Weather Forecast prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands- Easterly to southeasterly wind. becoming strong, part cloudy with mist or light rain. gpL XXVIH NO. 253. I lai fcain shipping More Sinkings iMfcj of the 9,170-ton British lisiJp Malabar with loss of five Nru announced today. This (trrd as a result of enemy ae ll U I V. A ltl.Mll. H r .J .. re'j survivors have been landed ; u unnamed port The dead ptUelr lives as & result of an cx- ftn small steam fishing trawlers I ItiKldan and Lynx II were also1 ft presumably due to enemy ac- A 5,000- ton Norwegian steamer Biiunk In the North Sea Sunday. rnmably the victim of a German taurine's torpedo attack. Thirty '. abrs of the crew were rescued. frt4 blng & seriously Injured I kit thev had tn be Dlaced In hos- H Immediately learned. obson Warehouse )estroyed By Fire ! on Saturday In West Root- nj Town Contents As Well As Building KELSON, Oct 30: (CP The Rob- 5$ . ft V lermany Hints Al wed tttplnj Qerman claims of sucees-1 1 H It IVI A J Y tfiiiut unusn mercnani snip- t tn the war so far. They saldl mmed the Germans had added; viruhlp tonnage to merchant rf i ind then nearly doubled lhl Bntiih ships have been prevent- br submarines from getting, pish to their destinations while irziPT nas Deen geuing tnrougrn tj est per cent of Its ships. racTiira curcuveness is auo dc- l iatn by the Drttlsh blockade New v "w v oua on um 1 'rk market Haturdnv iGOING BACK Submarine Achr.iy; Steamer Malabar Sunk In Atlantic treat Britain Claims Greatly Reduced Losses From U- Boats Naval Blockade of (ierman Shipping Is Very Effective LONDON, October 30: (CP) While hints were being ropped in informed Nazi quarters in Berlin today that krmany would try to intensify her submarine campaign tainst British shinning, an official British statement in- bated that the British convoy system and sea patrol was ipidly cutting down British losses from submarine ICE. - ritlsh naval circle ridicule ASSESSED I a 1 1 1 . . t . . . . October so far British shipping' i ' . . V ni cm hue amounted to only 65,000 j "Ul w ww n" ec fc. u mpared witn tons, September Only one per' cent WASHINGTON, I).C, October 30: (CD The German-American mixed claims commission has awarded about $50,000,000 to Americans with claims against Germany arising from the Black Tom and Klncsland. New Jersey. 1 sabotage cacs In 1916 and 1917. last June the commission found Imperial Germany responsible for the munitions plant disasters In the New York port area prior to United States entry into the Great War. The Klngftland plant was. bx the' Canadian Foundry t. TO MOSCOW Finland Hopeful of reaceful Settlement With Itussla nut Will Not Submit Appreciates U.S. Aid HELSINOFORS, Oct. 31. There i rf . t I'll uter helrnr landed. British was a great demonsirauon in - ptil vessels effefted the rescue, slngfors In appreclaUon of United ht name of the sunken vessel was States assurance of assistance In .Finland's crisis with. Russia. Trl-'bute was also paid to Norway, Swe-'den and Denmark. The Finnish delegation will re turn to Moscow on Tuesday with I Finland's final proposals to Uus isla. If these are not acceptable to; Russia. Finland will appeal for mediation by outside powers. The na ture of the final proposals nas not been made public Finland Is still hopeful of a amicable agreement being reached but Is resolved not to submit to unrcas- at Robson, thirty miles west oni?!m.n tw V here and Its contents were dcs- " " " fyed by tire on Saturday. nama Freighter leulah Repaired nl Which Stranded on West Coast and Later Sank at Victoria Ready For Sea Again VICTORIA. Oct. 30: (CP) The ama frelnhter Beulah. which wtecked( on striking rocks on h West Coast of Vancouver Is-atd several months and sank being brought, here, has now n repaired and Is ready to sail STOCK AVERAGE DOWN lti... YORK. OHnlw !UVThn retrial average on the New. fc4. Btotk E"hangc closed at NEW YORK WHEAT NSW fcnilP n,1,-l 1 .. . . . ..Ok IliaiSfc VII. ui . IWUUIU base sites In Finland. 