M. i t ut 18 1MB. SPtLL IT BACKWARDS- "And you get the word MILK", pointi out EUie, the Borden Cow 'Andthafi iuu .hit KUM pure, frrh, wtie nulk with all the cream left in, powdered by removing the natural moisture content Simp y add If Urn to cold water whiik with a beater - and you have an tnitant luppiy of rreamy paiteur-Ued whole milk, I can't rv .,-mmend anything better for baby, liomc or amp KLIM "If Iff BordWs U't COT to fee good" Price 75c m p McCaiJery ana, John Denholme of Ocean Falls - ji.,:a -ailed Saturday v-J irrim) ui the c::y Friday on the f.r iir Prince Rupert lorlPrincesf Adelaide and left Batur- -c Nora will nter school 'cay nibt for Port Clements on his J way lor a visit with hi brother. IJamre Denholme, at Tleil. He ex- w M Blackstock. who itasipects to spend two or three weeks ' iH ( ijrjg the slimmer hereon ib Islands. w. o; Mr and Mrs. A.Rjj tailed by tle Prince' Ku- The fast Iraki attiring from the , t!u evening on nu re- East at 4:15 Saturday afternoon, . uver one hour and forty-five minutes late, was the last on summer ser- ;. M McLean and daughter, vice on the local line of the Canad-tK n it) the eUy for the dsn National Railways. The fall t 2 ,,i .wing a visit At Blew- and winter time-table is new being i fiy'urday night by the reverted to This provides for ie- on their return to train leaving for the East Monday. ,. -.u !! Queen Charlotte Wednesday and Friday evenings at j M McLean is the wife C o clock and arriving Tuesday. T, M Lean of the strainer Thursdav and " F rvi 11 o'clock MacKenzie's Furniture BLiU TYii LST MATTKLSS Over .800 hplral spring I : j s-t and 4-0 ssu-s. Each M l Mr.l K KING SPKlMt All Stzmi. HIT MATTIUKrS--All atse riio.N'c :;s S42.50 14.25 87.50 ioc3:saooooooooooooouo&buotruoooeooooooofKooooooooi The Very Latest fur the Hair HALO SHAMPOO N jtiwr a Riap nor an oil. Ideal for the .v family. A Colgate product Price 50c The Finest of Antacid Powders BISMA-RIX A preparation backed hy the Rexall (iuar-aiit.ee. We arc sole Prince Rupert Agents. Ormes Ltd. Jim Pioneer Druq&tets Krxall 8lor fhone. 81 St K Open Dally trum S a.m. till 10 p.m. Kunriavk and Uultdav from It noon till Z p.m 0 1 p.m. till I P-ro- OoooooooooooooooooooooooooooootooooooooooooooooooooiK Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'ocuvrc One Tackage Serves Four People Kep for Weeks In Refrigerator i Canadian FicK ft f.nlrl Storage . --muIMUi a. iuii vk o ,'rlnce Itupert AL British Columbia For prompt and courteous Tlce Phone 13 Taxi. I Mrs. H on a trip south. returned to the city on the Catala this morning. Arthur Button and young son re-j turned to the city on the Catala, this morning from a trip to Miss Helen McLeod returned paddled his canoe to Saturday nights at crossed to the Yukon by way of lti Pnraiinln RJvrr nnrl hv TXirt- aging Mr. and Mrs. John MeUor ar rrived in the dty en the CaUaa this xaoralng for a visit with their on and daughter-in-law. Mr aud Mrs S. J. Mellor of Digby Island Formerly of Stewart. Mr. and Mrs MeUor. since they were last here, have travelled extensively including a trip to South Africa. Harry Archibald of Vancouver who is on an ilhistrated lecture tour of trns district on behalf of the Co operative Commonwealth Federation, returned to the city on the! Prince Rupert Saturday afternoon J.after spending a week at Stewart. held a mceUng here last evening and will leave on this evenlng'.s train for hU next stop at Williams Lake. Charles Lake, well kivown plo- rrr Portia txJ Canal mlxujug mat-. saMnd toy the Catala this morning on his return to Stewart, ha vine I arrived In the cttjr Saturday eve 1 dug on the Prince Rupert Jn com- Inany with Alex Fraaer who. hav- Sjing suffered a stroke, has beer jureugnt to me fnnce Kapen uen- r . i..t r t m t.i ..it n T. Frnsers condition was such that Itt was necessary to use the am bulance in removing "him from I boat L hospital. MUSIC Miss N. Lawrence Teacher of Violin Theory Classes Corameiu-bit Sept. 1 PIIONF. 