! I F if PAOE.TWO THE DAILY XEWS - - For Real Comfort and Wear DAILY EDITION "GREB" Working Boots Are Unbeatable Men's oiled calf, Panco or leather soles, plain toes or toe caps. Up from - OOOOOOOOOOOOQOOfl SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance Paid in advance, per week . Paid In advance, per month S3.95 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - F.RIT1SII COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor $5.00 .1. .50 By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance .'. 3.00 By mail to all other countries, per year 9.00 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations If the new policy of the United States is adopted by I .Congress, that country will be taking part with the British Empire in world politics. The President had led the vey and has been backed up by a number of leaders in Congress. If they have tHeir vay the country will take part in present and future wars by applying economic pressure to curb international lawlessness. She will be in a position to prevent her people selling war supplies and ii- 1 l.'i. 1L..1 : i ...:iu f u: cu RESULT IS PROTESTED I Boston 17 'Rangers 15 Saturday, January 14, 1&39.I Americans 12 ITnmntn 10 CWcaeo 9 UNITED STATES POLICY Canadiens 5 6 67 31 36 6 62 41 33 Gamma Wins In Girls' Bowling ioou 10 japan wnne mat country is at war wiui iiuua. one . ... , . ,., n,tmir grouns. - . . . . . I All. U1C liMM Vw " 'O SPORT CHAT I Chess should be taught Manager of Montreal Canadiens'dlan -rvnois believes Claims Americans Made Tying i Goal From Offside Hay NEW YORK, Jan. 16: CP Cecil Hart, manager of Montreal Canadiens, has protested last night's game in which the Canadiens played an overtime one-all draw with tarry arryon. on. She sne may may help neip block diock the tne aspirations aspirations oi of Germany uermanyj again again victorious, victorious, defeating deieating Alpha Ajpna interested ' in skiing. '.tit 1 il. . 1 .. -11 1 !n! 1 tf I. as sne naa aone in tne past witnout commuting nerseu iu the aggressors and thus lay herself open to becoming in- of oamma with iso and Jean volved in international quarrels. This proposed new policy of the United States may prove to be the turning point in world history unless the Senate lays its hand on it and destroys it as it did in the lime of President Wilson. However, President Roosevelt is in closer touch with "Congress than was President Wilson. He knows his people better, and the probability is that his recommendations in this respect will be adopted. Germany has been playing into his hands by her interference in the affairs of neighboring countries and by reach-inff out to the American continent. Evidently our neip-h-bon to the south have come to realize that it is impossible to play.a lone hand and continue to reao the profits to be made from international trade while others are fighting the hattles. Had they taken this stand twenty years aeo the dantrers of Nazism and Fascism and Jewish persecution miffht have been avoided. As one man puts it: "The I -. THE YEARLING i One of the best sellers during the latter part of in Ca Oeorgt Koltanowski, Belgium-born ches wiaard, holder or several worli crowns. The game of chess could be a factor in the great"" intt or the Canadian nation lie sal' the name trains the mind tf the child in logical thinking. It gives him a worklne: connection with the New York Americans. Hart cness players, providing comrade- claims that the Americans' goal re-jjjp and better understanding, tf. suited from an offside play. It was ( S3ain Russia and SwiUerland the second one-all draw of the cnes$ Is a part of the- school cut' week-end between the Americans riculum. and Canadiens, a game in Montreal Saturdav nieht having resulted Koltanowski demonstrated his .similarly. concentration ability in Ed men At Toronto Saturday night, the ton. Blindfolded, he played ' 10 Maple Leafs defeated Chicago Black men at once, among them cracs Hawks three to one