PAOE TWO BROKEN LINES SPECIALS! Ladies' White Straps, Pumps, and Oxfords, various heels. Values to $3.95 $1.95 26 pairs Sample Shoes. Size 1, Gracia make, beautiful designs. $3.95 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Paid In advance, per week .12 Paid in advance, per month .50 By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly -period, paid in advance . 3.00 By mall to all other countries, per year 9.00 Classified advertising, per word, per insertion . .02 Local readers, per line, per insertion .25 Advertising and Circulation Telephone .98 News Department Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations DAILY EDITION VTI LJJ1 Monday, August 28, 1939. THtfSjTUATION' - The international situation was this morning still very uncertain. Evidently Poland, France and Britain . are still standing solidly together and Turkey is staying with them. In spite of efforts of Hitler to break up the combination there seems to be no weakening. The only loopliole left for avoiding war seems to be the statement of Britain that as long as there are threat; of force they will not negotiate in regard to Danzig or the Polish Corridor. This intimates that if the war threats are withdrawn they may consent to negotiate. We do not see how they could possibly consider the offer of Premier Mussolini to mediate in view of the fact that he had declared that he would support Germany in her demends. While we must admit that everything points to war we are still hopeful that Hitler will listen to reason and will withdraw hisHclaims. The forces arrayed against him are too strong and if he can be brought to realize that, he may be willing to modify his demands so that they can be accepted. A TERRIBLE PRICE The Chinese have been defending their territory for a long time, have Jost possibly a million men killed and many wounded. Nobody knows how many casualties there have been. These men remained at home and interfered wjth nobody until they found their country invaded. Jn the Jarge centres of the country the Chinese find themselves still under orders of the foreign invaders, forced to do things they do not want to do. This is the kind of thing that must be stopped. The reign of force must come to an end but it cannot come if we are to be meek and refuse to defend oursejves. We are sorry for the Chinese but we have not so far lifted a hand to prevent the pillage. We have -considered it none of our business. All we have done is to make a Jittle f Uss when we found scrap iron being shipped to Japan to be used jn the war of aggression. MUST NjOT LOOK BACK We have to adrnit that most countries have been of similar acts in the past but that is no excuse for the WERE NEAR MOUNT TOP Lneal Party Camp Within !00 Fret Of Conyueriac Loftiest of Seven ( Sisters j Dr. and Mrs. Neal darter of Prince Rupert and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Martin of Vancouver returned m the city on Saturday after noon's train after an absence of a week in which they endeavoured ascend the highest summit of the BlOO-foot Meanshlnlsht or Seven Sisters group of mountains near Cedarvale. Unfavorable weather conditions and more dif ficult terrain than they had anti cipated prevented them from accomplishing their objective at this' time of the year but they gained; Knowledge of the country which T. J. Williams, who has been on a trip south In the course of which he travelled as far as San Francisco to attend the Golden Gate International Exposition, returned to the cltv on the Catala this mornln? CLASS!. FIE 0 CONNECTIONS WANTED WEST African importers and exporters seek connections with Canadian producers or manufacturers. Samples, offers for merchandise of all descriptions, principally fish products, and term: solicited. The Colonial Fisheries, Limited, Benylwah House, Wln-neba, Gold Coast, British West Africa. tf. HELP WANTED WANTED Girl with experience for housework sleep out preferred-give full details in