PAGE TOUR GIFTS For Friends . . Across The Sea WHAT? FlTe thousana Rupert people reaa :ne muj News. It pays to let them Know arhat you hate to elL AtCIIOX SALE Timber Sale X1SS71 Tba -rHl be offered tcr oaie at Auction. at aooo on tfie Sib dir ot Ser to be Men in the Old Land appreciate the smartness and color of Canadian-made Neckties, Scarves, Socks and Knitted Jackets. "WHFN? . Difficult Orerseas Mail Schedules make Early Mailing- Advisable. Make your selection at our store Now. Our UfLirnr) iHr rltiixlli; stock is new up-to-the-minute and reasonably priced. Watts & Nickerson SAND USEFUL GIFTS FOR MEN SHINGLES We have just received a shipment of exceptionally fine shingles manufactured on the Queen Charlotte Islands which is the home of the finest cedar on the Pacific Coast Also in Stock a Complete Line of Local and Fir Finishing Lumber GRAVEL WHEAT PRICES CEMENT Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Phone 631 Phone 632 Whifflets From The Waterfront December. Idas, in th yw . t r.ji . . . i Union steamer Catala, Capt d- fter. &Tairv: ""T.vr wr ar , , oarer, the licence X25974, to est ap. 1015 "lis morning from Stewart proxtaasejr liooooo f . b m of pruce. and other northern points and SnTc d at 1:30 this afternoon for K. 9ueca C3wvr uiuxu Lud Vancouver, trtct. i Tfcree fj) jrr win be altered tor-tnamt of Haber i -rewvjed anj-cce usable to aKead W1NNIPETS WINNIPEG. Krw Not. 91 21: (CP I - cXT7 IS: Wheat fHtur unchanged to cfvned ae the hour of auc B U i ' c lower on the Winnipeg ...... r. i.ia4 market fe I 1 bul, mih u mm UKC IWL 1 Psrtber rrticuirj mar be obu&ed yesterday with December closing ' ZtZTv- ZZ'-Z..- tv c- WIi ine ew market Prince Rwnu V L, uu,Kli EC., or ate Dsnct .r - m DINNER - mat- xc oo; v srj , re y ANY DAY A FISH DAY TODAY'S STOCKS (OourtMy 6, D. Jobcaton Oo.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .12. Bralorne, 11.00. Cariboo Quartz, 2.1 5. Dentonla, .01 Vi. Falrrlew, .02. Gold Belt. 23. Hedley Mascot, .41. Mlnto, .01. Noble Five. .02." Pacific Nickel. .13. Pend Orielle. 2.45. Pioneer. 2.25. Premier. 1.43. Privateer. .91. Reeves McDonald, .40. Reno. S2r Salmon Gold, .03. Sheep Creek, 150. ' Cariboo Hudson, .04. Oils A. P. Con., J8. Calmont. .35. C. ti E., 2.03. Home. 2.38. Pacalta. .04. Royal Can. .19 . Okalta. 1.05. Mercury. .06. Prairie Royalties, 50. Toronto Aldermac, 29. Beattie. 1.05. Central Pat, 221. Cons. Smelters, 4955. East Malartlc. 3.00. Fernland. .02. Francoeur. .44. Gods Lake. .61. , Hardrock. 1.32. Int. Nickel, 48.00. Kerr Addison. 2.00. Little Long Lac, 3,15. McLeod Cockshutt, 258. Madsen Red Lake. 150. Moneta, .91. Noranda. 76.00. Pickle Crow. 450. Preston East Dome, 2.12. San Antonio. 1.86. Sherritt Gordon. 150. Stadacona, 54. Uchl. 3. Bouscadlllac. .03;. Mcsher. .10. Oklend, .14. Dominion Bridge, 39.00. New York Allls-Chalmers. 41. American Can, 113 American Rolling Mills, 18H-American Smelting, 53. American T. and T-. 169T. Anaconda Copper. 33. Baldwin Locomotive. 17Jj. Bethlehem Steel, 84?,. Boeing Aircraft. 27j. Borg-Wamer. 25Ti. Caterpillar Tractor, 54. Consolidated Oil, 7?8. Douglas Aircraft, 79 ft. Dupoijt. 181. Freeport fiulphur. 33 Vi. General Electric, 40i. General Motors, 548. Goodyear Tire and Rubber, 25 4 inland miana steel, steel, 87 87. Greater, lartoe u'hcat . Prices ve to i,c high- International Nickel 40 a. c er with Mav at 86c. vr . A,. DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES, OTTAWA ft TOT DAILY 2Z?S PIONEER RED CROSS Prague Workers diptitdu rADDirc HN1 Continue Tasks Drums Alone the Mohawk" is Replete With Romance, Action and Color . da. By settlement of the lands of mis province, the Empire food supply could be- Increased. Matheson Alklli, 30. National Biscuit, 22t. New York Central, 19. North American Aviation. 