paoe Twa. THE DAILY NEWS PARIS MAID SLIPPERS If It Is Slippers You Need, We Have Them The very latest, styles in Zeider Zee, Russian Boot Tops and Mules, in leather and Fabric, with heels from Flat td Spool. Priced to Suit Every Purse Agents for Hartt Shoes for Men Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. FRINGE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F- PULLEN Managing-Editor EDITORIALS CAMPAIGN OF KILLING The latest Hitler campaign of indiscriminate killing-is the most recent phase of the war, Mines are being laid in the shipping lanes without warning so that ships of no matter what nationality are liable to be blown up. The mines seem to be floating at larg anywhere. Some have drifted ashore and exploded aa they came in contact with coasjt obstructions. Many have blown up neutral ships, causing much loss of life.. If the neutral countries affected v-ere onlv strong enough to do so they would undoubtedly force Germany to ston the illecrarpractice. With Ger-manv. however, might is right and the small nations hav to take it NON-CANADIAN OFFENDERS Diicuftsinp the nosition of Ouehec in Canada T onf Franeoeiir. add-esinr the Onrnno-OnehR' rimilatin-manaV rnnvention. the printed, report nf the proceed ing? of vhich is now to hand, traced th history of t' pror nr-e from ts founding and pointed out how the neon)' of Qunvo felt t-ard Canada and the British Empire Concluding he said : "Cannrvin" that announcement about Fascism an Communism and soforth in Quebec, please take no stock in it We are intelligent people. Go down the Gaspe and you ill v-e the true Canadian, down the lower St Terence They are respectful of authority and thev don' even know v-hat Fascism and Communism mean and thev are not interested in finding out. Yesterday, mv oV friend praon O'Learv. spoke to you about the Padlock Law. I will not discuss the merits of the law. but let mr remind you of one point. The so-called Padlock Law was voted unanimously bv both houses of the Quebec Legislature Catholic members. Protestant members and freethinker members included. The idea is this. We do not want any special policy or principle, but merely endeavor to foliow'our normal course of living which is the same course as yours. Since 1927 there have been two or three instance? of Communistic propaganda, in Ontario especially It was thought wise to suppress them at their Very point of oriein, but let me tell you that from statistics compiled by a journalist friend of mine, of houses padlocked, e!?h t uut f evely ten houses Padlocked were in non-Can-adiatf hands. MANNERS in Daa manners to coueh in nubile nlari.. c:t. Brothers Coiigh Drops (Black or Menthol) handy! Real relief for iuit 10. ' SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPS MacKenzie Furniture CLEARANCE ON TRADE-INS 3 Dressers- tfff ft ft 1 Dining Buffet-fifi O ff A With morrors VJVU M H.dU 3 Dressers Qrj Bfk 1 Book Case With Ynorrors : 1 ,u At $12.50 1 Walnut Dining Tables-Extends to COO CA 7 feet ?44.t)U Phone 775 Originator Of Basketball Is Critically 111 J Lawrence. Kvwm. .vowwb-w 1 21: CP i Or. James KaysoiUh of the UnlYtrsIl? of Kansas, ortgina- jtor of the game of basketball, is critically ill here It's the cumujmc efttct of ai vrrtLsing that counts. 