II E Monday. Oetob'r J0 lMt ' ; tks daily mrvra PAut TBKCl II I I The Morning AfterTakintf Carters Little Liver Pills Hotel Arrivals Prlnre KdprI j Pulun. Graham Held and Georgetown; Brigadier M. Lethbrldge; E C. Nevl-:. Sloan. 8tewart Robson, i F ',rv. A- L Brunton and - Vancouver; Olof Han- ;m Blackwood and R. iiy; A W Ogden. Vic- 3 advertising m tru DalJ) Ei, jre to bring dally re- Religious Council Meeting Is Held There was a ?ood attendance of member and Interested friend at the rally of the Religious Education Council held at the Anglican Cathedral after the- evening service last night. This rally was held at the request of the British and Foreign Bible gaiety, i The president of the Council, MUs Kay Watson, wa in the Chair Ken Dakln read the ScrlD- Jture .and Guy Thome gave the I prayer. The speaker of the evening wa P. II. Linrey, who gave a most Interesting and Inspiring address on the "Need of Faith In the World Today - The talk was based on the words of Paul: "I Know Whom I Have Behind" and "I have Fought a Good Fight" These statements showed the Implicit faith and optimism of the Apostle The speaker discussed anti-Christ activity in the world today and declared that the responsibility of carrying on Christian work and living would soon fall on the shcoulder of those who are the young people of today. Thrift Cash & Carry First Of The Month Specials Pra Royal City. 99 p r -sr. UM Atparagus Cuttinc Rnse- !- 12 oz tins. 25C jien $1.45 it mi snd Beans. White Corn, Mien Bantam Corn, To- uto Ketchup- 11- OFn i 4 tins AitaHan KaUins- 1 cello bag f fit Peel- New sea- l,-lb pkt. . packet 25c 14c bsntrccs Chocolate Un :veetcned 4Cn lb. pkt Ikrift Coffee- -Ground flftn .ily Lb. Trias (irape fruit- 9 Of N w arrivals 3 for Terrace Celery-. Med- fEZr 3 size 3 head White Corn - Royal OQ City 2 tins Per dozen 11.23 Cut Green Beans Brentwood No. 2 tins. AAn Each Per dozen MacKenzie's Furniture lit $1.19 Raspberries, Strawberries, Loganberries 11 -oz. nrn tins. 3 tins Bleached ItaWns New Stock. Lb. Cello IQn bag Pineapple HintsAll Qp colors. 2 for Pastry Flour B it K QQp I (Mb. saclcs OVK' Fresh Roasted Peanut A fg AUU Per bag Terrace Potatoes No. 1 quality. White and OA QCT mealy. Sack OM.VO Jonathon Apples Fancy wrapt Nice size for OCn Hallowe'en. 2 doz. Box $1.55 ntaut Rest Mattress 52J0 MumLrr King Spring Spring Filled .Mattresses 20.Q0 Cable Spring With steel plat edges. S9.50 This Is Iteddlng Time Get the JJest It Costs Us I'hone 773 I DuiwAy I I . T(M1 M I I COMMUMKATKMt I wen I 327 THIRD AVLNUK CANADIAN PACIFIC Tronscontincntal Trnns-Atlaniic Trans-I'acific t .. . i v.an rail nnd Wa v Ports iu vauuuuTci i i 8 8, PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 p.m. T Vancouver Direct BS. "PRINCESS LOUISE" October 27th SB "PRINCESS NORAH" November 6th, 16th, 27th Winter Lxcurslon Fare Vancouver and Return ""- on sale Nqv. 1st. 1939 to Feb. 28th 1940 $Qfic00 Ptnai Return Limit-March 31st 1940 VtfU Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Paolflc Services Tickets and Reservations from W L COTi:l General Agent, Trlnee Rupert. B.C. TIIK CONSOLIDATED' MINING & 5MELTIN(S COMPANY OF CANADA, UMWM Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Ilraru! 'Chemicals and Chemical Fertilizers Ammonium Phosphates, Ammonium Sulphate, Superphos-phfttes, Monocalclum Phosphate Producers and Hefinertf of TADANAC Urand Metals . Oold Oliver Lead Zinc Cadmium Bismuth Aitlmony and Zinc Dust Also Sulphuric Acid and Sulphur Office fend Worki Trail, ll.C. Moral Rearmament Was Her Subject 9 Miss Ehie Heaps Speaker at Meet Ing of Japanese Young People's A ofeifJ-i 4 Inn fellowship tea of the Nippon Young People's Association on Sunday ar ternoon at the St Andrew' Angli can Japanese Mission, Miss Elsie Heaps gave an interesting talk on "Moral Rearmament." She told of the second world assembly which she attended at Los Angeles where 1500 delegates from thirty different nations gathered. Of 400 delegates from Canada 150 were from British Columbia. 