THE DAILY NEWS : ~s manmanuaonronmaraeonceeooronmoonn | BTS KINDNESS ny F OUGHT WOLVES TO SAVE ie ! 3 ee Architect When _in Vancouver You Should Stay at the 2 tA era: S. S. Second avenue and Third street T T $ NOT ACCEPTED Wis, Prince SEVEN GIRLS IN SLEIGH |_o "wr" 8° °*= 4 } ae > | Lb q) A > CARL ON HO EL 2 Rela Rupert Bul H. Gordon Munre W. Nicholson Lailey Finest Cafe in B.C. European Plan. Rates $1.00 to $2.50 per day 3 Irish Peer Distributes Presents — THRILLING STORY OF ONE MAN'S SPLENDID HEROISM COMES MUNRO & LAILEY Hot and Cold Water in each room. 2) to Tenants—These Were Sent Sails Every Friday at 8 a.m. for FROM HUDSON BAY—HARRY FENNELL SHOT NINE Architects ; $| Back by United Irish League in VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. SEATTLE WOLVES THEN DIED A HERO'S DEATH. Seotk B Fe ~~ oF CORNER CORDOVA AND CAMBIE STREETS § Proud Independence. 8.8. PRINCE JOHN ete: 3 sana aude aaa 8. jue eb 0 as|man ¢ some girls in a bob- as Vancouver, B.C. 3 Belfast, Fel ' * a” Siideinss every Wednesday at 1 p. m. for Stewart. Guelph, ‘ | 2 {.—Word ha | man and me girls in a bob elfast, Feb. 5 Jlaremor- 80 aintains week Se ce , p e "PCEIVEK ere at b ig -|sleig as late ¢ night ie 3 y ' > ris aa re tates that the blan- Charlotte "island point For pertigarars heen revels Ne that by fight-|sleigh. It wa lat aL tite and STUART & STEWART PAA PAAAAPAAPPAAPAIP ADAP ADDAPPDADAADNADADAAD DDS ket ad ' mf : ” a ; nade eee ing a pack of limber wolves single|they were chased by wolyes. Mr, ACCOUNTANTS -:- AUDITORS cets : or re ore at i em Ndi distr Mw ts 7 ¢ ms r hie: maa ised” teins” ke es Suace el handed all night long Harry E./Fennell got out and got up a tree Law- Butler Building Phone No. 280 nybotaatey RB Sh ee Wednesdays and Saturdays at 1 p. m. Fennell, lately of Denver, Colo.,/and told the others to run the Prince Rupert P.O. Box 351 tenants as Christmas presents For all points East of Chicago travel via have been collected and taken to| the @rand Trunk Rai \iway System for|but up to six years ago residing|/horses to their cabin and he ee ps - Ballindine Soe haw the seule ae ait aon... a, reneeveeue eee Guelph, saved the lives of|would fight the wolves. Thelatrrep CARSS, C. V. BENNETT, B.A. FROM HOME TO HOME. ed, packed into a hal and ad-| tekets to all points apply to _ ; seven girls and the other menjothers wanted to stay, but he or ee ee SO. Carnes Oe sa, acKket i ale ¢é ad- 3 - * dressed to Castle MesCaveett, the A. E. MCMASTER Tee Sees eG, Dart? and died ae) begged tiem: tor Oe aul BiMARAth, 1 oe Ce eee ‘ ? sad >The siete ard? : TRUNK the result of the exposure he was|take any chances with the girls CARSS & BENNETT residence of his lordship. The GENERAL AGENT GRAND TRUNK , HO L ELYSIUM bulk ackage we lispatched by PACIFIC RY. CO forced to endure. Fennell’s des-|They then went home, but eould BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, Etc. See ae ea a oe aaa ae ; ip Li erate fight with the wolves took|/hear shots all zh Fennell} Omee~Eaciinge beck, corner Third eee rail to the consignee and bore on Agency all Atlantic Steamship Lines I | ; ll night. Fennell Sixth street.’ Prince Ruvert. Sid. Sykes, Manager one. side: of it: the wotda “From place near Hudson Bay. He and|killed nine wolves. The men — a chum were trapping up near|went back at daylight and there Hudson Bay and went to a party|were only three wolves left. Fen- DENTIST. or dance that some half breeds|nell was so cold he could hardly were giving. They were the only|walk, and died before they could Crowe yes eee ak 8 ey people near, and on the way home/gel help, the nearest doctor be-| local anasthetics administered for the painless ex- } traction of teeth. Consultgtion free. Offices: were given a ride with ee sixty miles away. Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert. fi-12 the Ballindine branch of the WM. S. HALL, L.D.S., D.D.S. United Irish League.’ While the parcel was being made up and conveyed to the station cheers were repeatedly given for the league, The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices. Te aa | RAILWAY 1142 Pender Street West - - Vancouver, B.C. Phone 8500. Alex.M.Manson B.a., W.£. Williams,B.A., L.L.D scoesnesesgeseencensent ents eee FOUR MILES | ree rvveess ANOTHER STEAMSHIP LINE Dictate: Oibeatens; Gea Line Box 285 “ es ° . rince Rupert, B. ® C.P.R.STEAMERS) Princess Beatrice FOR THIS NORTHERN COAST sis Saturday, February 10th, at 9 a.m. se a we ee S0/POR at nee ea 7 5 Imposing Fleet of Fine Passenger Bor Victoria, Vancouver and Seattle /§1R DONALD MANN SAYS CANADIAN NORTHERN WILL BE JOHN E. DAVEY os | Boats Flying the Red and White! J. G. McNab - General Agent READY TO OPERATE AS SOON AS THEIR TRANS- TEACHER OF SINGING Squared House Flag Will Reach CONTINENTAL LINE IS COMPLETED. | from Malvetely to Meat Geek: sivemtsntpmanessenittienieie _ as LSet eee PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ., A.R.A.M., 1 @N., ENG ae Vancouver, Feb. 3.—The Can-jas yet. It was probable that there ; When their vessels now on the Nee Ce adian Northern Railway will on|Would be transpacific lines in GEORGE LEEK & CO. slips are completed the Canadian | : ,,|time, but he could make no def- MERCANTILE AGENCY Notice is hereby given that an applica-|!he completion of its transpacifie COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS Pacific Railway will possess a inite announcement , . tion will be made tw the Legislative As- ied: a inne : sat . . . : : fleet of no less than seventy-five] sembly of the Province of British Columbia| ines operate a Ccoastwise service Sir Donald Mann was enthusi Fire, Life and Accident Insurances « t ss »: " . c Mai as 5i- steamships, which, if placed end] Sectton's of the British Colarebia a anding!on the British Columbia coast, my : t 618 8rd Avenue Phone 208 and Green 252 to end, would stretch for a dis-| Railway Act, 1910 (Ch. 66, Statutes of ding to a statement made jastic regarding the future o PRINCE RUPERT if f 1 B ! i British Columbia, 1910), by striking out] according to a statement made tance o our miles. sy the end] all the words after the word “Columbia” . ia Sins ; f in Line 10 of said Section and substituting the press by Sir Donald Mann, n, | Vancouver as a port. He believed that Vancouver on the completion A. M. BROWN at Home ™ WEEKLY NEWS It has all the news of the week’s progress in the city and district. It tells more about the place than - you could write ina month. of the year there will be twenty- yee 3 therefor the following A niin of a ‘ 12. five vessels engaged in the Pa-|, "And or from Fort George in & north. vice president of the railway, y« P of the Panama Canal would be the i oinnd adbeast ec ieanelael easterly directio 0 1 valley o B n g wr vv “ e ~Cessar AN cific coast service, twelve of which] Parsnip River by way of Fort McLeod,|'!