1 nrm nrnn iir iur TAILORS' Representative I Is Coming .Master CrafUmamhlp builds romfort Into your Tip Top Clothe. Iland-i-ntling and tailoring to jour personal measurements by skilled union tailoring ates provides smart style andperfert At. For your new suit or topcoat . . . choose your fabric from a brilliant range of woolens . . . rolorful . . . complete. Select any style you like. YouH experience luxurious comfort . . . smart appearance . . . and more dollar-for-dollar value. Tip Top Tailors Special Representative Geo. Mathison Will be Here Wednesday & Thursday November 22nd & 2..rd P. Cravetto Prince Rupert, B.C ClMflE FOR SALE FOR SALE 5 room house, good ' location, price $850. terms ar- ranged, phone Red 751. 271 Bay. ,273) BOARD AND ROOM FURNISHED room with or without board. Address 133 7th Ave. East, 1 phone Red 921. (2750 WANTED WANTED Furnished apartment' lor two adults. Phone Dally News. (275) For Sale Bids will be received by the undersigned for the followlne un to 27th Inst 1. Removal and demolition of dwelling 304 6th Avenue West. 2. Removal of corrugated Iron building corner 8th St. and 3rd Ave. PURCHASINO AOENT, City Hall. FRESH SHR1PS Boat W.S.L. Daily at 4 p.m. TROTIERS DOCK CANADIANS RIDE HIGH Uple l eafs in lint Place in Na tional Leafue and Canadlrn In Second j DFTROlT.Nov. 31: CP The Toronto Mi'pk Loots voufit rookie teaas and tfee Montreal CaaodVns veferan KRieaUoo are Tiding high in the National Hockey Leaoue Both are so fur unbeaten thU ea-on The Manle Leafs defeated the Detroit Red Wings twlse at the wpfk-end, by a score of three to !i-rtln at Toronto Saturday nitht: nr seven ta one in Detroit Sanday "ifht The Saturday nleht game a hotlv ronfested affair at the faMe Leaf Oarden and there was n sHng until the IB minutes and n ecnd mar In the second ner-when Church cored on DavM-""n tricky assist The Leafs add-two In th- third period. The M-vl- Leafs are rnw In flwt alace "id th Canadtem In second, the Plvtn Frenchmen harliw defeated , Ww York Faneers Sunday ntht. riiraex Black Hawks, defeated nday nteht by the Boston Bruins, -e now In third olaee. Bton linibed Intr a tie for fourth place' w'th Detralj Red Winos. Bath New York teams are having hard Urae v ret started. The Rsner scored their first vietorv of, tKe season Saturday nWht over the 'i'ckles. Americans who have yet to win a fame. Tnniaht the Canadleru play the HtiTt at Boston. Wrs-f nd scores were at follows: The league andlnes to dtte; W D L F A -Mito ... 4 1 0 17 2 rnadrem 3 1 0 15 rhi-0 3 0 3 11 18 rolt ... 2 1 3 10 7 Ronton .... 2 1 2 8 10 Rangers 1 2 3 8 9 Americans 0 0 4 in p .9 7 e s 5 4 0 Most p)D mo tn classify "d.t Do you? Alpha Scores Single Goal To Win Game flsflsisBBs9l One of the hardest rough t names !n th Baoth Memorial High School inter-house football leafue was "layed on Saturday when Alpha f?ure was lurky to defeat Beta by a store of one to nil. Right Urouh tho game m eten vrtth both teams alternately pressing but unable to nlerce the opposing strong defences. Near the end of the nfs Orlmm-scn. receiving the ball from a well oteced free kick, scored the goal which save Alpha the two points Team' were: Aloha Calderwood: Hlnada. rftnktnson: Orimmnm. Holtby. Cic-eore- Lsrtdry. Khif. Leverett Halde. Johnson. Weodside. Knut-son. Bta- Ohen; Wilton. Ourvleh: 5mdhl. sllvefsUe. Frwlks: D 1-U-hlan. Haley. Pwtitk. A. Mc- Leod. n. MeLachtan. Referee. J. B. Wilkinson. Young People's Society Meets Varied Protram Hnjoyed Ity Inter drnomlnalional Group Last M(ht The Interdenominational Young People's Society got off to a good tart last night in the First Presbyterian Church Hal; with aboul thirty members and friends pres-t. Miss Winnie Cameron, the oresldcnt. presided over the meet-In which proved