PAGE FOUR Tuesday, July 4 ,, THE DAILY NEWS -in. j m,r DIAMONDS Gems of Romance. Mounted in Modern Settings by Skilled Craftsmen We Have a Large Assortment of the Latest Designs In ENGAGEMENT RINGS, WEDDING KINGS, BROOCHES, BRACELETS, EARRINGS Or, we will inakc to order, any design that you prefer, in rings or any other piece of jewelry. We have in stock rings from $12.50 to $1200.00. We Invite Your Inspection. FINE CHINA, DINNERWARE, GLASSWARE Basement Store Max Heilbroner Accepts Call To Lutheran Church McBRIDE STREET Diamond Specialist Rev. Q. II. Myrwang, who was here for a time In March, has ac cepted a call as pastor of St Paul's Lutheran Church In Prince Rupert and will arrive here on Friday from Baltic, South Dakota, where he is at present located. After spending a couple of week here, h? intends to return to Bat-tic 'to bring his wife and family. Rev. Dr. L. C. Foss. who has been supplying in the pulpit of St Paul's here, will leave by the Princess Louise tomorrow afternoon on his return to Seattle. TERRACE G. O. Edwardson held an Informal meeting in the Church Hall on Friday night of those who ated at the classes In first aid under the tuition of Dr. Stanley Q. Mills. Several constructive decisions resulted from this meeting. Among them It was decided to establish a St. Jchn Ambulance centre at Terrace; hold classes for senior students; classes for Junior students; senior classes In home nursing for adult women, and Junior classes where home nursing will be studied by misses under the age of sixteen. Among visitors to Terrace over the weekrend were Mrs. Thomas McCubbin of Pacific with Mrs. J. C. A. Long of Vancouver. Enjoy the Advantages of Modern Kitchen Equipment It) 0 I With a McCLARY RANGE OR OIL Drop In and see the new FOR COAL, WOOD MtClary Ranges Inspect for yourself their many features of. superiority. Beautiful Enamel Finish Easily Kept Clean Splendid Baking Oven Fully Enamelled Inside Highly rolishcd Top Economical Fuel Consumption A McClary Range with cilburner installed will give satisfactory and economical baking, cooking and heating service. It can be Changed back for use with coal or wood in a short time. For Satisfactory Service Get a McClary GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave rrince Rupert for Vancouver: XS.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office rurther Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER. Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 568 SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling ai OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVER St earner leaves Prince Rupert every SATURDAY, 7 p.m.; MONDAY, 3 p.m. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday. Wednesday. Friilnv. & n.m. i J 1 Passenger Express FRIDAYS, 11.00 a.m. For fart's, etc., call or icrite City Ticket Office, 528 3rd Ave. TELLS OF Pullen. ASSEMBLY; Rev. II. G. Funston Reports to Con-gregation on Recent Meetings in Midland, Ontario Back In the pulpit at First -byterian Church after returning Saturday afteinuuu from Midland, Ontario, where he j attended sessions of the General 'Assembly of the Presbyterian Church In Canada, Rev. H. G. Funston reported to his congregation on that gathering. Keynote of the Important church meetings. Mr. Funston said, had been the more than ever apparent necessity. In view of existing conditions, of a recensecration of the churches and their people to aggressive and practical activity. There had been of late, the pastor said, too much of a tendency to concede to Influence? other than Christian. A virile Christianity was the only force to combat such influences as Fascism. Nazism, and Communism which were making (treat inroads. The ! assembly had heard how these 'Isms were developing In India to a point where they were becoming