@’day morning. It is necessary part of import for a large portion Repairing a Specialty. thence along the Parsnip River to a junc-11,, have the line completed in or-|of the prairie provinces, He fore- Complete tcok Cantos: > : rincess ‘lass. al will be of the “Prince class, alll tion with the Peace River, thence along of which are oil burners. Rirton’ Pane thence ania the tel 4 r to furnish traffic for outer the transcontinental railways Outside Orders Promptly Filled. Two monster “Empresses” to] River to a junction with the main line at} boats,’’ he explained. | would assist in the growth of the ond A iad 10th d llth St n ve. etween an 5 RSG a aman’ . > Pracais Telegraph Creek; also powers to build «} be named the Empress of Russia} pranch lines either through the Pine River Asked as ; and Empress of Asia are now on] or Peace River passes to the eastern boun-|way would establish a line to|enormous quantities of export : dary of British Columbia, or by way of| ‘ the stocks in Britain, and when] the most feasible route, or in the alterna-| Australia as well as one to Great|zrain through here. He saw no THE IRO UOIS by the feasible route between | 7 anama|re¢g the export crop of all as to whether his rail-|port of Vancouver by carrying oe completed will probably be en- a oat wentte tate also to build from| Britain through the Panama | reason why se jgaged in the Pacific service. In] point on said line of railway to the City|Canal and to the Orient, the vice|Alberta, the Peace River district POOL a jils steamship department alone Seapets ainhite scar | pi tan ae a Van: | president stated that he had | and at least a quarter of Sas-| the Canadian Pacific. employs] ‘easble rouse.” oy an. act extending the | formed no plans other than the}katchewan should not find its} English and American Billiards jover twelve thousand hands, while ti eee eee eee, fenaee| Ct a of a coast service | way through Pacific coast ports.| pwelve Tables SECOND AVE. the daily coal consumption is in cent of its capitalization, ————_—_—__— Dated at Victoria, B. C., this 5th day | the neighborhood of five thousand] ,.¢ac.@ 1014. ws ioe |1umbia, The valley has sonie of ons ROBERTSON & ISTERMA Y ‘ : ane: Solicitors for the Applicants, the sun BIG INDUS R the best fruit lands in British send — - Columbia & Alaska Railway Company. | esi and being rapidly -Hotel Central C: . First Ave. eo 7th Street | settled. Ore will at first be . Peay Te LAND PURC HASE NOTICE | FOR PROVIN smelted in Spokane, but to avoid Haihod: cnolieeitantientionnan eae i $1.00 to $2.50 per day. 3 3 ca, duty it is proposed to establish | Prince Rupert Land ee District of} pe at works next fall in Pend de Orielle Peter Black ° : Proprietor Coast. H Take notice that 1, Lemuel Freer, a9: S. Capital Will Develop Great) for the manufacture of pig iron} ona ay dani’. ted noceieian te purchase | Iron Ore Deposit in m Soave and iron of whieh will employ ye ee the following described lands °o la thousand men. eens p <32 |Expert in Military Strategy Fore- Commencing at a bos. pls anted om tue | comers Just Sout : = =E. EBY @® Co== Shore in a northerly irection from Por on It will come regularly each 3 sees Great Naval Engagements) Nelson Cannery, marked L. F's S.E. corner, | | daien neue acute REAL ESTATE ~ thence 20 chains north, thence 2 chains = bog 3 Off Our Local Coast—Menace d chains \ 20 a ; k lik | tter from ou @ of Germany and Japan thenée east along the shore to point of| Nelson, B. C., Feb. 4.