PAfit two CAMPACS The Finest Summer Shoe For Style, Wear And Dependability. Buy Now While Sizes Complete Family shoe store ltD The Home of Good Shoes DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PBINCE RUPEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily New Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES ' Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion ... Local readers, per line, per insertion SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advance Paid uVadvanee, per week . Paid In advance, per month By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and 'United States, yearly period, paid in advance 1L. By man to all other countries, per year .... News Department Telephone , 8G Advertising and Circulation Telephone - - 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations WELCOME TO VISITOR Tuesday, May 16, 1939. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: TJ5.S. CATALA EVERY TUpS- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:0 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vfcncouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER. Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 5C BOWLING Houring Scottish SCHEDULE!Footba11 Tem Is ify?J? Thi? Vc3r I Scbeduje To C.ct Under War On May 20 Canadian National Recreate n Association lawn bowling branch announces the following schedule for the season's league cotspeti lion: May 28 Rln No. 3 vs. Rink No. 4; Rink No. 5 vs. Rink No. 6. May 29 Rink No. 1 vs. Rink No. 2; Rink No. 7 vs. Rink No. 8. May 31-Rlnk No. 0 vs.' Rtak No 10: Rink No. f vs. Rink No. 3. June 2 Rink No. 2 vs. Rink No 4: Rink No. 5 vs. Rink No 7 June 5 Rink No. 6 vs. Rink No 8; Rink No. 1 vs. Rink No. 9. June 7-Rink No. 2 vs. Rink No 10: Rink No 3 vs. Rink No. 5. June 9-Rink No. 4 vs. Rink No 6; Rink No. 7 vs. Rink No. 9. June 12-Rlnk No. 8 vs. Rink No 10; Rink No. 1 vs. Rink No. 4. June 14-Rink No. 2 vs. Rtak No 5; Rink No. 3 vs. Rink No. 6. June 16 Rink No. 7 vs. Rink No.10; Rmk No. 8 vs. Rink No. 9. June 19 Rink No. I vs. Rink No. 5; Rink No. 2 vs. Rink No. C. June 21 Rink No. 3 vs. Rink No 7; Rink No. 4 vs. Rink No. 8. .02 June 23 Rink No. 5 vs. Rink No 35.9; Jllnk No. 1 vs. Ink No. 10. June 26 Rink No. 2 vs. Rlni: No. 3; Rink No. 4 vs. Rink No. 5. "12 ' Jun 28 Rink No. 6 vs. Rink .50 No. 7; Rink No. 1 vs. Rink No. 8. j June 30 Rink No 3 vs. Rink No $.009; Rink No. 4 vs. Rink No. 10. 9.00 i July 3 Rink No. 2 vs. Rink No ' 7; Rink No. 1 vs. Rink No. 6. July 5 Rink No. 5 vs. Rink No. 8: Rink No. 2 vs Rink No. 9. July 7 Rink No. 3 vs. Rink No 10; Rink No. 4 vs. Rink No 7. July 10 Rink No. 6 vs Rink No 9; Rink No. 2 vs. Rink No. 8. I -uij u-mni no. a ts. KinK no 10: Rink No. 1 VC Rink Kn 7 , . . - - . a . rrVa ni!1 'u linr. n.UU nfViav Prinna PlirOff I Julv 14 Rlnlr Ifn " Dl.k v' k people in extending a hearty welcome to the Rotary visi- ,8S"k.No-t3 Rlnk. No- 9- llnint tors to the citv tmlav. Th fact that most of them are Jl Uo 6 w mnk - rr " r - JV. from the United States makes us all the more eager coi Personnel of Rinks show our friendship and regard because in these days of Rink No. 1. a. t. Parkin, j. h hate and rancpr it is good tp feel that we. the Dominion of MLeqd. f l Landed In Canada MONTREAL. May 16: CPJ-A Tag William Brass. Mrs. S. V. Cox. II YANKS AND .Udd but gsqae and a half behind! i aI. ' .i a a e . y smoinef ma me wiauni ion orii-ators nine to twa In the only National Lea rue same yesterday Chicago Cubs wen 6 la 2 j TP! PRRATION d"W nto the cellar on everf VLtLilulJlvn. 