but were unable Fdmonton players, winning seven to follow up at Detroit last niht and getting a draw in three. Askefl , when the Red Wings only required how he managed to keep such ac-one goal to defeat them. curate track of the various plays i Tomorrow nieht one National and positions of the men on thf League game will be played between board, he said that In the back rf Toronto and Boston at Boston. Week-end results were: I Saturday Scores I Americans 1. Canadiens 1 'overtime). , Chicago 1. Toronto 3. Sunday Scores Canadiens 1. Americans 1 over- Ume tie). . ! Toronto 0, Detroit 1. Rangers 1, Boston 1 (overtime tie). The National standing .to date: Hockey League WDLPAPt! his mind he has something like a eratnochone record which record the positions of the men and or. a moment's notice he may figuratively speaking, turn on the re cord and receive a report as to Just what the positions are. Boston Dodging At Skiing Cost Girls Decide Its Good Sport Too Expensive For Them ,1 .. . I - But BOSTON, Jan. 16: CP A 6 8 6 66 30 downward revision in the cost of J 4 12 55 13 24 skiing Is becoming a more and' 3 d 14 11 53 iN VI 67 18 0 more irequent " aemana on au - siuca TIED IN BOWLING Jrotto and Old Empress Now On Even Terms for Leadership of City League Old Emprea and Royal Hotel jrere winner of las night's ftx- .ures In the CI? Howling League with victories of two games to one jter Printers and Orotic respective- . L. .. ,y. nun average scorw nine- was tflll Schrtabert of Royal rfotel with 190. As a reault f last j sight' play. Grptt and Old Em-i press are now lied for the league PARIS icadersnip. , Old Empress I Ciccone - is Ourvleh ... Mr- J. Comadlna 112 Kinslor 160 Junderson -H Tatals . .736 Printers 1 Zleman If Samueteon .74 West SLmofidson .. Paul Totals Grotto AsmeMtn F. Cemadttia .. McMeektn .Bury S.Meran Totals Royal Hotel 144 17 134 78 1 13 146 148 ...205. .. 166 .794 1 Donald . .. 141 Todd - ...IH Zarellt lit Shriaberg KM Smith 21 Totals 897 6 16 53 86 16 this winter Veteran observers feel'Orotto j . 4 that unless the expenses and 'Old Empress 4 The league standing to date Is: Alpha, 12.149. Oamma, 11.657. Beta, 11 .306. The Dally News is an oarxr; ' CEALZD Trader addreaaed to deralgned and endomed known to hen She tells of the hunt for bear or wolves, of 1? f2t rw""a A. B. C tbe a - reod 1 iniieo oiPie1 nas ar last iounu ner suui anu mere is great mu t reeved uu 12 ociocx noon. r il,. tf v TnrfT. January 31. 1939, 1st wharf irmln at Old MasuctL. Skesna OUftrlct, ererS 0. Cmrtneer PSMt OtOct "bunk" of skiing is eliminated Royal 3 there Is UtUe chance of the sport Printers 1 continuing ' its Jv 1 - has the past eight winters states that Defeats Alpha by Small Score But winter sports have hit a plateau Utter Still Leadine Leajue above which they cannot rise until made available to lower-lncom up they found that skiing would land them badly in the red, so there .are half a dozen glrlt whose families are moderately well off wba : would like to ski but simply cannot Jree It for the money. "Even with average New England mow conditions." the winter vmtU veteran cpnt'nu?d. "I don't set how we can exnect any growth lr he future under oresent arranee- ments.. What I hope I that ski I ins? will follow the ttolf -end. II v01d Connfrv Soccer Round English Cup Iteplays Middlesbrough 1. Bolton Wand- B. o. t Southend United 4, Chesterfield Plana, term at contract and apcl- M , 3 ,n.rti-, 'OVeriimei. cancn can be ttsn and form cf lender obtained at the vine cf th Chief Huddersfield Town 3, Notts Fbr- Eloeer. Dcjnrtment oX Public Work. q Ottava. at the otflee of the District 1000 ,., "TUn Vni: o dn. t Ufa o f- YmUaioM. B. C; atoo at the Port UPHAM, Eng., Jan. 16: CP t'-vw iiu a in. v ii i in ii f u j j i . uu i. miiuii icti in Qfjjcea at M.setit, B. C-. rnnce rcuperr in riorina. it ls not a love storv excent that it illustrates b.c, ' and vancour. TVitt D. n. M.A.r.AU fflrmwnil. , n y. .1. a sc, j j . a . iniinifvin- . ' . i , . mv t, i V. n n A ri Vl I . . n u a n Inln i, m t ,i . , , T , . . - Tendera wui no - ODiwwra ure v, ni- uaiiucu uu 'vn uiw the affection that may exist between father and son and made on primed rem uppued by the a aztta team and has cnaiieneed between a boy arid one of the wild animals of that part of F!