I r PACE FOUR DIAMONDS Gems of Romance. Mounted in Modern Settings by Skilled Craftsmen We Have a Large Assortment of the Latest Designs in ENGAGEMENT KINGS. WEDDING KINGS, BROOCHES, BRACELETS, EARRINGS Or. we will make to order, any design that you prefer, in rings or any other piece of jewelry. We have in stock rings from SBL50 to $1200.00. We Invite Your Inspection. FINE CHINA, DINNEKWARE, GLASSWARE Basement Store Max Heilbroner Women's Crepe Pyjamas with contrasting trim. Skirts Diamond Specialist BETTER TO BE ARMED If Britons Are Beady To World Will Be Safe For Peace Says Orme Stuart -White &' Suit V- Women's Uayon Bloomers and Panties 3 pairs for Girls Suspender Skirts In Navy or brown drill. Well made and fast colors. Reg. $1.25 for 1 1 79c IV omens Cotton Crepe Gowns Colors peach, pink, maise. Daintily nr . I trimmed. Each Suits Two-piece style in greys, navy and omer coiors. rr to 0-f A f n I From Children's Cotton Vests and Bloomers Hummer weight. c aa subscriber to the belief that the best way to peace Is to be read', for war.. 'We have already had enough of what disarmament has brought us," he declared. Lieut. Stuart described a train- Fight,:1115 crulse fte made early this year to the West Indies with Pacific Coast destroyer squadron (from Esquimau. He told interest- linfflv nf n rmmHiAi f .i i . . . "If Croat Britain is armed to the including San Pedro. Balboa. Pan- leem, me worm is lairiy sure of peace." asserted Lieut. Orme Stuart, commanding officer of the local unit of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, In speaking before the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at its regular weekly lunch- con y ester oay. ucut. Stuart reiterated a previously expressed opinion that it would be well for the world if British men from veu to iony-nve year of age were all trained and ready to take up arms and use them effectively ii emergency should arise. If aggressor nations, knew that that was the position of Great Britain, they would hesitate even more about starting war and the chances of peace being maintained would be greatly enhanced. In nthpr words, Lieut. Stuart Is a confirmed ama uuy. colon. Kinptnn Ja maica and Bermuda, giving Impressions of those places as well as waters through which the squadron passed. He referred to the strategic importance both In war ana Peace Of the Panama it Faat colors. 2 for (iirLs S'ack- Navy or red. Good quality drill. Each Calin CT: ttfi.ii . . WEST Tiidi rvmi POINT With Joan Fontaine as leading tol Theatre here The story opens with the arrival from England of Ste&p Early, who had been spectacularly successful on the Cambridce varsitv nwiiv 51.00 S1.00 S1.00 ...... o.ii wnlie or pink, lace trimmed, cAteneni quality. Each Women's Pure Silk Hose Crepe, etc. 2 pairs Foundation Garments Gossard Foundation Garments and I. and A. Models Values to $1.50. To be cleared at I ' $1.95 Women's Hats Hats straws, felts. To I clear 50c Women's Snuggics and Vests fiff AA Waffle knit. 4 for JJ..UU Children's Silk Knit Panties fl-f AA 4 for Ol.OU n omen s uayon Silk Hose AH fi-f A A good shades. 3 pairs .... ?XVU Boys' Turn Top Hose With elastic top. rawns or grey mixture. CJ-f A A 3 nairs JD1.UU Pillow Slips 'Nice fine quality linen finish ' - 1 . . ruuy oieacnea. c?-fl A A 5 for P1..UU Sheets Fully bleached, 77x90, hemstitched ureal value. q Each IM.UU I 1'IIONK 9 .... , bee Our Windows 51.00 51.00 v THE DAILY NEWS Thursday. ju Whiff lotc wmrriets story hfrp Joan Fontaine. Louis llavward. Tom Brown, Kichard Carlson j And Alan Curtis In Cast iumi inc vraicriruui I'inks Beginning to Show up Now In Skeena Klver Chief Supervisor of Fisheries Coming North lady and Louis Hayward. Richard I . . Carlson. Tom Brown and Atari According to reports at the Dom-Curfls takine the male lead. ventures and romances of enrolled at the United States Mill- itary Academy are unfolded icoiu, ii sian me as a west Point'; " " .. cadet Accustomed to pampering. Ior nsnln8 and has resulted In a ctnnA i. . . .. sudden sudden Improvement. Imnrnvpmunt incut lur me yeaning corporals who proceed to make his life thoroughly miserable, 'flow the Naas thirty-five sockeye Inside and upwards of 100 outside. The present fine weather is auspicious w...wu uwico, ureal nniain mi - - - . ... . ... . Itayon Bedspread v Assorted eclors. Single b( d. Each Double bed. each Floor Bugs Reversible. 