PACK TWO "Vanity Maid" FOOTWEAR For real classy styles and durability these shoes are unbeatable in their price field. Priced from $4.45TO$5.50 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. r-Kl.VCK RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F. FULL EN - - - Managing-Editor EDITORIALS BROADEN OUT There is always a tendency f r people living in a city that is the central point in a large district to get to feel that the city is the district and that they are entitled to speak 'for the whole. We often think that Vancouver people are that way and that they do not know about outside points and do not care. For that reason it is a good thing for people to visit their neighbors on the outside and learn their viewpoints, study their problems and try to bring about more or less co-operative efforts in the interests of all. ; Take as an example the town of Stewart. There the people have a feellne that Prince Rupert is not sufficiently interested in their Mezfadin Lake highway problem and ip their efforts to secure the featuring of the Chickamin Qlwor as a tour'af attraction. There also is great disap-j pomtipent that the Prince Rupert businessmen did not this. year organize an excursion trip to Stewart to get in touch with the peonle and see for themselves "'hat tho nlace has to offer tourists, investors and others. Thev think that no effort made to fecure a favorable renlv to their" invi tation. Had there been an excursion from Prince Rupert? it would have evoked a splendid response on the part of' the, Stewart people. , j It was pointed out that Stewart did not .wish to be .ini competition with Ketchikan in that respect. What they! expected was at least a visit from the businessmen of Prince Rupert and especially from those who traded very considerably with the people of the Portland Canal centre. INTERIOR CONDITIONS What is true of Stewart is also true of interior points and of Queen Charlotte Islands. It is a huge territory and the people are always glad to welcome visitors. Many Prince Rupert people never visit any of these points but when they get a holiday they go away to California or some other part of the world. There can never be anyi community of effort in the north unless the people of the; north visit back and forth. Outside people come to Prince' Rupert but only a few Prince Rupert people visit the out- lying sections of the district in order that they may study i its resources and capabilities. A change in this respect would be well worthy of consideration. i ' I. 4 C I J "D 1 D .1" il Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'oeuvre One Package Serves Four People Krfps for Weeks in Refrigerator Canadian I'rlnce ft u pert Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. British Columbia New Army Head Was Busy Here Briradirr and lr. Glltiiighar.i Hart Afliw' Week-end 'der gave a very Interesttnj and helpful address. At night every available seat was taken for the final meeting of of Kake. Alaska. Brigadier Gilllng-ham took as his subject "Christ.1 the Water of Life" and. from h'.s Own experience of over thirty years i as a Salvation Army officer, drew I many apt and Interesting Hlustra- j tions. I The service was brought to a; conclusion with a short sacred musical program, Those taking .part Included Captain and Mrs. Richard Newton, Mrs. Adjutant! Howard Fisher, Captain and Mrs Ivan Halsey and Ruth and Jones. Brigadier and Mrs. Gillingham left later In the evening aboard the Catala td visit points where the Army is at work on the Naas River. o - on tl .TTtK DAO.T ITSW Maple Leafs Win Football Defeated Hearer TV t Nil King Edward Sciiuol Leaxue niICd m - in Hamilton, S; Montreal Royals. 0. U. S, FOOTBALL Corden. 33; Ohio State. 14. Georgia Teeh. 7:: Auburn. 6. Tennessee. 1": Mercer, 0. Harvard, 0; Dartmouth, 16. Notts Dame, 7: Carnfft Tech. 6. Michigan, 21; Yale. 7. Foidham. 16: Davidson, 0. Holy Cross. 27: Colgate. 7. Villa nova. 7; Arkansas. 0. Oregon State. 13:' Washlnatrm Orace SteUt 0. Kentucky, 21: Xavter. 0. New HamsMhire. 22: Vermont, 7. Professional Cleveland. 14: Pittsburg. 14 tie Detroit Uon.s 10 Chtcajr SMITHERS MEETINGS Surcfvsful Teachers Convent iuu Held At Interior Town The Mfwd earn of the King Ed- Returning from Sratthert IftaktkiikL It on ward School football aeries resulted oatnrHav nvmirnt where he had ' in another wjft for the Maple Leafs represented the UrttUh Columblr. Brigadier J. T. GUlingbam, new over Bam4fter a keenly foufht Teachera" Federation at the Skeena- i divisional commander, of, the Sa vation Army for Notihern flrlsh Columbia and Alaska bltlslon. and Mrs. Gilllnsham spent a rery busy Ulnie while in the cly over the week-end visiting the local Corps Friday night a special your peoples' meeting was held which iwas well attended. Brlgaditr 011-lingham addressed a pubMc fathering on Saturday night Services on Sunday reached a high peak as far as attendances were concerned. Mrs. Dillingham gave ah address in the aiorn- Jng service on the subject "The Highway of Holiness." maUh by, goal to nil. Both Onilnrca Teachm' GanvtrvUarv. J. Roals were scared by Tommy Pll- g. Wilson hd nothing but prate