TAOE TWO Summer Shoes Wc Have the Finest Variety anil Styles in Summer Footwear. In White and All Other Colors. New. Shipment of Wedge Heel, Dutch Box Heels in Colors Just Arrived Agent for Mosco" Wonder Corn Cure Family shoe store The Home of Good Shoes EDITORIAL AND IT RAINED ltD. When the King and Oueen arrived at Victoria it rained and rained hard. This is not said for the purjKisc of gloating over Victoria but only to show that even in a, place that boasts less than thirty inches of rain in the year, a day can be just as unpleasant as it wasTbere last Sunday when everybody wanted to be outdoors but the) weather man said "No, stay at home." Happily it was ' fine in Victoria yesterday, just as it was in Prince Ru- pert, so the beauties of Canada's most beautiful city were' not lost on the Royal visitors. , , VYING WITH EACH OTHER Newspaper editors and special writers are vying with each other in trying to describe the King and Queen as very fine human specimens just as human as most of their subjects. One lady takes almost a column to show how Her Gracious Majesty the Queen is just as natural and charmine and hapny as thousands of other ladies of the British Empire. Possibly a couple of paragraphs frorr the Victoria evening paper gives as good an idea as any of how Canadians feel about them: " "One or two nhmses which Ontario's Premier em-ploved to describe his impressions of Their Majesties are well -orth repeating because of their genuine ring. No need Mr.HeDhurn analogize for confessing h was 'so enthusiastic' that he did not know what to say. Rut he probably summed up his innermost feelintre when he called the King and Oneen 'prea human characters' and gave voice to the conviction that 'they are the rieht tvne to preside over British democracy, and to rule the British Empire particularly in these trying times,' And all the Canadian people who have witnessed at first hand the memorable proceedings which began at Quebec nearly a week agn will acclaim the Premier's tribute to Their Majesties' 'great simplicity, power of understanding and gracious-ness at all times.' 'The definition of 'great human characters' is one to which Anglo-Saxondom as a whole will heartily respond. From the moment the Royal visitors stepped "from the great white ship in which they traveled to this comparatively younr worW they became a part of the newer democracy of the northern half of this hemisphere. They have now seen and felt for themselves something of the natural impulses which animate their ioyal subjects in thin part of the British Empire. Small wonder, then, that time tables draft n up with infinite precision and meticulous solicitude for the comfort and convenience of Their Majesties already on one or two occasions have made wav f of the gracious manifestations of simple friendliness and understanding of these two 'great human characters.' " AN'NaiEBOb Sometimes I wonder if reader! will not tire- of my rambling little Items on gardening. However, so marry- refer to them, even out of town people that I feel Impelled to keep on as occasion offers Now that Prince Rupert Is thor oughly garden-conscious It seems right-and proper that there should be a garden column as well as a sports column and a waterfront column. 