li s November 21, 1939, THE DAILY NEWS PAOE, TKRCB; i Gorman, who has been lo. Anyox and will spend a few days r; I u.. wireless operator at ere Deiore Shower For Miss proceeding to Stewart. i i u..'.a u now iransierred to ! w a Drotner of Oordon Ger LOCAL NEWS NOTES Orange Pekoe Blend arrived M! in the city man, accountant of the Bank of Mildred Ketchum Catala this morning from Montreal here THAT REMINDS ME OGDEN'S SCORES ROLL - J'A "Orjden's" is tho signal for fuller enjoyment In rolling-your-own. Go Into a huddlo with this sweet, fragrant cigarctto tobacco and you'ro headed for a touch down in smoking pleasuro ospocially if ou uso "Chantccler" or Voguo" papers. ELIO'S FURNITURE THIItll AVENUE SPECIALS LINOLEUM Dominion Inlaid Linoleum 6 feet wide. Of Square yard JJ..U RUGS Seamless Ajcminster Rurs Size 9x1 0i Toys At Scooter Heavy steel frame, foot brake Kindergarten Set Made Table ami two chairs. I mish m red J. H. BULGER Optometrist llojral Bank Hide. WITH YOUR - OWNERS ! rillNCE UL'PKKT $34.00 Savings $295 of Eastern hardwood. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAWY , IMIONK 637 Mrs. W Roberts. Mrs. Len Wide and Mrs. W. Garner were Joint hostesses at the home of the latter, Ninth Avenue West, Friday evening at a delightful miscellaneous shower In honor of Mlsi Mildred Ket chum whose marriage to Jack Wide I will take place November 25. The rooms were tastefully decorated with pink and white streamers and white bells. The evening was spent In playing cards and community singing. The bride-elect was pre-eented with many beautiful and useful gifts. Those present, besides the guest of honor and hostesses, were. Mrs. C. C. Ketchum, Mrs. R. Clark, Mrs. Frank Ellison, Mrs1. Andrew Ronald, Mrs. Henry Smith sr.. Mrs. E. Dickens, Mrs. Alex Barbe. Mrs. 8. V. Cox, Mrs. Thomas Graham, Mrs. B. T. Way, Mrs. J. L. Johnson, Mrs. William Brass, Mrs. B. Hill, Mrs. E. Webster. Mrs. Henry 8mlth Jr., Mrs. D. Healy, Miss Dolly Smith. Miss Clara Ketchum and Miss Olive Van Cooten. Announcements AU advertisements In this col-imn will b charged for a full month at 154 a word. St. Peter's Church bazaar Nov. 23. Country Fair November 2. Eagles' Bridge November 29. St. Andrew's Dance. Nov. 30. Catholic Tea, Mrs. Hankinson's November 30. I Vardens Entertainment Dec. 1. i United Bazaar December 7. . 1 Lutheran Circle bazaar. De-I cember 9. Moose Christmas Tree. Dec, 21. Thrift Gash & Carry GET THE THRIFT HABIT SHOP AT THRIFT CASH AND CARRY II E Swift's Picnic llam-Whole. Half or 300 lbs. to 24c sell at. lb. Red Arrow Graham Wafers Mb. cello 4 n packet JL.IK, Red Arrow Assorted Biscuits 1-lb. cello Si tin box Coljate Toilet SoapSpecial, 5 bars Soap, I Fruit OQt Bowl, all for Asparagus Aylmer Tasty Cuts. 10ii-oz. A An tins JLJLs Apricots Garden Brand. 17-oz. tins. OCo 2 for Lettuce Firm 15c heads. 2 for Prunes Santa Clara. 22c Small size, 3 lbs. Bananas Firm, 28c yellow. 3 lbs. Grapefruit Juice Large 50-oz. tins. Ea. For prompt and courteous Phone 13 Taxi. tf. Don't forget 8t. Peter's Church Bazaar, November 23. 271 WANTED! Five hundred women to loin Annette's Stocking Club. (275) Jean de Vaudeuil, Belgian globe trotter and ex-service man. who has been In the city for the past week, will leave on Thursday morning of this week for Alaska, one of the countries he has yet to visit before ending his long trip. Gamma House Has Program Final Meetlnc Before Christmas Holidays Held Yesterday Students of Gamma House gathered In the auditorium, of Booth Memorial High School for their second and last house meeting before the holidays. The president, Miss Iscbel MacDonald. In was the'R, Wlnder Frederick Point, cnair ana openea ine meeting