TAQt FOUR DIAMONDS Gems of Romance. Mounted in Modern Settings by Skilled Craftsmen We Have a Large Assortment of the Latest Designs In ENGAGEMENT RINGS, WEDDING KINGS, BROOCHES, BRACELETS, EARRINGS Or, We will make to order, any design that you prefer, in rings or a'ny other piece of jewelry. We have in stock rings from $12.50 to $1200.00. We Invite Your Inspection FINE CHINA, DINNERWARE, GLASSWARE Basement Store Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist Delightful Tea For Bride-Elect Three Hostesses Ycslenlay Afternoon For Miss Edith Connery With the Miss,es Edith Wilkinson, Vcnetla Feero and Vivian Wrathall as hostesses, a delightful tea was held yesterday at the home of Mrs. G. V. Wilkinson In honor of Miss Edith Connery whose marriage takes place shortly In Vancouver to Wilfrid Hicks. I The rooms were tastefully dec-I orated for the occasion with daln-jty white bells and fluted stteam-jers. j Mrs. F. N. Feero and Mrs. W. W. Wrathall presided at the pretty tea table. During the afternoon Miss Connery was presented with a combined electric toaster and sandwich tray, and received the good wishes of the many guests who were present. QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT QUAKER PUFFED RICE AS MILLIONS DO! Trade-Iii-Days . ELIO'S No matter how old or what the condition of your Range, Mattress, Old Furniture, Etc., we'll take them off your hands and give you cash allowance in the purchase of new and better things Trade in Your Old Range and Save $20.00 or More on This Brand New Enterprise Savoy As the Leader In Range Design for Over Forty Years Enterprise again offers another advancement in range design and construction, sturdily built for long service, good weight, rust relisting steel, large pin water front, supplies abundant hot water. Regular Price Less Trade-in You Pay Only $65.00 $20.00 $45.00 Service Includes We Call and Appraise Your Old Furniture. When We Deliver Your New Purchase We Remove the Old. You Get Possibly the Largest Allowance from Us. THIRD AVENUE ELIO'S Store Open 8 a.m. Close 5:30 p.m. Phone GREEN 916 I Henry Skinner Is making great strides with his house on the Circle. It commands a fine view of the Cove and will, doubtless, prove one of the very finest locations for a home. The Boy Scouts of the local troop together with their brother Scout-ers of the First Prince Rupert group will attend a church parade service at Saint Peters next Sunday evening. The Young People of the Junior Anglican Young People's Association are planning a social night which will take the form of a conversazione with amateur contests In various classes of the arts. The date for this event ls not yet fixed. A May Queen contest has started at Seal Cove. The candidates are Miss Hazel Toombs, Miss May Skinner. Miss Renle Croxford and Miss Dodo McLeod. Their friends in each case are helping them and each candidate and her helpers have their respective colors. May has red, Hazel has gold. Renle has blue and Dodo has green. The contest ends on May 26 when a big Maypole Dapce will be staged at the hall and the Queen will be crowned and awards Jo all candidates will be made. The proceeds of this contest will be In aid of the hall which Is used by the large majority of children In the Seal Cove area, to say nothing of Young People's organizations and adult groups. Most of the organizations which have flourished at the hall this year haye dropped off owing to the op- SHOW WAS . DIVERTING: Another event In aid of the fund for the children's Royal visit to Victoria was staged last night lnl the form of an amateur night spon- sored by the local Moose Lodge. A surprising amount of very fine and promising talent was brought out by children under the age of seven teen In the adult section, many ' well known local entertainers, i whose efforts are always appreciated, gave performances In their usual fine style. i Those taking part In the contests were: Junior section Pat and Cissy Ratchford, tap dancing; Johnny Wick, accordion; Hilda Bond, songs; Irma Mathlson, piano; Ann Stevens, songs; Nina Youngman. taD dancing; Lorraine Youngman. songs; Katherine