ri yiy 1 W ttrut -taiUr it, THM OAlCT WWI oose Diiugc -.fui AfOir Wld iit Night, . Uit night , riei of bridge part- wtilch 1 to be car ne coming winter ..ffiiir drew a d wat very enjoyable ( - ven table of cards .rrs were: ladles' y a Norton: lcond, Mr, j u. t mens first. Oeorge .osson. Mrs. W. v ,l winner of a door I PHONES 11 and 19 L : "ment Fresh 15c ;i4tr Bouquet lip U r - for ij arrow Crackers 23 C ftitflt Cube- Bairo 29c M Shortening 25C P-iK "rri.rsr. or 4 fin r lb Harold Davey 1 "-acner oi l'lano , popular Music 20 vears experience In Vancouver r' Mulc with Uwon No Rcslrs ' c-ily guaranteed course ' benefits i.ii- having for parties, etc. tnrol Noil si iL. . J H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Hrik llldg. Halibut Sales j Summary . American 14,000 pounds, 14c and Cti Canadlan-43.300 pounds, 14 6c 'and Sc and I4c and 5c I American ' Glacfcr.-M))00. 14.8c and 6c I Canfllan Oony. 1.1,000, 14.6c and 6c. Tramp, 20j000. 14c and 5c. storage. Unom. i.500, 14.8c and 5c. Star age. Dolron were In charge cf the serv- . . t a m ling oi mresnments alter which dancing was enioved until l n m with music by the Moose Women aVig and Mrs. Henry Orchestra. Hedlund's Baked 3 for Turnip- Terrace S lbs for P.O. Box 575 lussallems Econemy Store Where Dollars Have More Cents" DUblhtted HI Independently Owned and Operated Featuring Old English Wax pIKST m.Mli,.TION I Ibi. Old Fnglhh Was; , Pint Old ; : h Liquid u a 19 rX'C.D ('O.MntNATIO.N-Quart Old EnIUii No-Rob polMi; One Mas. .Mop m q rJ Old Ingush Liquid Wat ry Special Irnrrpa j Turkish Delicht Lushus Jelly Powders 2 pkgs for Grade 'A Medium "Ee- Daten Large Grapefruit 4 for Potatoes Terrace 10 lbs 59c 25c 15c 37c 25c 19c 25c Cabbirr Terratf. ffp y' Laree and firm Lb. rrompt, Free Dellsery SerTlte Throuthout the City Two Telephones for Your Convenience :t end Msll Orders Itecelve Prompt and Careful Attention CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental TranS-Atlantic Trans-I'ariflc T Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Poru P PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 pm. To Vancouver Direct PR1NCES3 LOUISE September 16th. 2Cth, October 6th, 7th, 27th 1 ( xrffMoru.at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from L COATES. General Agent, Prince Hupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. 8tesmer8 Leav frtnee Rupert for Vancouver: SS CATAIji m'ERt TtlES T.S.S. CAUDENA 'FRIDAY, DAY. M p.m. ":50 P:m- 1,m Vsnrouver, Thurs. p.m. Due 'Yancouver, Monday a.m. It I'm.. hi ih . f..r. Tirkrtk at Olflr Ifurtlier lnlormaiVin RTiMiin Reservation, and Tickets From . . . I K A V W f tf ... i .... . . . 'a Tl. 1.1 Smm PhMnft SfiS -" irvirirxr.K, rrinrv nupen -Airiii, - COAL Grain Teed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 and 551 Fresh Local Raw anil Pasteurized MiHs VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mrs. Frank Boyle, wife of the ter ritorial auditor for Alaska at Jun eau, were among passengers going through to Seattle aboard the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon. Bert Jackson, after spending a few days here visiting with his cousin. Rev. J. C. Jackson, sailed by the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon on "his return to Vancouver. Mrs. F. W. Orlmble and daughter, who have been spending the sum mer at SUklne. returned to the city evening by Mrs John McLeod and ;Mr- Tommy Christoff at the home of Mrs Christoff. Fourth Avenue , East, in honor of Mrs. Jack Arm-' strong r. whoe marriage took I place recently I The evening was spent in playing eames, the prize-winners being Mrs. Fred Wesch and Mt Margaret Mc-Meekln After refreshments had bren served a beautiful chenille bedspread was presented to the bride - Present, In addition to the hostesses and the guest of honor, were Mrs. Allan Davirs. Mrs. Fred Wesch, Mrt. J Armstrong sr.. Mrs. Thomas MrMeekln. Mrs. John Bremner. Mrs. K. E. Brandt Mrs. H G. Fun-rton. Mrs. D. Kristmansson. Mrs A. Duncan. Mrs R. McLeod. Mrs. J. C. Gllker. Mrs Oeorge Shenton. Mrs. previous to that date. EIIE F. IIEAI A.T.C-M. Piano and Theory ALL GRADES Private or Class instruction Beginners from pre-school agf also Teachers' Training Clasi Twelve Years' Experience X 5 o 5 Phone BLUE 997 g OOOO00OOO0O0O0OO000OOOOO0O ! DANCING Hodgson Dancing Academy Classes Commencing Sept I Specializing- Ballet, Mexican, Tap, Baby work Studio 121 2nd Ave. Blue 898 Violin & Guitar Western Academy of Music 11. Shaw Phone BLUE 992 For prompt and courteous service Phone 13 Taxi. tf J. B. Shaw, federal architect, after a brief visit here on official duties, sailed by the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon on hU return to Victoria. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Alger, who arrived In the city a few days ago from the Porcher Island mine, sail ed yesterday afternoon on the Prin cess Louise for Victoria. oa the Princess Louise yesterday! James Schubert, son of Mr. and afternoon. Mr. Orlmble win be re-, Mrs. D. C. Schubert, returned home turning later. 'on the Princess Louise yesterday I afternoon from the SUklne River THE ANNUAL TAX SALE of lots, country where he has been spend-subect to tele as required oy thejlng the summer engaged In mining Municipal Act win be neid in tneswene City Hall on Baturday, September. 30th. 1OT9. at 10 ajn. List of prop-, Hugh S. Bostock and federal Ge erty can he seen at Collector's Of fice. the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon from the north and will proceed by this evening's train to Saskatchewan where they have been called owing to the serious illness of Mrs. Newton's mother Mrs. i Newton was formerly Lieut Henrietta Thlrsteln of Prince Rupert. Capt. and Mrs. Newton have their young son with them. Popular Bride Given Shower ologlcal Survey party, who have 4226) been spending the summer In the HEADvCOLDS tt act A rrw DROPS UUtVI HEAD COO STUFFINESS AND MISEIY A grocery shower will be held at DUIm. AWin. .ft... A delightful shower was held last l"c '""'I? "T Z, . Boon. Thursday September 28, MU U1UK 11(1 are Ul Kl r.a W . children's work as well a those who have already made use of the home will pay us a visit. New-earners to Prince ,vRupjft '.should not mlM this opportunity of see ing over the Ridley Home and f we hope that those who lave been before will come again. AQ visi tors will receive a bfaryleome jind a cup of tea. Quiet Marriage Was Solemnized of Jack Deane Walter LongwilL Miss Ton a Blaln, -Mtw Clssie Armstrong. Miss Mar- A quiet wedding was solemnized earet McMeekln. Miss Betty East- by Rev. W. F. Rushbrook at his man, Miss Cathie Eastman. Miss home on Saturday evening at eight Kav Watson. Miss Nancy Bremner, rleck when Miss Veronica King M'ss Betty Ellison. Miss Molly nil- became the bride of Jack Deane. son. MUs Venetla Feero. Miss Bca Witnesses to the ceremony were Marshall. Miss Blanche Jensen. Miss Miss Janeeta King, sister of the Elsie Dannhauer and Miss Muriel bride, and Patrick Deane. brother Phr of the aroom. The bride was very Public Notice ; prettily attired in a dress of zinnia rose sneer wiin maicmng accessories and carried a bouquet of carnations, roses and maiden hair fern. The bridesmaid wore a sheer dress ' . , . . . .. . ,, of pale blue with white accessories Notice Is hereby given that all and her et conslsttd of gladl. wHhln the City Umlts property M chrvsanthemuiivs and maiden subject to Tax Sale will be sold at . ,. fA Public Auction at the City Hall, on A receotlon s held &ty home Saturday. September 30th. at 10. . Mr and Mr, ajn. unless the 1937 taxes are paid WnilamKlng. 