1 ICam told that Miss Harrison ' had a: very.' fine showing of English walinowers in the garden of the- Nurses' Home. Many people try to grow these flowers but few get . satisfactory results. Evidently .they.do.not like our moist winters. Perfect drainage and a sheltered spot seem to be the chief requirements. One summer I sowed some seed and hid a patch of nice little plants that wintered well but none of them bloomed and the following winter the frost killed them all. The Siberian wallflowers are a pretty fair substitute for the Eng lish but they are not so fragrant and are. not usually as highly es teemed. However they make a great showing in the gardens: They are Just now coming Into bloom. Seeds sown now sbnulrl produce strong nlants for nei year's blooming. Flowers now about to bloom In- 2lude Siberian wallflower, day lines, sweet rocket, thrift, columbine, summer snow and some of the sedums and saxifrages. Sam Massty has a dwarf dahlia coming, n bloom but It has been coddled in the greenhouse. Flowers now In bloom Include the leop-ardsbarie, (big yellow daisy), aubretla,- pheasant-eye Trolllus, white rock, pansles, violas, alyssum saxatlle. II. F. P. Smithers Wins -New Hazelton Baseball Game S&nTHERS. May 51, - ne Smith-en Athletics baseball tme TtaMed New Ha-elton on Victoria Day and defeated New Hazrlton by a score of IS to 6. thus avenging a defeat they had suffered earlier la the u. Tfcreo rookie uitchac for New Ba-etton were uaoale rose with a awRtHn batting .-awee. BW Ctoooner. veteran third baseman, being called in to complete the day s hurling duty for the home team Mike O'Neill pit-h-d hi usual cagey game for Smithers, keeping tdght hit welt scattered. B4d doing effective mound duty. Mike led the Smithers fourteen hit batting attack with three two-baggers. BACKACHE? Kidneys that are not eliminating matte mattrr at they should will make you feel miserable arbey tired, de-preated' If luffering from backache, broken mt, rbeCunatic pain, you nerd I be 8 medicinal ingretiirata in Ga Fill to kelp your kidney filter out trouble-making toxic. Get a box of Gin Pill today. Two Size Regular. 50c and new Economy Sire (Doable the Quantity) 75c See the New 'Queen Oil-Burning Range No Wicks No Cleaning No Forced Draft 167 .50 Complete Install The "QUEEN" BURNER In Your Own Range $72-50 Installed KAIEN HARDWARE CO. PHONE 3 Music Ruth Nelson A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. PHONE GREEN 390 THE DAILT NKW3 WON THEIR : FIRST GAME Velvet DcfeaU Ktunrer Laundry Hy Score of I'iie To Two In Stuart Shield rtwthaU Scries lOOTUALL SCOIUNO SUMMARY ChrbtiMn. Navy. I. R. Smith. Navy. J. Crina, Laundry, 1. II. Dirkeus, Velvet. X. Arnulrvn-, Navy. 1. Mc.M-Uu. Nay. I. Simundsen, Laundry, I. Cameron. Velvet. L Gillies, Velvet. 1. Ilolkcstsd, Velvet. I. Last evening- staart Shield foatbali fixture provided ait iirtemUaf same with Velvet ser in the- first victory of the season-by be ting Pioneer Landry by mre foals to two bfre a f&td TOWd. Benefit i W SMLiM. l - - aw Ct m M X vw m MS t 0 B WILl ' YOU Over 12 year. ol,. ftttHD fQt m. Taia.adtrtietneQt la sot published or dbplayea uy u.e Uyvm ioiumI ItMrdur o. ' tnr w I of Briti ... Columbia un! good oatn he tired. Cross was thf At ihe atart nrmarlat wu Pt f th team whleh never on to save from Ferguson and. at 4WBfd to really setUe down. It the other end. Cress tested shlkl do heft better with a Krau. S&m Currie m playing CWfPle of change a good sitae. Slmundaen score' Teams: from Croats pas bwt Cameron Velvet Krause: Parsons, F. Oo-eoualteed from etote-rn. OUhH me: 0rer- Veltch. D. Oomea; dded a second. The Laundry at- 0,ms' Ferjuson. Cameron. II. taeJe-d following Sonberg's Jons Dkkens. Holkestad. drive. and Krau-e wi tocky to Pioneer Laundry Hugh Dog-ave on the line from Sfcattndsen. $: Bremner. S. Currie; Sunberg. Play was fast and the Laundry at- Buwanteh. Vanee: Monkley. 81m-taek-d fr a Htokeatad beat undsen. Crou. Brown. W. Oomer. rMtks from close-in Oeerge Dawes referred. 