4! PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS DIAMONDS Gems of Romance. Mounted in Modern Settings by Skilled Craftsmen We Have a Large Assortment of the Latest Designs In ENGAGEMENT RINGS, WEDDING RINGS, BROOCHES, BRACELETS, EARRINGS Or. c will nuke to order, any design that you prefer, in rings or any other piece of jewelry. We have in stock rings from $12.50 to $1200.00. We Invite Your Inspection. FINE CHINA, DINNERWARE, GLASSWARE Basement Store Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist Having completed annual overhaul at the local dry dock, C. N. R steamer Prince John. Capt. Edward Mabbs. sailed at 1 o'clock this afternoon where she will ? J I WRITE FOR FREE .aaiei: booklet for Ocean load HHBHMIMHBMaMdSSM Falls a carso of paper for delivery to Vancouver, Fine Holiday At Terrace Is Much Enjoyed ;youns people. : The day went off with nothing to spoil the holiday. There were sports in the park for the young- isters; a ball game, which Terrace 'from 'won. and another came of baseball: week j played by a team of "Oldsters" versus "Crocks." At the Oddfel lows' Hall there was a dance after 8 pjn. which lasted until train time at 11 pm. Dally advertising in the Dallj News Is sure to bring dally Now come the days of play ... of romping ... of exercise and energy! It takes plenty of fuel to give that flame to youth ... to provide that energy so gen erously used ... to repierusn and renew the vitality that each day takes. I t's time for those delicious meals of Canadian Fish and Shellfish! In salads, or cold... in tasty sandwiches, or summer snacks ...or, as a scrumptious, satisfying meal at the close of a summer day, . . Fish has no equal! Serve it often. It provides the nourishment and energy that Nature demands. It tempts lazy appetites with its rare tang and savour. It is the ideal food for the play days or the heydays . a food that provides cool refreshment for young and old alike! DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES, OTTAWA. ----- -------J Department of Fisheries, I Ottawa. rvM toA to row st-tit PcU ioo j Temptjnf T'ah Rcij" . Hum. (rLEAtt fUMT LITT1U rLAUCLTj ddrttt I ,M ' 1 1 I I high and' too muddy for much fish ing. ! District News i 1 ! NEW HAZELT0N TERRACE, July 5: The Cana-I dian National Recreation Associa-! Raymond Stanyer of Francois Uon excursion from Prince Rupert Lake Is talcing a portable sawmill arrived promptly at 11 o'clock mt0 the Babine Lake district short-Saturday morning. The train's ar jy to saw lumber for the Indians. rival brought a scene if animation! with the Boys' Band marching toi A few spring salmon are being the tune of "The Gang's All Here,' ! taken by the Indians from Hagwll- inWcA-pd hv an excited thmnz ot'Jtet Canyon but the water Is too A couple of tourist automobiles California arrived here last Many Babine Indians have beep In the Hazelton district over the week-end for a big feast which was held- at Hagwilget. Mrs. David Pratt has been a patient In the Hazelton Hospital for a couple of days. TERRACE on Saturday. It had been hopea that tennis players would come from Prince Rupert on the railway excursion but. owing to the uncertain weather conditions, no one stepped off the train with a tennis racket Tea and light refreshments were served at the conclusion of the first tournament In which seven couples Joined and which was won by Mrs. D. O. Little and R. M. Cory. In the second play there were again seven couples competing for the victory which went to Mrs. Little. playing this time with N. Sherwood A survey party has been put to work by the public works depart ment The operation of the party Hazelton Church Tea Is Success i HAZELTON. July S;Th Wo;' man's Auxiliary of St. Peters Church held a. ucul afternoon, ta and cold supper on Thursday last. Dainty tea UWe were ready on the tawn with ay garden furn - Terrace lennis v,iuo iucm.- mi .. rhlir.h Hall played two American tournaments tated a move to the - - liowcrei, and evenin to do in the afternoon justice to the excellent tare Mrs. William Urkworthy of New for the irBHan till responsible n.ktfiti afternoon tea and also provided the deUcaefci with Mrs V W Anderson povrinc tea, assist-ed bv Miss Mary Sarient. Runner was served by Mrs. Sealy and Mrs. James Turn bull, assisted by other auxiliary members. An acceptable musical pi or ram was held In St Peter's Church House. Little Helpers and the Junior Choir gave a singing Rime and i rhythm band lee Uon Elldaand Geraldine Myros danced the Highland Fling Vocal and instrumental solos awe included to the program ! L Zt. U commence at the end of the ,1"ZZ are now enroute to .h the east t and nri Mrs. Myros sang Skeena n Highway ,.uM. east of f mv Uk. th. The several loading crews are at work 'in various parts of the district I Rev. Mr. Burridze has arrived HEDLUND S MEAT SAND WICH SPREADS 3 f n Large. 26 oz. 2 for Medium 14 oz. 2 for Small. 10 oz. 2 for 25c LIBBYS TOMATO JUICE- 25c 19c 13c SUPER SUDS-Olant JQq BARCO PINEAPPLE Sliced and cubes 1 Qr UL. 2 tins FORT CARRY COFFEE Excellent quality. 