f. Campacs This is .the last word in summer shoes for men, boys, jyouths and children. Guaranteed lonjfer wear and priced DAILY EDITION rom $1.25 10 S2.50 T Sole Agents JACK and JILL SHOES PENMAN'S HOSIERY Family shoe store lt. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. ritlNCE RUPERT . BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yeany period, paid in adiance Paid In advance, per week Paid In advance, per month By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per line, per Insertion News Department Telephone . 86 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations PERSONAL INCOMES $5.00 .12 J5Q 3.00 9.00 Wednesday, July 5, 1933. c j gucii. lane ciiio annj ii kjiii 1.11 v. ii t altogether and give it to the other eleven million people and they get approximately $45,000,000 or slightly over forty cents a week more than they get now. Another 23,-000 people get about $40,000 a year each or a total of 92,-000,000 which would give each person eighty cents a week. The total coming to each person from the distribution nf thPSP hiorh infnrrm rniilrl ha ?1 90 n waiAt Wntu ever, already many people are receiving good salaries or wages from those incomes so that the distribution would 'be nothing like that amount. The nnnpr nlsn nnints tn fhp Inrorp pnrn!noc nf snmp corporations but that is the same money that provides the f income for the Irulivirlnnls cn there wnnlrl hp Httlp (tur NAVY WINS Defeated Velvet 3 to 3 in Cup Opener Last Night FOOT1IALL SCORINfi Christlson, Navy. 12. II. Dickens, Velvet, 7-It. Smith, Navy, i. ItiUhic. Velvet, 4. Vlnk. Velvet. 4. Cross, Laundry, 3. A. Smith, Laundry, 2. Vanre. Laundry, 2. HuUfsUU. Velvet. 2. Armstrong, Navy, 2. Davie. R. C. X. V. It, 2. Ferguson, Velvet, I. Fatiran. Navy, 1. Mc.Meekln, Xavy, I. Slmundsen, Laundry, I. Cameron, Velvet, 1. Gillies, Velvet. 1. Ilotkestad, Velvet I. Keays, Xavy, I. Morean, Xavy, 1. Parsons. Velvet. I. Baker, Velvet. I. ' Errors Oreer, K.&X.V.R., 1. Last evening's football BOARD AND ROOM ar jj2 "iuc m uc uprigni ana reoouna-25(ed outside In some remarkable !way Vlnk missed from Dickens A aper that purports to be published in the interest?pnvvEtrwrm , of the workingmen says three thousand people, prpsnmn- CONNECTIONS WANTED T bly in Canada, although it does not sav so. have an in-'WEST African ImDorters and ex- frma rf 11 ffl o imn oonli Toln Vi5c ntimo fvnm tlinm! Dorters porters !Uflr seek rnnntlnn connections nHfl with Canadian producers or manufacturers. Samples, offers for merchandise of all descriptions, principally fish products, and terms solicited. The Colonial Fisheries, Limited, Benyiwah House, Wln-neba, Oold Coast, British West Africa. if. BOARD, Good home cooking, 811 2nd. Avenue West, tf. FOR RENT from it. While we do not defend the paying of such high clean, well-furnished modem ap lnenmes we feel hnnnn tn shnw init whnt u'nnlrl Vinnnen if im.nf. Dv.nn r m n ti.n n .1 a .1.. i i i ' mc uiunej were uiviueu. ts me govermiieiiL aireauy gets; large sums in income taxes, probably over 25 ner cent al-! ill?'; f SA w,-.- Vt- B together from these same incomes and hundreds of peonleiFOR quick sale Launch -vie earn subsidiary incomes from them, it is verv clear that tory" complete with dinghy. $27 the nhfilitfnn nf thece hrY inonmav wnnlrl Ko nf vorv liffln cash. Phone Black 805. (155 advantage to anvone and would cause much suffering toiroR sale Modern House, mnnv vulin rli'iwtlv nr inrliroitlv KpnofJt fmm tViom Ttinl new. new. good good terms. terms. Chestei Chesterfield, men who receive these high salaries do not eat or drink any more than the rest of the people and the surplus money is used in keeping industries going or providing incomes for someone else. Fimire how nne will, it is fnnnrl , - - - ' ' w-.w ...... ' - - that about all any L person gets -.w... from a very -.7 high -va.x- income is wi Band cap. housework. Good Phone Blue 728. plain PERSONAL like library table, dresser, book-case, etc. Phone Oreen 234. (158) FOR SALE House on Thompson Street, 5 rooms and bath. $600 cash. Small taxes. H. O. Helger. . TAJ . mm.. i,LU, UDOJ jwwenand ability to travel and increase the income of thef p; 1 railwavs. ear mnniifnetnrers hntek nnri thus rliotrihuto i.roR. SALE-Domlnlon .T piano and ' ' bencn, lovely tone, cheap