Saturday January 14. 1M9. toe daily trews PAGErnRF.E mm Mother Of Chief Of Police Dies t- A kun rlniiKlt II! fnr mnmm limn m. -k ...J r : Building Resistance and Holding Weight In the Maltrr or Ihe HI rkiKMiir A I ase and had been a resident of r 4 malt f-jr fourteen years Mrs j t n w survived by six sons and Hulld l. C Payroll Bs ause it is so good to build ;, my reUUiKe and keep my weHrfat I use Pacific M ;k regularly." writes Mrs. A. K E. "It seems mueh rlch-f ihan other milk I have '.led and Its flavor U at the T inks. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated Of Course i tnr. rrttr.MR rm iiT or iuutimi roi.t mum IS rKOIltTH l It-.r Mailer tf Ihe " AdmlnWralUil Arl- I Ibe lller of Ihe IMAit ol John Uallurd Mrorol. lerrI TAJC3' KOT1CX Uws by onW of 111 itzc w e rwr. u nut or o' - - A D I appomned ,-j'.ir of thr Mtu of John Wr.j cunanbreJc dwt and U tTJ3 haung rtauna acaJnat the aald ne nrrrjbf jwjuam V furnlh rrnn wnwriT rrnfim a me cm or b- 1j i w. i3Ui day of IXimary, 19W. ar4 cU parura aoMrd to thr eittaU ai mfu:rrd to tMT amount of Uwir ausi-iMw to m rrunu. KORJktAN A. WATT. Oftlotal AdimnlnUutof, rrttvw RuiTrt. n. C. Dttd a 13th iay of January. irji in iiir. si THmr. roi Bt or iiritiii COI.IM1UA Act" And In lh Matter of the tulale of Itrnry I MnloJ, Drtmtrtl, OthrrwUf Known a Harry I', Marlod TAXK NOTICE Uuat by Ordr f Hi Ilonuur Judge W. E. Flahrr, Local Jud of tto Bupmna Onurt of DrtUah Col wnbia, made tlw 91m day of rxormbcf, 18M. I waa appuUKM AdmlnUtrsXor ol t tMUkt of liftirj r Macliewl. other-knom aa Harry' P MaclAod. d. "wrt, and all fnrik having clauna Kinnt tn tau rruu ara acrcoj i- lulrrd to fumlnh atone, projwtly Vrt-IWd, to m on or brfore tha let day ot ftbruary. 1B39, and all pnrbtoa Indebted O th eaut are ifMjxl to pay tht "nnuiH of tiMOr IndobU'dime to m fofinwtth. NORMAN A WATT. Official AdmtoUtxator, rrlnoa nupert, D C. . Dated th4 Slat day of December, A.n. IMS. IN' TUB StTHKMK cofKT OF nlHTHM (Ol.tJIIlIA IV iMinnlTK the Matter of Ihe "Ailmlnlnlrallna Art" And n the Mailer ot ihe K.nlale ot llarolU "If Bid l)irlu Jarohnen. Dereaard TAKE KOTW io.t. btf Order of III! llniifc, W. E FUwr, tha 2BU day Dnormbw. A. D. 1938. I waa ap- Elderly Lady Died Last Eve - iwimiyururnuLW vi iwie iww ... . vi v. "roJi BlgvaW DorHia JexobWll, nrv 27. !"lnit the mid Uvte ara hnroby ra-JHHred to furnlah aame. properly vert, "fd to me on or tiejore the nd day J JVIjruary, A, D. 183B, and all parliu luftWji to u rlltaU) M, requlml (o Mie amount of tnoir maDwuntM w me forthwith, NOHMAN A, WATT Official Administrator, rrince Rupert, D O, .Mr. Mary McLennan of Summit Apartment Passes Away In Prlnee Rupert Crnrrai lloxpltal Mrs. Mary McLennan of the Summit Apartments, mother of Lloyd McLennan who la in the Canadian National Railways ser-?lee here, died at 10 oelock laat nhtht In the Prince Rupert Gen- erai nospitai. me had been In Prince Rupert for the past yeai and a half, having come from Van-Icouter to reside with her son runerai arrangents are In the Mr. Harah Jarklln Pause Away In nanus of the II. C. Undertaker nsqulfiult at Ate uf Seventy- and the remains will be forwarded Seven Year by Wednesday evenings train to ,Vaheouver for burial. Mrs Sarah Jacklln of Esnulmalt. Mr McLennan was eighty years mother of Sergeant Christopher f a fl?.d " born ,n ntarto-jarkltn chief of city poll" here. "N vl British Columbia . ... ....i" ......... for fifteen vear t . ica away m vifuma nuiuiuay ... . ,; U m heart trouble with whlth she Other children, beside the son here? are two sons. John Weslev ui.i . w u .. . w. .. -- i , .U j . . . ... ... . , . . . iMrlnnin nr MoHirina ift nni Du; xg the past lew weeu nope nar, " - Y.77; .r r' J had been caiiea souin re She wm eventy-seen years a. thrill daughter, Local Couple Are Married Mrs. D. W 311 Olady Cook Become Bride of Joheph Marchlldon I On