58 Harold Davey Teacher of Piano Popular Music 20 years experience in Vancouver Free Music with Lessons No Scales The only guaranteed course that benefits you financially. playing for parties, Enrol Now! At etc the News MUSIC Venetia Feero A.T.C.M. Teacher of PIANO and THEORY Classes Commencing Sept. 1 Phone BLUE G33 SWANA OLAFSON A.T.CM. Associate Teacher of Miss Way Piano, Theory Harmony, Etc. Enrolling Students for Fall Term PHONE 845 TBI BittT KIWI FAOETHREa LOCAL NEWS NOTES home on the Catala this mornlngat j naval barracks. i rum a nouaay inp to viuicuuej and Victoria. D. C. McRae returned to the city on the Catala this morning Xrom .a business trip to Vancouver. Mrs MeRae will be back later. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McCirtcheonJ who have been on a trip to East ern Canada, returned to the city! on the Catala this morning, having returned home via Vancouver. Dr. Elderer and his companion, a young man named Bradley, is in the city today on his way south bound from Skagway. He Waterways. Alberta. May 22, Theo Collart' returned to the city on the Prince Rupert Saturday evening from Stewart where he has been 'on business In connection with bis mining interests. Mr. and Mrs. R. M, Wlnslow re turned to the city on the Catala this morning from a trip to Van couver, accompanied by their daughter. Miss Molly Wlnslow, who has been attending teachers sum faicr school In Victoria. 3 2 ? se r-. William Stone, Herman Engelcke . tf.'and William Lamble left at the end ! of the week for a brief bushiest trip j Worsfold, who has been Rurf intt Mr on1 Mm E 8 ATMatiine re-J turned to the city on the Catala $ this morning from a vacation trip to Vancouver. Carl Smith sailed Saturday even ing on the Prince Rupert for Victoria to take a course of training L. B. Jones, general agent, firt the Canadian National Railways HllMat Skagway Is passing through to- rlav aouthbound to Vancouver on Aklavik thf prtnee George, his trip mark ing the closing of the Alaska tour-tut iHvm He rloM not eroeet in reached Skagway' where belrptu nprt v. was met by his wife and son. i P. i p formula that has 1 m benefited sufferers for XI W over 60 years. Try it- YonTl V W be more tnan pleas- ft8! ' lj I ed with the qriickrieM lrflr m AiLumm iuu hit 1 1 ii i I I vZZTl Ill KUtF , I needle, aufferiiie. LHpcs 1 I Your ncrrt Drug Stan jJgH IlJ00prtln.tmltMl5. 'M imiiiiwd im W M 1 mJbIsbbVsUsIbJUH Mr and Mrs- Edward C Condon sere passenger aboard the Prin- :est Louise Saturday afternoon lol-owing a visit to Tukeqeah where Condon U Interested in the Po laris-! aku mine. Mrs. A. W. Hume and Miss Helen Hubey. who have been vlatting here for the past month with Mrs. Hume's son. F. Gavin Hume of the Banr of Montreal staff, sailed by the Princess Louise Saturday afternoon on their return to Tom McRosUe returned to the city on the Prince Rupert Satur day evening from Anyox where he has been spending a week in con nertlon with his mining interests. The shutdown of Anyox Is now al most complete and the next thing will be the closing down of the Post Office. Indeed the Post Office building there is now being de molished. DANCING Uudrson Dancing Academy Classes Commencing Sept. 1 Specializing Ballet, Mexican, TaR, Baby work Studio 121 2nd Ave. Blue 898 Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 2Sc a word. Catholic Tea September 14. Queen Mary Tea Mrs. Llneham's September 21. Hospital Bazaar, October 4. CJ3.F. Bazaar. October 7. I Catholic Bazaar October 11, 13. ' "Crescent Canadian Shows" Blg Iger