5L' Jam 13" FAQS FOUR THS DAILY NlWfl Monday, 6it,H Rugged Western Styles IN GWG JACKETS Zipper jacket with double back and front with two breast and two muff front pockets made of GWG's heavy weight "WESTWOOL" lumberjack-cloth. Zipper jacket with four front pockets with flaps and big inside pocket entirely across the back which has zipper opening at each side made of GWG's heavy weight "YVESTWOOL" lumberjack cloth. Colors Blue and Black Check, Green and Black Check, Bed and Black Check. All Sizes. $9.75 Bryant Company Limited Phone 297 532, 3rd. Ave, W. MONTREAL. October 30: CP A team of National Hockey League r.O. Box 622 ALL STARS Export Of Gold WIN GAME And Silver By - India Banned all-stars, with Syl Apps of Toronto T7. . . mi to. cv. ',u"v,. o h&n CALCUTTA, 0:t 30.-Export M6ntreat-Cadadiens five to two ? fnd sUvef. m. BrlUsh India tapers, action on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday. Keep that Smile in her Young Eyes.. pvard precious eyesightl Get plenty of good light with Edison Mazda Lamps rln the 100 watt size. Better Light .. . Better Sight HALLOWE'EN CANDY Special Hajlowe'cn Assortment Lb. 29c We have fireworks of all kinds for this occasion at low prices Mussalh 9 lem s CONFECTIONERY MADE IN CANADA EDISON, MAZDA Lamps CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC A NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 p.o. Box 198 BOTH. WERE BORN HERE Miss Alice lUHberp Becomes Bride Of Thomas JIcMeekin A marriage ceremony of much local Interest took place on Saturday evening at 8 o'clock at the First Presbyterian Manse. Rev. H O. Funston officiating, whsn Miss Alice Frances Hallberg, younges. daujhter of Mr. and Mrs. Knut IJallberg, became the bride of Thomas Alexander McMcekin. elder son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Mc-Meekln. The bride, who was given In marriage by her father, was charming In a beautiful whit? satin gown with a small bolero Jacket and wore a matching Puritan bonnet with .a shoulder length veil, carrying a bouquet of red roses. The bride was attended by her sister. Miss Inerid Hallbcrs. who tions, carrying a bouquet of and white carnations. The groomsman was Jack Mo Rae. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents where a number of friends gathered. The bride and groom received Thl idrf rtlsement l not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government ot British Columbia wor a lovelv nile creen marnuls-' St- Andrew ette gown with a small bolero beautifully decorated for the oe jacket and a halo hat of carna pink WEDDING IS BEAUTIFUL casion, was. overflowing at 8 o clock Saturday rilght for the marrlags rites of Miss Helen McLeod. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McLeod of this city, to Albert Earl Norris, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Norris of Peace River. The- groom being a member of the 102nd. Battery here, there was 'a military guard of honor and this was one of the dlsUncUve feature under a beautiful white wedding I.. . .u. i-n.. ,ii bell, f iled with confetti, In an ... n tA, , th(. archway of pink and white roses. They were assisted in receiving by me onaes motner, who wore a city for some time. The Bishop of Caledonia. Rt. Rev. ' O. A. Rlx D. D.. officiated and blue velvet gown and a corsage of ... . ...u.j.-i me cnoir oi wie vauiruiaa hi -j.j red and white 1.1. carnations . .and . the .. attendance. brlde glven ln grooms mother who wore a navv marr, b her father blue dress of ChantUla lace and a Mc brldcsmald Margaret corsage of red and white carna- T .... , ,u. u,,j VeA .Uons. A buffet supper was served in a t; beautifully decorated rose arbor. VU OMiC 4 V VS1C IV4 iUtt IU V McLeod. brother of the bride, was groomsman. A rsartM" ViaiI lit ai at tVi The brides table was centred u uj.. .v,.,. with a three-tier wedding cake siuutc vi uic wi iuc o pan iim Mttvib 01 chrysanthemums with matching ... last night ln a Babe Siebert Mem- iia5 proruouea except by The toast tp the bride was pro-orlal game. The proceeds so to the spec PermIt- posed by Rev. H. O. Funston and benefit of Sieberfs family. . suitably responded to by the was a large gathering to which was duly cut by the bride, the occ and The National Hockey League sea-1 iORK COPPER grooms tori opens on Thursday night of I NEW YORK, October 30: March Both the bride and groom were' Waofliftf Prsfnnoef this week with Detroit playing at'C0PPer dosed at 1U8 per pound born in Prince Rupert and will re-; if CalllCI I UlCLdol Chicago, other teams swinging into ou ine riew xorK metal' market ceive hearty congratulations and best wishes. , The happy couple wlU reside .the Angus Apartments. , WINNIPEG WHEAT PRICE WINNIPEG, October 30: (CP) Winnipeg wheat futures were off ?ac to ?8c yesterday with November closing at 70aC. vu t nan iiiciikw. (The full account of this marriage will appear ln the Dally News tomorrow). I General synopsis The pressure in appears to be high southwest of , Vancouver Island with a moderate .depression approaching the Queen 1 Charlottes from the west. With the : exception of rain on the north coast ' the weather