1 1J11 icrnu Wuh jfee pwttie. j Only the three game wfff ehd At a meeiuiK htld .ut night in uiec yetUrpay. Toe - H Rooms, with Rev. Roy Today new series eemmcftec at purnford presiding, further ar-' follow: tangements were made for the1 National League Brooklyn at celebration to be held In Prince 1 Chicago. Philadelphia at PUUourg, Rupert on May 39 to cmmeroor ; Boston at Cincinnati, New York at ate the visit of the Kin and St Louis. pueen to Canada. A tag day will American Leaiue St Lms at be held on the Saturday prexed- New York Cleveland at i' to provide funds for the ceie- ph Detroit at Washington. Ctil-raUcfi. ,cago at Botton The following celebration pro-i iram has been decided upon. 10 ajn. Fall In opposite Cana- dian Lesrion for narade to Court1 House grounds lor raising of flag, all organizations In dty parttdpaV Ing led by Prince Rupert Boys loo ajn nag raising rpqowed by "National Anthem, address by! Very Rev. J. B. Olbson. "O Cana-' FOOTBALL SCHEDULE luart Shield May 21 Navy vs Velvet May 25- Pioneer Laundry 1a" and parade to Prtnee Rupert! ' Oeneral Hospital grounds fir " planUng of trees by Olrl Ouldes Qwiifliw Dll and Boy Scouts. U1U1U1CI d UdU 2 p m Parade from Fourth Street to Acropolis Hill for sports and softball game. Team Defeated iA&, fTUUIUJl i-UiU. I . a vs. The foUowmc committees were'"" " iB. y"on At named I n"p,ox IJ,t Thunday at last nlaht's meeting. Day-Harold Day Harold Ponder. Ponder. Mrs Mrs! CWT ..... oiuiiia, jviay io - Tne Bml- tners DasebaU team " made an Ic Bonfln-Chirlei """WW t " We 1M leiuon 1111 s. i im l wrrm rMummmmmt EUUon II ei T l n a m n m JVIMVCXB. U 1. line- - n-hAM la . . "REGENT" Stainless Enamelware MODERN IN APPEARANCE. LONG LASTING EASY TO CLEAN Color Combinations to Match Your Kitchen Ivory Trimmed With Black. Blue or Red' Now On Display at GORDON'S HARDWARE McBKIDE STREET Phone 311 IGORDOfC, Dry Gin I'j . L I mj STTTE"? - DON vr CAN ONLY LONDON ENGLAND where may cosf i llllk mo; e but it's WEIL worth if! Thli advertisement U not published or displayed by the LU quor Control Board or by the Government of Brltuvh Columbia St On Sunday afternoon an enjoy- Battel ,able open Anwiean Upinum0t Onciptiti was held at the Canadian Nation ni'rti al Recreation Association ttnntr Benetton K i VY I X In teflon. This numb woujl hAfe IHUbm, m m a l m m. -mw a. m mm a a. i awws r No Chance In - i -r- i lundnubtedlv undoubtedly been beer) cfinfldMilt' States has landed here. Thrw of plaee in the Amarifan U3gue 'he irr Canadian iaimuivii games gamea will wui be oc In Ml 'Handing xiaiiunti yesterday jrwiuoj by blanking M-n..ift the ..... 0dpfft; Cfcgati' I ,j,ga Amerjcan League larger If the wetfljyu; bffK Standlnt Plttburr Pirate Drop to Cellar Scottish League football team hleh will play six Karnes in Ca- PHILADELPHIA. May i: CP nada and three In the United New York Yankees kept In first j - . 7- BrlUsh Colombia-at Yancouver Hitntdelphla Athletics here three t0of the rrfrf-JhraenU netoria arid Nansdiap. Tbsr wtt? nothing while thr Batt$n Red Sox. W. i. . nalnrv I -".1.1 i. -1.4 In lk runner, nil nrxl-'. wu w guinea at t v lyt i j airu iiu ui mit hih - PLANNING OF more promlflng in the momtng. ntv y.4k Mrs. E. M. Waal and F. M. DatlijUostoti . ere the winners with Bob Hons-jChissifo ton and Mrs P Nocosi as nn- ?1htand - St LouU ner,-up" Waahto,ton mi: w iimww uau mtmrfr ruimit PhUadelphl THE DAILY NEWS TuV jTennis Tourney Baseball Standij, On C.N. Courts Ajfteri, an U,lf '1 4 3 SureJoPantWttyf, in OLD CHUM There b more tobacco in every pscksge at no extra ctt ai Hie Hlb. tin istxirrSOl It ccrUifJy pays to Chum up with Canada apd the United States.of America, are continu- J tr SobVZS rtbuSS pm. theTupiox ; inor nur Inn cr orn n a f inn nl -rnonfloViin an H tnnf th tios M. ",ou- AW i, ' 'annual sporu dav on Thurfav i oafla ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ' A, C. U Li, W, t WU W. IlltV.U.lUI IVIIVIblillf i V l. , u V I'nPfl I tllnl D Mb T n t rt . I - J IM ninrli'nrr no ova nlncsi. fnrloii fto f Vint. Vint'o Uon r , ' ' ' Swvtfn W Tk.A-. ir. I " Smltherj team Showed lSfic 0 Liiiuiii uj ai c kiuaci luuaj liiuu unj iiutt; utcn cici itv- k"'o. ii. fc. James. W. 11. W. MUr- ' - imh- rav A Mai-rVinoM skip):' Rlnk'"eth PWn- ;c NO. 4J. Bulger. S. C Thomson Tf pleasant to think and to spggest to them that very soon, ,rc- SSKJJ";-!11 nk through the co-operation of the twq countries, they may son. r. e. Benson, d. 6. BorS Hnn YlU J I be able to ride north in their own cars and hold a conven- kini: Rmk no. 6. r. Gammon. Vlie iVllieO 111 tion in one of the Alaska cities after a wonderful scenic w- D- Vance, f. s Walton, o s', n . drive through a new and hitherto unexplored country. g "lior- n,nk No 7. j. Paui.;Dlien0S Aires This will be an additional tie binding the 'Unjted States w", "rJrVo. " FnntKnll fnm, with Canada. uaiTK jiAOOlDail vjekers. w. Miliar, j. Boyd. Pnnnrln riac nfton lunn ennUtn nf ns tViP pnnnrictinrr Prpw (cVInk- 'oiUw vr n t -- link binding the United States to the pld mother coprrVr rros- t. Mcniymont. j. s. ir-j Great Britain. That country is mother to them' arid to us yinpT , rroI1J,f Rlnk N" and through our allegiance to the. King and the high res- um T MeMeekin fkio) pect of the American nation for the same King we find s-ares a sution c h Eikins ourselves in close agreement Our language and customs a. Fiun. J a ninton. a. Finni are the same. We listen daily to the same radio brpajd- 11 KiIlln w Rii and m Lamb casts, read the same or similar newsnaners and mairazines. - yjsit back and forth often, exchange views continuously and live almost as one people except for that customs barrier which js so annoying to some of us on both sides. It is said that a stranger dropping into a city on either side of the line would find it difficult to deterniipe whether it were an American or a Canadian city, our customs are so much alike. The people look alike. They have similar reactions, obey similar laws, the laws of all civilized pepples. Today te whole city of Prince Rupert joins with the members of the local Rotary Club in extending a hearty welcome to the visitors. We hope th,ey wjjl h.ave a gpocj time here and go away with pleasant memories' of the city and people. if ay we incidently remind qur visitors that the same flags which show our welcome to them as United States citizens will be used tomorrow to show our welcome to our King and Queen as they set foot on Canadian soil for the first time. They are King and Queen of Canada as well as Great Britain. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD, II A Breen William Lamb and eju- BUENOS AIRE8. May 18 CP In a not at a football game here when th spectators stormed the field and attacked the pla? ers. one person was killed ant three injured Police finally restored order enated New Hazelion nine display- jea mid-season form, I The teams' next meeting li .scheduled for Victoria Day at N iHazeiton. ?. ,i WOOOOOOCo Special . . . FREE A Beautiful Decorated Tumble With Every Purchase of Effervescent Fruit Saline Both for 39c Regular 25c Plate Brush Free With a Tip of DENTAL FJX POWDER Both for 50c FREE With Every Purchase of RRITPN THHTH PASTE A Decorated Fruit Juice Tumbler Both for 29c OnnesM Tiif. Ptonccr Druqpist The Itexall Store Phone; SI K Onrn Ilillv fram X m till 10 P.m. . . nt tun. Sundavi and Holidays from 12 noon 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. a oooaoooooooooooooooooooooooooocipoooooc r ii NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY PUO.M HOME" Bates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot Si Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 io. ijox igj GOAL A,-!.. I.W,1 S -1. and Fertilizer PRINCE ULTEB1 FEED CO.