PAGE TWO .thx daily mi Del - Debs and Julia Arthur Fall Creations in All Their Splendor JUST ARRIVED Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA PubUshed Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue IL F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor I Paid In advance, per week Paid In advance, per month By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance By mall to an other countries, per year Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion . Local readers, per lice, per Insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone "3$ News Department Telephone DALLY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations Mrs. P. M. Rayner Teturned to the city on the Prince ,Rupert this morning after a visit In Vancouver tnd elsewhere In the south.- sfi EDITORIALS .12 .50 3.00 9.00 07 25 Wednesday. September 27, 1939. ii i WELL DONE, UNIONS! All the Canadian labor unions have, through their executives, expressed their desire to co-operate in winning the war. Last week it was announced that the All-Canad-1 ian Congress of Labor, the Canadian Federation of Labor and the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada would cooperate to prevent labor disputes. Now the Trades and Labor Congress goes on record as pledging unwavering support to Great Britain and Canada in its war efforts. The stand of the unions is splendid. It Indicates that this is no capitalist war but a war for the suppression of obvious efforts to enslave the world. ADOLF'S OPINION The opinion of Adolf Hitler, expressed in his book "Mein Kampf' contrasts with his recent action in making an alliance with Kussia. Here is what he says: "We must never forget that the regents of present day Russia are common bloodstained criminals; that here is the scum of humanity, which, favored by conditions in a tragic hour, overran a great state, butchered and rooted out millions of its leading intellects with savage blood- thirstiness and for nearly ten years has exercised the most frightful regime of tyranny of all time. Nor must we for get that these rulers belong to a nation which combines a rare mixture of bestial horror with an inconceivable crift of lying and today more than ever before believes itself. called upon to impose its Dloody oppression on the wliole world." ' And again: "Germany is today the great battle aim of Bolshevism. It requires all the force of a young "missionary idea once again to inspire our nation to break out of the snare of this international snake and internally to check the tainting of our blood, etc How shall we re veal Bolshevism to the individual German worker as an accursed crime against humanity if we ally ourselves with . ' A. t -. A ii m t mm me organizations oi mis spawn oi neil and thus recognize it as;a whole." This September Is Better Than Last In Weather 8 far In he month of September af. Prince Rupert there has been C7.J hours of sunshine. This is b-tter than September of last year when the total for the entire month was G4i hours. SOVIET SHIP SUNK BY SUB MOSCOW, 8ept 27. The 867-ton Jovlet steamship Medallist was tor jedoed and sunk by an unldenUfled submarine In the Marvabay region of the Oulf of Finland, the Tass official Russian news agency an nounced. Soviet patrol ships res cued nineteen of the crew of 24. The official announcement of the sinking came Just as the Soviet press published -sharp Attacks against Estonia, accusing the Baltic nation of providing naval bases for foreign powers. REDS SMI Boston .. - Philadelphia. New York Boston Chicago Cleveland Detroit Washington Philadelphia St Louis If .79 74 .67 . 19 . 