and Better. Country Fair November 24. Daily advertising m the Ball) News Is sure to bring dally Prince Rupert's Annual Flower Show Wednesday, August 30, Metropole Hall 10 a.m- to 10 p.m. Admission 10c Exhibitors may enter Tuesday evening 7 to 9 or Wednesday before 8:30 a.m. All , nwmlp rmvinir flowers are asked to enter them. Entry fee 10c No fee for - " l'vul"v members. As an antidote to jittery international conditions the Horticultural Society wishes to make this an outstanding event Professor F. E. Buck of the University of B.C. will be the judge. . Dinner for Professor Buck at Commodore Cafe Thursday 6:30 p.m., Tickets 50c at Daily News or From any member of the executive I Edmund LiDsin. who has been J W. O. Fulton left on Friday R. G. Macaulay returned to the spending the summer here with his train for Lakelse lake to Join Mrs. city the latter part of last week father A W Lipsin sanea oy tne- rmion ana lamuy wno nave oeen " "'""'-' Prince Rupert Saturday evening on spending the summer there and Fraser Valley. JIrs. Macaulay and I TVinalac vill h rpttirnlnff Itm 1 111 w- -. o ka enn his return to Vancouver. 1 uu m uc icimuuis j -j "- j shortly. the Prince Rupert on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Wilding sailed, Saturday evening on the Princei John O. Blanchard. acrountant Mrs. F. Bailey and Miss Margaret Rupert for a vacation trip to Van-Ja'ar the White Pass Zt Yukon Route Bxlley, who have been spending the south. at Skagway. and ill Blanchard the and elsewhere in couver eammer here u, Mrs. BaUeys aon. rr nasjneprs aboard thp Prin- BaaJi Saturday atcr" . cess Louise Saturday afternoon go- Vfr. mMt s Black .v spend- infa wS at Swart to conTec- ing through from Skagway to Van- nn by the Cardena on their re-Uon with organhlng of the federal eonver. turn to Vancouver, election campaign for the C.CF.. returned to the eJtf from the north on the Prince Rupert Saturday Mr. and Mrs. A. T. ivarson sau- ed Saturday evening on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. They will travel as far south a San Francisco to attend the Golden Gate International ExposlUon. Bruce Brown, after spending the summer here with his brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Brown, sailed by the Prince Rupert j Saturday evening on his return to I Penucton. He wag accompaniea dj- his little niece. Miss Anne Brown who will visit in Penticton. -Build B.C. Payrolls- It Doesn't Come Of Itself il P, Via An overwhelming preference doesnt come of itself. There must be excellence. In the case of Pacific Milk this is found in' I the richness, freshness, purity and flavor. By packing under vacuum seal the whole natural flavor of fresh milk is retained; and only Pacific is packed in this way. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed r""" 0 9 ni I1H1 T-l Tin 4 TC? O s a. mil. o I Piano and Theory i l ALL GRADES 5 Private or Class Instruction r r-, 1 u rn. r,ro.c(.Virvil D also Teachers' Training Class 0 9 Twelve Years' Experience g o Phone BLUE 997 oWfOOWJOOOOWHJOiWOOOOOo CENTRAL HOTEL' ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C E. BLACK LEE HUNG CHUNG Chop Suey House Open Day and Night Second Avenue Beauty - Convenience Value! In Line Of KITCHEN RANGES See the New Enterprise First Before You Buy-Now On Display Elio's Offer You Special Trade-In on Your Old Stove for the New Coronet' The Range With Outstanding Beauty. Ivory Porcelain Enamel Finish. Made to Sell at $110. Special $95.00 We allow on your old stove $20 You pay only $75 Trade in NOW. Never Before buch Low Prices as These! Floor Covering Congoleum Inlaid Linoleum Get it Here, Price Down to the Limit For Suitcases, Trunks, Gladstone Bags See Us First ELIO'S FURNITURE THIRD AVENUE Prince Rupert