976 Ambrose Avenue. which was attended by Relatives List of the property to be sold DnH friend The bride's can been seen at the Collector's Of- Cfntred three-tier ub,e by a flee, City Hall. (229) wpddIng cake which was duly cut " , ' . by the bride. A toast to the bride ooooooooooooooooooaooooooa was proposed by the groomsman and responded to by the groom. The couple will take up residence on Sixth Avenue East. Announcements All advertisements In this col-amn will be charged tor a full month at 25v a word. Ridley Home grocery shower, Sep tember 28, 3 to 6 pjn. Hospital Bazaar, October 4. Eagles Bridge October 4. Empire Dance, Oddfellows' Hall ! October 6. C.C.F. Bazaar, October 7. Catholic Bazaar Octcber 11..12. HLutheran Bazaar, October 14. Anglican Bazaar November 9. Presbyterian Bazaar, Nov. 18. Country Fair November 24. S SEA CADETS ENTERTAINED Supper Party Last Night By Execu tive of Local Branch of Navy League of Canada As a mark of recognition of their work and progress during the past year, the boys of the local Sea Cadet Corps were entertained, following the weekly drill last night. with a party at the Boston Cafe. It was an enthusiastic fathering arranged by- the executive of the local branch of the Navy League of Canada with the president, M. Wlnslow, in the chair. The boys turned out In force. After full Justice had been done to the refreshments provided, Mr. Wlnslow ma& remarks suitable to i ASSIZES "Smi IT BACKWARDS V personal meetings with Their Ma-. jmge 6 Indecent assault. Jestles. The alleged offence occurred at It was announced that. In spltejolcj Fort abine March 23. 1939. of activities more directly con-'Herbert wuilam Talt Is Interpreter.! cerned with the war. Chief Petty j, unable to under- Officer Instructor Bird would bestaa(j English. ' oarrying on as Instructor and appeal Is that of John neaaquaners 01 we noyai uana-. Saunders against a conviction and aian ixavaj volunteer neserve as a weekly drill Tenue would con' tlnue to be available for the time being at least arvale: J. R. Cooper, Kltwanga; W. A. Borseth, Hulatt; O. Thompson. Queen Charlotte Islands: James . Mulholland. Topley; Jack Brown, Port Simpson. MARTIAL LAW BERLIN Adolph Hitler has ordered martial law in Poland. service: Edward Andrew Antonelll. Carl Anderson. Carl Gustof Anderson, Simon Ayres, Harvey Amldon' i (Evelyn i. Libera Basso-Bert. Alex ander Barbe. James Stephen Black, Elizabeth Jane Bartlett. John Burton 'KltwangaK Arthur Belt Arthur Donald Brentzen 'Port Simpson). Fred Castell (Evelyn). Al- C. V.Jbert Desmond Chapell 'Hazelton), Hope. Prince George: R. Moore, jwm. James Crawford (Stewart). H. Amldon and O. F. Ferguson. J James Calvin (Alice Arm). John Smlthers; A. K. Jacobson, Shirley; Ridley Cooper 'Kltwanga). Peter A. Blair. Victoria: A, D. Chappell.lCarrigan (Hazeltont- Fred Cam-Hazelton; Fred Castell, Evelyn; G.Jeron, Even Evenson, Duncan Fer-C. Sessions, Terrace: J. Arrow-' guson (Premier. Henry "Montgom-smlth,' Winnipeg: W. J. Crawford, ery Foote. Jas. Mitchell Fleming Stewart I'Blg Missouri), James Richard Central J a B. Fie win. Port Slmpson.t James Calvin, Alice Arm; C. Hel-j land and J. K. Fair, city;. J. Nichol, Woodcock; j. Burton, Ced- MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE 317-319 Third Avenue West Where Dollars Have More Cents -Quality Prompt Service After the show drop in and try our milk shakes, sodas and Ice cream. We also have a complete stock of fruits and vegetables Phone 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 "And you rt the word MILK", poind out Elsie, the Borden Cow. "And that' just 'What HUM is pure, fresh, whole milk with ill the cream left in, powdered by removing the natural moisture content. Simply add Klim to cold water whisk with a beater - and you have an instant supply of creamy pasteurised whole milk. I can't recommend anything better for baby, home or camp. " GOING ON .... , , . -, . "ijLni ui uic Supreme ouuicm? wwik Yukon, were here aboard the Prin-1 r.rrior nf v. t t . . . ... ... I i . , . . i"""- " "'-lopenea nere toaay wiun one crun vi. iwuuiu i'tiuii, odimuuu j " .mjjnu bauuuuui nmu uiuii . jnai case one appeal and two ci Army officer at Kake. Alaska, and lng through from Skaraay to Van-'neserve. Reserve, and and Sub-Llent Sub-LleuL Ned Ned Tobev" the . list. The n.. Mrs. Newton, arrived In the city on couver TobeyjTOrce actions on first were also speakers. 