has been fair and mild in British Columbia. , West Coast of Vancouver Island- Moderate northeast, shifting to southeast winds, fair and mild. Whifflets From The Waterfront Assigned to this port fv I'- '-' service in connection with an w resumption ? dt v Udpatcd early a shipping. Capt. A. W Ogden ar rived in the city on the Catala la.st night from Victoria Capt Ov'cn is no stranger to Prince Rupert having formerly been well known as master of freifhters of the .Frank Waterhousc line. With an exceptionally Urge consignment of fih irom Ketchikan for transshipment to the United States over Canadian National-Railways. Northland Tran'owtatlon Co's steamer North Sea, Capt A W MtVnn orrlrnl In DOrt at 6 Saturday evenly from Al- Miss Helen .McLeod Become, Bride and here unit! S oekk Of Carl Xorris At Ceremony In ," was Cathedral Sunday morning when he UW In continuation of her voyage to Anglican Cathedral, i Seattle. Union steamer Catala. Capt James Findlay. arrived In port at 9 o'clock last night from the south with a fair-sized ltt of passenger and sailed at midnight for Stewart and other northern points whence she will return here tomorrow afternoon southbound. Namu cannery of the B C Packers on Fltzhugh Sound, south of here. Is closing down for the time being, now that salmon packing has concluded. H. V. Morehouse, the; manager, and members of the cannery crew will be leaving Namu for Vancouver on the Catala this There were no offerings of halibut at the local Fish Exchange this morning. As stated before, there are only a few American boats still out and It is quite possible they may not come here WEDDED IN FOLKESTONE The marriage took place quietly sa Ma j wwMa-aii. wimv wiiv . tngiana. recently oi miss jiuaa. Wilson-Murray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H Wilson-Murray of I Prince Rupert. to Llut James. Laurin Carmichacl of the Royal I Army Medical Corps. The bride. who Is a graduate of the Prince: Rupert Ocneral Hospital. Is now in I France with an Imperial hospital unit. The groom, member of a I prominent Edinburgh family. 1 also in service as & medical offecer j STOREW1DE SALE! ELIO'S FURNITURE The Assortment is Larger, the Values are Greater Than Ever Before. You will Save in Every Purchase Buy Now FLOOR COVERING Dominion Inlaid Linoleum 6 feet wide. C-f fin Sq.yard A.D Felt Base Floor Covering OCp 6 feet wide. Sq. yard .... 1 Studio Davenport Back drops down $45.00 6-Piece Dining Room Suite Modern suite in ivory enamel finish. S.uite consists of buffet, extension table and set of four chairs with upholstered jjgg gQ 3-piecc Chesterfield $79 QQ BEDDING Genuine Old Country Witney Blankets Their high grade quality lasts a lifetime. Size 72x90 'SC9; $l?t50 Woolcot Pair $1.95 All Wool Grey Blanket Qf Qff Size 60x80. Pair ... . oO Feather Pillows All feather, floral $1.50 (piece Bedroom Suite Suite con-. sists of Bed, Chiffonier, Vanity and upholstered QCQ- CA Bench yoV.DV E mi IB1-- r 39' QUEEN Now Najlnr OF THE SCREEN! begins her reign a burst of melody., a blaze of triumph! UhaatwUaJu mvai I Gay Modem .Musical ro. J luted In Lavish Splendor b L mi the Man Who Gave You -May time" IT (At 7:31 and 9:36) EXTRA ADDED 'M).VAI.I DUCK'S PENOUI.S" "BIKD DOOS (A Sportllfht for Hunters) TONIGHT. TltS. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWM00000000000000000 V lit . y MTiwrrrrni t Shows Nlihtly, VMlijI The Rexall Drug Store' GIRLS and Boys PRIZE CONTEST Fifteen Wonderful Prizes Given Awaj 8 For Girls 7 For Boji Nominations for Kntry Open Wednesday i'ovcinler 1st and Close Sundir November 12th Votinjf Starts .Monday November ttth Rules Governing This Contest May Ik Obtained at Our Store Hoys and Girls Make Sure Your Nime is on the Contestant's List Prizes Are Now On Display in Our Windowi Ormes Ltd. tt" Pioneer Druggist The Keaall Store Phonrt 11 U Open Daily from a.m. till II pm. Sunday and Holiday from It noon UU X 1 p.m. till p.m. OOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQCTOtMOOQ300000000Woc' I UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. SPECIAL REDUCED WINTER EXCURSION MBH Including all mcaU and berth accomoda " to TO VANCOUVER AND KCTURN From PRINCE RUPERT From Port Simpson SJ9. , 36.00 Reduced Rate -Fare and one half also apply ' Vntoum from Intermediate points. Children Flve years of age and under twelve HN rirl Tickets on Sale from November lit, 1939 to Febrary 19th. MM Oood to return up to March 31at 1940 Steamer Leave Prince Rupert Ar Van'on S.S. CATALA Every Tuesday 1:30 p.m. ThrdJJ SS. CARD K.N A i:my rrday 10:30 p.m. yoniJ Tickets and RcsenraUona from ... Prince Rupert Ajent (FRANK J. SKINNER) Third Ate- rhon II Convenient, Please Purchase TlckfU at omce SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! ullint it OCEAN FALLS Hi POWELL Stcnmer leaves Prince Rupert etery THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trnhu leave Prince Rupert for the E Monday, Wedneiday, Friday, 6 p.m. j. Stcnmer for Ketchikan od Jjg0(ifi Stewart every XviT I WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For fare$, etc., call or ifjjM City Ticket Office, 528 Srd At id. lie