—A five| aot as Seceanen Landi Sas wee ike a e e y ° 2 y % mmmencement, containing 40 acres, more! iljign dollar company has been | KITSUMKALUM - 2. bs Nd ear r less. : : ee eee | Methodist Campaign Against Im- aioe! Tarts ae hi na we A gloomy prophecy as to the et icp aq FREER jformed in Spokane to develop | moral Plays Announced. sf Pi “Ww f | if k a2 prebability of conflicts in the Pa- Pub, Jan. 5, 1914 lvast iron deposits in Pend de Chimney Sweeping and Furnace Cleaning e ee as 1 we now a cific Ocean was made by the well) sxeena Land District—District of Coast sa) all British Col bia. | ti { ard barring immoral} . ey a turer on military strat Ranged, Orielle valley, British Columbit \ction toward barring immoral| Prepare for winter ee ekear fnr- anown tecvurer oF eee Ue: ere ake notice that I, CA INE JOHNSON, | eout ) jelson eposits he fa: ‘ ein | everything and everybody x aoe T. WM Masuite. ata tibetelaten AROLINE JOHNSON, ith of Nelsor Deposits have] plays is likely to be taken soon by} naces and flues put in order b 1 P : R h h ye ing of the Royal Colonial Insti-|™ nyt eT ; w i ct Bi nner a Oe ere ae ae ate a the Methodist temperance and} Cc: H. CUTTING 5 a 7 purchase the f ) Y Gescriped i . ne, jut the extent anc grea | 2 ‘ in rince upert t roug ye tute, London, Eng. Mr. Maquire eon nn ae Piece enon ks im } (ee ore ha ao cently | moral reform department. It is | Practical Chimney Sweep Address: Knox Hotel, or ° ’ < jdescribed the Pacific Ocean as|so chains, thence east 80 chains, thence|\° U© © ee ee ae Red ; i cos Flee ky PHONE 71 reading your paper. It S aS ; vs 3 r . e : ; { ie kind” north ¢ ) chains southeast corner of |been conclusively proved by ex-| report d that in theatres through-| “ys the “strategic centre of mankind’ [71a go69 I st 40 chains along) eoriments undertaken by thejout the country plays are being : : 23 | and warned both the United States | south line 2, thence north 20 , | : : t e most interesting paper ye B “that nothing | ene of wot See? thence } capitalists who control the prop-|presented which are immoral or} an ‘ ‘ i oO Ee s ) cha sou eo o j ‘ f : ° ” - 33 aor es . ae hina si ee wont tig der nereett ‘ountaln: 1 Brie: Deposits have hitherto|at any rate suggestive of evil, and E. L. FISHER coulk give e ‘ ) c . cres nore OF ss é sone iP ffar : we receive, writes a sub- i r iliteie tean, aaa Acres, More OF BES. ecw. jbeen without transportation, but} vulgarizing in their effect on Funeral Director and Embalmer 2 d 5 race a military men, t iJ . ; R. Carr, Agent. the Washington & Northern Idaho} audiences. The committee will CHARGES REASONABLE eve jtions like Germany and Japan i Dated Dec 1911 |p ailwe ry build ahha the attar. throes - ine scriber from England. : ae no ariad). wah, sen. 18 \ailway will this summer build a|take up the ma g THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. g a was a word and a blow, Thi re ; 4 trict of Coast,|Pranch from Metaline, where the|vestigations by the local temper-| OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 3 ] aces 2 St ere g x] Ske and Distr strict oO oO é Ks yellow ee , ye: said, . re whic, keena Lan re argest bridge of its kind in the|ance and moral reform commit-] ; to demand equality of treatment. Take notice 1 Milehas Beganis, cook, rida he Pend de Orielle| tee ver Canada and by lay-} ts “ ae es r ve ; : seit sy of Victoria end to apply for per- | “ a crosses the end de rielle; tees all ove anada ¢ : ter ee I at ies A es ‘POST PAID TO ANY ADDRESS IN aS Japan ee as es ent 0 : mission | the following de-/ iver, through the valley of the|ing the facts before the proper “ye rit Sf t y | scribec ‘ ’ Hs Britain's ally, but that would only Commencing at a post planted on the;Pend de Orielle in British Co-|authorities, nited States or Eng. Canada ay last so long as the British alli- north Side of W 8 Creek, pynene the | HAYNER BROS. “ jance was worth having. Great] Sitimat branch of in nout ten (10) chains : tee ar a ye UNDERTAKERS anp EMBALMERS 3 Britain’s territory in the Pacific from the creek § * Snrnog “south BL se Wiunecsl Sieaihens Sy ‘ chains, thence east 40 Chains, thence nor Re RRe FROPROPRODRISHSSROSRCSRE, PROBES PEs BRODES, per year p2 Ocean, he said were by no means) fo°chiins, thence wot 40 chains, 40 point | SRRSRESpeaseseeaesoeaseseeaseaeeaseaeasessessesseaseseRaRSORSORSORSORSORSOREE (ME rd Ave. near th St Phove No. 86 2h: safe, and the Japanese might at-]|% ce ; t =) mes re ’ more or less eee Me ray Me Dene ria . ack and defeat the Americans MICHAS BEGANIS. g} fen Fred E, Cowell, Agent. eee “ 9,00. 9.0%, wee any day. ated Oct. 31, 1911 4 | W t } 3 SRE IAEA EIISE oe —— eee Paper = You Want - SOM Blom ro. nox oi eT! - _ ! ae } x an | See Housekeepers will sympathize] Skeena Land Distr mad Pareae W h PONY EXPRESS }with China in its present financial reke notice that ohm Scoxt Young, of 3 a a tch Cc Then get into communication &} SYSTEMATIC MERCHANTS’ DELIVERY SERVICE ; } wn distress. They know what broken] jo, apply for pé ssion to purchase the | Je —————————— : : Qo | Baggage, Storage and Forwarding Agents. For rt eorge Oo china means following des lands: <3 moo with us We can serve you as 9% Rige or Motor Car day or night 92 urc ervices - sane ’ ? Commencing ¢ post planted at the re GIS 3 | i! | | northeast corner t 1550, thence south | &e. salisfactorily 500 miles away aS ee | Seventh Ave. and Fulton Phone 801 . eee to the no ry of Lot 15514, thence, at $ , ay | a | | ast alo 1 boundary to the sea- &e, r s ) ya e > 6 | ——_—— Pea ee eee oe yer beat 7 ! PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH | Sawmill Co. Ltd. | shore. we wing aleng the shore to | $$ though you stood before the Go i; Empnene ayers, Sunday in the | | eat Tye eR te ee ze ‘ oe eas BRN e ae sie counters of our watch depart- | H ] Me ak mpress Theatre, 11 a.m. and | tree and ‘ a) 5, OUN | h p.m. Sunday School and | | | more ee wh re : i lediaie ee ran ote ee ran ble Class at 2.80 p.m Lumber PRINCE RUPERT INN JOHN SCOTT YOUNG. | #35 ment. We carry every relishlé ie . W. KERR, M.A., Ast | George oung, gen ; e , Fares | | aye Hov,, at "4. " 3} watch known to the trade. Send Workingman’s Home = and | | 4% Pub, Dec, 15, 19 3 vais _ 4 . FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH | ny a MS sor iota {th aeliindes inate ae Free Labor Bureau in Connection ' . AND trict-—District of Coast, | eee o 7 > f RE HALL, SRD AVE., NEAR 6TH ST. M Id ngs myorme Land Dee a — : (33 | Phone 178 Ist Ave. and 7th St. ; ervices every Sunday at 11 ouidl g Take notice that I, Samuel Belltees, Did write us for information regard- | GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor; “m. and 7.30 p.m, Sunday | gardener, of Victoria, Intend to apply for | £3} Henry Bir &S ns | be on ‘in 30 280% Baraca | AN NE xX | permission to purchase the following de- “y Limited ing watches. |-——— wo f 4 y a8 >. | scribed land ae. —Limited— , \H.McLEOD HAD. Pastor A large stock of dry finish- | “Commencing at & Post planted on the| sse ; . 