$oJ?Sa fSSiia any other side of seven brothers in1 the Uri w.ii.vu ted States. mvmvv. Trip The . . w vpnrlinrr vearlint? ?s is w a " n vouno- vnnnrr . Mi, Aaar deer v. v. hnf hut f thf? .iiv Virt tender nwt u accompamea Britain to a game, so far there j tj f tf It d ch 0jj chartered' story is not the story of the deer except incidentlv. It is bant m oanada. pajw to aa.are no takers. Ju .. l 1 of the Honourable the Minister of Pv- UIC I.ury Ui llie uuy. jfo wtork. equal to 10 percent oi iie-- frH. a. 1 A e L. .. 1 1- lLi il tf munmt nf th- te j ne ureai ueauty oi tne duok is mat tne writer, mar- ir5mYnW at Canada or ot th jorie Kinnon Rawlings, seems to know her subject so wellJf gj b, that she Interprets every light and shade of the woods. tkr.any guaranteed pj every emotion of the strance inhabitants seems to be truf'atoemenUoned honda pnncifmt ana of canaaa. or , a and a certl-' to tnakc up an the differences with neighbors, of the family life, of the "zZSEtZ!!1 . M blue prima ana apepneauon oi ta .nit ui t iitt t i experience with the rattlesnake which breaks down a w m dp ouwmrf sioiio. m nuarre' nnd of the terrible flood and of the final effort 'to .ord?! deal yfth the growing up fawn in such an intimate man- J tSuJll net to lead to the suspicion that many of the incidents cction wmun a moam rrora tu must, have been experienced by herself or members of her twnt pertSuS depiwSi be family. It is an interpretation of the crude life of the set- xor!tluL tier in a pari of the United States usually associated with - JJiFtSinsmuj!. snmmer resorts, semi-tropical fruits and palm trees but ' ' PuW0ftrurT'' ot which has nothing whatever to do with any of them. j Ottawa, January a. i3. 144 167 133 191 165 S00 2 121 136 139 1T6 IK 759 2 163 IN 196 .191 179 918 2 186 169 170 161 1T SM The Itmgut jf ndliX to date: uiiuuig to Mi giuw grow fi or even cini holding tivnuiii own I'Sunci thinker of this city who, LQU NOVA been In the ski business for 9 may loan money to the Chinese gevernment to help her't-ague m Saturday. Oamma was MI tried to get my own daughtei or . Italy by applying economic ana commercial sanctions . by a smaii margin 1 wun a . score . oi - - r:" Tr r J 1 ..A j . e t t f ncta' sMire was 1848. pretty good at them. She and a against mose countries ami in iavor 01 ner vicuins. -"-: -. "ZZ :; 7, tW few of her friends considered it Winner of .May 25 Bout Will Chance at Joe Louis' Title In September . v., t 1 .1 l ir 1.1. nr 1 111 iiie iik uuLuixjr suuiu aim ..-,. .mn.. . . .r. . . ntn luniv, jmn. 10: itn jmss Bier, former world's heavyweight thamniim aiwt Iau Kavb hav hn but like of these level-headed for the highest average scores in many tot a rmmd bout in .--u 1 .,. n.oi-t v,.n1 nt juunsatcrs uicj tiguiru uu caui iuai "- v ...v- . . . . Mirtlinn fiiiar n a riin nn If iu M any danger or reprisals, She plans to take action to curb Ailplu with 214, Emily YamanakaiJ1 ost "u1d against C03t tfhe!1i!(klStac,n.!: their allowances The winner wUl probably get a Krause of Beta with 179. chance In September at Joe Louis the preent havye4fht champion Hockey Scores Pacific Cnat League Seattle 0. Spokane 3. Vancouver 2, Portland 2 (overtime tlet. WOMEN WEItn I1LTTEK tONDON. Jan. 16: (CPi -Ladiel Skiing Uub defeated British Unl- wasn't so many years aeo that gol' a was very much of a rich man's "rsuies ski ciud team-oi men -game; today almost anyone can ,n tne f,nal oI inautural British play golf within their budgets." Indoor Ski chumolonshlp at Earl s ceuri stadium here. ClirjMlCAl S UP LONDON. Jan. 16: M3Pi When now covered football fields dur-Jn the Chritt-nas hlldsv gamesi clubs used jawdmt. blue U-newash. yellow ochre and red colorings for line markings It EX Bowling Alley For Health and a Slim Waist Line Bowl For Heservalion Phone MS For QUICK SALE! Two Snap Bargains 1929 1929 Marquette, flood condition Chevrolet Coach ROYAL MOTORS $98.00 $95.00 16. 