24x45. Axminster patterns. Each Lisle S ox 51.00 Children Three-Quarter Lisle Sox-Penman quality, fawn or grey mixture. 3 pairs 51.00 Lace Curtain Nets Assorted patterns. 5 yards ... 8U0 51.00 51.00 Curtains Ready to hang, cream ground wun inn oi contrasting color. 7C Complete with ties. Per pair tL Cretonnes 3C inches wide, varied patterns ana colors. tt 4 yards J)1.UU Dressei Women's Dresses Voiles, prints, linens, etc. Values to $2.95. Each 51.00 Shadow Cloths Light grounds, floral de signs, 3U inches wide. p-f a A 3 yards JX.VV Towels White grounds with colored check design. Z0X40. en 4 A A tfJL.UV TII1UI) and FULTOX EXPERT SLATE ' CARVER HERE . f Another Interesting native handt- at MCJtae uros. siore nere w Arthur Moody of Skldegate Mission. Queen Charlotte Islands, life-long slate carver, who is busy these days with his chisels and other nH-llnion acj i uuuii r Fisheries airaicj office, onice, some some pinks pinu wois ana is uiiruciiiiB niucu i- nlebi- ttre now ar8 to snow up in me 1 icnuon noi oniy among visum o&eeim ana Haas mver socseye nctsiiounsis dui on uic part ui lucai T1 1 I -1 -- 11 I . 1. i ...it. I J 1 1 lU. ,. amcic ii.te ueen oniy a sraau (tcupic. as is quite cviucut uj m- rv. T-...1.- ... . . I shnwinir of nlnlrr m vol In winintr fine stiTlc nf muvfnlrs. featurm" tuw; ui west roini, snow-1 j-. . 0 Ing tonight and Friday at the Canl- arc& down the coast Tne latest ! wonderfully carved miniature tot- River is 75 to 8 fish per boat with j is a real expert at this kind of i ti . . .... i 1 rr . l 1 .kl.U similar numDcr oi pinKS ana ior wm. uiiiitui wium u. Moody uses is brought irom Biate Chuck Creek on the Queen Char lotte Islands. An outstanding example of Mr Moody's fine work is a lance $60 totem which observers declare is J. A. Motherwell, chief supervisor one ot the finest articles of 1U Steve, alone wih th thr of fisheries for the Pacific Coast. Klna naye ever seen. -wMi, wwo, goes from one misadventure to an- " exPectcd In Prince Rupert this Canal. Disruption of it would be ' newspaper here says the town a major aisaster. Although thj Panama Canal belonged to the other, wcatherine storm and week-end in the course of a tour . . , , heartbreaks untU the final thrlil- of fl4hln a"d inning operations V, ' u",e' PVlf .Tamft. Tlvrt 1rw.nl " ' w.uiiaA in mc annual ice ... . .....v0 vjm hockey game between West Point supervisor, hagone down the coast C.P.R. steamer Princess Louise, and Royal Military College of to mect MJor 'Motherwell and ac- Capt. S. K. Oray. was In port from Canada, Is told In a series of fast- comran' hhn nere. 3:30 to 5 o'clock yesterday after-! moving poignant scenes. : . r noon southbound from 8kagway tol Other members of the cast 'n. waiter Hume" and Robert Cam- Vancouver Th v.i hnH m 1 elude Charles D. Brown. Jed eron of the local drv dck staff are board 211 passengers, most of whom Prrinftr K1..ln. PTnPf Lprf hnmo nn Vi o tvln.n T3i, j . . . . . '"--j ......v v ..i.v. u- were rouna uaieui, unma inp (ourisu leiurning Dunn. George McKay. Nick Lucats DCTt """orrow morning from Kcl- south. One person disembarked ond William BakewclL own where they have been for here from the vessel while two went ' : thf nast few months in connection aboard at this port for the south nncivi-cc wMh thc assembling of the new car im' ior Okanagan Lake service Alaska newspapers tell of the safe POKT HOPE. Ont.. Julv 27- (HP n-hloh fU.I .J iu , , arrival 1 . n . ,. ' - w.. .. iiummcu ait me local utwoiu uu hic cwui- -Port Hope has dropped Its claim yard. guard cutter Morris of the i io ine prettiest town in Canada." . crew of the lli-fated schooner Pan-' prefers to be known as the where radium Is refined." 'town Aboard the steamer Prince dora hich Is now htah on the! George. Caot.. James Watt, which i?"!, th'fe,m,lM north of 8t- EUas "Rhthouse. washed there wa was in in rvrt port fmm from 0- 9:45 yesterday hv n MrI. ., ....... a a Ue line of of rorts k, aft rfter or th the niw pilot tost t 1 Just as much interested In iU be-.seen in the moving picture theatr ZZ lrZ v! th; a"crnoon Irom Vacuver to control of the boat ling safely maintained. travelogues. Skagway. after the first President W, M. Watte president ws ,are l of Alaska tour- ie dow was badly dam- AowrfT'mh taddrcss' e Gyro Club, was in the chair ,8t panger Ahe vessel has car- e tnt!re lde ,love mowed a number of lth r,bs interesting and accorded thanks t Mr Stuar rled so far this summer ThP Prinrp broken alonK the entire moving pictures taken during the for an Interesting aalf hou 1 side and the rudder broken off V.r- ;as.t-.enesw--ound ttonrmSSJrSJS ? SJSiT heW nKl Mon" tUa11 -board the bt '"" ""Pen wnicn Mr. Stuart, on ih,.i nn II" " "u"u- u lost. declared wa equal li. in beauty .,0 to 8 ; Brtroni of T wlt7UUlu ana 2". Vancouver anv nf th -!!,aUt,y and The eoartal .relchr Rair S1.00 vuiuicu piaces Ernest Meadows anrt .t t ... ... ' " ,c" v. laic wuim wnir.n Q'nrp n k rj . siii nan in uuil mn nrinH u i Wall .irorn the south Tuesday and Wed- daughter. Vlvienne. are in MONTH END SPECIALS FRIDAY - SATURDAY - MONDAY Baby Blankets Pink or blue 2 for Girls' Cotton Dresses Members of the headed by Dr Homer Flint Kei-( lems. farmer-evaniceliat of Oklaho-1 htalth, although drenched by rain , during the 28 hours they were on the beach before rescue by the Mor- Coastwise Steamshln a, n, Co.s freighter Amur, engaged In the ore carrying service between Stewart and Tacoma. will make a j -ciai can nere on August A to load the assay plant machinery and equipment of the Consolidated Mining Si Smelting Co. which is being moved from Prince Rupert to Trail. The shlmnent will b handled over the government wharf and is now beim got In readiness T,,K Kn'KST w ''' , . ' fKOIIATE Jrhirliljc, hurt,,, TAKE NOnc-E thM by Ord of t'.-1 - oi rrinca Run. " '" lbutj . m,f. 'wvth 10 ln undmigwd form- DATED at Prlnr nuwrt. n n .hl. ,hU nd day of Jun, 1BJ9 " ALOIS OIWESOro and "OKA E. ARNOLD Dos SS3. Prlno Rupert, D. C THE SEAL ot QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy lied Sockeye WNK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all ue year round payroll Prince Rupert la HOCKEY - ACTION - ROMANCE - T0Mf,HT ft;:' " EDWARD SMALL I ; BI9VSB RICHARD CARLSON ; V tjt 4r JOAN FONTAINE (At 1:M and 9:55 TONKiMT and FBIDAY Added "KO.ML SVitH'IKINY" M:WS and t AUTOON 2 Show. Nixhtlv 7:00 A: 5 August Clearance Sale AT ELIO'S 1 Only J-picce Chesterfield Suite-Clearance Sale 1 Onlf l-piece Bedroom Suite-Clearance Sale 1 Out) .icrc Ilinftie Suite CleararKr Salp 2 Only 6-piece Breakfast Sulle Clraranro Sale 4 Only Kiirhen Baiut Clearance 8al 5103 559.50 556.50 531.50 555,-585.50, 589.50, 595 ELIO'S FURNITURE TlIIUli AV.M i; rrince Itupett Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'oeuvre One Packaue Serve Four People Keeps for Weeks in Refrigerator I Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia W.WJWWWjuyuAAAAju. - . . 5 - - - mvwvvvwVWWSWVVVVvn COAL Grain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PKINCE KUPERT FEED CO. Phones 5 and 558 It's interestin that the peop.e St NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarclll Proprietor "A IIOMK AWAV I UO.M HOSIK" Kates 91.00 up 50 Rooms Hot St Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C Phone 281 P.O. Box 196