. E. Phllllpson sailed .Saturday night on the Prince Rupert for a visit lnVancouver where ills family evening for a trip to Vancouver. J Mrs. Wesley Singer and son, Dav- H. S. Parker sailed Saturdav on'W. returned to Massett oh the the Prince Rupert for a trip Prince George for Victoria to visit I with Mrs. Johnston's mother, rr .Mrs. Joshua Kingham. Mrs. A. Johnson and daughter, Sylvia, will sail op the Catala tomorrow afternoon for a visit to Britannia Beach where Mrs. Johnson has a son. R. M. Winslow. assistant general manager of the Canadian Fish ii Cold Storage Co., returned to the city on the Prince Oeorge thlii' morning after spending a Jew days at Ketchikan on business. Mr nH Mn Cltftrv Pltr.h nf to Prince Charles Saturday night af- Vancouver were passengers aboard Vancouver He will .return by way w spending a few days In the the prtnce Robert this momln? of Jasper Park and Interior points.. c,t'r- Clarke McLean. Mrs. McLean and daughter are already here. I Rt. Tier J. R. Crlmont. Roman Catholic Church Bishop of Alaska, I was a passenger aboard the Prin cess Louise Saturday afternoon going through from Juneau to Seattle. Mrs. O. Oibson and daughter. I Miss A. Gibson, who have been vis-jlting here with friends, sailed Sat urday evening on the Prince Ru pert for Victoria. After a visit there, they will return to their home In Vermillion, Alberta. Extra Dants free with every 1 'House ot Hoberlln" suit. Ladles' viit or topcoats 10 per cent off at ng the Tailor at the new location Sixth SL, Helgerson Block. Sale ' during July only. JW) , L. W. Stephenson, inspector of the Dominion Radiotelegraph Service, after making the round trip north to Anyox and Stewart aboard the steamer Prince Rupert, disembarked from the vessel here Saturday evening for a brief visit here before returning south. Rev. Dr. Robert Johnson, prominent Presbyterian clergyman Df -Ot tawa and a former moderator pf 0?neral Assembly, arrived In the city from the East on Saturday af Everett Wasson. well known Yu the Princess Louise Saturday after noon going through to Vancouver. Ray Larson, for.drlvlng In a manner dangerous to the public was fined $10, being mulcted an extra $5 for driving without a license. In addition, his drivers license was suspended for three months. going through to make the round i The Prince Rupert Football As- cjty on the Catala Sunday night -to J commercial flier; and Mrs. J"0" "J wf pay a visit here with bU son and wn and daughter. Barbara, and t04.t,iank the local jnercb- daughter-ln-law. Mr. and Mrs. e passengers Dord,' v - v inlon Day sports held here on the first of July. "Build JJ. C. Payrolls" True, It Whips IKrr.r'721 Is "Paclfle Is the only milk I can whip," writes Mrs. M. -T. "Ij wouldn't be caught without it we always have friends dropping In. I always have Pacific Milk on hand which gives me plenty ot cream for coffee and whipped for -fruit and fixing up a cake even several days old." PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed IX TUE MTREME TOt'RT OF BRITISH COLIMBU In thr Maltrr of Vrnxl Ells. Drfrd. And In the Mattrr at the "Administration Art- TAKE NOTICE that by Order ot His Honour Judge rsbrr d&tM the 28th df of June 103S I m appointed A uuaBtritor or tne oc venzi BUM, Ut of tb City of Prtnre Rupert, deouMd. od all pnsona tiBTlng daJnu gainst Ue Estaie are rwpilwji to til U umt -ua w u imung proprriy VrrUltd on or before Ue 15th day ot Annuel 1939, And persona Indebted to ttx aaJd EUXe are required to paj th aaouiU of tjielr Indebtednes- to xns furUimlth DATED a,t Prince Rupert, B.C. tbU 3rd .day of July 1939. NORMAN A. WATT OfflfW Admlnlstnlrc . . . Prince Rupert. BC IN THE SLTKEME COURT OF BRITISH COtfMUIA In the Matter of rrederkk William Heard, Deceased A4 Iri the Mattrr of the "Administration Art" . TAH5 IfOTlCE tht by Order of H'i Honour judge w. e. rianer dated toe 33b4 day of June 1B39 t -U appointed Adtalnlstraior of tee EstoU or rreder Ml- .WUUam Beard. ,d-ceaeL late ot tb:VUlace of TerrMC BrUM-n Colum jiw knd all pmcxia bartng olalmi afklhat the mli Estate are hereby required to furnish same to m properly re-ined on or More the 8Ut day ci July-1939 and ail persona indebted to the said EmaU anr Required to pay 111. amount of their- Indebtedness to tne fotttiwlUi. NdRMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Friare Rupert, B C, dated uk seta avi or Juoa is. IN THE