Saturday evening at 8 o'clock IIOTKL ARRIVALS Savoy Mr and Mrs. William Leosk. Mel-iakaUa. Pat Shelham. Dlgby; C. Johnson, city: Mr. and Mrs. T. Oos-nell. Port Simpson. Itoyal J Jerstad, R. Hansen. O. Fransen. .. Eleboert. Mrs.' BUk. H. Hansen ind B. O. Albcrtson. city; Harry Hunka, CJJl.; H. D. Daney. Vancouver; P. 8takkeland. New Westminster; Mr. and Mrs. A. Krlstman-son. Prince Rupert Mabel Elliott, Qursnel; Frank Taaffe. C. O. Kingston and W. J. Deans. Vancouver; M. Lancaster Winnipeg; J H Ward, Hazclton; T. Woods and O. H. Tjcho, Smlthers. Central Qunnar Johnson and B. Bertlc- sen. city; Charlie Anderson. Dlgby: W. Tratchuk. CN R CAPTAINED GOLF OXFORD. Eng.. Jan. 10: H. de Montmorency, former Ox ford golf eaptaln and English in- idmlnulralpnitematlonal, died here aged 07. the United States In 1921. Announcements AU advertlsccienta In this col-wna will be charged for i full month at lie a word. ne ulaved for Orcat Britain against Toe II. Bridge January 18. S. O. N. Masquerade January 18. United Tea at Parsonage. Janu ary 19. Dance Seal Cove Hall January 20 Presbyterian Burn's Banquet January 23. Eagles' Bridge January 25. Anglican Tea Miss R. M. Davles January 26. Junior Chamber of Commerce Snowball Frolic, Moose Hall, Janu- Hospltal pall, February 3. Masonic Ball February 17. Cambral Valentine Tea Mrs. B. Thomson's, February 18. Anglican Spring Bale April 13. I LOCALS l! i COMFORTING MUCF FROM aafe. ITJ a. ""SIP JCutituf HEAD GOLD DO THIS Put none Vlck VpoRub up each notrll and nlR veil tk. Youll f4 bettrr Mcht sway. ft. mlt a ipoonful of VapoKub In a boa t ol bolllne wbot; men urtauie In the iteamlni medicated vapor tor arveral minuUsn. ThU Iookm phletm and further deari the alr-paxsaiea. At bedtime, rub yaponuo on throat, cheat, and back ao that 1U lonrnntinuMt toublt action ran relieve the mi-try ot th cold blle you aleep. VapoRub acta direct throufb the akin like a poultice: at the aame time Its medicated vapor, brralhed In direct. brlno mm. urn in u un- Uted alr-paa-' WICKS VapoRub jMlss Oladys Susette Cook were un-j 1 ' jlted In marriage at a quiet cere-l O W. Nlckerson is leaving on to- .mony performed by Very Rev. Dean 'night's train for a business trip to I J U. Gibson In the Rectory. Miss Vera Iona Cook, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid while Alfred Al fred fcdward Oillls was groomsman. The bride was given in marriage by her father. J. T Cook, before a small gathering ot Immediate rela tives and friends. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents on Praser Street where the happy couple received the best aUhes ot many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Mirchlldon will reside In the city. Lastern Canada and the United States. Mrs. Nlckerson Is accom-! TODAY'S WEATHER Prince Rupert Heavy rain, southeast wind, 28 miles per hour; barometer. 20-47 falling!; temper- lature, 38; sea rough. The fire department had a call I T,inie Ralnine. aouth- at 8:30 this morning to a Japanese eart Vlnd, 25 miles per hour; sea rooming house at Seal Cove where i moderately rough there as 2-chlmney fire. No dam- Ljuigara Wand-Overcast, south-age was done. WCJJt w1nd 28 m'lJeg per hour bar- 7TZ , , , jometer. 29.49; temperature, 44; sea w- ,.r Mrs, J. W. Head, formerly otmnABrnt., rnoh Dirty Island and now resldlna ln n. Vancouver, sails by the Princess Nurah this afternoon on her return south after spending a few days la the city clouds, llsht southwest wind: bar ometer, 29.58; lemperature, 40; moderate swell. i Bull Harbor Ilalnlng, southeast WIIIU V U4! yP IIUUl IMIVUitKl, 291: temperature. 