for cash, 4.1 i i, . ... , the money to others. Any person with money to spend i phone Green 213 neips 10 give earning power to otners. OLD MOORE Anyone can prophesy what is going to happen and i a. i i.i t n 1 1 i.i FOUND-Boys' Daily News. FOUNli Appl7 tf. one guess is about as good as another. In England there ' " . . '." is is a a publication nublication known knoxfn as as Old OId Moore's Moore's Almanac Almanac which which CA.PABLE fxpeIlen"d res "mnkps irnrtf miecces enmptimpa Primp Minictpr P.hnm. berlain, in an address to South Wales Conservatives, said ' cooic (155) Moore says that in September there are signs of much be ready for examinations. tension in Berlin to be followed bv calm. In October for- We have heined hundred to oh. eign affairs will continue to be of supreme importance. taln positions as Letter carriers, inasmuch as Venus is culminating at both Rome and Ber-' posUL1 C15rks c1' Examin. i! 1 1 ,,,7. 1 , , : ers, Clerks and Stenographers lin. In he "There good ground for: summing up says: is Vr vl m infm.n anticipating that the cause of peace will make further m. c. c. schools Ltd., winnipeg.l great headway for conditions are certainly most proni-j oldest in Canada. tf. tious for a real and lasting understanding on a very wide men! want vim? try raw Him cuinijrtrjieiisivc tcaie. Evidently Mr. Chamberlain also is hopeful that the end of his efforts will mean a real understanding but the fact that he referred to the guesses of an almanac as to what was likely to happen indicates that he too is uncertain as to the final outcome. OYSTER Tonic, OSTREX Tablet to pep up whole body qulckl If J not delighted with resulta first; package, maker refunds its low price. You don't risk a penny. Call, write Store McCutcheon's Drug tf. ! centre. Morgan "saved from BakerJcentres. their work was not carped Further sucwitful rtwrteu and again from Cameron's r on r r lff Hnlkmtnd u-!u rlTPr but rmnt Tbronto Ooruwrvatra ana "wrens- -hot Vmk shot haid and is dangerous near goal I m VI If I It U . r -..lnl. 0r-de 2 wiii Chrlstison's hard driv. liakex shot beat and saved a certain goal well. Cameron had thre good Norman McLend also put uj a centres but all were cleared anil stand game. Forwards were fast Baker shot strairht at Morgan and dangerous. Christlson keens Navy got away and a fast swing his playera working well and is Ing game found McMeskin con fust on the shot MeMeekin missel verting Smith's cross. Nelson stop- few chances and Smith played hi' Ded a daniTPrnilc ittaolr PhHatlin luiul fof hrntrttii irlnu llnonl saved on the .ml line with Mar combined well and Keays tried ipan beaten and then Dtckens hit "til thr end. It speaks well for .the U'irlght. Parsons cleared at 'h- Naw management that they 1 1 he other end when Krause missed bl to turn out a full team Some mlsklckln ave ChrUUson wlh Armstrong. Eastman and Eby opening and he added a thirl all away, Ian for the Navy. Velvet attacked and What would happen if the re' Morgan had to save from Cam n suwiikd Uie rules or the game Ion and Dickens while a hard dr'v- are.Uy -A player shaU not by of Biker's rebounded off U word or action dissent from any goalie's chest. McMeeftdn's hard riicittan given by the referee emu Just missed Mrun fV'rt Yet players persistently question a dangerous header and at las' dota'ans The olayers, and some Vlnk scored. Cameron's shot was spectators, should remember that fielded on the line HilrMd wer' h referee does his best Pec close. Play was fast and cc.tfew Doherty has mad- a good Job of bu the Navy defence hld out refer. rtn the games. He is en na Wim nn IlirihM- enrna tin- -huj n . brought together the Royal Na7a X "ST aJSTT !? VoluntPPr Rprv ,nH ,ri... Npvy f.TV UOn won nrst an)f Of th- tM. ." .k.,!. V" l""'y series. " "ic iuu saune oi uie Mobley Cup series with the Navy reversing the result of the Dominion Day Cup and winning h three goals to two. .The game was mor- again a closely fought out one with Velvet pressing hard towards the end but unable to tie force a win. History repeated itself when Da Ties got me opening goal with a The game was fast and int?rcs ng. Krause fields long shots nice y but needs to w for the rmw Vigorously F. Gome nnri rarsons were good with Onmet he better. Ferguson played hard at centre half and D Oome and Sunberg were good Dickens dW a lot of clever oJavlnr but dm not k"eo to his position and leaves lone drivp a h HIH nn rvminirn the other nta ... wiiwiiivu j b wmii Day. Bryant went close and Krause ern and Baker were a fair wl.v fl.U at m W.. 4 f A fielded a long drive from Me- Meekln safely. Baker. Dickens and .Cameron combined well but Nelson 'cleared. A long shot from the left by Christlson beat Krause. hit th ... . i . ti & . . but. w'th no centre to "et Teams: Velvet Krause: Parsons, F Oo-mex: Sunberg. Ferguson, D. Oo-mer: Cameron. Baker. Dickens Vlnk. Holkeetad. Pf,NVJ? - Morgan: Donald Nelson. Ronalds; Norman Me. 