a rea' menace. At home. Mr. Funston said, the empty pew was the most serious problem of the church. Im portance of voung people's activity for the church had also been stress ed at the Assembly. Christianity Implied more than mere church membership, the pastor comment ed. Mrs. William Selwood and famil were passengers aboard the Catali. today going through from Anyo to Victoria where they will sDend the summer holidays before pro eedlng to Trail to take ud future residence. Mr. Selwood will shortlv be moving out of Anyox. Mrs. Sel wood Is being accomDanled south by Mrs. Rudland. tlMfEII CONNECTIONS WANTED WEST African Importers and exporters seek connections with Canadian producers or manufacturers. Samples, offers for merchandise of all descriptions, principally fish products, and terms solicited. The Colonial Fisheries. Limited, Benylwah House, Wln-neba. Gold Coast, British West Africa. ROARD AND ROOM BOARD, Good home cooking, 8 14 2nd. Avenue West. tf. FOR RENT FOR RENT Two rooms and bath. I tellable people only. 411 7th Av- enue West. t.f. FOR RENT Furnished Summer cottage on Graham Island to ojcep six. xaeai situation on bank ui ixen Kiver, excellent fishing with use of boat, good, bathing. Port Clements or telephone Mrs. WANTED (154) CLEAN, well-furnished modern ap artments. Phone Red 444. (156) WANTED to rent, gillnet boat. Phone 38. C154) FOR SALE FOR QUICK SALE Launch "Victory" complete with dinghy. $275 cash. Phone Black 805. (155) FOR SALE Modern House, liks new, good terms. Chesterfield, library table, dresser, book-case. etc. Phone Green 284. (158) FOR SALE House on Thompson Street, 5 rooms and bath. $600 cash. Small taxes. H. G. Helger-son Ltd. (153) FOR SALE Dominion nlnn anH bench, lovely tone, cheap for cash, rnone ureen zi3. ARMOUR Salt Lake cabin. Partly furnished. $iqq. (i56 FOUND FOUND Boys' Band cap. Apply Dally News. tf. WORK WANTED CAPABLE experienced girl desires. housework. Good plain cooi. Phone Blue 728. (155) Whifflets From The Waterfront - - Prince John Being Recommissioned In Service Porchcr Island Boy Scout Camp Inspected Angling at Klew Nugget CN.R. steamer Prince John, which has been undergoing annual overhaul at the local dry dock for the past few weeks, will take up a summer freighting service tomorrow by sailing for Ocean Falls with Capt. Edward Mabbs In command. She will deliver a cargo of paper from Ocean Falls to Vancouver. Of 112 passengers who arrived here yesterday on the steamer Prince George from Alaska, seventeen disembarked at this port. Several took passage from here for the south aboard the vessel. Northland Transportation Co.'s steamer North Coast, Capt. A. J. Borklarid, arrived in port at 8:30 yesterday morning from Ketchikan and other Alaska points and, after discharging fish for transshipment East over Canadian National Rail ways, sailed at 1 p.m. for Seattle. The vessel had ninety passengers on board, the majority being tour lsts. Another tourist ship In port yes terday. C.PJl. steamer Princess Alice, had 127 passengers on board She had six passengers for Prince Rupert. A like number took passage from here aboard the vessel for the north. Aboard the local service boat F. H. Phlppen, some thirty-five parents and friends of the local Boy Scouts made a trip on Sunday to Oval. Bay. Porchcr Island, to pay a visit to the Scouts who are In camp there. The boys were found to be in fine shape and having an excellent time. Weather was auspicious for the parents' trip. Departure was made from here at 8 o'clock In the morning. Oval Bay was reach ed at noon' and at 6 pjn. departurr was made for home, arriving at IP p.m. Sixty-rtwo fine trout were taken by a party consisting of Gib Taylor. Howard Wright. Charlie Balag-no, Leon Blain and Sid Hunter which made a trip to the East Am ot Klew Nugget, over