40; moderate swell. Falls to Meet Another pond Matur. Hy, This Time For $2,500,000 panylng him. v I EDKKNTON. Jan. 16: CP Hon Jiulf pnulfiil .Member Asks For Return of Keenlyside Investigation OTTAWA. Jan. 16: CP-A. W Nelll, Independent member for Co- mox, Albernl, has asked If th board headed by Dr. H. L. Keenly-side to investigate Japanese actl vltles on the Pacific Coast has made 1U report and. If so, when It will be tabled. iTransients Are Not Numerous Than Ten Thousand in Canada Minister of Labor States in Estimate OTTAWA. Jan. 16: (CP) Hon. Norman Rogers, minister of labor. states that there are less than ten thousand transients In Canada. The figure Is based on Information received from the provinces and from railway companies. Solon Low. provincial treasurer, an-1 'DEPOSITING i OFpSIGN Unique Naval Service at St. An-drew Anglican Cathedral Here Yesterday Morning A unique ceremony took place before a large congregation yester-1 day morning at St. Andrew's An-! Dead Tree Point - Scattered gncan cathedral when a white ensign was deposited by the local! un of the Royal Canadian Naval i Volunteer Reserve and duly dedi-j cated. It marked the first occasion' on which a white ensign had beeni deposited by any unit of the .Royal Canadian Volunteer I'eserve Alert Bay Overcast, easterly in the Dominion. There were tfc 4 Mi . It nMa. m ...m. L. .S- ' l m f I . a a - . wind, 20 miles per hour; barometer. 30.10; temperature, 38; sea rough. Estevan Raining, southeast wjnd 18 miles per hour; barometer. 30.14. Victoria Raining, westerly wind, 18 miles per hour; barometer. 3054. Vancouver Cloudy, easterly wind, six miles per hour; barometer. 3052. Prince George Cloudy, northwest wind, four miles per hour; barometer, 29.98. Terrace knowing, calm, temperature, 31. Alyansh Snowing, calm, 32. Alice Arm Snowing, calm, 33. Anyox Snowing, calm. 29. Harelton Cloudy, calm, 31. Smlthers Snowing, calm. 25. Burns Lake Snowing, calm, 19. 1 Stewart Light snow. calm. 31. ALBERTA i nrnAinTi 1EiriULl usual formalities attendant upon such an occasion. The local unit paraded about thirty strong to the Cathedral from the Naval headquarters. The en-1 sign was deposited by Lieut Orme Stuart, the commanding officer" and there was a guard of honor which marched with fixed bayonets i consisting of Sub. Lieut. James Bryant. Chief Petty Officer. In-i Itructor A. O. Bird and Able Sea-1 men Jack Armstrong and James' Bremner. The commanding officer. was assisted by the first lieutenant. Sub-Lieutenant William Elk-! Int. Beth Rt. Rev. O. A. Rlx and Very Rev. James B. Gibson, dean of the Cathedral, participated In the dedication and there was a sermon appropriate to the occasion by the Dean. . . Following the service the unit' marched back 'to naval headquarters for dismissal. i Winnipeg Having Mildest January Cci J. W. Nkholls. general man-'nounces default by the province of0nIy Fre TltnM ag ThermowM1? ager oi me uanaaian Hsn st voia wim maiuniy oi w,uuu Storage Co.. will be the speaker at!'hlch tell due today. It is the see the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club on Wednesday of this week. Mauriee Teng. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A Teng. 613 Eighth Av- ond default in a month, the first having been for $1,000,000 on January I ?,QuesneI Favors enoe East, suffered a broken right . 1 O 1 arm yesterday morning in a tall Land SfttlPTtlPnt AjXA1U '"ClllCm Uh.a,blcjtlln the step! of his' hnmr III U nhlo tn Mtntlmi alt ,1 : Plan of Louis Lebourdais 3I.LwV. .Tieets un approval a meeung m me cuy council! QTJESNEL, Jan. 16: CP The 'City Commissioner W. J. Aider QUesnel Board ol Trade has gone Is called for Wednesday morning on rccord as approving a scheme of to Introduce a bylaw fixing five settlement proposed by Louis Le-Dercent interest on taxes paid after bourdals. MI. -A. for Cariboo, for February 1 this year in advance of th, Carlboo nnd c.ntr! Rritish due date The meeting will also Columbia consider such other business as comes before It RPPORT ON i Future Of Duke Of Windsor Is JAPANESE'Sp!:u,!ted.0n NEW YORK. Jan. 16: CP The Sunday Herald-Tribune, in a dis