to, be interestln? throughout. The worihlp service was conducted by Miss Kay WaUon followed by a short buslneci session. The main feature of the evening ws the compiling or a magazine bv tho.e nresent. This -as m charge of Ned Tobey. The literary iSvMOfHicat Keep your fuel cost down to minimum this Winter by using heat-rested coal that gives )u more heat and less waste. We're specialists In picking coal that gives the most heat for the money. We'll iladly help you pick trade that will burn efficiently In your furnace, kitchen range or heater, give you more heat, and save jou money. Just phone 116 or 117. Albert and McCaffery Ltd HOUSEHOLD furniture, radio and1 SOTOOTwootOMaQou6oooo6oooooo wiuuauij lataiimic, VJICril 3 J. 272) FOR SALE Trolling boat Viola, 22 reet. Complete with radio and gurdles. Apply Co-op Store, Cow' SPECIAL... Free - 39c Forhans Gum Massager With Large Tube of Forhans Tooth Paste 78c Value For Only 39c -.-. . ; CHRISTMAS CARDS A Large and Varied AssortmentSec Our Selection Now Ormes Lid. CW Pionter Druqgists The Retail Store Phooes: II gg Open Dally from I a.m. till II p.m. Sundays and Uolldays from 13 noon till I gun. 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. ooaroofloooogoooioaooocKoooiaoooooQOooaooooooaooooo Miss Jessie Gillis Shower Honoree Mrs. I. .M. Wick and MUs Km ma Whlffln Hostess Mrs. I M. Wick and Miss K-n - Wlilfflr. were Joint hostewi at the home of the former at a delightful rnUcellsrteoUt shower lost evening In honor of Miss Jcrtle Qlllls whae tnarrtase to Frank McOrath of Vlc- crta will take olace shortly. The eveninn was spent In olaylnit various fames. Prlte winners were Miss Tona Blaln. MLst Oertrude Tun?eon and Miss Eileen Bury. Little Oeorgle Olllls presented he bride-elect with many beauUful snd uteful gifts. Delicious rtfrcshments were acnr-ed. Thow Present were Mrs. J. 3. oil Ms. Mlis Jestle Oillls. MUs Florence OIUI-. Mrs. A. Ollht. Mrs. A. C. Oillls. Mrs. O. Marshalton. Mlis Vera cook. Mm W Whlffln. Mrs. O. laney. Mrt. R B. Xforean. Mrs. 3 ihnn. MKs Oertrude Tunreon. M Mse Murrav. MUs Tona Blaln. Ml Oenenieve 8;haeffer. Mrs. L. " Orifflthi Miss Eileen Burv. MlM "cll 0vnalle. Mtss Srtlly JctMvn, Miss iMbolle Connery. MUs Isaholie oufn. mIm Phil Murray. Mm Em-t Whlffrrh Mtw Leona Wiirnn.' Mrs. I. M. Wick. Dally advertlslnt m is sure to bring suits. the Dallj diUy re- fforta of the young people were mter read to the enjoyment of all A couple of games, under the cap able supervision of Frank FoUtger. irought the evening to a close The next meeUng of the Interde-nomlnaUotUt Young People's so-' ?lety wUl be held hest Monday er-' enlng. CONSTIVat, " IffW TEARS DOiji M.yufft .lil Ins more "j- . , M tit"!- "'aujj , , vrt M r, rtbuiM tr.: AII.DDAU rCffi. 7m Adver "t j c Ksfit Stone's SPECIALS Waterproof Coats 8 only. "Aristrocrar KnglUh Waterproof CoatH ( Guaranteed) In 2i value $ao.00. Special with C07 50 choice of hat ' Tweed Trousers 10 Pairs Tweed Trousers-In all uhaileH. With choice of knit- 3.95 ted Fjiort shirt. Special v Crepe Soled Brogues 25 lair Crcnc Soled Hrojrucs-In Wackand brown. Keif. $5.1)5. With 4.95 pair of sox, special . v No Charsei, No C.O.I.' William F. Stone Clothes of Distinction SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! NlKit ICEAI FALLS d POWELL Steamer leates Prince Rupert terj THURSDAY 11.15 p.m. Trains- lear FVIno. Rupert for lh E,,t Afonday, Wedttetdiiy, Friday, 6 P-"1' Steamer for Ketchikan n Stewart erery For orf ate, call or J ntt Ttkt nmce. 528 sm