the Dominion Day holiday week-end with Skippe; Jimmy Donaldson aboard the B11I-nor. Departure was made earl) Friday evening and the anglers go home at 4 6'clock Monday morning Union steamer Catala, Capt James Flndlay. arrived in port al 12:30 noon today from Stewart Anyox and other northern points and sailed at 1:30 pjn. for Vancouver and waypolnts. The lighted beacon marking Casey Point in Prince Rupert Harbor has fallen down and will be replaced at the earliest ODDortunltv. A red conical buoy Is being placed at thl; point temporarily. Somewhat earlier than usual, co-hoes are now beginning to show up on the trolling grounds of the district and there would appea: to be prospects for a good run, It Is reported. Springs are falllne off according to reports Irom packers today. W. E. Boeing's handsome yacht Taconlte, which has been a well known visitor to Prince RuDcrt each summer for many years, was WEDDED ON (PICTURE SATURDAY, THRILLER Miss Doris llalden and Americo Domlnato United at Annunciation Church Chapel A beautiful wedding was solemnized Saturday afternoon in the chapel of the Annunciation Church, Rev. Father Lantagne officiating, when Miss Doris Houldrn became the bride of Americo Domlnato. The bride was charmingly attired a corsage of pink roses and wor; a corsage of pink roses and .tarnations and blue cornflower. The bridesmaid, Miss Yolanda Domlnato, was prettily dressed in mauve flowered chll&on and wore a corsage of pink and yellow carnations. The groomsman was Prlmo Vac-cher. Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Domlnato, about eighty guests being present. The toast to the bride was proposed by the groomsman and responded to by Father Lant-agne. The bridal cake was duly cut by the bride and delicious refreshments were served. Servlteurs were Mrs. L. C. Orlffiths. Miss Lillian Vaccher, Miss Mae Cervi, Miss Elsie Hipp and Miss Erma Bussan-Ich. Many beautiful gifts, testifying to the esteem and popularity in which the couple are held, were displayed. Mr. and Mrs. Domlnato will reside In the city and will have genial felicitations. SUCCEEDED IN TESTS Further local musical students to succeed In recent Toronto Conserv atory of Music examinations were Miss Jean McLean (completing A.T. O.M.). Miss Phyllis Jenncr (Grade 5lghti; Miss Elspeth MacKcnxle (Orade Four, Miss Shuko Mlwa 'Grade Four, honors). BERLIN. July 4: (CP) Acaul- tftlon of Austria and the Czech Sudetenland has strenethened Oermany's Davis Cup team by the locution of Austria's Oeoree von Metaxa and Hans Redl and Rod- rlch Menzel, the Czech. n port on Sunday on the way to Uaska. Three Japanese elllnetters frnni he Skeena River were In provln-ial police court yesterday befoie upenaiary Magistrate Andrew fhompspn for Infractions of the Isheries reculatlons. Gi f Porcher Island was fined ija for fishing during the weekly clos-:d season. Y. NakaUu and t m. 'catsu, for fishing without having meir licences with them, wcu -'ach fined $20. According to reoorts at th. Dominion Fisheries office today 'he sockeye avcrace on hnth . Skeena and Naas Rivers Is still running about twenty fLh ni boat. There has been a slight inv rovement In fishing in the south-rn part of the district with thn Rivers Inlet averaee nine. nnrv cnannel 19 and Dean Channel even. Twentv-one fipa Knut v. v..j u Hum rvct- chlkan srent Domln Inn Divr Prince Rupert. They were met by icp.eaeniauvea oi tne Dominion Dav celebration mmmin.. --j .u. . vU,..,.i,,vcc ollu ule local Boy Scouts organization and were invited to take part In the Dominion Day sports. They were making the trip on the boat Salvor Capt. Rice, arriving Saturday morning and leaving KnnH-i,, i nn th. . ..I. i mm icturn nome. LAWN CHAIRS Arm lawn chairs made .of eastern hardwood and covered in Rood grade awning cloth. Adjustable to