1 Authoritative political quarters. Intimated today that the Finnish government, In tts "linai answer-to Russian demands, took the attitude that Russia needed no naval or air bases on Finnish soli to protect her position on the Baltic and In the Gulf of Finland. DEATH OF ACTRESS Alice Brady, Noted on Stage And Screen, Passes Away In New York NEW YORK, October 30: Alice Brady, 47. noted star of stage and screen, died In Lcroy Sanitarium here Saturday night. She had arrived two weeks ago from Holly wood to Join a Broadway show. Miss Brady had been receiving, treatment for the past year lor a malady which she knew would provp fatal but, good trouper that she was, she carried on until she coull do so no longer and collapsed. " nounced, Is prepared to re- tallate in the event of the en 4 emy starting -a campaign indiscriminate bombing. So 4 force in Oermany Bulletins IKON GL'AKD PLOT BUCHAREST One hundred or more members of the pro-Nazi Iron Guard have been arrested in connection with a plot to assas I : i far. Britain has refrained from 4- aerial attack upon Oermany. 4' Troop concentration points. ) 4 naval and air bases and muni- , tlon works would be the first objectives of the British air Germany Silent In Regard Whereabout International Aspects ur uase Still Mystery City i - of Flint STOCKHOLM, '.October 30 To (CP) Reports from Norway said today that the freighter City from the Soviet 4 mansk to German captors, de- parted from Tromsoe today. ! WASHINGTON; October 30: - The United State's Department of State has charged Soviet Russia with falling to co-operate by with holding infoimatlon In regard to' the steamer City of Flint and herj crew. I sinate the Roumanian Minister of United States should the City of public works. AIR FORCE IMPORTANT PARIS The British Royal Air Force continues to carry out Important reconnaissance flights for the Allies over the Siegfried line vesieraay proioBrapns were - en from a height of only 600 feet. Waving Germans apparently mistook the British planes for their own. The British planes have reconnoltered the entire length of the Siegfried Line, It Is stated. OLD MEN RELEASED PARIS One hundred thousand French soldiers older men and fathers of large families are be st. in t's nptice demobilization does not apply to officers and specialists. CRERAR IN LONDON LONDON Hon. T. A. CreraT, Canada's minister of mines and natural resources, slipped quietly Into London yesterday to attend a conference of various Dominion ministers with the Imperial government on questions of war effort. The sessions will start Wednesday and are expected to last a couple of weeks. LONDON, October 30: There is dancer of a timber shortage In Great Britain, It Is said, owing to ihp Inelt nf shins with which to brine the products of Canada, par tlcularjy British Columbia, to thg Unit d Kingdom. f t B II The general belief is that Great Britain will make some move to seize the American vessel from the Oerman prize crew. Otherwise, Germany would claim that the British naval blockade Is proving safe. No hint was given as to the whereabouts of the vessel. FIRST INDIAN TROOPS LAND Arrive To Join Expeditionary Forces In European War LONDON, Oct. 30. First troops UBBAK NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1939 War Will Be PARIS, Calllaux, l Oct 30 Joseph former Premier of 4- a short one. "If we tthe al- ,4 lieu exercise all our economic ', advantages It cannot last long." Caillaux declares. Ger- i ORDERS TO i BE PLACED Up to today no official reply had Neulra,itr Law Revhion Will Bring been received at Washington In re- Great BrltaIn and Franfe lnto gara 10 ine enarges eiiner irom American Russia or Germany. On the basis of an unneutral .act. a damage claim may be launched against Russia by the Market LONDON. October 30: Great Britain and France are ready to place orders for six thousand more ar nlanes In the United States Flint and her crew be awarded to immediately revision of the exist-.Gcrmany hm .ui.raa.iy or or should w.uu.u they meet mrci with mi lng n AmetlMn in,,.iM npntraittw neutrality taw law FOUR DIE IN RIOTS 'an mishap. permit of their being exported to PRAGUE At least four were ' Future action to be taken by the belligerent nations, killed and many were Injured United 8Utes wll largely depend House Mar Reverse It? Secret Police In Germany Restrains Delivery Of Pope's essage In projected 4.100-mlle non-stop Reich Churches MurmansJc around tne Norwegian, flight from one point In the Am- fcoast to Tamburg, the voyage would ericas to another. The airmen 1 take about a week and the City of BERLIN, October 30: The Pope's expected to make the flight In ipilnt would hardly as vet be in the Encyclical was not read In any of about twenty-six hours. blo:kade area. the Roman Catholic churches In, Meantime Oermany has clamp- Oermany Sunday. The Gestapo,' ed down, a strict censorship on the Nazi secret police, took special pre- iClty of Flint's position and li captions to assure that certain cuuiiciciy siir.ii ..1 icniu wj iiiw "e,s.o v w..... ...v.. ship. ' not be dlscloscti. In St. Paul's Forelen observers continue to Church, Dr. Mudclka said that the and the German communication (speculate as to the present where- real nemy In this war was not, vtem and troon concentrations, labouts of the Flint . man but the Influences that wield-i . . 