178 826, 3 213 166 The Morning After faking GrtersUtteLverPil PARIS IS DELIGHTED the bank-account as well as the 3 jiecUl prestige of their clienU have 170 1 second. Marina, Duchess of Kent came third. As usual, about half of those who captured the coveted places were Rothschild formerly Catherine In L P nd too a rcianiat payment oi a oaa act. taiu was full of tin , . The rivnjry is Mrs. Pa tine and the Windsor, is they aro Uamt-tlu and have me ritle of "World's HetH Returns To."Ihry like a cerUij Euroncan. Duchess of Windsor 'but Of) the whole xtuk Second Jan. II: iCP The Praanh ranltal is ail acott to Set aiFoprsut. and a Bourbon princes 174 1 at that. Mrs. PaUne. wrest tht 181 Parisian dressmaker's title of TV 183 World's BeV Dressed Woman wMw from Ameriea, The dress makers who must keep In mind ".itA.i0:! EDMONTON Jar.' U1C iXTJUUI CVtMlll. 1I. 1M- rlson Williams, sixth: the March-1 iones of Paris, seventh. Mrs. Oil' 147beri Miller, eight; Senora Martlneii Ml d ltf ninth and Mm Jnn Du 174'poy -formerly Dorothy Sprketoictu1 ,wuU,ni,ru art; A.f f2.in fTft rlm t leavnlfi " 'I Mn& The Durht-M ios Tut beta (of a weakness for trimmt. i A , makers in simp;. y j yj PaMne snowed be'tr mc 1 n many as 30 ttmen "iJt ri; the same dres the D :ht: 1 Wiadwr In block vl pattror In brtthtrr " .or 1 II ii eti'inaiea v 'xtti these 15 wonv-n spcri -m il l.tt,G0O a year thrir imtt r-nditure varying fr t: jo) I some .rmbamuolng moments lit 200JXK a year chooatng 144 1441 ' The ,- r Ducheea of Wlndwr. who 7 held first place for two succeed II n 1 n years, has now dropped to, lYlinimUni TOOO 3 167 193 157 159 147 Allowance On bom on the western side of the I Tj l IT J AUantlc Baroness Eugenie dc Keliei U 1(1 I Then followed Barbara HuUon Prftminpnf KMCM tit t t4. I irywinljHn Ilanvwltf T7MnllAwi- iwm Lt I - - " . . . . V . . . .w Mrs Mrs Jean Jean Nash Nash Dubonnet; Dubonnet; Mrs Mrs 1 ' tune but because her father -hi- law. Don Simon Patine now Bo! ivia n fnrin mini.).. - w. . UMlluui in Parts . - w... . . . 4 1 m iinK 111 L7U 1 !U speetal committee aiv . .d ijil Alberta loverntner.: . tnu Itef matters has re ri.,a:M minimum food a!. . UiHil 4 . 4 Dke Cromwell: Lady Elsie k f f Pinrhpr CrfiM 3 3j Wolfe Mendl ami Mrs. Oeorge V1 1 V,ICU l Bonnet ,me The latter la th wife of tVauk tHl, k. . I 1 -, 1 1 until tvicru uiwunri wita Mvnri .received King Oeorge and Queen- One I Elisabeth last July. 1 Mrs. Patine U often referred to lifl A V 11 1 FTi rne r1 nttt be Vl A X K A H K ;cao'e of ner husband's rokusal for Hrokt Dead Mil tjpri Years of Ale sal Of Of Tilled rimilr PIXCHER CREEK A 'CP Lionel Br rancher of this eleh'.iet died Sa of eighty -one H" British family iart tl ' Lie tj ' a uA THK CONSOLIDATED MINING & HMKl.TLNfi COMPANY OF CANADA LLMITKD TlUIL-nitlTISII COLl'.MniA Manufacturers of Hlcnhant Hrand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phonhate. Sulphate af Ammonia, Suprph' phates. Cernplele i'erliliters FmHmpis & Mefiner of Tadartac Ilrand Mctali Ootd y'lvr letlrotc Lead, 7Jne raHrrlnm nUmith. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD, Steamers Leave, prince Rupert for Vancouver T.S.S. CATALA KVF.JIV THUS- T.KA CAKDENA FRIDAT, DAY, 1:30 p.m; 10:30 pjn. Iue Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Du Vahrouver, Mondty t.m. If Convenient. Heae Purthaj Ticket at Office "urthe- Information Regarding Reservntlons and Tttketa IW" A. W. NEWMAN, Prince llapert Atent. Third Ave. riioot S Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. Kor Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'oeuyre One Package 8erves Pouf People Keeps for Weeks In Refrigerator Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co, Lid. Prince Rupert nrtsti Colunibt