Miss Betty Brown I nited in .Marriage 10 Jortn Virrerk At Seal Cove Saturday rijrday evening last Jphn 2 ind Miss Betty Brovn II B phone i:s White - 2 UOI 15c Pra-t"orn-Pork and Bean r ... Qty Il-or Oflfp 4 mm J w Perk snd Beans Royal City or ;er IB-oz tins j5(J Crtsm Cheese Chateau or White Corn Royal City or A -fr Nu 2 tall QQn 3 for tUik Koup Tomato or stable lOH-oz. Pumpkin AImer 17- tin-. V. they last 4 ' r 25c ireh Strawberries Arriving V,':d. .esluy H ( Ali' r. b;x New Potatoe a 25c were married at the home of the bridegroom at Bell Cove. Rev. R. C. II. Durnford performed the ceremony and George Vlereck was the groomsman. The bridesmaids were the Misses Mary Geary. Margaret Fowler and Audrey Vic-reck The young couple will reside at the home of the groom's mother for the time being Thrift Cash & Carry Lower Prices On Quality Food Thrift Butter - 7Q I trrade 3 ibs. Jello All flavors. 4 P. ket Ufd Pitted Cherries h .er t' Each Tuna l"ih 25c 15c Egg Bulkley Valley 3 Dozen GDc Arriving Wednesday Morning Nabob Coffee Mb, tins Werfneday Only Tomato Juice Ash-croft brand. 0 tins Tomatoes 2's tall. 3 tins Paraton Ttaut Lame Rolls Peaches Columbia. 1Qf X7V 2'slzetin28oz net Potato Chip Nalley s. i 7p 1 Fresh stock 2 pkU V Vorceterihlre Sauce Lazen-by'nttUh. -I'dP 5-oz bottle 12-oz Nabob Tea- 1-lb. Packets. Each 35c Jewel Shortening 1 Op AUi' 1-lb. pkU pkU. 27c Ashcroft brand 25c 7c 23c 49c Juicy Navel Oranges- 9( Urge size 2 dor lot foue Tomatoes 35C 2 lbs Outdoor Rhubarb 3 lb 10c WE DELIVER Chesterfield Suite, Bedroom Suite, Dinette Suite. Specially Priced For Quick Selling I Sets Only, 3-piece Chester field Suite-- Reg. $1H5 to S1G5, Specially priced for quick selling $103, $112, $120 5 Sets Only, -.-piece Bedroom Suite CpnsisMnR of full size bed, cniiionier, vanity ui.ivi upholstered bench. Special - 7 Sets Only, G-piece Dinette Suite-trCpnsisting of Hi-.ffet, table and set of '4 chairs, llegular from 539.50 to $75.00 Spepially priced for quick selling $31, $62 and $67 EDO'S Mf and Mrs. Oeprge Rprle sailed this afternoon on the Catala for a of Oscar N'eUon NeUon and Margaret Kornylisl Rensvold was held at the home of) Mr and Mrs. Jack Ivarsen, 337, Eighth Avenue West Saturday night The Lutheran pastor, Rev. Dr L C Foss. officiated. j Just a few intimate friends were; Velron is engaged tn mining former Well Knownj Local Woman Dies i; Mrs. Corrall Passes Awav in Vancouver After Long Illness Mrs Corrall was a native of Zoning Bylaw Is Being Protested Amendments to Buildln? Uestrlc-. linn 1 Here Are Kfini Southt Maurice Teng. son of Mr. and trip of two or three weeks to Vic- Mr. J. A. Teng. had the misfortune tnrln nn Qiinj1ir iA fait anrl acnln hrpalr Ifs not snrprising (hat you're cods If rou ufier from rMMtlptUon to tb point lbt you lr rrr, dtpreuvd uvl " out it 11 tin to question j' ait Kit'. mat Kate vox tatrn lattlyt VtU tread, egg. t-Utoei? It U not arprtstns Uteo tMt rcai'r constipated. Tour diet Uck 'bulk." And "bulk" doMOt mean quuttltr. but kind tit food that la nut completely ualmlUted and leare a au(t ' hum In tb bovela tbat helpa i bonrel movement. If thli ia your eaae, the aolu- tton la taatr Krlloff'a All-Bran, ererr mornlnr for breakfaat- It eotitatea the Deceaaarr "bulk" and Vitamin Bi. the tiatural In-teatlnal tonic Eat AO-Bran ererr day. drink Ida of water and set back your xeat for Mfe' AU-Bran la made to London. Cauda by Kellof ;. At ail frocera. present Tne matron 01 nonor was v Mrs Dagny Rensvold, the bride's Ulster-In-law and the groom was at- j " " " tended by Herman Rensvold. the bride brother. llVinnCA MaTI Al-A Following the ceremony a re-,luuc 1UC11 fllC ception took place at the home of r Mr and Mrs. Herman Rensvold, 317 Ninth Avenue West, Monday morning Mr. ana Mrs . r; Entertained By Kelson left for Atlln where Mr I orh UUUI iot lies the Moose at Stewart. Announcements All advertisements in Uiit column will be charged for a full month at 25j a word. I ' " i 1-' , Orange Spring Sale, Metropol" A meeting Is being called by a Hall, May 17. Bridge Drive 8:30 group of citizens who object to some pin. of the provisions of the new zoning , to hk' body and witness thought 22 att ' top. s'" nd probably he had a broken rib. V?'' I ! bylaw. They ask that the bylaw be Norwegian Independence Dance. amended to omit from its provts-jOddleliows jiau, way u. ions restrictions in regard to single lots now between buildings, that Hospital Tea. Nurses' Home. May sections 7 and 8 be exempted from 18. the provisions providing for erec- tion of apartment houses and ho- NayyJLgaguc Ball , May, 19. f.l It Is also nlanned to nossibiyl . H8RLJ.