Nuveaibtt. 20, lg39. mk at these J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Hid.. Low Prices for Sigjf-Sovng EDISON MAZDA LAMPS 40 WATT ) 60 WATT 100 WATT ) W0 WATT 30 J00 WATT 42 Save money on dependable Edison Mazda Lampt. They give more light, and are priced lowest In hfitory. L-ICt CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC tuft ELIO'S FURNITURE THIRD AVENUE SPECIALS LINOLEUM Dominion Inlaid Linoleum 43 feet wide. Q-i O Square yard ?X.iU RUGS Seamless Axminsler Hubs Size UxlO'- $34.00 Toys At Savings Scooter Heavy steel frame, CO QCJ foot brake Kindergarten Set Made of Eastern hardwood. Table and two chairs. CO Off Finish in red $O.VO Bulkley Valley COAL From our mine To your bin And the whole District benefits. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MiHt VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Troops Appreciate Music Of 'Mikado' Presentation By Prince Kupert Operatic Society Last Night Much Enjoyed At the weekly Sunday night en tertainment lor local troops at the Canadian Legion Hall, the Prince T ft I ZU 1 I a. a. h j a. Rupert Operatic upcrawc Society, oocjeiy, under unaer the the direction direction of of Len Len Crinos Cripps and and U.'it with -.., Vi C C. w. . P P. . niloirn Balagno as i 4Knmn4nlit accompanist ,v,vMauwk . ! I presented ??e? excerpts XCeTVi from fHm "Thei dlr-Mikado re-1 I Mikado," " TtiA The spontaneity tmnntnnpltw nf of trn thei I I applause applause was was full full Indication indication of of th appreciation appreciation of of the the lUteners listeners and and W&S was pratlfvlnir gratifying in to the the W(tnhAn members nf of THE' DAILY NEV7B PAGE THREE LOCAL NEWS NOTES For prompt and courteous Phone 13 Taxi tf. WANTED! Five hundred women to Join Annette's Stocking Club. (275) the Society. H. T. Lock acted as chairman chairman and and made made opening opening re- remarks. m,. -.. A . i a. r Following on owing the me entertainment, rnicnaininenv, refreshments IfreshmenU were were served served under under direction tltlectlon of r Mr Mrs. Robert Murray' Murray, president prc' ldent of of the the Canadian Canadian Women's Women's Auxiliary. AiirlHnJ " BULOVAT ;; . Nothing you con flIvBitilH .. will bring so much joy ond taliifoetjon will --Y Io os Ions or be as fm ,0H Ss uiefol.A BUtOVA is w JI(W 24' ID 1 1 v-i'ni win oi a uitumei Maw-H (jr i PRINCE RUPERT "tfn Vsw M w ftsV jgss JOHN BULGER OVERWAITEA LTD. CASH or C.O.I). Phone 813 Free Delivery On Orders of $1.90 and Over BUTTER-Tir' Kobin Mood Rolled Oats Wafer Flake 2 large IQp LXf1, pkts. Horden's Chocolate Malted Milk-l-lb. tlnUtv Jell-O Assorted IQp flavors. 3 pkts. Honey Graham i 7P x 1 tVafers-Per pkl. Itojral Crown Soap 6 bars 1'urex Toilet Taper 0 1 i 3 rolls Johnson's Glo-Coat CQp Pint tin QQart tin 99c Fry's Diamond Sweet Cooking Chocolate 4 AOi Qp H-lb Fry's Breakfast Cocoa Off XXj '2-b, tin Mb. tin 33c Queen Charlotte Crab. Qg V2lb. tin $1.05 Larfe Savoy Cabbaje Per head Sweet Potatoes 4 lbs. Turnips Finest qual- OCf lOV' ity. 8 pounds Lettuce Calif omian. 2 for Tomatoes Hothouse. Per lb. .: Texas Grapefruit Large size, 3 for California Grapefruit 7 for Parsnips 6 lbs. 10c 25c 15c 14c 19c 25c Emperor Ota pes Q AJ'1' 2 lbs. Mcintosh Apples 6 lbs. Iteets and Carrots 3 bunches 25c 10c 25c Bowling afternoons and evening's Max's Alleys. tf. Moose Bridge Dance series. Moos? Hall, Tuesday 8 p.m. sharp. 27o) j Capt W. P. Armour returned to the city on the Catala last evening from a brief business trip to Van couver. Here In connection with the open ing of the local elevator for receipt of prairie wheat, R. Ketherington, general manager of government elevators. Fort William, and S.'M. Capon, chief weigh master, arrived In the city from Fort William on Saturday night's train. The cup won by MUs Hilda Pot- tlnger and presented by the Ladies' j Mnsic Crab at Miss Margaret Mc-Caffery's recital last Friday night. Is awarded for the highest mark obtained by any student from Grades 1 to 6. The mark made' by this student was tied by Miss Frances Moore In her practical A T. C. M. examination. Speaker Before Jap Young Folk Importance nf Getting Education Is Stressed By Miss Kay Robertson Miss Kay Robertson was guest speaker at an educational meeting Saturday night of the Nippon Young People's Association in St Andrew's Japanese Mission. She gave various reasons why all should strive W get an education. After the talk, there was a general discussion among the members. Miss Setsuo Kuwahara was in the chair as president and sixteen members were present Business Announcements All advertisements in thl col emn will be charged for t full month at 25v a word. St. Peter's Church teuaar Nov. 23. Country Fair November 24. Eagles' Bridge November 29. St. Andrew's Dance. Nov. 30. Catholic Tea, Mrs. Hanklnson's November 30. Varden's Entertainment Dec, 1. - United Bazaar December 7. Lutheran Circle bazaar, December 9. COAL Gram Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 and S5S NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zanill Proprietor "A HOME AWAV FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot Si Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Bent Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Included the election of a new re cording secretary In the person of Joey Kadanoga. Community singing was enjoyed and refreshments were served under the direction of Miss Kathleen Lang and Miss Elsie Heaps. W. II. Tobey, C.N.R. divisional superintendent, and Peter Lakie, divisional freight and passenger agent, returned to the city on Sat urday nights train from a week's trip over the line as far as Jasper Park on official duties. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia m REAL H eavy SAVINGS IN Grey Work Socks Hanson Socks From 30c A Pair To $1.00 A Pair Bryant Company Limited Phone 297 532, 3rd. Ave. W. T Electric Tuning Radio P.O. Box 622 This distinctive RCA Victor Console Model A-4 offers impresshre vilue. Improved Electric Tuning; Bind Spread (Overseas) Dial to make thort-wave tuning 50 tunes easier; Plug-in for VictroU attachment and convenient electric oudet at back of sec nay Victor Records through Your Radio I Join tho Victor Record Society 1 SavtS.00I Yw Ctl RCA Vlcttl Attickmiat (tin) that plij records thrauck yvut radio. Valaa 1 00.00. Year cfeotot of Vkaw or Bluebird Records to tba rilut of too. SO. A raar't Sab-KTiptioa to rfat Vkrot Record Review, worth 100. OO, SM.M VahM ..far Only VMM Gives you more in features and performance than any radio you ever expected to And at this price You've only to look at the features, only to see its beauty and to bear its superb performance ... to appreciate that this is the kind of radio you expected to see costing way above Its actual price. Yet now you can own this outstanding RCA Victor Electric Tuning Radio at this extremely attractive price. MCRAE BROS. it