9¢ CARTAGE and ' ; —$—$________ ing lumber on hand. Boat Harsh side of Willlams recs, epeuy i4n 3 Jewellers and Silversmiths STORAGE ve IRS a" TC ’ . ~ a ee aS IS hains back from ) bree de ’ = y EEN Cees Ee lumber a specialty. Delivery about fifty chains s yusneast from whe re Fey Geo. E. Trorey = rvice 3 a F ade at short notice, the Kitimat branch of the G. T. P, right- 5 ; rvices every ‘Sunday, at, 11 m of-way crosses Willlams Creek, thence i Managing Director G. T. P. Transfer Agents sank at © ae raw <9 ‘ " sout hal thence east 40 chains, ‘oa r . ) hgh es , Our prices are as low as any. Owned and operated by the en. tanh 40 chains, thence west 40 cS Vancouver : B.C. we es i 5 4! ‘. SING, B.D, "ASTOR : j i y shains to point of commencement, con- | ers promptly le rices reasona! a Call on us before ordering. Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on taining 160 acres, more or less. Ss: esse ssessess: SSSESSESSESSESES ESTES: a the American and European plan, s AMUBL BEIL ress. 5 BUH eee ssessn23 3 OFFICE—H. B. Rochester. Centre St. Phone 48, Vy ealle ; " io = Fred . Cowell, Agent. | . - a Excellently furnished, with Dated Oct. 1, 1944. —— eS j steam heat, electric light, and all Pub, Dec. 9 "ee | OFFICE: modern conveniences, being abso- i ‘ | SMITH & MALLETT Oy }) A p ; lutely first-class in every re t. wine | ERHANGING curneee snes S09 ee ron = nee IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH TRIPPED | i ge ai . . 1e appointments and service HAVE YOU EV || Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and iy y 2 IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- moh TR ‘ are equal to any hotel on the N TH Sheet Metal Work ' HIGH CLASS pyr MKE — ee ———_ TION ACT, an coast. . THE ESTA’ : IN THE MA’ TER OF THE ESTATE OF Office: 8rd Ave. Workshop 7 ulied machine made gun, built by the mile and eut of Phone 174 z 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and 8th Sts ; LUDUGER ROY, DECEASED, INTESTATE cha’ aac Gancie ti alot , y the | gol c | TAKE NOTICE that by an Order of His by the yard? While its exterior might pass musi.r the veriest novice would : eee Honor, Judge Young, Made the 28rd day reject the crudeness of its interior : jof November, 1911, I was appointed Ad 7 with @ GREENER GUN inside and outside receive the same care, in —_s ay a | Tt | | SIGN WORK OUR SPECIALTIES : Now ; ministrator of the estate of Ludger Roy, - ( the direct supervision of members of the firm in h Rats SI to » $3.50 per dae Betyg Ir tate, and all parties paving fact oe Fun le mete woipped sporting gun factory in the world, The ma Horseshoers claims ag id estate are hereby the most comy n in every stage is rigidly enforced, the experi j ole Scans: to a : erial is the best, the inspecti : ‘ ’ iage Repairin required forward the same to me at terial 1 and the whole forms the perrect gun—a GREENER. Garr ae w ns 9 | Prince Rupert, B. C., properly verified, on ence fe unriveved ane be found with the Greener gun is that it lasts too long ¥ 4 1 ? ar( an 5 2 € 7s a i = 5 SILVERSIDES BROS. | diss G. A. Sweet, Manager. fet mdcnisdiess to me forthwith. a W. W. GREENER MONTREAL, P. Q. Cor, Fraser and Sth, Choice Wines and Cigars 4 a BOX 120 PHONE 156 GREEN | FRASER AND SEVENTH STREET | pongted this 5th day of January, A. D DEPT. AP., 63-65 BEAVER HAT HILL ‘ Ph 59 Red THOMAS A, ROY, Administrator RUPERT’S PALACE OF COMFORT “econd Avenue, near McBride one Feb, 3. Prince Rupert, B. C. j ;