MTRT.ME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN rKOB-VTC In the Matter of the Estate of touU Hehleblr, Defeased TAKE NOTICE that by Order of tbt Supmoe Court of British Oolumb'.t LeUers Probate pf tb fXat of Louis SdbJeolr. deceased. )&. of Prince Rupert. B. C , irbo died at Prtnce Rupert aforowJd on or about tbe 8rd dar f t Obneeorg and Nora E. Arnold of Prince Rupert aforesaid, Uie Eiecutor named In -tne unii of tne sua deceased All persons baring claims against tnc said Hit be are reoulred to furnish tne same In writing., pnjperly verified, to the undersigned .within on. montb ttom the da,te of thli Notice, other wis the Estate will -he distributed pur suant U tl .said Will without regard to anT such curat. AU persons indeoi ed to the said Estat are hereby re quired to pay th amount of uieiir in' debtedneas Xo the uoderatgnsd forth wish. DATED at Prroos Buoert, B. O. this 23nd day of Juu 1M. AlOU OKNESOBO and NORA E. ARNOLD Box 693. Prloc. Rupert, . C.1 I Mrs. H. M. Blake and daughter I W. J. Bowerman, divisional, u-salled Saturday evening on the' permtendent of the Gyveiliraeht Prince Rupert for a visit In Van- Radiotelegraph Service, sailed Bat-couver. jurday night by the Prince Oeprge on his return to Victoria after a A meeting of the city council: visit here on official duties. the city commissioner) U called! for tomorrow morning to consider! Morley Shier, well known 'van- amendlng of the water bylaw and'eouver powder traveller, who Jias to transact other business. j been on a business trip to North- lem British Columbia, the Yukon Constable Jack Lockle of the I and Alaska, was a passenger city police and Mrs. Lockle return-i aboard the Prince George today ed to the city on the. Princess returning to Vancouver. unarioiie wis morping irom a holiday trip to Vancouver. Miss Victoria Stamford arrived in the city on the Princess Charlotte this morning from Vancouver to spend the summer vacation here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. L Stamford. Thomas A. Kelley, well known Queen Charlotte Island operator, arrived In the city the Prince Robert this morning from Vancouver, accompanied by his son. They are registered at the Rev. J. H. Myrwang, pastor ot St. Paul's Lutheran Church, will sail tomorrow afternoon on .the Catala for Vancouver. Jle. will meet .Mrs. Myrwang ' and family who are coming here from Baltic, North Dakota, to Join him and take up residence. Stanley Dalby. government agent at TVlMrranh frpplr nrrlvprf In .h 1eslnB city on the Prince George this onfmnrnlne from the north and. af ter a brief visit here, wltf proceed to Victoria, Seattle and as far East as Iowa to visit with relatives. .T. .2 ..I.I .fct. 1... Royal Hotel .awaiting the arrival anTjIck'S of NanaTmo I . . . . . trip to Alaska. Mr. Fitch was for- of the company boat, Nora Jane.Ii. Ur, n i. tv nf etn!irt viii h' T. A. McMattln arrived In the i.. . " , ;. , .. .., L V ...... n a,t. ulcv u mujruio arvtrw., ak wnicn wiu iaKe mem to Tanoo. ucie ooara me uuu lomorrow (niWo, mh Vancouver. on her way to .Saskatchewan where the will visit ior ome weeks with her mother. George D. McLean arrived in the from Smlthers for a brief business visit to town. He will return tb,the j " ' Interior this evenlne. I CAUD OF THANKS In his stead at Tele- 1 graph Creek during his absence. EX FURNITURE CO. Bargains In New and Used Furniture Cpnsistlng of Chesterfield Suites, .Bedroom Suites. Dining itoom : Suites. Dinettes. Kitchen Ranges, Dressers. Vanities, Washing: Machines, Beds Springs Mattresses Etc. Jt Will Pay You to Come in and Look Over Our Large Slock Used Furniture 1 Sewing Machine At 1 Reconditioned Washing Machine At - r-w- SKitclien Chairs-Each 2 Camp Cots- Each 1 Itemintton Typem-rited At 1 Royal Typrwriter Standard key. At . I Oak Vanity jind Chair At J 2 Cast Iron Cabin Cook Stoves I Special 1 Tapestry Chesterfield Suite I Special Kememoer tne uay S7.50 $35.00 $1.00 5.00 $32.50 $27.00 $12.50 New Furniture $13.95 $64.00 aooocK!CHjooocronooooK:tKQ-uomoaooooooooacHcrOO S -rti l.i rv with a SNAPSHOT Complete Developing, Printing and Enlarging Service Agents for Kodak and Voigtlander Cameras Special While They Last Warwick box Cameras Taking Pictures Size 2 1-4 X 3 14 $1.95 Ormes Ltd. Z7?ui Piontcr Drtiqcyists Tbs KaiaU Store Phonest SI & K Open Dallj from S ajn. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 noon till I pan. 1 p.nu till 9 p.m.