45() special duty of the party will be to determine the quantities of the various materials to be moved along from Fort Fraser to take charge of i the route of construction. the United Church work In this dis- j " trict t : Bay store here, succeeding J, Mr. j Rev. and Mrs. D. M. More of Butterell who is returning to Win- Kitplox 'left last week for Vanrou- nlpcg. . ver where Mr. More will take a' course at the University of British I Fred Burr has been a patient to Columbia during the summer the Hazelton Hospital undergoing months. I treatment for his knee which he tn- Hazelton gardens are thW year at ! PHONES 18 and 19 jjurcd while chasing a horse. far advanced as those at Terrace' Morning prayer was held on which are ordinarily about ten days Sunday in St Peter's Church at ahead. Hazelton with emphasis on Dobj-j lnlon Day and its meaning. There, Alex (Sandy). Grant U reported were two soloists Mrs. M. A. My-1 to be doing fairly weU at the Haz- ros sang "Land of Hope andj el ton Hospital following a recent Olory" Qar. with chorus b ! operation. the Junior Choir: Mrs. A. Falcon I er sang "There's A Land" lAllii Preparation -are now under way sen. The servke. which was fully for harvesting of a hay crop which choral, was well attended. Hymns : promises to be exceptionally good, for national occasions were sung ; closing with the National An-j Mr. Walker of KHwanaa has been them. Red and white peonl'j appointed manager of the Hudson beautified the church. I P.O. Hot 57S Mussallem's Economy Store 'Where Dollars Have More Cents" Established 1910 Independently Owned and Operated LIBBVS FRUIT JUICES ORANGE JUICE. 1J oz . GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, 15 oz 2 tins PINEAPPLE JUICE. 13 oz. LEMON JUICE. 8 oz .- " -In 19c 25c HEINZ PORK and BEANfeV Large. 23 oz. 2 for Medium. 18 oz 2 for Small, 11 oz. 2 for 35c 29c 19c ROYAL CITY TOMATOES 24's. choice quality OQo 2 tins ROYAL CROWN CLEANSER -2 tins 15c "BaMMaMBBBjMBwaisW CROSSE Si BLACKWELLS CREAM SOUPS Mush-room. Onion and OQ p Shrimp. 2 ttny DIAMOND A CARROT 4Qp JUICE--2 tins A Complete Stock of FRESH VEGETABLES Kept on Our NEW DISPLAY STAND Equipped 1th VAPOR SPRAYS at Low Prlres. FRESHNESS is Assured Prompt, Free Delivery Service Throughout the City Two Telephones for Your Convenience Boat and Mail Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVER Steamer leave Prince Rupert every SATURDAY, 7 p.m.; MONDAY, 3 p.m. Tra in leave Prince Rupert for the Kant .Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. 'aHHcnfrer Express VlSrSh FRIDAYS, 11.00 a.m. TOESlI' 'wr (,,rv fir., call or crte sfifpL. Ci'y Ticket Office, 528 3rd Ave. is mi; In In Here Comes the i TKr.Mt: rot kt or iihitwi nm Mint thr UHv ml l l:tU, tT4. thr Matlrf ut tl -AdmlnMr0a ,r- TAKC None that Ortr of Hw Honour Juofr KtaMr imft iht 2Stn day c Jun ISM I m)fvH4 hf-maoMxaUjr of t- Bum of Mrnfi KUwl law c the Oty -J tmtrw Ku" ko.1 rt !i x h.nf rj:m Bgptot U K mt t:r rcquirca to tilt the mm Ab Bv la anunj proprrlr tfM on or Man u IMh uy or Aufu IMS. and pttwvm inMi t' t rm. are rfU ''d ' VI lt rf Mr taaiKatoa to nx OATBD as fMnaa Hufi BC tat m af of Adr isas MMIUAN A WATT OTfkiai Mnm iU Jltvr- RufHTI BC THE SEAL QUALITY 0 GOIA) SEAL Fancy Hal Sockeye . IMNK SKAL Finest Pink Salmon I'arknl hi thr mm It talmon tannine rmp4ii) with tn jII the jrt rmitid patrnll wi Vrinrr tmrrl COAL Grain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer I'MNCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones SI and SSI CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAKE riione 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C F- BLACK Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Bos 575 Mussallenu Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Have you tried our CASH COUPON SYSTEM? You re-teive dishes, silverware and valuable premiums suitable for Rifts. Why not start now at no extra cost to you? Opposite Canadian Legion MISS YUKI Dressmaker Ladles' and Children's Alterations Moderate Price Phone GREEN 880 727 PHASER ST. Wedsetday, j I -I : I 'J i 1 1 a, LAST TIMES TONIOirr DAY and WQIIT i Phone 2 Shows Mihtly, 7:00 k u Clark Gable Myrna Loy In the Great Adtrnturt Comedy TOO HOT TO HANDLE' With Walter rldgron, Walter Connolly. Leo Carillo (At 7:2C and 9 41 1 AW -Story of Alfred Nobel' Pete Smith's "Msrlne Circes' Comlnc TllUIt llll. PADEKEWSKI IN "MOONLKWIT SONATA Sun' and Mrs, A fa: The Slave Bong" and t ? C:n Home in the West 13 Taxi TKX MAUIE V 'PO rtt Otfl.a, lib IL Specials THIS WEEK ONLY Satin Finish "61" Quick Drying Floor Varnish $1.29 ""art Cellutone Wall.Finl.h 99c luarl "61" Quick ftryfng Enamel 29c ''inl KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Office Supplies Typewriters ani Supplies Stationery Printing DIBB PRINTING Company Bainer Block Phone 234 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zarclll Proprietor "A IIOMK AWAY fltO.M iioMir Rates $1.00 up 50 ftooms Hot & Cold Wattr Prlnca RupCit DC Phone 281 ' ' P.O. Box 19