fold. ,,1 for the two-day assmbly. Teams were as follow: The chief speakers Included Dr. Beavers Main; Aid. B. Gomez: II. B. King, chief inspector far th T. Ormiston. R. Murray. Red Pierre, province. Professor O. M. Shrum J Bond. J. Hautran. iMr Huay, O- and Kenneth P. Caple of the ex-Anderson. B. prince. H. Mtnales tension department of the Univer-and C pllfold. slty of BritUh Columbia. C. J. Maok LeafsJ. Princr Robert Frederickaon. insoeetor of the Bartlett. I Jftr W. Rnl. F Prince Oeorge dtstrttt. Mr. SUJ-Grlmble. N. SheVpanl: P. Vlln. A ford, inspector of th Smlther Bawhaw. A. Arntsen. O. Hansen. T. dtatrlct. Ml Jwnette Sarent. PWold. librarian from Prtwce George. Mr. Joe Davk was referee. Wlhm and Dent Smith, wo- The next game will be between .Taohlcal repreaentatlre frost the Reaver and the Wanderers J'nnce ueorge A large crowd of young people both of whom tv bean beaten by gathered for the rally in the after- the Maple Lmti. I noon when the divisional comman- CANADIAN FOOTHALh fit ration wrinh Diriftri M 'mmn - a i ma In addition to vivin the princi pal address at the Thursday afternoon seafon. Mr. WMon also ; spoke at the trabHc meeimg and 'at the official banquet. Vernon Crockett was chairman Winnipeg Blue Bombers, 16; Re- at the various meetings and r- .,,. v,h fn.r- ma Rou?n Riders, a MHed how at the first convention inrJr r,t in th vrrlre lnrludin " ' """" mere iiiifrn years ago .Mr. wiwon " j : : to Argonauts, is. had been very active. Addresses of welcome were given by L. H. Ken-ney on behalf af the Villa Commissioners of Smlthrrs and Mrs. R. B. Brummitt of the Smlther Blrchall gave the Invocation. A. D. Jones, principal of Smlthers elementary schools. plied to the addresses and also! I ,preslded at several meetings, . The success of the convention 'was largely due to the very suc-rcessful organization and arrangements made by Mr. Crockett and . F McCague the energetic secret-j ary-treosurer. Demonstrations were given bv pupils under F McCatrue. A D Jones. P Glover, who was gsneral Bears, accompanist. Miss Doodson. Mbu Carpenter and Miss Evelyn Olraart GREATEST HALLOWE'EN ikichUclAmeueLkadl sure to have Plenty of CAN house on Ilullotvc'en . . . i party applet at the door s table. IMav annle red applet go well with the ith orange liatn and hi with apples right Th now e Government grades of EXTRA FANCY Inrlu.l,. miii.I, lian!plrkrj applr nftool ir lor the variety. Irro from nw-rt im-.U anil nrarlirallr frre xliwaM-anil minor Mrml.lira. 'e applra &re aizfxl arrtinllng In rlfty. General Hornby Is City Visitor A I) IAN AIMM.KS In your MftwrV Make in the pantry, anil . . . give apple prizes! Kvv lildren . , . they go well, BUg k cats. The utoreM are jfPv"' the world's finest. Wkft Canadian Aitplea aret "FANCY" Inrlii.lea M.n.l, h.n.U fMffi I p! til applnt of fair c.l.iir fr Ali-'J? VI llif tarlrly ami prarllralljr trm M l W lu fntn iIIm-mm. anl oilier Injury. CniV ui 1 li applra err ll ai iimlin: to BKY 2T t Ull DOMINION DEPARTMENT OF ACltlCt I.I ( (H trrTAVTA MH- V4 alakl m?m "Mala aiB $ Cap." Here In connection with the pro motion of his well known British land settlement scheme. Brigadier l SSaaaSSaaBaaaaaaBaaiBaaal y. ocfijw. . . SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES A hlthly intcfc , i enlng concert wit ixld adlsn Legion Ha a i. werr 125 men ir. f u M, L Hornby of LethbrWge. Alberta. evenln "1 I ! Another Sunday Concert Enjoyed arrived in the slty on iworaay Among thf ur1 ,, , nlaht's train from Smlthers and n PrintiM ir . c r . . School Board while Rev. J. E.,w! leave bf this evenings train r ... "T V 'cm Mb return home. Brigadier Durnford tn Hornby sees no reason why the war th, o Qupf re- should mean the nostoofitment of f i-i ' juircinj vrurr lAajjL JtTi !k hni h h,.uu,..... ... unnire. were thf- ust-da deef, he sees where It mWhl be evening. ' speeded up through the migration uni. h . , dkK from Bntland of DortUllr dUabled lh T" cJ ' r - v minir inS rVM a L soldiers who farmers. would make good HALLOWEEN APPLES the creaongly intere j -4 trs TIM r ma mm On Friday night Brigadier Horn- r ," , w",tom by wms In session at Smlther with - ... , . live last nltht :- in Kiiirirv vaurv iiutric Hurn ... of Trade and yesterday conferred with officers of the Prince Rupert Chamber rf Commerce FOR SALE NEW America; r t!k ones and three- Di. 'Xm 'C FOR SALE Wi-,u ..Ls-vj nnj-Inc outfit, coae App. USr khr at hsu U FOR SALE N w : . WJisi piano, first rij -' ra Rf'40l 25l! FOR BALE- S-roomfcoJ tw-rtwms. tood ioj Pnrf Plone Red TJ1 -.1,R.KEX1- FOR RENT I l w flat. 733 Sth Averse W HOARD ANDKOOMl HRST cliw ro m dtnee, close 0 r Phone Dlark W. in- ... - ..I bt ir Mif"1 II - 1111. !i inf.'". "" nil 1 Mill 1 ' ... .. . r In Ik. M.llrt rf lh' W"",H .v. " In Ihr Ullrr of th tUt take ticmct a rd dr or otu.M t prAMta AAmtotW-v urrtM. bikI all P""--3 ptnat the mid t ; 0 qulrrd to rnmi. JtJtn.tttt 7rWmr J ;';, " .ii'l.t 111 r ihr -"f' vnnMAS A WATT . . - . . . . ... c - Next Time Vou Ak Fr polUh 1-01111 sar- st JET"""T CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAJK fb.n. 51 For B Cal awpaiWff iBPr' R. E. Eyolfson CIIlROrRACTOR I Phone HLACK 3