t . ft 1e $190 llff j From The Waterfront iy- i In- port from 3:30 to 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon southbound from skagway to Vancouver. C. P. R. steamer Princess Louise, ,Capt. S. 'ICGray. had on board a total of 1106 passengers of whom fourteen disembarked at this port. Four' feehons took passage from here for fthe south on the vesseL Halibut siles at Seattle yester- aay totalled 48,500 pounds and were 6COOOOOOOOO0OOOOOOOMl CK 2.6 Ozs. NSpf This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia ' Whifflets i as follows: Yaqulna, 284)00 pounds, !San Juan, 12c; Angelus, 19,000, Sebastian, 12'8c and 12c; Forward, 1500, 13c. Weather Forecast General Synopsis The pressure continues high off the British Columbia coast and is relatively low over the interior. West Coast of Vancouver Island Fresh to strong west winds, cloudy and cool with showers. I Mr. and Mrs. WliiUm Reid, wtio ihave been on a holiday visit to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Prince Rupert this morning. -s llin'TVrTf TAT A Trn 8 FACE-ELLE AIDS DISPOSABLE HYGIENIC USE FOR ..'.IHEAD COLDS IJMINFECT10NS 'I H t esltd fo&lki$'W9 Phones: 11 ft 12 r&'tfaM'P-" laily from 8 a.m. tUl It p.m. SunU) Holidays from 12 noon till 2 p.m. 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. OOOOOOOOODaOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOtMKKHf Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon ? 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or ; Hors d'oeuvre One Package Serves Four People K.eps for Weeks In Refrigerator Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Kupert . (Jq. Ltd. Brll,sl Columbia Mean ; LONDON. Sept 27. CP Intention' of Soviet Russia towards Rou- . man'a's Bessarabia, which was Rus-ilan before the last war and to- i wards Esthonia on the Gulf of Fln- jland continued to arou speculation as the Red Army, of occupa- .tlon In Pohnd reached the demar- ) cation lines arranged with Oer- 'man" It m1er.tvyi thit large num-Ibcr of Soviet troo- are marching toward the recently Increased fron tier with Roumanla. The best unofficial estimate set the Russian army strength In the, Roumanian Sertor at about forty divisions either near the frontier or ewroute to' It It was believed that Russia has, over one hundred divisions on the western front of Esthonia The Es- thcnla government, however. de- nled last night reports of Russians massing on their frontier. Russia has charged Esthonia with harboring enemy submarines and thus menacing the security of Soviet waters which Moscow demands must be preserved. It Is alleged that Esthonia permitted at least one Polish submarine to escape. Special privileges are being de manded by Russia in Gulf of Fin land and Baltic Sea waters. Last Rites For Floyd Gibbons WASHINGTON, D. C September 27: Following arrival here of the body from Strasbourg. Pennsylvania where the famous war correspondent and commentator died at the first ot the week, funeral services for the late Floyd Olb-bons were held here today with rites of the Roman Catholic Church, Interment was made in Mount Olivet Cemetery SEALED TTNDBtS addreacd to the tin- drs:exei nd tylcrsd Tendrr far tern. R C N". V R. Buildfcj. Prtnc II orlork Bopn, TliurM4ar. Ottvbrr It, im, tor Uvp u. ppJy. i4 uitiution of a. tor prewUre hutii iiratm tn tbe RCJI.V It RlliMtnir -.i rti. rnHliii , Katloiui VTharf t Prince Rupert. B.C. rn ina cpecuicsiiDQS can De md tnd form ot tzdt pbUiwd at the catce of the'CIiW ArcMctect. Department of Public Wcrtm, Ottmva. the rteildent Arci:teot. Pot Ofrtce BulW-to?, Vrtorl, BC the Carauler. Pout Office Building, VuicDUTer. BC and tbe CareMker. Ptt Oltice Building. Prince Rivrt. BC Tender wilt not t oorjcldered unlri made on tbe forma aupplied bj tbe Departroeot and '-a accrrUtK Uh tfce condUlona act frrLh therein. Eaah tenler nr be aacacTnd bj a certlfjed cwrjuc on a oharered bank n Canada, payable o v order of the HcnOArable the XtBUeter of Public worka. eqinj o 10 percent of the m-ir cf tbe tender, or Boarer Donda f the DrTnlo-cn of Caaadi or of h Caiwdian Ka43nal Rillvty Company -tvi Mi conjl'ixTkt oocrpanlca. uneondl-tionaUy gutrarre(j aa to ani 'oterert by V D-mlnVon rf Canada, or he aftreroenA-ijT bcrri and a certified che-jve If required to make up an "dd amourt. By order. J, U. BOMERVtUX. Dfpartmert ef PuMlc Wcrka, Ottawa, September 2J. 193J, Secretary. IM THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF THE WTE EU O ft EES. DECEASED. Indian cX the Port Eaalngton band, int-taft. Take