27 i. Pennsylvania Railroad, 24. Public Service' of N. J., 40?i. Radio Corporation. 5T. Republic Steel, 24'.. Sears-Roebuck. 8T. " Socony Vacuum Oil, 13. Standard Oil of California. 26 Vi. Standard Oil of New Jersey, 461, United Fruit. 85. United States Rubber. 39i United States Steel, 70, 11 a party dinner, FISH lends pleasing new tastiness to the menu. dian Filr.0nS.0fi?T9e!r Canada have learned of the food of Cana-'rounrf 5,w ,She"h' of ny different -varieties available all the year W fTf.' rZen' ST0ked' dried canned w PkWed; and of how Ssy it te to is dehcou, prepare meal, with FISH from inland water, or from the tSl SSi wSnne F"h t0 famUy 8eVCral times a week' Deporlmanf of FUKtrte., Ottawa. Pleaie tend me your Sl-page DooUet. ''100 Tempting FUh Recipe". Name. r (n-iAti raiMt ttTTiiii'ri.iiY)"'" rfrfesi...-..--. Tblt advertisement ii aot publUhtd or displayed by tht Uqoor Control Board or by the Government ot BrliUh CotnmbU -10KK.MET LtlJI'OM tlf (rvrlkon ici Stkm Of .(ppllrallon tnr (ontenl T Trn(rr (tub IJrrme To Other rremlr Nstksr U beorby flHw Ui oo the fiNnrtlcn of tMa mm underalfoed tntevda tc aptiy to tba liquor oontroi Board for Ment 1 1 irmjvrffr dub licence Xc 12)3, latued In mtpeot of cerUtA pmniwi aUuat on Ux 3 and 4. Bl:sk 21 -A. SeoWott l Up 23. Prtno Rupeat Itxl Rnnatra Uoa DUt. to enrtain mnw, .itii. a at trie crrner of Reond Ateou ano i Third Strert. upon UimM daacrUwd ! LoU NO. 1 aAd 2 of Block 30. BeetlCn I I Ooiuoibla. Dated t Prlnr Rupert DC. thu I3lh Aif of Novembrr A. D. IM, PRINCE ROPERT CLUD UUITZrJ iS THE HI PKKMI. mi RT Of ItRtTlmi COM MIIIA i rnoimi: In the lllrr or I he ".tdmlnldritloi In Ihe Mailer f the :Ule of Irtlnr Hereated lnleuie TAKE NOTIC15 thai by order of Ul Honor, W, E. riaher. made on the lOlh day of November. A D. 1939. I ira appointed AdmUiUrtnter nr tih. .. of Ertini rowum. docniaed. and att Pea nann oiauna atatiut the mil eaU'-e are herefty rwUtrvd to furnUI aame. pre perl jr verified, to me on or be. fore the ISth day of December, A D 1M9. and t partlea Inoebvid to tht eAte are rerrulrrd to pay the amount of their Indehtednewi to nve forthwith Dated the ISth day of Norwuber. AD. 1839 NOrUfAN A. WATT Offkrlal Administrator. Prtnca Rupert. D C THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL tv inest Pink Salmon Packed by the only aalmon cannlar company with an all the year round payroll La Prince Rupert fRrirC Xjmt ?! lCPtPrn First Shipment of Material 'or. -orkera. deplte agitation for a Workers Arrives Results of rt lk. to Drotet against condition Financial Campaifn ; unar Nall wnt to tneir j0a3 Gratiijing IJU Ufuai today with the assurance One of the high spots of the pres-. i that the4r romDlalnti would receive em nun season ts the way tnaij Red Cross war wora m ri.r .consideration. "Drums Along the Mohawk,- fe-, Rupert, like elsewhere in the coun- lure onenng at me capixoi vneaire. try. Is gradually oecooiuw i here for the first half of this week. I Ued. First goods in the way of wool afT,0JPn HovinrV may be described. ' In Technicolor for socks and material lor hospital j JallldlLcl lid Ylllg wim uiauaette Colbert and Henry supplies arrived yesterday ana was p rii j Fonda In the starring roles. It. delivered to the hfadquartra at the I gygrg rlOOQS d rings romance, action and color tol corner of Second Avenue and &uu the screen. t : Street. From there U will be dl. Based on Waiter D. Edmonds" trlbuted to the workers. " i iv. . . . me prnoa oi xnc siory u various acuvuies in in way w ; the stirring days of adventure and carrying on the work. raWng fundi " r""U of s M' k romance