eet ae PO ie: The Daily News The Leading Newspaper and the Largest Circulation in Northern B. C. Published by the Prince Rupert Publishing Company, Limited | DAILY AND WEEKLY | TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. on application. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—DatLy, 50c per month. or $5.00 per year, in advance. WREKLY, $2.00 per year. All| Other Countries—Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly | in advance. Contract rates HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New YorK—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. et nee ENGLAND —The Plougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar uare. | | | | | | SUBSCRIBERS will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. Se DaILy EDITION. ANOTHER JUMP IN HIGHER CRITICISM. Wepxespay, Fes. mI | In our news columns you will have read of the discovery } hence the above price. | SECOND AVENUE - - G. VUKOVICH, THE DAILY NEWS. 97-Piece Dinner Sets COLD STORAGE AND CANNERY $15.00 of our patterns, See them in our We aré clearing some 2nd ave. window. We are also clearing |forters and Blankets, At BIG FURNITURE STORE F. W. HART 2nd Ave. & 6th St. Ave some Bed Com- Phone 62 Entrance on 2nd MADE AND Shoes..: EPAIRED JOHN CURRIE PRINC RUPERT | Servian Labor Benefit Society No. 195, S.S.S.S. Meetings held every Ist and 3rd Sunday of the! month in the Carpenters’ Union Hall T. MAZLUM, Secretary P.O. Box 991 Pramas! that Bacon not only wrote Shakespeare—that is an old one—but| that it is now claimed Bacon wrote the blessed old Bible we have|? had for several centuries. The “Higher Critics’? who cannot} | ‘believe the Bible will have their disbelief strengthened by this} new yarn, which they will naturally hasten to believe, as it tends to justify their contention that the Bible is in many respects a myth anyway. LOTS OF BLIND MEN IN POLITICS. The Globe mentions, as « remarkable fact, that a blind man has been elected president of the North Renfrew Agricultural} ; hese-g6 ss Ptr y6-o~8| ENTERPRISES ACROSS BORDER NEW ENGLAND FISH COMPANY PLANS LARGE COLD STORAGE | PLANT AT KETCHIKAN—YAKUTAL CANNERY CHANGES HANDS—NEW CANNERY AT WARD'S COVE. According to word received place, consisting of 20 acres on from the south by the last boat, the shore of Ward's Gove and will says the Ketchikan Miner, the erect a cannery of about twenty New England Fish Company in- thousand capacity at once, In- nds to get in’ line with the rest tending to have it peration of the industries of the region this coming seaso! Associated this year, and increase fourfold in the company are several other its cold storage plant here in local people, who in the past have Ketchikan, giving it the largest been interested in the fish busi- capacity of any American cold ness. storage plant on the Pacific coast Purchase of Yakutat Cannery. Six million pounds of fish. This According to the Pacific Fish- conclusion was arrived at after’ erman oue of the most important the arrival in the south of Man- deals in the cannery business of jager Wilke of the local plant, and the winter is the purchase by the | speaks volumes of the success of T, J. Gorman Co. interests of the the plant and the judgment of, Yakutat cannery from the Yaku- | those putting it in here tat & Southern Railway. The pur- From the fish tabiipoint the chase price has not been made ,| year just closed has been a fight/public as yet, but the record of fone, bui the scarcity of fish at|the plant '!s such that the sum | times and the resultant high price paid was a good one. The can- O66 4-8 — © 0 6 -@-@- + SECOND - AVENUE Society. There is nothing new in that, in view of our electing| every day blind men to our legislatures and parliaments—men| with vision closed to every consideration but that of party ad- vantages—men who, at the call of party, will vote in repudiation of principle and solemn promises. BURNING MILLIONS OF MONEY. CIGARS Little’s NEWS Agency Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers TOBACCOS FRUITS G.T.P. WHARF The fire losses in Canada during 1911 totaled $21,459,575, an average of $1,788,298 per month.’ This is equal to a daily loss of $58,793. In other words, $2,450 worth of property has) been burned every hour that year, or 4i every minute. In the past three years $63,000,000 worth of property has been burned. | This is an appalling fire loss, and little is being done to chec such extravagant waste of capital. x millionaires,’’ says Montreal had} boasting that} “Montreal boasts of fully one hundred a contemporary. It is not much to boast of. no poverty, how much greater a matter would be! for will be found several items as to the growth of It is interesting In our news the fishing industry next door to us, so to speak. to read of this progress for the reason that Prince Rupert will be the nearest port and supply point for all this Southeastern | Alaska trade when the railway runs through trains next year.| ————— eeeeeneneneene —— - - —— - —— j | i As necessary to a well equipped desk as pen, ink and paper. This auto- matic reminder will be your best assistant. Cal- endar of past, present and future month on _ each “ae page. 1912 Pads Now ete Sees 180, Ready. Price complete $1.00. Pads only, 50c. McRae Bros., Ltd. Stationers and Office Outfitters Prince Rupert, B.C. Heated by Telephone for Steam Guests Beautifully Farnished Rooms Now Ready Alberts Block are now ready for occu- including bath and telephone. The rooms in the pancy. Everything up to date, Steam Heated Furnishings all new and up to the minute. ALBERT’S BLOCK UPSTAIRS Second Avenue Near New Theatre Head of Centre St. No Man Need Use Poor Printing Unless He {s Is Wiling and and Satisfied | Most people would prefer a man’s gen- wld 00 $0... able to buy any kind of printing is abie to buy good print- ing. If he uses anything else it in- dicates to people | who see it that he | doesn't care. | FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING OF ALL KINDS SEE THE *'NEWS JoB”’ | Thira Avenue i | eral character and preeanertey to bein eeping with printing—so its dis- | astrous not to care | about your printing | | The man who is ’ | PHONE 98 Daily News Building |Steerage Fare - |The ‘‘Camosun’ 1911 The Bank of British North America A Strong British Bank, with Connections Throughout the World, 1836 Foreign Drafts Agents in Canada for the Colo- nial Bank, London and West Indies. We have special facilities for handling business with Great Britain and foreign countries. Drafts on France, Germany, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, India, China, Japan anj West Indies bought and sold. Prince Rupert Branch F. S. LONG, Manager. Petes are mer irr ermee ™Royal Hotel | Cor. Third Avenue and Sixih St. | | The Finest Rooms. The best equipped and steam heated Hot and cold baths Dining room and restaurant Corley ‘ Burgess, Props | tt el FF | ! ee i UNION 5.5. COMPANY OF B.6., Ltd The new steel Passenger Steamer ‘Camosun” leaves Prince Rupert every Sunday at 6 p.m. for Vancouver, arriving Tuesday morning. For Stewart City on arrival from Vancouver night. Northbound, leaves Vancou-'| ver Wednesdays at 9 p.m. ’ is the only steame on the run having water-tight bulk- heads and double bottom, thus en outings ente ty of passengers in case of collision or wreck, J. H. Rogers, Ticket Agent. his i F. M. DAVIS AT DAVIS’ BOAT HOUSE General Machine Shop and Ship’s Caspentaring. Also agents for Fair- banks-Morse and Knox Gasoline Engines. Gasoline Engines and Ac- cessories carried in stock. Launches and Boats for Hire N.E. end of Wharf |TRY THE “NEWS” WANT | AD. WAY OF FINDING te eee ere: Friday | $6.00 | |brought by that which could be|nery was established in the neigh- ri | FRED. STORK | put on the market at such times|borhood of eight or nine years 4 has demonstrated the advantage | ago, and is especially valuable be- ~General ow 7 eiof the cold storage system, and cause of its large annual pack of Ste se || the proposed improvement and red salmon. y It has an annual Builders’ Hardware | | remodeling of the Keichikan plant| capacity of 75,000 cases, and the Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves *|is the logical sequence. catch in the region ayerages about ; 1} 75 per cent. reds and the balance meee see 7 Cannery at Ward's Cove. almost all cohoes, with a small} oe: 6 ah 4 During the past week another