Notice that1 by virtue of auth--rlty of the BuperiWerKlent Oneral of Indian' Affra. OKva. I wn appointed adnninlrtraV of the ewU! of Ell Oreen. oneaed Indian rf Port Eins-ton band In the Prorm- of British Octurobla. All peracoa hating clalrru agalnat the Mrtat are h-nrtrr rvmiira in fur. Wah aama preoerly verified n me on or " 'orrn avf of September, and "all parties Indebted tn the e.ate are reoulrrd ta their inM. J, Oil .LETT. Indian Agent. TENDERS INVITED Anglican Synod of Caledonia Tender are Invltorl tnr ri knlM. Ing of the Motor Launch "Western Hore" also for a suitable marine enjtine (installed). Thee two tenders to be submitted seoarately. Specifications, plans and full particulars can be had at the Ward Elec-ft-ic it Marine Supply Company, Cow Bay. All tenders to be submitted to C. V. Evltt- Svriod Office Prince Ru. Dert, B.C., marked "Mission Boat Tenderr -not later than Saturday, October, 7th. 1939. the lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. .. - THE DAILY NKWS ' PIN IS HIS REWARD FOR 20 YEARS OF SAFE DRIVING RUSSIA IS a M:I--ILJ.T1 ! ENIGMATIC LAST TIMES TOUAT t Shews, 7:Q Ind 8 peculation Still as to What Heavy BETTE Movements of Troop Toward! DAVIS Roumania " fjlhonia Stay fjL ''JEwKwftuffiSSmrW TjLBBBBBBBBB " ' tBBBHBHl " 'mL fdS K 11 jM '"tbjIbbBbw For driving 20 years without an accident J Berrkwlth, left was presented w 'tx a barpln by the Duke of Keat at a Sefety First congress held In Lndsr England The Nailers Safe'y First association started a competition in safe driving the brst at. ,he end of two dr adc j receive ar. award. Beckwith, a bus driver, and 20 others completed the 20 years with perfect slates and received their awards at the congress. Drama Of West Front Military Experts Agree "Break-Through by Either Side is All Rut Impossible FRENCH ARMY STRONGER German Army Has Never Caught Up I,ack of Training of Conscript Classes Written for the Canadian Press By J. F. B. LIVESAY LONDON, September 27: (CP) In the last war the decision was reached on the West Front It was there the enemy was pinned down and bled to death. True, there was the stranglehold of the blockade. And our success in military sense he did not crack till Canadian Corps led the ran. Now, the West Front is a doubly North Sea. What prospect Is there of a break-throueh by either side? Is the present French assault a strlckly limited liability program designed to relieve pressure on Po published In Budapest In July. Its author. Dr. Ivan Jalos. quote fortified llne.from the Alps to the UtgtlL 'rom erman 0lcU, ur showing the underlying Magyar fear and suspicion of German ob JecUves In the Balkans. He quotes the 1938 year book of land or has it a real nrrunert nf Oerman Oeneral Staff as say drlvinz in a wedze? Time onlv "Our mistaken attitude to the will show. But it is Interesting to quesUon r a hort war naa one hear what military criUcs have to "i,c'UJ tiucu r ana or say about It at reason we must not let our- In his ffJ wtahfnl Uilnk- recent book. "The Defence of Britain.' Capt. LiddeU Hart says Vt.T T k in effect it -a if break i. through) ......j can't f'StSJi But 12S aln, Dr. rfr" 'Si Jalos la not be worth while because It. would on tw fmL af .h? ,11 leave the victor exhausted: h a "ula Cmen rTnre difficulty of a 'knock-out blow' is, greaUy increased by the modern dMslonl lamins many German ruperlority of defence over attack. fmm natieinoMn L,u..?-.Y' That Is already established on Und.Fi trulc( I where all recent experience goes to; . I show that aa attacker needs at ln ,on run tl the, I least a three to one superiority In .H"3? n aeement may prove to, ' . r... .'Hitler, he reaps two lmmed ate aiuiauiciii in oruer 10 gain cni 3 .,, .. . . : local success. And now in the air. J"ta--fIrt. the opportunity also, the I" concentration of his, defence appears to be ov- ertaking the advantage that the Immobilize Poland, and., atucker formerly enjoyed. fnSUln8 Wing up to . . ' , J him of Russian economic md even ,?MmJthuIdl"yrHininl11 resourefs. But 0n the of the lightning war' has a decreas- other hand that very act a in prospect of fulfilment." to have lost hUn the ovpottlty Mechanised Ilelnforrement to strike In a military sense at He goes on to say: 'Today a Oer- France, and ln an economic sense man offensive against the French at Britain, through Italy, Spain frontier would be met by the Rhine and- the Mediterranean, and the Maglnot Line, whose resist- u, therefore. Germany can prosing power is enhanced by the me- enly brln(f