'The opening meeting was held at Hollywood Bowl which was filled with 30,000 persons, ten thousand having to be turned away. Miss Heaps told of the stir ring messages of various speakers among whom was Miss Hlsae Hlrano formerly of Prince Rupert. spoke for the second Japanese gen eratlon In Canada. Miss Heaps explained briefly the meaning of mor al rearmament. Twenty-one members were pres ent at the meeting and the president, Setsuo Kuwahara. was in the chair. Refreshments were served. Ne 8. MISS .BLANCHE HARTE PASSES, Well Known Pioneer Woman Died LaU Xight At Ate of Seventy-rive Year Lived litre Thirty Years i . After a lengthy Illness. Miss Blanche Hart, a well known pioneer woman of Prince Rupert, -a'sd away last night at the Prince Runert General Hospital. She was born In Halifax. Nova Scotia, seventy-five years ago and had been In Prince Rupert for thirty years. She had no surtiv-ing relatives as far as can be learned. The funeral will take chapel of B. C. Undertakers Funeral Notice iluild II. C. lyrolls" In Cooking And Baking iBii JVPlTf l mm i t AAA mAewn? nf(ntmAn fvrtm 4 V) I Falrvlew Cemetery. I J Miss Harte was a benefactor to I various 'local causes and It is un- The nice things that can be cooked and baked with Pacific Milk "are so nice," writes Mrs. L. T. C "that since I began using it I have not changed. I know my cooking and baking has Improved and another thing Pacific Milk goes further. If economy matters, It Is so rich, it Is the milk to choose." PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed LOCAL NEWS NOTES Olngham October 31. Dance, Moose Hall, (252) j Mrs. Barney Obuchlna and At the monthly devotional andie"1"' Pry, returned to Hill 60 Tea nd Sale Is Successful A very mccessful tea and sale of. the city on the Catala last night from a trip to Vancouver. J. W. Olbson of the local Post Office staff returned to the city on the Catala last night from a vacation trip to Vancouver. Alex Turnbull, inspector of schools, and Mrs. Turnbull sailed last night on the Catala for Stew- are. Mr. Turnbull Is on one of his periodical Inspection trips. Give generously for your poppy this year. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Mitchell, mhf. Hnv hppn (ina V.nrntlnn trln wno . " ; r . : v. io Vancouver ana exsewnere in wie south, returned home on the Ca tala last night HEADvCOLDS just a rrw otors RttJIVI HEAD COIO STUFFINtSS AND M1ST For prompt and courteous Phone 13 TaxL tf. POPPY TAO DAY, Saturday, November 4th. Mrs. Boulter sr. Is leaving on this,- evening's train for a trip to Wlnni-: peg- Walter Balllrig'er returned to the( city on the Catala last nignt from a trip to Vancouver. Honor the dead and help the livingBuy a Poppy. Leonard Cripps returned to the' city on the Catala last night from-a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south on vacation. J Capt. J. o. James of the Royal :. Canadian Corps of Signals was an arrival in the city on the Catala last night from Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. S. E, Parker anji; Mrs. H. B. Rochester. whoTtave beenj on a motor trip through the central;, and Interior parts of the province, i returned home on Saturday night's, ' train Brigadier J. T- GUJlngham, divisional commander of trie Salvation Army from Wrangell, and Mrs. Oillingham sailed last night on the' Catala for Canyon City on the Naas River to visit the corps at that point. i Private N. Matheson, stationed Obf Ilinsnn M P for akffns. r- v, i,v. ,u . ci.,...u. S ii krtm ,--H- - L11 o J 1 luzl c IU MC OMUTIVl ViiHUUiJIl lZ?J?Z n rsli nray rivcdln the city on Saturday night's Scottish Regiment, returned to the-Z h ii Rll?rr2Ln(,!8Tmnflrln from Smithers nA clty " the last night from r rMl I 10 be in the Clty fM neXt feW Ladysmlth where he had been caU-'re (n ad of war work In the way ,,w r. T w,.v,.. v.,. MVnViZ.w "l eVCry c,ttzen uear a PPy ineM man and alderman of Mrs. o. E. Moore acted as o.-n.Mi cneral and auto windshieid every a Vancouver inland town. convener with various members of poppy ne cnamer assisiin?. j . The winner in a drawinp for a- Legion Bazaar, Friday. Tea room.' three-niece boudoir lamn set was1 fancy wark, home cooking. Scotch MlSS Florence Rose With ticket, danrtn mfn oranrt imwtn In I evening. 