oprinkinees humpbacks. t | industry has been added to the — ~~ -— j}inany now making Ketchikan and A strong government in Sweden | its vicinity their headquarters,| with the cordial approval of the the new one being the Moore-/| King announces that women are Walsh Canning Co. The incor-| to have the right to vote on equal porators are E. F. Moore and terms with men. Yet nobody Richard P. and Michael ‘Walsh. geems to have been breaking They have bought the Paul Haury} windows in Sweden lately. LAND LEASE NOTICE LAND PURCHASE NOTICE Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5| Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Take notice that I, a red Christian Garde of Range 5. Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation mining engin- Take notice that I, Abraham H. Barber, eer, intend to apply tae pern jon to lease 70 f Prince Rupert, B, ¢ occupation miner, acres of land desnribed as foll intend to appiy for permission to purchase Commencing at this stp ed 1-4 mile east the following described lands of the Tyee Station, G.T.P.Ry. and approxi ly Commencing at a post planted at the 27 1-4 miles east of Prince Rupert, thenc rth} southwest corner of a smail island about 4 chains, thence east 20 chains, thence south 25 | twe nty-five (25) chains north and two (2 chains (more or less) to railway grade, thence chains east of the northwest corner of Lot westerly 25 chains (more or less) following said 1323 Range , Coast District, Porcher grade to point of ee and containing | jsjand, thence following the shore line in 70 acres more or le 4 northeasterly direction about twenty ALFRED CHRISTIAN GARDE | (99 north end of the island, chains to the Date Jan. 31, 1912 . aed thence ip a southwesterly direction along Pub. Feb, 3, 1912 the shore line about twenty )}) chains to the point of commencement, being ap island containing about forty (40) acres, more or less, Skeena Land District—District of Queen ABRAHAM H. BARBER. Charlotte Islands. Dated Dec. 6th, 1911. Take notice that Arthur Tremaine, of | Pub, Dec, 13. Saanich, B. C., occupation farmer, intends to apply for permission to lease the [fol- lowing described lands: 4 . . Commencing at a post planted at the | *kcena aaa eee sete a, pr ey southeast corner, being eighty cha'as south| ,, }4Ke notice that I, Paul Curtiss, cler of the northwest corner of Lot 1555, Mas- ctorla, intend to apply for permission set Inlet; thence west forty chains, thence | ‘° Purchase the following descrined lands: north eighty chains, thence east forty| . hon, ee at * re pay on the | chains, thence south ‘eighty chains to the | fast, Doundary and about five (5) chains point of commencement, containing three | hae orca Be thane ame we Sag >, 2» 7 “res 2 } ie . > C * ° e s , SuRaree and twenty acres (320), more or | chains, thence south 60 chains, thence west _ ‘ - > | 30 chains to point of commencement, con- ‘tomas Sound naess |} taining 180 acres, more or less Dated Nov: 15, 1911, sreg AUR, CURTISS. Pub. Dec. 15, 1911. ,, Fred E. Cowell, Agent. | Dated Oct. 31, i91%t. Pub. Dec. 9. Skeena Land District—District of Queen | Charlotte Islands. Take notice that Alfred McGregor, of | Skee na Land District—District of Cassiar Victoria, B. C., occupation broker, intends Take notice tnat James Ewing Macrae, to apply for permission to lease the fol- | of Vancouver, occupation real estate agent, lowing described lands {intends to apply for permission to pur- Commencing at a post planted about| chase the following described lands: three-quarters of mile southwest from Commencing at a px planted about the southwest corper of Bot 1548, Masset miles distant and in an easterly Inlet, thence east forty chains, thence ion from the Naas River, and about south to the north boundary of Lot 1557, miles rt f Alyansh Indian Village, thence west one hundred chains, more or 2 north eighty chains, thence easi less, thence north nmimety cisains, thence | eighty chains, thence south eighty chains, east to the beach, thence along beach to| thence west eighty chains to point of point of commencement, containing six | commencement ; hundred and forty acres (640), more or 1 ee ee MACRAE ‘ less. . P. Rutter, Agent. ALFRED M’GREGOR. } Dated Oct, 31, 1911. George Young, Agent. Pub, Dec, 14. Dated Nov. 15, 1911. | Pub, Dec. 15. 