and Frances Pierce, guitar and cowboy sones: Barbara Teng, songs. In the senior section Harry Astoria and Oene Fltzpatrlck oDened with a humorous act In original style and followed up with a har monica duet of expert style. Mrs. Hansen was very good with her ac cordion solos. Oordon Letnes war next With harmnnlca Krln anri tvo. followed by the ever popular Oeorgr uopeiana who gave a Highland Fling and a Sword Dance. Henrv Skinner went strong with the aud ience which brought him bark several times for his guitar and cowboy songs. The feature of the night's entertainment was supplied by Mike Co-lussl and his accordion. Mike, being a teacher of this Instrument, did not enter In the competition. He was extended a hearty vote of thanks for donating his efforts for the evening. The program was lntersDersed bv selections from the Boys' Band under Bob Oreenfleld and the Symphony Orchestra under Bert Cam-1 eron. j First prize In the Junior section was won by Hilda Bond and second by Lorraine Youngman. I Mrs. Hansen took the honors in the senior events with the comic team of Astoria and Fltzpatrlck second. Harold Davey was the accompanist for the songs and dances. A. K. Nelson was the announcer and manager; B. J. Bacon, floor manager. Joe Ratchford and Hugh Smith on the door. George Dawes, Dan Healy and Fred Cameron were ushersf Mrs. R. C. St. Clair and Fire Chief II. T. Locke were the Judges for the leyenlnf; THE DAILT NEWS 0 2 1 At Seal Cove ... I s . .. s EHjoaooooooaooooooooooooooaoooooooooooaoacoocKWOOOooOQ It ls reported that the large, ening of the fishing season. boarding house now used by J. iKadonaga Is to be the first house 'to be vacated and removed preliminary to air base operations here abouts. The ladles of the Women's Auxiliary held their regular meeting In the newly built rooms beneath the hall yesterday. Young people between the ages of 15 and 50 are registering with Rev. Roy Durnford for a leadership training course which is about to take place. The course will be given by an expert in the person of Mr. Flddls who arrives shortly from Vancouver for this purpose. The return to 'Seal Cove of young Meroml Tanaka Is welcomed by his many friends and particularly by his Boy Scout associates. Mr. Tanaka has much to say of the Oxford Oroup movement in Vancouver of which he has been elected a delegate. Heroml has voluminous notes and type-written reports and ag-genda connected with this remarkably fine group of young people. His servfees In speaking on the work of the Oroup will be In much demand here. It ls felt y The new stretch of road outside of the Cold Storage plant 1$ remark ably fine after having been recovered and levelled by steamroller This is yet another of many Improvements that have been entered on here. The Acropolis Hill basketball team visited Seal Cove last Tuesday and was beaten by the home team after a very hard tussle. The game was enjoyed by all and there will, doubtless, be another at a date sometime In the near future. Rer. Oco. Ooodreld of Kitkatla was a visitor at the Rectory recent-, ly. Mr. Oecdreld is a teacher and priest In charge of the Kitkatla! ' mission. CUssiflEO FOK KENT CLEAN, Well, - furnished modern I ft n m am t nUH. r J A i a a' sl kiiidiut. riwiic rvcu in, i FOK SALE FOR SALE 1937 deluxe Fordor Sedan, good as new; mileage 15,-000. Phone Blue 972. tf. CLAPP Block for sale Building W by 80', 3 storeys, eight 4 room flats with bath, pantry, monarch range In each flat; two stores 25' by 80'; full sized basement; foundations good. Building cost $16,000. Taxes owing $1500. Owner Instructs us to sell equity for $1,000 or submit best offer. II. O. Helgerson, Co. Ltd. (93) FOR SALE Cheap. Cruiser "Bo nanza". A real off shore boat, good accomodation and equipment. Engine most reliable and In first class running order. Terms to reliable party. Apply Hubert Ward, Cow Bay or Green 157 tf FOR SALE-Cheap. Launch "Dlxls Rupert." Length 35 ft. Imperial heavy duty gas engine fully equipped in first class condition. Suitable for pleasure, trolling or patrol purposes. Call Newcombe's Confectionery, Seal Cove. tf. FOR SALESEALED TENDERS for the purchase of gill-net gasboat belonging to the estate of Jos. Harowksl, wilf be received by the undersigned up to noon of Wed-nesday, April 26th, 1939. Thi highest or any bidder not necessarily accepted. Length 28 ft., Beam 7ft., 7 h.p. Vulcan. Terms strictly pash. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. FURNITURE for sale Fine solid diningroom suite and solid walnut bedroom suite, etc. Phone evenings, Red 413, (tf) FOK LEASE FOR LEASE The whole of the two upper floors of Alder Block; 36 rooms. Furniture for sale. Apply W. J. Alder, City Hall. tf. FOUND FOUND Four keys on ring. Owner can obtain them by paying for this advertisement at Dally News office. . n . tf. PRESBYTERIAN SPRING SALE Successful Affair Held Yesterday Afternoon by Ladles' Aid in Church Parlors Favored by fine, spring weather and an excellent turn-out of ladtas to patronize the affair, the spring tea and sale of home, cooking yesterday afternoon by the Ladles' Aid of First PretbyterUn Church was a successful event. The affair was opened by Rev. II. 0. Funston. the pastor, and the guests were received by Mrs. H. M Foqte, president of the Ladles' Aid. and Mrs II. O. Funston. The rooms were attract Hi . Theory and Harmony. PHONE GREEN 330 ively decorated with spring flowers and foliate. Mrs. C. O. Ham. Mrs. E. J. 8mlth, Mrs. James L. Lee and Mrs. 8. O. Leslie were In charge of the tea rooms. Mrs. P. W. Anderson and Mrs. R, W. Cameron poured and the servlteurs were Mrs. Jack oarreu. MIm Netta McLeod and Miss Hetty Wood. Cashlr was Mrs. J D. Fras- er. Ladles In charge of the various booths were: Plain and faney jewing. Mrs. W. L. Sandison and Mrs. Neil ffc I Home Cooking. Mrs. II. N. Drock- lesbv and Mrs. John McLeod . Candy. Mrs. A. T. Ivarson and Mrs. J O. McLeod. Plants. Mrs D C. McRae and Mrs. W. D. ChrtMUon niftlfmiEiutiiEST FT 'A kerr .v 26M0Z. .1 a w BEST PROCURABLE Q85 B 'i fl'.'i 1 1 1 1 i.'.t fi : j,i ; i I'V. I iV-f tp 14 1 1 . i h !W This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor , I Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' , o o o o o o o o o o ' GORDON & ANDERSON Arc Exclusive Audits for FKIGIDAIKE g Only Frigtdalre has 'Cold-Wall ' The refrigeration senwtlon for o 1939 -No other refrigerator will operate o cheaply Uo other reel frlgerator is as "trouble frer " o o - Sec Them on Display- Priced from $121.50 2 Huy Them on Easy Terms 30d! Crystal Diamonds are alright But they only glitter In the light King Coal Diamonds win the fight s&tjrsr f or py parie in me nigni Black Diamonds?' A Ton Will Come to You If You Phone up 632 Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Music Kuth Nelson A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano. o o a o 1 a o o o o g 8 o o 5 o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOrtOOOOOOOOOOOOOO&ooOopOOOOOOOOOO i V.VAV.VV.WAWW.W' i DAY and NIGHT SERVICE Phone 13 Taxi PAT MAZZIE Opp. Tost Office, 4th SL UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.8.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vhncouver, Tliurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchae Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Aent. Third Ave. Phone 5C8 ZtimLomt ALICE FA YE NAXcTT CONSTANCE tZggf "TAILSPIN" Smahin"omntkDra ' Advtnture Joan IK ch,M (At 7:04 md -(, PloGlorl Stlurl h TIME OUT I OK mi rDu, (At I II (), WOULD NEWS Att Mfwi., COMING S.Vn'Rh.iy oiy DrnU.RcKmn w u '"MUft "Ut R"' Office Supplies Typewriters ond Supplies Stationery Printing DIBB PRINTING Company Bemer Block Pho 2H Walker's Music Sim I Urie Stock Mi 1 llrlntimsn .Nordhrimtr tf ! Lftuir PUim PUno Tunlni Ilk "ltfonwop' rhone IILI E JM XI MR COAL (Jrain Feed Scfdi and Fertilizer I'KINCK KtTERT FEED CO. I'honet 31 and Ul THE SEAL QUALITY mm GOLD SEAL fancy Kcd si:eye PINK SBAL Finest Pink SAlmon Packed by the only '""" csnnlne 'company ullh i"1 the year round pjr" 9 Prince Rupert iv nir. mtkkmk ioi COM MIIU In Ibe M.llrr of the r"ln,,"r 100 Mlltff M.,f III Ihr Ml Honor W E. rmtrr. w . v i a n 101a I t .1! . ' . .. . m.i r h UTlnjc cUlnui mif, f pn-irly v1ftt V ml n "t th iau rty i,f mo- mnitrrd to pay ''-llti at