44 1 TWOJAMES Cincinnati 'Needs Only One More ; Victory To Win Natlonil -fennaat American league .105 87 85 82 79 S3 L. 55 53 67 70 73 81 85 99 43 60 65 66 70 a TODAY'S STOCKS ICbonnj 8. O. Jobcrtoo Co.) Vancouver , Big .Missouri, .10. ' Bralorne, 995. Cariboo Quartz. 1.75. "Dentonla, 4)2 H taskV Falrvlew. .03 (ask). Gold Belt. .20. , Hedley Mascot. J5. Mlnto, .02 (ask I. -. " Noble Five. .03. Pend Orielle. 3 05. '. Pioneerj 2.13. . Premier, 1.26. 5 Privateer. 15. ;'. Reeves McDonald, .40.-Reno, .46. Helief Arlington. J3. Salmon Gold, M. Sheep Creek. 1.15. Cariboo Hudson, .01 Oils A. P. Con.. 0 (bid). Calmorit, .40 C. it H..231.-Freehold, j03. Home, 210 (ask). Royal Canadian, -2h ' . OkalU, ll.Mask)... ; Mercury, Prairie Royalties, -JLX. . . Toronto : ' AMermac, :f. ' ,Vl. Beattle. liX). -,.f ? Central Pa. 2.10 Con. Smiltf w 22.00;, , "East Malartlc; 250. ' Ternland.--.62V4. V, ' ' Francoeui;li. . Oodslake, XI. Ilardrock :Z6: Int -Nickel. 47Jd: Kerr A'ddWori. L70. Little Long lac, McLeod"CockAhutt, 1.65. Madsen Red Xake. Si. Mackenzie "Red Lake, 1.08. Moneia. 11. . Noranda, 7210. Pickle -Crow. H15. Preston TL Dome. 110. San Antonio, 115. Sherrltt Gordon. 115. Stadacona, 34. Ucht, .67 (bid). Bouscadillac. .04. Oklend, MM. SmeltersOold. 11. Dominion Bridge, '4410. .709 jm 567 -64 -30 .417 54 95 -62 41 109 573 Keep up to date. AOvixise Teu larly. CEKTCAi BOTE' ROOMS tA CATS thvat 51 tor Itetl Household Coal MBS. O. E. BLACK Body Of SeaaanVI KiUed In Blast '" T ' Is Taken South The remains of Boden Stow. seaman aboard the Canadian Pa- CINCINNATL September 27:.clfic freighter Nootka, who auc-CP Clnclnnau Reds and SMcumbed in the Ketchikan hospital : Louis Cardinals divided a double-jo Injuries sustained in an explos- hrader In a crucial. series for the ion aboard the ship near Ketchikan National Left rue pennant jester- jaSt week, were here aboard the ;day Cincinnati Beds won the first j steamer Printers Louise yesterday igame 3 to 1 ana lost tne mgnt cap afternoon enroate to Storeys Dome .8 to nothing. Billy Myers was the; at Sydney. Vancouver Island, where hero of the first game. hL home .the funeral wlU take place. Two run with two on accounting for ether members of ihe NootkaS fthe victory. The Reds need only ,crew. who irere also hurt infthe one more victory to cmcn in, pennant. St Louis Browns lost their 108th and 109th games to Detroit Tigers to set a new losing record. YeMerday's Big League scores were as follows: National League St Louis. 1-6; Cincinnati. 3-0. Brooklyn. 3-3: New- York. 9-2 second game, called at end of of Nootka. seventh Inning on account of dark- nessi. Boston, 3; Philadelphia. 5. Chicago-Pittsburg, postponed on account of rold. American 'League Detroit, S-T: St Louis, 4-5 (second game called In seventh on account of darkness). Philadelphia, 15: Washington. 4. New York-Boston and Cleveland-Chicago, to be played later The league standings to dale: National League I W. Cincinnati 94 St Louis 90 Brooklyn .--79 Chicago Nw York Pittsburg Slaat are recovering The 'ootka was not badly damaged in the explosion, which 1Tbe-lieved to have resulted from coal damp In the after hold, and w9 sb!e to proceed to Skagway where the discharged a carpo ot coal, leaving the Alatkan port last evening on her return to Vancouver. Capt Martin MeKinnon is matter "-Somewhere In France" Serving with the British lmoertal, forces. MJs Hilda Wttson-Murrajr R.N- daughter of Mr and Mrs. W H. Wilson-Murray of this eltv and a graduate of the Prince Rupert General Hospital, ts now "Krone- where in France." She is attached Pet- tr- a casualty clearing station be-3 hind the lines. .608 Ml -30 .503 The City Commissioner this -morning allotted the contract for' TTf removing the old theatre building W , H . i ii.i . i - . . .410 J22 w n. n. siuauc. a iKKur ana RK In Section Two. Lot 36, Block 3 was sold to Everett and Helen Leek for $2,500 and Lot 6, Block 23, Section 7 to Evan Noble for 545. i CIASSIFIEO W mW m FOR SALE FOR SALE - Approximately fori.' J acres including cottage dnd con-: tents belonging to the estate of Erik Era roth, Oona River $223 Cach. Official Administrator, Norman A. Watt, Prince Rupert, I B.C. tf.t FOR SALE Mc Clary range, grey enamel finish, almost new. Complete with oil burner. $75. Stamford, Prince Rupert Hotel. 