letfer. Box 20, Daily News. tf WANTED WANTKD Used platform scales with weights. State Price. Box 18, Dally News. tf , WANTED Orders for Iresh blue-i berries, 8c per lb., delivery charg-' es extra. Apply Ernest Freimul- i ler. Prince George, B.C. (201) WANTED Good home for wlrs haired terrier. Apply Dally News. FOR RENT CLEAN well furnished modern apartments. Phone Red 444. ! FOR SALE present We are supposed to be living in an enlightened 'for SALE-China cabinet, gateie?1 ivm. We are trying to advance our civilization but instead j table, piano, rug, high shair. of that, we find a few nations turning back the clock, rP..' phone Black 925. (2031 verting to the system of a past age. The crisis through for sale c room house 2 lots, which we have been passing may possibly make people 1 oarage, smokehouse. Party leav-more interested in world politics than they have in the lne town- Pnone 116(1 m- 2M" past with a view to the organization of a really workable for sale Best cash or ter ! learue of nations in which every country will be willing to , offer takes ver-grey cabin dnifcnirf cruiser Bert Lowan, Phone 122 The Daily News js a member of the Canadian Daily MALE HELP WANTED Newspaper Association, of jthe Canadian Press and of the , Reliable Man take care store Audit Bureau of .Circulations. It is the only paper north Lm eLiMi of Vuncouver and west of Edmonton holding membership uTcome.p I w. Nut CDiTm in these organizations. ' Paul, Minn. (2on THE DAILT KEWB Baseball Scores ' SUNpAlTsCOKES National Lcacue Cincinnati. 7; New York. 2. St Louis. 4-6; Baston. 10-5. Chicago, 3-1, Philadelphia. 44. Pittsburgh. J-9; Brooklyn. 3-8. American League New York. 13; Detroit. 3. Philadelphia. 2; Chicago, 0. Boston. 0-3. Cleveland, 1-5. Washington. 8-4; St. Loula. 73. SATUKUAY SCORES New York, ,6; .'St Lou Is. L Boston. 4: Chicago. 5. Philadelphia. 5: Cleveland 7. Washington, 3; Detroit, (L National League Pittsburg, New YMc, 6-B. Cincinnati, Brooklyn 2-6. Chicago. 8-8; Boston, 1-1. they hope will enable them to suc-,0-4. sessf ully scale the range next year. As it was this attempt took the.n to within 900 feet of the top. i Roll no Vawac The party made base camp at UtllO the old D. W. Mines Ltd. which is at an elevation of 4100 feet. From there another 4100 feet was scaled Is Arranged wav . v C7- KINGSTON WON RACE: Another In Series of Mudel Yacht , Siu-iuts Saturday Aiienioun The fourth xi the series of model yacht races for the Tip Top Tailors' trophy run otl 8i'" furdr and r ulted in a good w.n 'for S. Hingiton wiin uie aiujk j - H. Oawthom. wtn the "1r- voder," was aecoad: M. MeKwizle., 4v4th the "Saucy La." was tbhrd; f A. J. Croxford. with the "Tyec ' I was fourth and Malcolm Lamb, .with the Ivanhoe.' was fifth. ; A fresh variable wind with a choupy sea provided a severe tea for yachts and owners aHke. A broken stay and damaged saiu J'lneyadte f. reed lain MacBae to pick up hm tc uouis. oi i; rjiiHiueiynui, entry, can uiaue. wno wiieu ;uj hMt rap? of the season, ran ln Iback luck on the home leg. lUaj I bsei gt awy aad before lie eoukfj jjcareh X it ran under the Imperial (Oil Wharf. Witth a trlekjr wind skippers were conatan force! . to tack and. on several occasion, j I the boats veered and got away or. i after which it was deemed advls- ... .. . . ... .. 'the wmu tack This meant a l-nwe unpen io i tay rti jvcuiu- jable. owing to the lateness .of the, . ... . v ,, Mniw -haid tiH pull lor the men and day ana uie Gangers oi tne enmn. day Local Team " Named in wa weary erowa oi oarsmeur to start the descent. Loose rock and 'that talked over their experience sheer cliffs was making the ascent Arror,BWMltB hnW4. rinnihr'at the end. decidedly perilous. Heavy rain the compieted for a ubor Day hoiiday ! next day resulted In the decision wwk.end wr1es cf two baball Mrs. J. C. Jack.