1 orchestra. Party Music wjr ujven Recent Bride Black's U. .Mrs. George Holmes and .Mrs. Smith Hostesses for .Mrs. Harold Davey II. On Thursday evening a very enjoyable surprise party was given by Mrs. George Holmes and Mrs. H. Smith at the home of the latter on Seventh Avenue East in honor of Mrs. Harold Davey (nee Margaret Smith i. Bridge was enjoyed and, prize winners w-ere Mrs. G. Holmes, Mrs. Harold Davey and Mrs. A. J. Croxford. Dainty refreshments were served half of the guests present, present ed Mrs. Davey with a beautiful bedspread nnd bed cushion on the derstood she has left bequests tofs'0" of """""u arrlaee- the local recreational centre, the '"lu"ur u.w.u.,. iGyro playgrounds and the Prince r,rxin"-e Pr"eniTI V " , lnn.r nnmi nitf, Hirold Davey. H. Smith. P. Mela, v.. , . r . iiuiuer. n. Aiurui, a. vjuyaii, ii. K. Chrlstensen, G W. Ruddsrham. A. J. Croxford. R. B. Morgan, Georpe Geddes. R. Smith, R. Dun- Th fnn.nl nf th'p lnP Hlanehe Mn- V,ct0r Plck- W W- BoweS. & WIsto. H. B. Eastman. W. ir.rfn ,m fov- ninr tnmnrrnw i H. Good- Tuesdav. at 2 n.m. from the B. C. Undertakers Chapel. sell. D. A. MncPhee. .Henry Dolron. iM. J Kavs. Jnhn McGrelsh, R. J Murray and G Holmes. Bob's Beauty Parlor Next to Q, & S. Orocery Phone 318 CHIMNEYS Furnaces and Stove Pipes Cleaned Steen's Limited Phone S COAL" Gram Feed Seeds and Fcrtiliz'er PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 and S31 Advertising is ar .nvesiteent. Canadian ember 3. the Announcements All AdvertUemeula Ip. UlU coi-amn will be charged, for fuJJ month word Eagles Bridge November 1 Legion Bazaar, Nov- Scotch and Canadian Dance, iMetropole Hall, November 8. Anglican Bazaar November 9. Valhalla Dance, NovlOj Presbyterian Bazaar. Nov. 18. Vaudeville. November 17. Dance, Moose Hall,. St Peter's Church bazaar Nov. 23, Country Fair November 21. St. Andrew's Dance, Noy. 30, THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by ths only salmon canning company frith an all tho year round payroll In Prlnc Kqsrt Hair Treatment Are ybu suffering with Scaly Dandruff, Itching Scalp, Dry Fragile and Lusterless Hair? Our correct recondition treatments will do wonders' for you at NELSON'S BaTber and Beauty Shop 2 3-piece Chesterfields Since 1857 Sjrail bctn . ptodvclaj Ctd' imtA WhiAUl whfcli ' hiTt btcomt world- ; fmou lor iIUnct tnd !. Scuiiinm CANADIAN RYE WHISKIES . This, advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. B. C. Furniture Co. New And Used Furniture 1 Rebuilt ChesterfieldIn tapestry and velour 1 Rebuilt Chasterfield All tapestry $65.00 $69.00 $36.00 $39.00 1 Chesterfield Couch At 1 Imperial Oil Uurner With new sleeves and pump 1 Reconditioned Kitchen Range At 3 Mirror Vanity and Stool At 4 Reconditioned Radios Of various makes, from 1 Singer Sewing Machine At $16.00 $23.50 $25.50 $10.50 $16.00 $16.50 Phont BLACK 321 THIRD AVE. ?)'ext Door to B. C, Clothiers) KEEP THIS LIST New Books Let Us Reserve Your Xmas Books Now The Following Titles Are Already in Stock THE HAPPY HARVEST Famol - : StM CHILDREN OP GOD Fisher W . IT TAKES ALL KINDS Bromfield $30 PAPER PRISON Wren .-..- $25 CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY Maugham $2.00 and $2.:5 HISTORICAL NIGirrSENTERTAINMENT-SabattinlJlM GRAPES OF WRATH-Stelnbeclc v.. $3,00 SONDRA OIOORE Wllloughby. ' $245 ANNE OF INGLBSIDEMontgomery : $243 WIND, SAND AND STARS Exupery ;.w ..: 9SM. - THE TH1BAULTS Du Oard $30 . NORTH TO ADVENTURE Montague ..-llL.$245 NORTH TO THE ORIENT Morrow ..:...... $1.75 NINE POUNDS OF LUOOAGE Parrlsh $3J50 THRU EMBASSY EYES Dodd ,w $3.00 THE ARTS Van Loori - $3 00 QUEEN ANNE BOLEYN Hackett -..........1... $3.00 European Jungle Yeats-Brown . "..:.i...'$W0i For Special Notice NORTHLAND TRAILS Ells. An Ideal gift book from B.C. $-00 DISPUTED PASSAGE Lloyd Douglass" outstanding , ' novel (limited edition) c . $10 . SHAKESPEAR Complete in one volume. Only ..... 95c W Can Procure any Book from Current Lists at.Publlshers Price. Make Your Selections Early to Avoid Disappointment at Xmas. J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldf. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MUk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 151