1 Caamn shot hh 0w W On- Th" Sllart SnWd -tandlng u met tried oat Knot and then, date: after eleatinc well. Brtawer gav; W DL PAPti away a p-nalty feottahly Fergusnn B W VJl 2 0 0 9 3 4 drove the -hot straight at Douglas Velvet 10 16 8 3 who aaved easily. W. Gomez Laundry 0 O 1 4 10 0 centred well and Croat scored a good goal. Play became much faster and Droclas saved reoeatedly ..Vance defended weH. Cameron mited an ooen goal and Dotttlas cleared from Otitis. Towards the CliiiFiED FOU RENT CLEAN, Weil - furnished modern apartments. Phone Red 444. tf. run Al.r FOB SALE 23 ft. trolling boat with gear. Phone 134. 127i FOR SALE Household effects Including Piano, Bedroom. Dinln; and Chesterfield Suites. Corner China Cabinet, roll-top desk, swivrt chair, linoleum, rugt. curtains, lamps, kitchen ware. Pugs-ley 320 Second Ave.. Plion-' Blue 53. 130 HEM WANTED. WANTED -Olrl for soda fountain and lunch Dave's Confectionery. H26t BOARD AND ROOM ROOM and Board with washing, $33 per month. Phone Blue 882. WORK WANTED SITUATION wanted by experienced : truck driver and gas engine operator. Will consider any kind of Job, anywhere. References, Phone 552. j4 '125) LOST REWARD offered for return of R. E. Hudson's Belgian Racer bicycle. Phone Blade 612. tf PERSONAL BE READY FOR EXAMINATIONS We have helped hundreds to ob- 1 1n tvw1IM a f offov rn r-4 vat tyvr.jaiatJU'3 fc vv W4attj Postal Clerks', Customs Examln-' ers, Clerks ( and Stenographers etc. Fiee booklet of Information M. C. C Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest in Canada. if. MEN past, 401 Feel like whole body run down? Try Ostrex Tablets of 2 stimulants from raw oysters plus 4 blood, nerve, body tonics. If nohdelighted with results first j package, maker refunds Its low, price. You don't risk a penny. J Call, write McCutcheon's Drug' Store. tf, Baseball Standings end H. DfcEens scored when hit shot w deflected oast Douglas and later added another with a nhi7 rather simnle looking high shot, p' F nrie was the better baek the half-haeV line of Vetteh. Z? n Goiez and Oreer eh-eked the nLtn crwin fcrwrd w Frwards PhHaderphls rV.v,. Wr- u - .uk u .v.. and Holkeatad were the pick rtTuh) ved rnanr a -hot and Cleveland b-rl )itu, rhinrc w h rrnt of the rhleaeo - rfri- wa very clever and Detroit 1 11 Wa-'hlnton Philadelphia St Louis National League W. 2i ,. . 21 20 . 19 IS IT IS 21 12 24 American Leacne L. 2Sr a -.21 12 IV IS NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FHO.M HOME Kate fl.Ofl up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prlnee Rupert, BjC, Ptinne Ml p.a Box 1H h THE SEAL of QUALITY mm GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by tha only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert Pet. .653 .611 26 JiU .471 .4S) .417 J33 .778 .636 iS9 18 17 nl4 Jt.l7 21 .447 . 11 22 89 -..13 22 J71 12 25 2U Keep up to date. Advertue COAL (J rain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT. FEED CO. Phone 3H and 5S WI.VXIrTO WHEAT rRICTS WINNIPEO ilay 31 -CP- Winnipeg when i -hanwd to ... 4- May closjn!; 4 USED FURNITURE Specially Priced for Qakk Selliac lTlirce-piecc Chesterfield Suite Q() G Woven Red Springs QQ nn Each .1 Dining Room Huff cts C1 O From Oxi5uU 2 Kitchen Cabinets Q-f ) ffA Each ldJ 2 Kitchen Tables Q4 A Each tl.DU .1 Standard' Floorlamps CQ ffft From, QO.dV FrinslcrCarpctsi 515.00 . ,.. 55.00 G Reconditioned Ranges 20 00 2 Singer Sewing Machines j2 50 ,hh ,,r;,m- $10.00 ELIO'S Tiimn Ar.M?r. Phone r.niF., oooooooooooooooooooooo)ooaoraoooooooot6noooococKfl Special . . . FREE A Beautiful Decorated Tumblen With Every: Purchase of Effervescent Fruit Saline Both for 39c Regular 25c Plate Brush Free With a Tin of DENTAL FIX POWDER Both for 50c FREE With Every Purchase of BRITRN TnaTrf P ASTE A Decorated1 Fruit Juice Tumbler Both for 29c Ormes Ltd. "Jim Pioneer Drtu&iats The. RexaU Store Phones: 1 & 11 Open Daily from I ajn. tlU 10 n.nv Sundays and Holidays from, 12 noon tlU 2 P-m. 7 p.m. till 9 p-ra. joooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaoooooooooooooo i