- i i V x I" MOB TWO ,THE DAILY NKW!)i " v AAA m. r-9tA hh 3 STRR RV Worthy contenders for Cup hor- Save 4 Ways With a llillman Prince Rupert 11 JVW A special quality old rye of fine flavor, thoroughly matured in oak I 13 OZ. 'A 40 OZ. AGE GOVERNMENT vjUAKANILtU This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liqu r C Government oi British Columbia SPORT CHA 1 fm & ud or by the it? ; Save on First Cost. Save on Depreciation. Save on Gas, Oil and Tires. ,Save on Parts and Reparis. The Greatest Value In The History oi Motoring Tor years. llillman has been England's most popular ear In the 10 b.p. class.' With 16 competing; makes, one-third of all the cars sold in tliis she has been made by llillman. Now Hillrmn steps further ahead with an entirely new car for 1939. It embodies 20 dominant new features and the prle has been reduced in ISritisli Columbia , $70.00 to $100.00, according; to the model selected. From lli first day you-own a llillman the cost of motoring is eut in half! It is a big, roomy, famlly-s'retl car that you can drive up to 10 miles per hour with perfect safety. Average, drjving " will give you 40 miles per gallon. See the new 1939 llillman models now on display. Service and parts always available at lllllmnn dealers throughout British Columbia. llillman Dealer for Prince Rupert and District National Motor Service IJUILT FOR THE ROADS OF THE WOULD' M. Cavenaile, Manager EDITORIAL LOOKrNfi lt.UMttVAim ! In iutcipreautf w luU, tfoiiie, on today it Is sometimes ,a good ilva to took baclt una see haw thusciiort Limes 'came out in the past. TJkmc have btcn dictators U'fore ami spiuo- f them Have disappeared and Ml sourly a riyplc on th ocean' of time. So It vU be ajtauu Jufct .wars ao people felt rather liailly. Harper' Weekly of Oetohqr 10, 1ST)7, says: "It is a jrloomy moment in history. Not for many yeai--not. in- the lifetTine- o moot meu who, read this has there leenso much praveand deep apprehension ; oov-tr has the future seemed so incalcuablens at this time. In , our own country there is universal commercial prostra-' tion and panic, and thousands of our poorest fellow-citi- i writs are turned oui against me approucnine; winter whh- (Hit eumlju inent, aud without the prospect of it. i "In France the political cauldron- seethes and bubblon In the earner rounas. tiyaes Muuierwcn u.uuhl s . , . , . , ki . f triumph over Rangers at Ibrox . Glaseow teams downfall, winning! V iKipplly, no mail pretemls to feel 111 the 1SSUC Oi Park -in the third round stands i2-o at iorex rare, inree yeara mi-vcnis out as the highlight of the competition and the Fir Parkers blanked Celtic 3-0 to win a place In the semi-finals. ..mi-flnals Victory Victory over over Olas- Olas- er Rangers admlnUtered a 3-0 de-: . "Qf our 0W11 ll"Ollbles no maa can see tllO Olid. 'IjieV feat and the following year a z-j verdbt want in Celtic's favor. i,are, fortunately, as yet, mainly commercial; and if we arc I ...I.. 1 .....1 l... . Vn t-n.x.V. The Scqttlsh Cup wlU rest in " " w w mwwt ami miuu u-itj iu uv uiuu unfaralliAr quarters this year forinw.. arn.shirtPd idols came a Acauialtion of W. Martin, clever VMMn the V isr.om nl honor, OI laiUl, 01 sympamv ailU the second year in succession. East sweet revenge for Motherwell Queen's Park amateur forward nf charity 110 mail needs seriously to despair. And yet Fife last season broke the strangle- ; Twlce before in 1931 and 1933 -'provided the apark fur Clydes ate 'Jiy. yen' liastb to lie rich, wllicb: is the occasion of ,hiH iS;,?!,! reflChued finaI IIe p'8 a h5'8 "I wilspreadcalaiiiUy,l,a.als)ten(lelto(e5itroy'theinora; the famous Glasgow soccer clubs !to the Celts by scores In the third '..-irl, fall before against Rangers ufi iV.i. u.l.;,.k rrl unhitni. rlu filim W ith u blCP are .,m tO'TCMSt ail(i slindlle the C113m- winners 25 times in the 64-year-;or Celtic 4.2 and 1-0. In 1931 rnd nmmm h01nc the four old competition., again hold only triumphed at the second attempt' . !. . t,m..mM nill ty. watching briefs as finalists pre- the first encounter ending in i - -, pare for the closing struggle this 2-2 draw. Saturday. Clyde and Motherwell, current major-league protagonists, j Welcome ot. me eompeuuon. Aurun aiso netted, the "mlllion-daHar" goal return to form Imm acainst. Hibernians In a rnusint, Shawfield Park outfit In th fourth rttuitd. ... . V 1 J I uarc ucTcr mccil autucasjui m mc btn by clyde th season and semi-final contest. In the opening Critics who favor Clyde's chance i became,ethe fSst lonti Idlvlslon i for a time early m " cama,n round yde hnlnated St. John- point to a grand defence that hail tm i. wir. ih. riiv,, me jsnawneia rarK eieven sci ine stone x-u dui iwo eamea were nec-i"vv" "- j nM. ntln.l. PI.. - . Baseball Standings I nr. I Art , l .1. Ik. -.1 .'"" hemer and in reef nt, matches pnia ii Chicago . . Raiton . .. ' Cleveland Following an 8-1 walkover Loute against Huntley In the openln-j Wathlrtiton Njlloual W. 2 pace in league competition. Thre essary before Dundee was ousted " T ,. , t. " " St. LouU .. -I times in recent years Clyde ha 1-0 In the second stage. The first !rorward line credited with 24 goals New Tork ors' the finalists each have form- been eliminated in the cup after battle ended in a scoreless draw smashing victories to their credit reaching semi-final status In 1933 Third Lanark bowed 1-0 to th T)-n..l.1 .... In a similar number of cup Uesir: , with six goals chalked up on the L lother side of the ledger. A. Mathle. "f1 , a newcomer at centre-forward, to fnu"pn flanked by the veteran O. Steven- wn and T. H. Bremner. the trio 'ornunr' the crntre of a formld- has recanturrd all his and eluslveness. Chictmo Detroit American 2 L 1 0 0 .0 0 0 L, 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 Pet 1000 1000 403 400 409 AGO .ooo ; .000 1000 1000 1000 000 .000 000 000 .000 ruuna oi me cup mis year. MOtn- eruell triumphed 5-1 over Dundee ' United of the second division and MolherwcU came from behind ' then dlsnosed of St. MJrren 4-2 tie 1-1 in the first eneouuter the The victory over Celtic followed equalizing gonl result I iw from i and Aberdeen fell In the semi- bad blunder by 8. Nlchouwn ,xx final 3 1 at the second attempt of the Dons' defenders. 000000000000000000 000000000(000000000000000000000000 8 TIME FOR A I 2 Camera Tune-Up BRING in YOUR CAMERA FOR OUR 1 1 r Free C lea run's' and- Inspection Service Ormes Lid. Ufrn Pioneer Druqgijitx The ItasaU SUre Phone: SI tt K Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. , Sundays and Holidays from 12 noon till 2 p.m. 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOtKMJOOOOOOOO OO, DO DO 0 OOO OOOOOOOOO OOOO CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. UI.ACK XH. BULGER Optometrist Royal Rank Rldg. Quality You'll Enjoy "SALAD ANYOX (Eh p TEA The Anglican taimuiH boat Nor- thecn Cross, to ctuua ot Rev. K. hawlntr nil hmM ItlthAn n A UAx I 53 tap CLARIDGE SHOES Was ver returstd .. CaUla itix' ' for Alice An tl-iU .........4 . Ii. L.. ro no icn,.il lilrn i ntrillfl .. . .... Ui ,-n.u uiitfi lanuj i iwu.-viia uaiir, op u.-un. mvv, vwim, no coaaucira caurca Nran un-1 itrk and silent, upon the horizon of Europe;, while all ibe day mJu and w an uuuu-atedi Dr. 11101" mercies, romtx'es and influences of the 'British. Empire -i"re M"tay aviiuK hich muulv ai. .are sorelv tried, and are yet to be tried mure-so rely, in cop- "- -) mr uith the vast and deadly disturbed relations tn China. ' 1 fx r.i .1 1 r..,.i :.i:rr.... .. th ... .! , 11 rsa solemn inomeiu, ami no man can iccuui nmiJuunMic. P:. Mr. ti(! Mt- fa Get A Line ft This W. Xm Brt M I K i Utir iTK r e; lilt r-ilaril lair.! , - Chum up uith ' " 1 If 1 mm The Most Outstanding Line of MrnSho .Made in Canada l it, i.rkMUiilil and the very. nefl In sM by the faniuuv nialtets at Astoria Shoe. 'r" are in a r Lu by thetmf Ives. 9 ho Priced $5.95 FAMILY SHOE STORE The Home of Good Shoes J Clean-Up Week Use ISniiro Paint to Beautify anrf ,,rolffl Your IVoperty sohi iiy Thompson Hardware Cojj It Pays To Vsr ANTIMO PAINTS r.-SoM They Cost No More ut Last linger- SILVERSIDES BROS. I