'case to be dealt with Is the crim- Another feature of the gather-maj hearing In which EtweU Dan. ng was a very interesting account U Bablne Indian, is charged with by Cadet J arris McLeod of his ex-j, gtatntorv offence. W O. Fulton Iperiences as bridge boy aboard the prosecuting. There Is no defence ' .a M T4U. T3 Ak ,1 K1UU" tiuk.j: iwu uuiu The Is ""counsel. case now proceed -past summer, particularly with re-itogt haTtag bn adjourned from ference to the trip from Victoria ... nrnintr nritll this afternoon Jto Vancouver on May 31 with the' 5,, accused had pleaded not .King and Queen. He told of his'mv on two count, carnat KLlM BB "If It'i Bordon't It's GOT to be good" Fair Terrace. James Clifford .Gilker, Robert Greenfield, Dorothy Nellie Hart, Thomas Berwick Hal- II well (Premier, Noel LewU Jones, Alt Karstein Jacobson Haysport, Ernest Jones (Stewart), Joseph Sltnnvl lf1Vw TaHbi- tfamff Titlln the occasion. -He complimented the One Criminal -Case, One Appeal Henry Unzey, jonn oeorge Leary boys on their progress and acU-l And Two Divorce Petitions (Houston). Percy Lucey. Alice vitles of the year and urged them, - Aran. Wm. Donald Lamble. Vie- to carry on with the same measure j with Mr. Justice Denis Murphy, tor Menzles, Murdock McLean, of enthusiasm they were now dis-jwno arrived this morning from Richmond Edward Mortimer, James playing i Vancouver, presiding, the fall ses- Mulholland Topley. John Fran- ueui. u u otuan. commanoing ot the Court Assizes els Murray (Jap Inlet. Arnold Thomas Parkin, Robert James Phillips fTelkwai. George L. Rorie, Frank W. Smith (Ocean Falls), Geo. Stratton Thorn (Ocean Falls), Carl Walker (Ocean Falls). BLASTING ONSHORE This Is Latest Explanation For Sounds 'Resembling Naval Gunfire Off Norway Coast OSLO. Sept 27: CP) The Norwegian Admiralty, discounting reports of naval engagements off the Norwegian coast, suggests that dynamiting in mining operations fine of $300 In city police court for Ion islands off the coast probably selling liquor. The appeal Is by I caused the sounds which were mis- way of stated case with W. O. Ful-'takel for gunfire on Monday. Fton SDoearine for the Crown and I "Yesterday it was renorted that The Sea Cadet Corps is enjoying T w Brown for defendant .naval ships were In action off Nor-a large measure of popularity atj divorce petitions are: way and that between thirty and present. There are so many re- ptn Mary McCallum vs. WU-Jforty shots were fired. The Nor-cniits desirous of Joining up thatju--, Baxter McCallum. T.W. "Brown werian Admiralty announced that jxmt problems have arisen as tcfor the petitioner. R. L. McLennan these were vessels of the Nor- now au are 10 oe ian care oi. ifor respondent (adjourned), wegian Navy engaised In man-. exi Aionoay nigni uie oeaj Wikdaiys. Matilda WikdalWuvres. Cadets will be given a theatre ,, amiH - ftHrntmnrt t -w ! Knm.,iv,nMnmM9n'Hmn. party. Hotel Arrivals Mr. and Mrs. A. Martel and Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Lowe. Prince Rup- iert: Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Buchanan. I? O. Mackenzie. R. C. McCorkelL Miss Veronica Klnjt Becomes Bride J- M. Ackerman. U H. Chapman. J. N. Brou-ntng, a. u. uaramer ana W. H. Manuel. Vancouver; Eugene Wacker. Wacker. Alaska; J Brown for JeUtiOner. .. . jeouvres off the coast5canj.easlly4 The rollowlne' are eallpd for lurv.h mlstalrpn fnr mmtat nrtlnn It is suggested. AUSTRALIAN POSITION CANBERRA Prime Minister Menziesjn a speech here stated that it would be unwise just now for Australia to send a large force of men overseas in view of the possibilities. They were planning to seed six squadrons of airplanes to Europe before the end ot the year. MOVING VS. SHIPS WASHINGTON Secretary Cor-dell null announced that it had been decided to send a number of United States war vessels to NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C Phone ZS1 P.O. Box 196 B. C. FURNITURE Used Furniture Values We carry the largest stock of reconditioned household goods consisting of Kitchen Ranges of various makes, Remington, Underwod and Corona Typewriters, Bedroom Suites, Dining Room Suites, Chesterfield Suites, Beds Springs, Baby Cribs, Buggies, Radios, Sewing Machines, Washing Machines, Carpets, Rugs, Etc. PRINTED LINOLEUMS In assorted patterns. Special, Square Yard Phone BLACK 3S4 Next Door To-HC. Clothiers 39c THIRD AVENUE