patch from the Riviera, speculates S of Windsor to England may lead to his assuming duties as a sort of( deputy to the King or to his be-.', coming Governor General of Can-J BAR SILVER NEW YORK. Jan. 5: ICP Bar silver was uncnangea at -h-uc per t ounce on the New York metal mar j ket today A Hot Time Is What Yon Want This Winter You can get It by usinr our famous Fdson. Bulkley Valley or Xanalmo-Wellington coal. PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 or 558 im tn finm.a;jL!i ckk i.rrm;:xri tux mxm in vrnxm i aaii JANUARY SALE It is a Rood time to recover the kitchen. At this January Sale you can do so economically Dominion Inlaid Linoleum Six feet wide. Regular Square yard $1.40. January Sale ELIO'S FURNITURE THIRD AVENUE iiiiMiii m m imtia vmmsmrumit - $1.20 I a Prince Rupert 3 xaaiiamii: v tmt.a Been Below Zero (g WINNIPEO. Jan. 16: (CP) This tlty is experiencing Its warmest o January lrt a quarter" of a century. J g Only five times so tar this month 1 2 has the thermometer dropped be- o low zero. Usually. It runs steadily S sub-zero In January. 5 "PROBABLY BUCKSKIN ' FORT WAYNE. Lid., Jan. mal's body. Walker's Music Store Large Stock Musie Ilelntiman, Nordhelmer and Lessee Pianos Piano Toning with "Resonosespe" Phone Blue 389 312 4tb St VIULIIN15T and TEACHER K. P. GRANGER Trained In Europe Advanced Students Beginners and PHONE RED 920 Music Ruth Nelson A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. rilONE GREEN 390 I BUSY MONTH (are haying a busy month In 5 ! tara uiaxa ri;iizracJl International Cafe THE TRAVELLERS CAFE S g Has changed ownership and Jj will be continued as the In- H S trrnatlonal Cafe under new 1 S management with entirely j new staff Including a first 2 class cook. Full Sleals Served for 25c Satisfaction Guaranteed INTERNATIONAL CAFE 211 Cth Street I M la t a r.a iwrm tm ra.ra;arrsr' . . . - i It you wish to swny a Classified, TRURO, Jf. S., Jan. 18: (CP)-, January. The college will give ex Officials of the Nova Scotia gov- j tension eourses In egg-trading, fur ernment's agricultural college here farming and homecrafts. i. OVERWAITEA LTD. CASH or C.O.D. Libby'i Ripe Olives 8i-oz. tin 16-oz. tins Orchard City P.eas 3 tins Royal Crown Soap Powder Large pkg. Purex Toilet Paper 3 rolls 9c 15c 23c 21c 19c Royal City Tomatoes aGOl OCjp 2V,'s. 2 tins Large Utah Celery Per bunch 10c Phone m EGGS Grade 'A' Large. Doz. 25c Butter First grade 3 lbs. - . 79c B. k K. Pastry Flour Offp Pols 10-lb. sacks. Shrimps Wet or dry jPp xJl pack. Per tin Queen Charlotte Crab -f XJJU Qp Per tin Honey Graham Wafers -f ff n Per pkt J.DU Happy Vale Sweet Pickles 26-oz bottle Aylmer Tomato Catsup Per bottle Fresh Spinach 3 lbs. Lettuce Large Per head Fresh Tomatoes Per lb. Orarijes Sweet and juicy. Small. 2 doz. Medium. Per doz. Large. Per doz. Free Delivery on Orders $3.00 and Over Mixed 25c 15c 25c 9c 17 c Ashcroft Netted Gem Potatoes 100 lbs. S2.35 25c 19c 29c OOOOOO OOOOOCH)00000lOOOOOOOOflOOOOOOOOOOOiOOOCOOOOOHKl a ... ..O: s 16: h ( CP Wayne Knapp tost a glove o wrfUo hunting deer near Drum- 2 mund a year ago. He tried again this season, shot a large buck and ? found the lost glove near the anl-o 5 lo ! o a o s o o s a a $ o o o 0 a FREE! Decorated Friiit Juice Tumbler with Every Purchase of Briten Tooth Paste Both For 29c Ormes Ltd. "7im Jhonecr Dniqptsts The Iifxali Store Phones: 81 & 82 Opeii Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 noon till 2 p.m. 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. D00OeOMCOfOOdOO0OOO0OlOOOC'?OOOOOOCri3OOOOHOO0M Heat In Blasts from Coal That Lasts BUY Bulkley Valley Coal Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rHON-7 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldf. 0 a S Ot a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a g a a o O 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 s 0 0 0 I.