three nositions. C-4 mr Special Drop Side Couch ?X.ifJ Complete with mattress pad and pillow cov-crcd in cretonne, will open to Q4 A A large size bed. Keg. $18. Sale V-.DUU EUO'SFURNITURE Third Avenue Phone Green 910 Clark (Sable and Mjma Loy l'"e In "To Hot to Handle" Thrills In the strenuous life of newsreel camera man and romance hAtuPn Clarke Gable as an ad venturer of the lens and Myrna Loy as a daring avlatrlx come to me Capitol Theatre In "Too Hot to Handle," dramaUc story of tne love of two people whose lire are in nnxtjit miMt for excitement. The picture opened last night and will be repeated tonight ana vea-nesday. rf Oable and Walter Pldgeon play rival newsreel men covering fighting In the Orient. Constantly using trick and device to scoop each other, they clash when Miss Loy attempts a mercy flight with serum and Gable, barred from the field, reaches it in an ambulance but wrecks her plane. MUx Lov'a dash into South Am erican wilds to find her long lost aviator brftther. with Oable following with his cameras, are among sensational details as is also OableV filming of a blazing liner from a' plane piloted by Miss Loy. i The cast alto Include Walter Connolly as the news reel manager.'' Leo Carrillo as OaMe's sound man,1 Johnny Hlne. Virginia Weldler. Betty Ross Clark. Willie Fung and ; Patay O'Connor. I The picture shows for the first half of this week. Dr.. A. L. MeQuarrie. medical officer for the Department of Indian Affairs, who has been spending the rxut few weeks in this rtli- trlct on official duties, sailed thlil afternoon on the Catala for Nimtr enroute to Rivers Inle t J J. E. Moody of Port Simpson was a passenger aboard the Catala In-1 day going through to Vancouver enroute to Chllllwack for a brief visit. He expects to be returning to Port Simpson next Sunday iboard the same steamer. IN Till: M PKI.MI. COt KT Of IIKIIIMI (Oi l Mlllt . In I he Ullrr of Wml l:IU, ltni4. An.t In Ihr Ullrr of I lie - tdmlnhtrt ton Art TAKE Somen Uui s rtmmw tt. Iloncur Judw fiahrr (Ulrd the 2Mh !r t Jun IM I M tjjfxXMr . nVoMntor of the T)tiM ot Vrn1 WU rj ttf CKJ of Pnmt Rupee. dreMd. Md 4 II ptn nm tltlm MMllWt Ule liral. KT renHteerf rn. U Mm mr in r1Ut: prxvrlf ui mm rt 1WI dr of AUftMS low. tnd pcmiM tndebterl to re; "d t- .-. an r-llrryt t. m ik. l-h DATKD - p- r- Rupert flC Uu NOTIUAN A WATT OfM- h Art n In c-rtlrr Prln'- Rupnt BC COAL firain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer I'KINCR JtUI'EKT FKKD CO. Phones SX and 55S CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE riione 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Phones 18 Si 19 P.O. Box 575 Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents-Have yon tried our CASH COUPON SYSTKM? You re. eclve dhhes, silverware and valuable premiums suitable for lfts. Why not start now at no extra cost t0 you? ' Opposite Canadian Legion MISS VIIKI Dressmaker Ladles' and Children's Alterations Moderate Price Phone GltKEN 880 727 FKASEIt 8T. lONinilT and UEDNESIuv 2 Shows Nightly, 7:00 & . Clark Gable Myrna Loy In the Great Adventurt Comedy TOO HOT TO HANDLE' Wllh Walter rid iron. Waller Connolly. o Carlllo (At 7:26 and 9:11) Alto "Story of Alfred Nobel' Ir Smith's "Marine Clrr,- 5 DAY anil NIOHT Phone s 1 O HP id laxi rT opp riMi iirrv, ith t Specials THIS WEEK ONLY Satin Finish "61" Quick Drying Floor Vnrnlsh $1.29 Q""' Cellutone Wall-Flnlnh 99cq"rl "61" Quick Drying Enamel 29c ',int KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Office Supplies Typewriters and Supplies Stationery Printing DIBB PRINTING Company Bmer Dlock Phone 234 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarcll! Proprietor . "A HOMK AWAY FKOM HOME" Kales $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot St Cold Water Prince Rupert; TJ.C. Thone 281 .. r.O. o196