-n. wife of the; to postpone me mating oi anomer hp,, prjn-. nUnrrt and naator of First Ualted Church, re- attempt at this time. Krtrhiknn t.hp u um m male- turned to the cttv on the Cardrna Also making the trip to the in- th t , nnrfh tt.lfh ,h. -,.1 Saturday afternoon from Vanoou- lerlor were David and Bruce, sons ......i K. ctwr rtnnrt wr u-e w ha. been vUUbur for of Dr. and Mrs. Carter, and Oeerge nMir llnvln. uMv from - the nat three mantha remained at the D. W Baker, whp n,eht and Ielmnln wly xuy camp wnue me aouit meinutrs 01 mornln7 f0UowinK There will be Rt. Rev. P T. Rowe. Blahop of uie pany aiieropiea me major - game a, Ketchlkftn on the sun- Episcopal Church for Alaska, waa cent. nhnArrl 'lfiP PHneeas nn Ufmii.. o fr.mnnn. nBMMiMr Mr. and Mrs. Martin sailed by n,- Utpn. tMlm maL.i,w .k- Hn Lotrtw Sturdav afternoon antn the Prince George this afternoon COOMitt of Dide Gurvlphi through to Vlctorta from Stanway. on their return to Vancouver. Bt-u. in-i, !in mth.., . " Sonny Stiles, first base: George Miss Helen Grant, who has been SFNIOU SOFTBALL STANDING Howe, second base; Benny Wtadif visiting at Smith errs with her stater, moosp js 2 .714 mira base; waiter Johnawi, snort Mrs. Norman Ktlpatnex. arrived m Grotto 5 3 Llpsetfs 3 2 Acropolis 2 5 Three Two - 1 4 .623 stP Herb Morgan, ieft field; Alex the city from the Interior on Sat .coo Mitchell, right field: Al Slmonscn. urday afternoon's train and saUed 2M centre field: Jack Campbell and the same evening by tte Prince 501 Sonny Beynon. spares. Rupert on her return to Vancouver. . IS APPLAUDED BY THl'CRITICS J. H. BULGER Optometrist Koya) Hank Hide Il'i tnt thai "FUr T" Ji bora of wII-gd whiskiti, tkiuull; blcndrd tad ,mrried"o tcbicre laprtm unootltati. Trail your tatfe nd jov can't tw wtoog. eCIdl CANADIAN RYE WHISKY 40 O2S.330 This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government oi British Columbia. Household Supplies Clothes Lines Ironing Boards Mops Tubs Pails Paper Towels Clothes Baskets FLAX0AP A Linseed Oil Soap for Household Use 1-lb. Can 25c Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE fiS7 Bulletins HILL KINK WINS George Hill s rink won the tity lawn bouling league ensmpiwa-ship UU night by defeating An-gu Macdonald'a rink in a final play-off j: to 1C. After a tie at 16 all, the Mardonald rink failed to get another huL Jlill' rink had previously tied up the league by winning 1 o It over Borland', itecewitatlikg the play off. AUSTRALIA ADVANCES HUOOKLINI AuUralian Davit Cuppers reached the thai u.iim agamst Xohu State, yesterday 7 Uromwieh gained the rr,uiJ third win over the Jn2uSU 1 6-3, 6-2. OCIJAN FALLS KEEPS TlTU Ocean Fall irtii.4 . ...u luf s tbern liritUli CUuuOka, rhampionhip in thi h-t the end of the uerk. Tb fa (game went to a Uu ull Oceau lalU won the aet fl to two. The local teara Mtn4 home 4Ui the Prinreas iluAti, this morniiir after an er.;onw trip. The Ocean falls were very hospitable A dim. ;aiuraay nignt was a feat THIS WEEK ONLY 2s Home ItcimtlieM, Toiletries Rubber Good, Stationery Candy and Irujr Store feiuiJrica AT HALF PMCEJ August 2Stli to September 2nd InchiMVc McCUTCHEON'S PHARMACY TIIHU) AVLMI, and SIXTH STK1XT 2 Walnut Hods Complete, special, each 1 Kitchen Range In good condition 1 Majestic Kitchen Ranee All steel. New grates. A real snap 1 McClary Kitchen Range New grates 1 Violin In cane. Just like new 8 Ruby Huggies From, up 2 Odd Chesterfield Couches- Each 1 .'J-Piece Chesterfield In tapestry and volour 1 Royal Typewriter- First class condition 2 Session's 8-Day Chime Clocks Each Prinre Humeri B.C. FURNITURE CO. USED FURNITURE S13.00 $22.00 $35.00 $32.50 $10.50 $4.50 $16.50 $39.00 2 tinK 1,at'1,i"re $35.00' $47.50 $27.00 $12.50 Phone RLACK 321 THIRD AV KM'E Next Door to II. C. Clothiers SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVER Steamer leave Prince Rupert every SATURDAY, 7 p.m.; MONDAY, 3 p.m. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the Monday, Wednctuluy, Friday, 6 p." PaHHenpcr Kxprcn FRIDAYS, 11,00 a.m. P For fares, etc., call or terlt City Ticket Offtcf, 528 3rd Ave-