-7r circulate a petition in case it Is de- VicJ-prla Day Dance, Moose Ill,' elded to continue the bylaw as at May 24. nrejent. . . The idea of having the meeting Boys Band bridge, drive Legion arose at a meeting in the CLD.L. Hall. May 20. A Hall Sunday night at which Ex-Aid. p. B. Casey speaker was the principal PUBLIC MEETING EAGLE HALL Wednesday. INJay 17 cj'.p.rn. - To consider .sorting bylaw and its effect' 011 Ji'fopfrty Owners of the city. Al Interesled Property Owner? Requested TDAttend J, M. Morrlon ff- r?- Casey Alex Comei F. Wallien Committee May Queen Festival, Dance. St Peters Hall May 29T Women's Auxiliary Canadian Legion Spring Sale June 2." High June 3. School Tea and Display Presbyterian Missionary Tea, Mrs. Calderwood's June 7: Eagle's Dance June 7. Anglican Tea Mrs. Good, June C. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE C57 Nick Sulikoski, the accused, said ago. He came to Canada In 1920 He was married and his wife was, in Prince Rupert. He had a daughter 15 years of age attending He wm nianled In Poland his right arm In the same p.KbMl Inspcipr p. O. parber. piprindal' where only a few weeks ago he had "Jj . when anada police sailed this a"fler"noon on "fte fractured it. This time it Is a com- VitheT 601,1(1 speak Ush. Catala for a trio to the Bella Coola nminrf fraeture. The aeeidpnt nre-i Sulikoski said he went to WOtk district op Qfflclal duties. vents Mrs. Teng and family from . I making a trip to Victoria In con- Col. W. 8. Buell K. C, prpmln- nection with the King's visit. . Mr. ent Vancouver barrister and im- Teng goes south Friday, night with mediate past president of the Bri- 102nd Battery party, tish Columbia pominand of the' Canadian Legion, is among la delegates yisitln? the city this afternoon aboard the steamer Aleu ltian enrpute to the district con iventton at Juneau. Quietly Wedded" Here Saturday 1 Margaret Rrnsvold Becomes Bride for the railway and be I , 1 a 1 I 1 a Buying The Rifle Continuing Sulikoski said he had not lived with his wife wife a man and wife for three years o: more. His last lob had been al the Ecstall River mine. He fin 'shed there on December 15 anf he had some money. He went tc jury. see his wife and daughter and he !ave his daughter money to buyi An interesting affair of much clothes. He lived part of the time) enjoyment to all in attendance! at the Inlander. On February IE as a social put on by the Wpmen I he went to the Prince Rupert thr Moose last wtk In honor! Hotel and had two or three glasses the members of tne mens of beer and then decided to cal' lodge. About 120 in all were in on hi wife to get the polish news-attendance and the feature of the caper which was due to arrire evening's proceedings was a novel- that day He looked in the hard-1 w.- rvrriii for minv eart nil umitx iui ran. mmw m.e, atc w w o.w.i.vu -esldent of Prince Rupert and more U1 acting as mistress of cere-j the rifles in the window He wan?-1 "-.ntir m Vanoouver. died motiiet and music by HaroHl D-my Orchestra. A special pro-i here at the week-end following a long illnes. Mrs. Corrall wan beat m enterUinment. arranged itaown here a a caterer for social by M- Sam Haudenschlld, consls-Uf muHcal and dancing num-ivilUreaUyreeretherpaBlng. who'ted ef friends fairs. She had many Berbers by children. fnt i ..j r. ,1 u. . f, were served under the direction h. -itv aftr-r having been for some of Mrs. Thomas Morgan. An hon- I .w- ... r ... t,,. 1. oi.lored ftuest was Mrs. R. L Fox, ' of the Women of regent Junior , ih. dflr and a dauthter. 1' aTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTal aTaTaTaTaTSi how the cartridges went in. put- ting in a handful.. He then took: out what he thought was all the cartridges, but one. evidently, was, left in the' gun. He knew some-! thing about a rifle, having been! in the Polish army for two yean.j Witness said lje fook the rifle to) the kitchen to show his wife. As he entered the room he was set! kept al ltt..y,rOBA -mi f11 tn tht floor. nome in uie cuy tor nis wue on. rtruzzled 4J lAlril ill-.iiy-.. Ill, ASA-fk- ritVb AU JlxV'1 , when the man vslted their home. In 1634 he went to work at Stewart and his wife joined him there but returned after a month. He was there four or five months. His wife was now 33 years old. They first went to the West-holme Rooms in 1933 Gutter, th: owner of the place, offered his! I wife