1911. | Skeena Land District—District of Coast, oe, . Range 5 Skeena Lang Districh ayer of Queen Take notice that I, Theodore Nichalis, 2 * dr ‘ oO ; Pp Take notice that Malcolm Wright Young, | (roi or pacity Py Ce Can. intend to of Saanich, B. C., occupation farmer, in- 4 ae ‘ae ers ) purchase the fol- tends to apply for permission to leasé the | ‘OWiN8 described lan i following described lands: ern eS t planted at the southwest corner of No, 2287, thence Commencing at a post planted at the) ooo 26° cnains. thence h 40° . southeast corner, being about one mile] thence west 46 Chatge, qplth 4C chains, east of the northwest corner of Lot 15681,| chains. thence west 40 thm ieee 48 thence north to the south boundary of | cij#its, then Oe Or ee BOrte Lot 1550, thence west to the east boundary t ety ah apres ay A Seem Con: of Lot 1550, thence south along the said | ‘SNE 450 acres, inore or less TALIS boundary to the southeast corner of said Fred E. Cow “Hf we Lot 1550, thence west along said boun Dated Oct. 31 1911 Owell, Agent. dary to the east boundary of Lot 1546,) pare nceh oot F thence south along the said boundary to r vee the north boundary of Lot 1552, thence east to the northeast corner of Lot 4333, thence north to the northwest corner © Skeena Land District—District of Cass Lot 1551, thence east to the point of com- Take notice that Thomas Arthur White of V an- mencement, containing six hundred (600 acres, more or less MALCOLM WRIGHT YOUNG. George Young, Agent. couver, B, C., occupation carpenter, apply for permission to purchase the described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the con Dated Nov. 16, 1914. fluence of Blackwater river with Naas ri ver, about Pub, Dec. 15, 19114. two miles south of the sixth Dominion Telegrapt cabin. Post marked T. A. W.S. E. Corner, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains east to point of Skeena Land District—District of Queen | commencement, containing 640 acres more or leas | Charlotte Islands. THOMAS ARTHUR WHITE Take notice that William Moore, Of | Dated Sept, 28, 1911. Saanich, B. C., occupation farmer, intends | Pub Nov. to apply for permission to lease the fol- lowing described lands: Commencing at a4 post planted at the southwest corner of Lot 1548, Masset ID-| sxeena Land District District of Cassiar let, thence east one handred chains, thence Take notice that Clarence Bowen, of Se: south sixty-four hain, thence west to the attle, Wash., cupation woodsman, in beach, thence mg beach to point of tends to apply f conumencement, c ynialning six hundred and the following r permissi Jescribed lands forty (640) acres, more or less, Commencing at st planted four WILLIAM MOORE, miles east of the Nas River and about George Young, Agent. five miles north of Alyansh, thence west Dated Nov. 14, 1914. eighty chains, thence south ¢ ghty chains | Pub. Dec. 15, 1911. thence east eighty chains, thence north | eighty chains to point of commence ment | CLARENCE BOWEN Ee — ~— H. P. Rutter, Age Dated Oct. 31, 1911 sent, “DY NATICR Pub. Dec, | LAND PURCHASE NOTICE, ar x aaa Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar Skeena Land District—Dpistrict of Cassiar, Take notice that Charles William Ham of i Take notice th a Frank Furey, of Seatile, | Vancouver, B. C., occupation inspector, intends | V ash ’ occupati chaimman, intends 16 caer Tae perminion to purchase the following apply oF perm sal -J to purchase the fol- desertbed lands @ ‘ands Commencing at a post planted at the con- : dae Ing at a post planted about six fluence of Blackwater river with the Naas river | mules east of the Na er and about about two miles south from the sixth Dominion | seven me $ north of Aj; thence north Telegraph cabin. Post marked C. W. H. 5, W.