when America was young. etc. are being planned j "0ads The action is set In the beautiful Meantime, preliminary eUmateauindtfdi nd P" Mohawk Valley of New York and on last week's drive for fund, tadl-,"? J''phlc ,and ,Ule: J I -a a . m a a . . . ... ! DflOmC (TOfTim U fill1! f tt I n I acpicw uie me oi eany coionuu cate that Prince Rupert, by tne,-- "Y" . . ... under the onslaught of the fierce time aU returns are In. will be found J J ' JJ,",r U l"fflc 1x1 Iroquois Indians. Battle scenes -over UjKlnKton nM hUfii to have gone the top." It are said to reach a high pitch of .estimated that some 11700 has been L j . . realism and excitement Miss Colbert and Fonda are a pair of young ntoneers who settle In the Mohawk Valley braving the wilderness together against the ter rors of torch and tomahawk. Their romantic adventures are the basis of the plot. ALo featured In the cast are Ed na May Oliver. Eddie Collins. John Carradlne. Jessie Ralph! Dorris Bowdon. Robert Lowery and Roger Imhof. More than three hundred studio workers and actors were I transported to a valley In Utah .which approximated New York's famed locale for the picture Brigadier Hornby Still Advocating Land Settlement VANCOUVER, Nov 21 CP Brigadier General M. L. Hornby of Lethbridge, well known for his land settlement scheme. Is a visitor in Vancouver Despite Increased recruiting, there is still mueh un employment in Great Britain, he American Car anri F',mH ttu. Ifays- and there u m than American Locomotive 2S e.Tcr for BrUL,h nlfratlon to Cans collected already and. by the time all the donations have been made and turned in. it is believed that some $2000 wtll have been realteed TODAY'S WEATHER Prince Rupert Raining, southeast wind, four mtles per hour; barometer. 29.55 (falling): temperature. 46: sea smooth. Triple Island Showery, north northwest wind, six miles per hour: light swell. Langara Island Clear, southeast i wind, two miles per houh; barom-! eter. 29 J2; temperature. 22: light i swell. 1 SKIVING MACllINt -In A-l condition I HLCONtUTlONri) KITCHEN RANG 13 1 J-MIRROR VANITY AND STOOL At I HAWM I CO.Mrot u.ilitlir and Urr....Tl Show, M. h.u ,r?D of all RetUeiif r ' ' ' a; I II aviuiii5 A nn rr fbe Moliawk" IN TECHNICOLOR' With Clandette Colbtn ry rani! Mu May autft Bin4 fat . 4 ... At 7::i tnd ! bcenlc .ad CifH Comlnr Thim. - rj -CALLING DR. KILDAIf B. C. Furniture Co. New arid Used FURNITURE VALUES $20 - DARK MAHOGANY VANITY AND 1 CONNOR WASHING .MACHINE Special 6 RECONDITIONED RADIOS-Cablnet modek of various make. Frorn. up .L. .... t ntns Complete . 3 NEW CAST-IRON CABIN COOK STOVES Spcdal $15,50 $25.50 $10.50 7.50 $29.50 $16,01 $13.50 2 '"Fro"1 lll:UU,LT C,,ESTrJl""J SUITES- Q5 $69 2 l.riECE WALNUT nEDR00l"8UITXSC0R Ll efetuff iu large round mirror, chllfonler. C7l ffA ' CQI: stool and bed of fine quality Thone ItLACK 321 (Nest Door to B. C aothlen) THIRD ITL CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trani-I'atific To Vancouver rla Orean rati anri Wat Fort SB. PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every rTlday 10 pm To Vancouver Direct 85. PRINCESS LOUI8EH October rrth SS. "PRINCESS NORAH November 6th. 18th jrh Winter Excursion rare Vancouver and Rttnrn TlckeU on sale Nov. lt. 1839 to Feb. 28th 1940 QQ 00 Final Return Limit-March 31st 1940 V0U,W Connections at Vancouver with Canadian PaoUlc Be; mil Ticket! and R eaereatloni from W. I. COATES. General Afent Trlnce Rntwrt. Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted SandwicltM or Hors d'ocuvrc One Package Serve Four People Keps for Weeks In Refrigerator Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. . . -- - i ! III! 1 I f I 'in aha II aQii '" jrllh Colom''11