work there. He had not lived there steadily himself. In August 1937 he had been working for .Nelson Bros, and when he was laid off )ie went to see his wife at the Westholme. He saw Riitter who looked mean to him. His wife did not answer his questions. Hf told his wife he wanted her to move away from the rooms but I Rutter answered "No." He said she did not want to move. Rutter then threatened to call the police and he was taken tc the police station where he re ruined for an hour and then his wife came and took him out. He Vent back to the Westholme after his promise not to start anyuur.f He left there at 7 "next morning to go to a job. MODEL "JM Biggest value in a hish grade washer. Improved Easy Gyrator design. Large roomy tub ot latest anti-splash, roll top style. Handsome to look at and a wonder worker with the t launary: rai rn Piicedat "Ol- Askibout Zasy special time pjjrntnf plen Other Models From $69.50 Up Th? first he saw of the knife was in Rutter's hand. He tried to take it away and in doing so got cut on the hand and his lip bruised. ' He nsyer 'u?ejii" the knife and, after he had got It away from Rutter. the struggle ceased. He was feeling very bad and, when the police arrived and he saw the blood and realized he was likely to get In wrong, he was excited and aid something about wishing he, had shot Rutter and then killed himself. I Counsel Heard R. L. McLennan, in his address to the Jury as "defence counsel, asked! that accused be acquitted on all three count of the Indictment He contended that it was a case of self-defence, that Rutter and not ac cused had been the aggressor and that Sulikofkl had done nothing1 more than was necessary to repel the attack that had been made! upon him. T. W. Brown, crown counsel, pointed out that none of the witnesses for the crown had suggested j that Rutter had been' aggressor; in the fight. The serious Injur-, es sustained by Rutter spoke for hemselves In regard to who war he aggressor. Had Sulikoski been lictlng In self-defence would it have een necessary to do all he did? Shortly be'fore I o'clock, the tria' vas adjourned until 2:15 when th' udge commenced his charge to thr HOTEL ARRIVALS RoyaL O. Wicks and Mrs. Jackion, city Central ' W. NIcol. city; C. Peterson. Van couver. Knox Q. Rollag. Porcher Island. Prince Rupert T. M. Waterland, Porcher Island. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaH " VTlaaflatfl4aaSaH BaaHaHiHaB ! 1 1 Easy Washers Offer ihc Biggest Valup Get Full Partipulars Front , MacKenzie's Furniture We will give vith every purchase of a Simmons Spring Mattress, Slumber King Spring, Beauty Rest Mattress or Simmons Bed complete A S.QUVES?R SJQflJf of King fif)?rf VI: Ruf.ep Elibabtth. We have only a limited number of SpoonvAct Early 40 Tennis Rackets To Choose From SPECIAL FREE With Any Racket Over $10 THREE SPALDING Pressure-Packed TENNIS BALLS This Week Only Our Stock of FISHING TACKLE Mr SPORTING GOODS Is At Its Best Now Come in and Look Over KAIEN HARDWARE PHONE 3 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldg. LOCKWOOD'S FUR STORE NOW OPEN FOB BUSINESS Everything in Spring Jackets and Capes Selling at Vancouver Prices Bargains for Cash A11 Furs Manufactured by T. Pappas of Vancouver) Third Ave. Next Moose Hall NOTICE ! Commencing Saturday, April 15th, our CONFECTIONERY STORE Will Open Until 10:00 p.m. Mussallem's Confectionery Opposite Canadian Legion mm m immmmsMXMzaxMzam I ROSE BUSHES Dwarf pahlias, Gladioli Last Shipment Arriving This Week Wm. GAIR Florist, Seedsman TI11IU) AVENUE Phone GREEN 910. Phone 775 Box 276 Phone BLUE 974 tPMiMmzumtuzmmsammkm Hi Tueday, May 161620. IMILT THS NEWS I; Orange Pekoe Blend SALADA TEA LOCAL NEWS NOTES ACT WAS IX SELF-DEFEXPE (Continued From Page One) right :ment but a bruise on the lip did Norwegian Independence Cele- Results of University of British 'nl fas reqnlie any of his help. Later tfratlOO, Qddfellows llall, May 17 Columbia examinations in first Program at 8:30, Refreshments year announced from Victoria CV)1-and pance. Adfn. 50c. Welcome I lege Include the name of Albert K, (114) rVWt nf T'rtnrp nnrirrt u-flfi Firnt r r c ' he was -born in Poland 38 years i Jed a rifle to shoot wolves up the J Sam Saloum sailed this afternoon Ecstall River when he returned on the Catala for Vancouver where vv- cAicuw w remain ior several hand that required treat-! lmonths" f Qt1is1 onmnlofr)H rf InlnrlAj UJ lUi uic B ul mm w lut shells, toe. them upstairs to show his wife and daughter, went tc r, 4