4 I Todav 1 .. fA. lh n.un Berlin the German ed armed power over man. mis Foreign Office said It was without was a religious war and Germany definite information as to the was fighting against an injustice whereabouts of the City of Flint Denmark Would Defend Itself ineneciive. . ' COPENHAGEN, Oct. 30.- King It is possible the City of Flint nur,n vo remark 1 nrenared Inc temporarily released from (y n" JJf succeeded defend ltsdf- agalnst a . lnvas. military service, subject, however, jln1!vadlnf "e jJ: Jlon or attack. , . -11 n i in. frst news of the safety nt of fh the, mi inn" i " " ik. rt.. I if required. The u h.cvw u,B UUJT WllCli udiiiiuu, vlc in L. I A II I f 1 rVI the captain, was advised by the X I t I IJfN German consul at Boston, where 1 she resides, that her husband 1st AIR BASE Local Defence Project To Get Under Way With Little Delay- Tenders Close Tomorrow Olof Hanson, M. P. for Skeena. has been advised by the Depart ment of National Defence that the air base to be established at Seal Cove here Is to be proceeded with according to the original plans. Tenders are new being called for extensive excavation and other from India have arrived to Join the preparatory work at the site and British expeditionary forces after are closing tomoriow. Letting 0: a safe trip from India. How many the contract and proceeding with came and where they landed was the work will be attended wIUm not disclosed. little delay, it is expected. TODAY'S STOCKS (Couruaf 8. D. Joboatoa Co.) 'Vancouver Big Missouri, .11. Bralorne,, 10.50. Cariboo Quartz, 2.10. Dentonia, .OIV2. ' .' Falrvlew. .02. Gold Beit. Z. Hedley Mascot, .40. Mlnto. .018. Noble Five, .02i.x Pacific Nickel. .14, Pend Orielle, 2.75. Pioneer, 2.20. Premier. 1.41. Privateer, .88. Reeves McDonald, .30.. Reno, 0. Relief Arlington, .13. with numerous arrested as vio- Pn the story of Capt. Joseph A. WASHINGTON ' Octnber 30! iSalmon Gold. .03. lence Increased during the nliht jrfP ..fe ,?tte. .Bepffsehtatiare Hamilton Fish J)t 'Sp.xCjveeklyljia OiLi in' clashes between Lxecns ceie- brallng the anniversary of their republic and German police. There was gunfire in the streets. In Berlin Narl sources discount the seriousness of the uprisings In Czechoslovakia. It Is reported that the Nazi authority plans a purge with "liquidation" of many loyal Czechs. PERUVIANS ON FLIGHT NEW YORK Peruvian fliers Comntander Umberto Galeno of the navy and his brother, Victor of the navy took off from here at 1:41 yesterday afternoon on a Meantime State Department of- chance of the Administration's ficlals here are inclined to the be- neutrality revision plah. approved lief that the stories of the City of by sate, being reveised in Flint havlns been taken to Mur- th, House we.k SuDDorters mansk because of damaged maeh lnery or removal of charts by the jjjty .American crew were merely ex cuses. The official Russian news agency Rays the City of Flint sailed from Murmansk Saturday night but did not indicate who was in charge, whffther the United States crew is on board or whither the vessel Is bound. The American crew, it Is I generally conceded, Is on board. As it is about 1500 miles from predict a majority In favor of up ENCYCLICAL SUPPRESSED 1 I A. P. Con 20. Calmont, .45. C. & E., 2.40. Freehold. .024. Home, 20. Royal Canadian, 22. Okalta. 13. Mercury, .06. Prairie Royalties, 2i. Toronto Aldermac, .51. Beattle, 1.12. Central Pat., 2.36. Cons. Smelters, 50.25. East Malartlc, 2.94.' Fianeoeur, .41. Gods Lake; .57. Hardrock, 10. Int. Nickel, 50.00. Kerr Addison, 1.90. Little Long Lac. 3.10. McLeod Cockshutt,'2.00. Madsen Red Lake. .42. McKenzie Red Lake. 1.23 Moneta. .95. Noranda. 78.50. Pickle Crow, 4.35. Preston East Dome, 1.72. San Antonio, 1.72. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.44. Stadacona, .41. Uchi, .35. Bouscadillac, .04. Mosher, .03. Oklend, .10. Smelters Gold. .0U4 Dominion Bridge, 43.50. New York Allls-Chalmers, 42Ti. American Can, 11034 Tomorrow sTt ides m High Low. . 2:59 a.m. 195 ft 14:45 p.m. 212 ft. 8:49 tun. 1.1 It. 21:31 pm. 3.1 tt. PIUCE: I CENTS Attack British Warships , Ready To Retaliate From Air LONDON, Oct. 30. The Roy- al Air Force. It Is officially an- PROTESTING TO MOSCOW I '.Germans Driven Off Without Any Damage To Destroyer Fleet France and now president of East coast Again Visited But Enemy Did Not Stay Long 'united states Alike, wifhhoidinj ' the senate Finance mmittee. R f Anti-Aircreft Measures Chased Him Home Of Of Information) In Regard To t prCd.1CiS that b,e ? LONDON, October 30: (CP) German' aircraft a flotilla of British destroyers in thje North Sea today but the destroyers were undamaged. Sound of fir- united siates v 45 vuuy ul.,auic -r ln m tne ance could be neara along tne soutneast coast on runt, released ol ?a" T of Scotland and the northeast coast of Eneland. It was not P" o -iur- immpfimtp v Ipnrnpn what Msnnlrips if anv. hnri nppn I t sustained by th enemy who were j driven off by pursuit planes and anti-aircraft fire. t British fighting planes went up .today to investigate the presence of unidentified aircraft off the Essex coasts. A German plane was .also seen over the northern coast, the Air Ministry announced, f- For the first time in weeks air I raid signals were sounded In Lon-Jdon by mistake and sent people (scurrying to the shelters Including 'Ministry of Infornjatlon officials, thus hampering the dissemination of news. There win be an Investigation of the causer of the signals. I In spite of air raid signals, peopls of Berwick on the border of Scotland and England stood on house (tops and other points of vantage to see planes soaring overhead. Evl-'dently. they expected they might .-t; sfcisee a fight .such'fls.that-whlclXwas' witnessed at Dalkeith on Saturday. School children evacuated school houses In Kent - British pursuit planes drove the German ships back jo sea. Weather was somewhat foggy; I I DALADIER AT FRONT French Premier Impressed With Morale of Troops Hitler Impatient PARIS, October 30: Premier Edouard Daladier spent the weekend visiting the French forces at the northern flank of the front. :He was much Impressed with their (splendid morale and described entrenchments as "remarkable." Allied armies, ready for any developments, calmly keep watch 0:1 'a comparatively quiet western front. Several German forays have ' been repulsed. "All quiet generally during the day," said an official French 'communique last night. Snow and rain slowed down German patrols ,and their big guns ceased firing. I Today's French communique said J"A11 quiet during the night. We rebelled several German raiding "parties." 1 At Berlin an official German communique said: "There is no American Car and Foundry, 37T8. change on the western front. American Locomotive. 26. There wa5 no gn of an Am RmoiMntr nH Ppfinini? S4iv early German offensive today al- ...... O ----- . .. ... lu.t 1 I American T. and T. 1673e. Anaconda, 33?8. Baldwin Locomotive, 19Vi. Bethlehem, 90T. Boyd Warner, 27. - , Dupont, 182. General Electric, 40Ti. General Motors, 55. Goodyear Tire and Rubber, 2718. Inland Steel, 89. International Nickel, 40. Kennecott Copper, 39!8. National Biscuit, 23 V2. New York Central, 21. North American Aviation, 27j. Pennsylvania Railroad, 2534. Public Service of N. J., 40. Radio Corporation, 6. . Republic Steel, 26. Sears-Roebuck, 84. Socony Vacuum Oil, 13. Standard Oil of California, 22. Standard Oil of California, 28. United Fruit, 854. United States Rubber, 43. United States Steel,1 76.. mougn it is repuitcu wi ucau-quarters for Chancellor Adolf Hitler have been established at Godesburg near Alx-la-Chappelle and Aachen near Belgium. Der Fuehrer, who Is believed Impatient for major action, is reported to have changed his high army command owing to a disagreement on policy. Friendly Message Sent To Turkey By U.S. President WASHINGTON, D.C., October 30: On the occasion of the observance of Its anniversary, Turkey was today sent la message, by President Franklin D, Roosevelt of the. United States wishing It "peace and prosperity." I J - . : f4' ;l l .,.4 M m