'tf. this- week between hours 'bf 1;0 and 4 pjn. at 745 Ninth Ave. (232) FOR 'RENT FOR RENT November 1, Premlw now occupied by Bostori Cafe. Phone 14. tL Business Opportunities OOOD opportunity for the right pany io ouy, lease or rent going confectionery business or rent store next C P. R Office. Apply P O. Box 253. (320) HOAK1I ANQ KOOM FIRST Class board and room resi dences. Reasonable rates, close In. Phone Oreen S65. (235) 'PERSONAL" HOW TO OET A GOVERNMENT J JOB as Letter Carrier. Postal! Clerk, Customs Examiner. Stenographer, etc Free Booklet. The M. C. C. Schools Ltd, 'Winnipeg. Oldest In Canada. No AgonU. tf. WORKWANTED GIRL Wants housework, Appl7 Dally News. (227) nap WANTED I WOMEN, copy names, addresses for distributors, home. Easy work, Kood Dav. experience unnecessary. Write, Acme Advertising, Journal-Sq., P.O. Box 605 Jersey City, N J. (226) rr?- A e UNITED IN ! MARRIAGE Two marriages for KitkaUa native couples took "place yester- A .... Cf k A w. Ih. IIa n FOR SALE Boat Edye Pass wlthlCathedral-one In the afternoon contents now lying at Ward El-;and one m the evening. Very Rev. ectric float Send tender In writ-james B. Olbson, dean of the Ing to Indian Office. Prince Run- CathedraL officiated. Celebration ert!ac. 230li"n both cases continued into the POR RAT.K On Rihv ftitctln ' I TnnK- In lh aflernoon at i mohiie Phnn, T,n MnmfnH . ceremony Red 469. (225)' jj o'clock Miss Dom Brown became the bride of Ernest Jackson. The FOR SALE Kitchen range, almost' Bride was given In marriage by new: kitchen cabinet; two dress-1 her father. Solomon Brown. At-ers; two small washstands. oneltendanU were Lucy Roblnran and double bed; one sleeping couch?! Jhn Nelson, one brick-lined heater; two rock-j At 7 o'clock in the evening MIm Ing chairs; kitchen chairs; one'Everjrn HiU. given in marriage by washing basin Above can be seen I her father. Jonathan Hill, was united In marriage to Wcller In-nes. Flora Hill was bridesmaid and Matthew H1IL groomsman. 1 THE SEAL" QUALITY HP5 GOLD SEAL Fancy Reel Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by tb nly aalmon canwtng company with an all tbm year round payroll to Frfnco Rupert STOVE POLISH Cleans Hot Stoves In Perfect Safety At All B.C. Stores Why toil and worry and wear yourself out over heavy wh-ings? Do them electrically at the snap of a twitch with an ABC Electric Washer. Add an ABC Electric Ironer to your home laundry and you hare washday labour licked forever. Clothes and linens last longer when washed the easy, modern electrical way. Let us prove this and other electric washr economies to you by demonstration. $ 1)0()R MATS From, each Wednesday, September 27 PHONE 77$ i Choose any ABC WASH ER M traw FREE 14 l niHio. Power Company Limited Northern British Columbia WINNIPEG WHEAT PRICES I UAK 001JI WINKIPEO. Sept. 27 CP-Wto. LONDON Sept V nlpeg wheat futures were off Ve to MontrMl price of a 4c yesterday with October cloolng , changed at $1714 per t 71c day MacKenzies Furniture 3 Pairs H:Tllt K PILLOWS From price per g r r? To ' v, v 60c R.C.A. VICTOR Prices have not advanced but are likely to ihortly. lfg B Bayers- Market Take Advantage of It Be KADIO.fVISE Bin RCA VICTOU FOR 1940 Radio Values That Will jfiivc You The Surprise Of Your Life Features that (We you undreamed of Performance Models In Every Price CU From $11.55 up