| ©'8Uly Chains, east eighty chains, south Corner, thenee 80 chains north, thence 80 chains | €l@hity chains, west ¢ glity chains to point east, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains | Of commen: ement west to point of commencement, containing one | acres more or less P. Cc HARLES WILLIAM HAM | Dated Oct. 34, 19141 | Dated September 23, 1911 | Pub, Dec. 14 FRANK FUREY, Rutter, Agent. Pub. N | | Skeena Land Dis i ct-—District of Coast | Skeena Land District—Distriet of Cassiar Tak K 5 ‘ Take notice that Herbert McLennan of Van- i, ake notice that. iL Dagobert Auriol, of couver, B. C., occupation real estate agent, intends . anaimo, B. ( ipation miner, intend to apply for prerraianion to purchase following | t0 Apply for permission to purchase tt e es te of | following descrip: nds , Commencing at a post planted at the con- | Commenci ng ata St planted a . fluence of Blackwater ee With the Naas river | S0Utheast corner of | it 4485. ‘the lice come about two miles south of the Dominion | 40 chains, thence west 40 chains, the nee | Telegraph cabin. Fost marked H. M. N. E./ Worth 40 chains, thence east 40 chains to | Corner, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains) point of commencement, ¢ Dtaining 160 west, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains | 4Cres, more or less ' east to point of commencement, containing 640 | DA‘ et RT AURIO! | Sores more or leas. aN Fr E. ¢ ell, Agent vated foot, 3. 1911 HERBERT McLENNAN Date Nov. 10th, 11s | Pub. Noy, 2 i Pub, Dec, 9, intends to following nh to purchase SAMUEL HARRISON NOTARY PUBLIC) Samuel Harrison & Cy Real Estate and Stock Brokers APPROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE pi Prince Rupert and o ~~ tre trent ens em, ™ rr a— ™~ Bh eters me sme rrerer ers se, i ™“ ’ “nse ~~ | LYNCH BROS. | i = ij ( Ete i General Merchandise . ‘ Largest Stoch | { = ==> * —_——. ° = | | THE IDEAL FURNISHI THE IDEAL FURNISHING) i —o. CCS | AND SHOE HOUSE | Corliss Coon Collars Harry Smith - - an Australian Government Curing Drink Habit Adopts Famous NEAL CURE Sending Sunshine and Happiness Into Hundreds of Darkened Homes Instead of Inflicting Fines or Prison Cells Upon Her Unfortunate Citizens The government of South Australia selves of the Neal has set an example worthy of imita Sanitariums in A tion by the other nations of the world Scientifie resea Owing to the extent, enormity and the or the enturies awful consequences of the drink habit, | ated in the establis they have for years past been investi- | that the drink hal gating its cause, effect, treatment and caused by the p possible cure } up in the system t In the year 1910 Rev. A. C. Rankine or excessive us commissioned by that government, and that the ma visited the United States, and after a ee OK as mu ! lave medical he i thorough investigation of drink habit | pypp id fever “ot treatments, returned to his government Dr. Neal has & last September and gave a detailed and pes hg ore lengthy report recommending the adop- | qotes this tion of the NEAL THREE-DAY DRINK with ¢ HABIT CURE The government of Manis South Australia adopted his report, and enna established the cure in a large govern factory ment sanitarium, where addicted | time « " to the drink habit are The Vane ernment expense, instead ed f the mat ‘ r s¢ good work, a £ D i Attest t sons ert 1 Treatment t the al treatment at government If int ! expense and restored to citizenship In have a friend w addition to this, reports show that more write for booklet than double that number availed them- | tion 1250 Broadway W., Vancouver, B. C. Phone Bayview 686 POLE HOH It Is The Trained Man or Woman | Who Rises to the Top of the Ladder: | : : To fit your son or daughter for a business caree! them a business training. The best place to send th: | EFS CENCE: Our shorthand course in { business . ‘ The Ben Pitma | ] | / Rupert. It is the nearest college to Prince It’s fees are within reach of everyone. Its tuition is pe rsonal, and deve lops the of the pupil. Room and board ia cheap in Nanaimo, The pupils are away from the distrac- tions of the larger cities RACES Shorthan Business Er ter writi g Commercia! Arit Office individuality Nanaimo Business ee = | Routine i Spelling { Typewriting Penmanship Rem AE , + { | PA oP aie « aau (CF I May Mean all the Difference Between Success and Failure to You Ask at Daily News for our booklet teaching how to writ THE NANAIMO BUSINESS COLLEGE Nanaimo, B.t i ‘ { { { / ! { ; j ) ! ! ween e { | / / l ! ! / / C. E. Perry, Principal IRDA ARR