witn an address In which she stressed the need of better attendence at basketball games and more enthusiasm for house activities. Reports of the boys' basketball and boxing activities were received. The following program was greeted with hearty applause: Piano solo. Miss Charlotte Bal- agno. Tap dance, Miss Margaret Davles. lVocai solo. Miss Molly Frew. HHWand Fling, Miss Bernlce Eastwood. Miss Yvonne Rlffou accompanied the songs and dances on the piano. The meeting was closed with the 'singing of the naUonal anthem. Pee Wee Egr Arriving fresh on Wednesday. qnn Dozen 3 dozen 60c Rrd Arrow Soda Biscuits 17c 1-lb. packet Royal Crown Soap 5 bars In a carton. Otf Special 4tl Bartlett Pears Royal 4 Cn City 17-02. tins Jl' Iledlund's Soups Vegetable, Split Pea, Oyster. nen 3 tins Whole Kernel Corn Aylmer. 16-oz. tins. 25C Pears Dozen Fancy eating. 25c Clover Honey-4-lh. 49c tin .... Sweet Potatoes 17c 3 lbs. Tuna Fish Crawford's, 25c Vs, 3 tins FREE DELIVERY ON ORDERS $1.00 AND OVER Bulkley Valley COAL From our mine To your bin And the whole District benefits. Bowling afternoons and evening's Max's Alleys. tf. Moose Bridge Dance series. Moose Hall tonight. (271i Tonight's trail., due from the East at 11 o'clock, was reported this afternoon to be on time. 8am Haudenschlld sailed thb afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver, E. E. Mason, superintendent of the Northern Pyrites mine on the Ecstall River, which has closed down for the season, and Mrs. Mason sailed .this afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver where they will spend the winter. F. 8. Mosher, accountant at the mine, also tailed for Vancouver on the Catala this afternoon. Hotel Arrivals Royal W. Carpenter and C. Graham, Barrett Point. Central T. N. Greenfield. R. Wilcok and ifcVUIIES J tih TV 9.95 Rtfhl Hv tw Irttl Udf mo4 villi tut. Ntrtt ImnV Cw rA bCt- $18.75 JOHN BULGER LTD. COAL Gram Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 59 and 551 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zartlll Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 11.11 op 30 Rooms Hot St Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 211 r.O. Bos IN CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CATS Phena 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK "SA1ADA TEA Be a Gay These Latest Arrivals in Ties 50c $1.00 PS. (Boxed Bryant Company Limited Phone 297 532, 3rd. Waterman's Fashionable Desk Sets - $2.90 $9.00 Pencils "5c to $3.50 Pens - $Ut5 to $10.0 Pen and Pencil Sets 50c ,to $1330 Kodaks and Brownies $1.10 to $3730 Albums - 35c to $130 Useful Recipe Boxes Complete 50c, $1.00, $1.25 Loose Leaf Recipe Books Complete 65c Claying Cards Fancy back sets 9oc to $230 Leather Card Cases 80c and $1.25 Hourd's Fine Card Tables -. - $2,00, $3.00, $130, $530 Fancy Boxed Stationery 25c to $330 TOYS - T - Bird o ft Shed you dull, worn-out neckwear. Burst out in some of our latest arrivals In ties. An especially fine and large selevtion of CUR-RIE, FORSYTH and ARROW mravats are now ready for your inspection. They'll perk up your shirt front by giving you a classy, neater knot. Terell be fewer wrinkles and longer wear. are Priced at, Each $1.50 $2.00 for Gift Purposes) Ave. W. P.O. Box 622 Anticipating A MERRY CHRISTMAS BOOKS CARDS CALENDARS XJLAS WRAPPINGS,., HOME and STORE DECORATIONS Headquarters for Xmas Gifts for Everyone, eMaSvs.Jjd Wm STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 pan. 10:39 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, .Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 563 It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people of the whole district are doing the B&me.