'ecd Da vies. Christian; Keays "mith. Christlson. Bryant. Mc-Meekln. R-feree. Peter Doherty; line, men. Brown. W. Oomez. ,11 It the rwnu'atlve effer of an th verUslng that eounU Mujuhiaoie 10 uircc positions. Q4 rjZ Special Third Avenue Drop Side Couch Complete with mattress pad and pillow cov-ered in cretonne, will open to Q4 A A lartfe size bed. Keg. $18. Sale V-leKUU ELIO'S FURNITURE Phone Green 9 IS VELVET ICE CREAM HAS MANY VARIETIES ConesU,nn. liaspberry. Vanilla. Chocolatr and Strawberry Dixie Cups Tutti Frultti and Vanilla Cream Lunch and Candy Freeze liars-Vanilla. Cherry Cuntard Tutti Frultti and .Man!, ttaln..! Dominion Dairy r 10 10 Phone Fifth Avenue Fast and .MtlJrlde MacKenzie's Furniture 6 BEDROOM SUITES-Consistlng of Bed. Bench. Vanity and Dresser with Round Mirror or otherwise and Qns Afi Chiffonier. Latest models. From, per suite. v DUU Our Goods are High in Quality but Low Prite Terms Can Be Arranted Phone ?75 , " J iTZZ 11 I tTIAMSMtM I COMmunicaIiomS MOTUA CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Q:ean Falls and Way Ports S3. PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct S3. PRINCESS LOUISE S.S. PRINCESS ALICE July 5th, 15th, 26th July 8th, 19th, 29th S3. PRINCESS CHARLOTTE July 22nd Aug. 2nd Direct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES. General Agent. Prince Rupert, B.C. ! i LAWN CHAIRS Arm lawn chairs made nf en tern harflu-mwl and covered in good Krate awnjnjf ciot Oradc 1 with honor- Tests show it saves 10 to 25 on gas! in 111 UVyVVyLilV wide. Morgan fUted Fer- J .J away Meruit had more to do than :uid Hphliri Barbani T T,,, u-siin BUSon's Inn ir Hrivx n..n.. ..,.... ... ... ... 0.rs. ... uu uilu ivrause ana ine wavy owe u iu .Ublej Baker passed Instead of shooting ,, that they won. Ronalds was k. iflnd n ifMwl jKa.v .liii . i . i ... . .... .. . i j .- niini. nis usual rename sen ana newon Navy attacked and Krause flatfri did splendidly. Davles was vert SUMMARY weakly away. F Gomez stopped safe too. Christian was hard to Rev. local V. J. Frtwen ; PcMtetetUl A- Morgan was quick to kick cleat hanes on too long. Vlnk tried vi .vamlna lions wen Joyri lurn. d to the city Bnpert Ihta mom:: ton j where he an pei):ec..!ttul te :.b. ( $1075 ) and tin d"i!v.-t. dm BECOME the praud cwr.ir ' f t!j It or new Stwd!krr C pi on SU-a true Wood tea t rti'j id the famous Conunandcr ai.d P- This good lookinc. rrt'f .: j CWnpion pftfomu bnlli .nt: A 1 it brinit you finer style, t ? S workmantMp, workmantmp, eier cier handl: hndl: & i 1 grMlrr Aftiy--ilh strmiig (W shut. pUMU tupemti : slam door Ulcbrt at no estra . See and drive thi thnlht.(. i -" big Champion now. Luw d-Kent ty terms. National Motor Service TIIIHO AVi:.MK LAS! Ormes Phone ftiril ooooooooooooooooooooMonfc.ooooooeoooovooeccc;5ee Sun Goggles Protect Your Eyes 15c to $1 BATHING CAPS New Styles And Shad es 10c to 50c 3fui Pioneer Druqhfsts The Resall Store rhonei. Open Daily from S a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from it noon till t 1 p.m. till 9 p.m. p.m. oo)oooooooooooo00000000onDooooooooooooo&0i NHV AND niTTTEIt j COLD CURED ICE V Tor the Halibut and Baimon Fleets i Following the ' "1C rsnenes uesearcn o ihpyii.-L ; menuTnTT!;a, ,U8t comP,elfd "tensive changes and lmpro' " au jce aenvery methods. Ice for the boat, will all be 'old Ice, thoroughly cured oT aged at new low temperatures. It w be delivered Into "e hold, even In the hotleU wealher, a. cold a th sioragt room. Fishermen are Invited in in. .1. Jitter ice than ever MS .con to the boat and Improved quality In llT,' Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert C UA mUUh Co.un.lU ''J ft.