to bear on the Wcst chanlzed rapidity of reinforcement. rront practically all her military An attempt to make a renewed force wnat are the chances? Can Hdestep through Belgium would fhe. for in ante, aohleve the have to overcome not only the three to one ad vantage necessary, modern superiority of the defence, according to all the experts, for but a scries of waterlines which are success in the attack? The answer, ' a serious obstacle to the mechanlz- 0f course, is "No"' i led forces on which the chances of French Army Stronger 1 a rapid advance would largely de-' u not simply a case of pend. The alternative detour 000,000 Germans to 40,000.000 mrougn bwitzeriand woina nave to French, even leaving out the Brl-overcome still more obstacles." tlsh Empire and Its vast resources' So he concludes that th: possl- in men and material. Because Dr. blllty of a serious Oerman offen- Lajos shows conclusively France slve ln the West, become more alone has a larger and better: ,than doubtful. He joe on to say trained army than Germany! that a Western offensive looks no "France," he says, "in comparison, more promising for France: "I with the situation ln 1914, has can imagine nothing the Germans decisive advantages; In the first) would appreciate better as an op- place as regards Oermany.ln the' rortunlty to set a trap and Inflict enormous line f defence all along a disaster worse than the French her eastern frontier, whlchcani' .suffered In 191 4'' the disaster that not be compared .with the fortlfl-nearly, lost the Battle of the cations which she .possessed In Marne. .1914;, but above all in the fact that I Short War improbable lever since the war she has con-I Fresh light on. the . problem - of tlnued without interruption the system of conscription. On the other hand "The Old Maid" With Miriam llnkln, fttorr Rrjnt (At 1:11 and ) EXTRA HHdy Rotrrt In "SWING VACATION- ronttrs scoct moiBir Coral nf Ttmrt. r.i Prhrllia I -a nr. Jeffrey .fn,h " 'lull, 1, ,lf ordhar ly complicate tit performance of which dr-x- L exact and pttcUely wnW - training which Is unob's. i-tt ' " a ahort course.- Trie" lack of the nr ber of officer . andnortTr " - MMl. -a - uuiccri ior Uie ease" ' 'makes tht.altuiUon w r ; ' jOerman. excellent so.d , U. needs to be well Id owins to- o n i ,t Hart that nminwt. ! ... 41 1 .v.. r .i . r r f a iuu. Mc u i uuu iiiiuwu vMn: war are poor And .from 1W1 to 1914, did Hot Uke Stephen Polony fj-. ! part in a training on the same authoritv: : -if .n; .fviv. HUWIU.IJ ui uii - economic I many Deiore tne war, and mora and In both oonvunti ni,y , France both before and VItr. , of--,..,,; ' , Via in,. . t 1 . . . " ' ' his armies were beaten in Flanders, wl rront f thrown by thejdler will be prctesnted with extra- on th, West on the Alsne. the Meuse and the ernwny war unances 'Moselle. In that final victory the lnal caosed such a sensation when life? "A linla. avaoiaa cop 6ld" g tKit." "A Swaal CopwowW go kJnafi" SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES SPECIAL SALE of BLANKETS TUESDAY. WEDS'EsnAY Tinirittnw Woolcot Ulanket. Part wool, sateen bound, MxsO, Ea h Orey IJIankets ze 52x72, Pair All Wool r.rey Blankets Slit Wx80. Weight 7 lbs Pair thite niankels- uper quality white wool. Pastel borJr 72x84, Weight 7 lh pair Elio Ftimiture MOOSE BUILDING '.sib r Since Hitler came tnto power these tPrd. defenre bee w ' Z neglected etassea have beenvcallrtl aui ant. th y ' .up for short-term training but p,, .. - cannot be considered in the, same ' . . ,,e Proceeds to a cart' Mimrv . .s. on t : a In comparison with France poweaae. the last war.' the 5 XXX) .000 1 the minor theatres one by one stripped him of his allies, of I "A modem war win be even more ,Turkey, of Bulgaria and of Austro-Hungarv. But of Oerman mlllUry at: ! r trained for two year.. So he con.'u, Jk -elude: The Oerman Reich at 1U dUposal scarrcly more than!fl,udfd n 100000 men who have taken part, in a thorouah two-rear traintn 11 wc put 10 years distant frr- f ludlces and prar' r mom frit, we would pr fvf ntrmhrr loitl it r-t machine than was Dhai nf n .t,.- $li5 SI.9S .'. tin THIRD AVEXVE SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! wllinj it OCEAN FALLS mi POWELL BIVE8 Stenmcr lenvet Prince Rupert tverr THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Traln leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p,m. A Steamer for Ketchlkin and wflrlCiv Stewart ertrf WEDNESDAY, 3 p.m. YsSffli For Jar$, etc., call or urlt My Ticket Offic, 52! 3rd Are vin