PAOE FOUR EXCITING OFFER QrtM irocx $74.73 IN COMMUNITY PLATE 59 PIECE CORRECT SERVICE SET $59.75 JCT COKTAMSt 8 Ucipoon, 8 Otntrt Spoora. 8 Forki, 8 H.H. Wyw, 8 Salad Forfci, 8 3 O'clock Tvatpoora, 8 tunt tpnadtn, 1 luttw Knift, I Sugar Spoo I CoM Mat Fork. eONYINIINT lUDOtT TIKMS MAX HEILBRONER DIAMOND SPECIALIST LOCKWOOD'S FUR STORE Spring Jackets and Coats Prices Reasonable. Call and Look Them Over Highest Prices Paid for Bearer Pelts CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAPE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Shower For Miss Rose Smith Was Very Delightful A delightful miscellaneous shower was held last evening at tht home ol Mrs S. V. Cox when Mrs T. Barber and Mrs. D. Parent and Mrs. S. V. Cox were joint hostesses :n honr of Miss Victoria Rom tmith whnsc marriage to Thomas Graham will take place early Li June The rooms were tastefully decot- : d i ir ihr occasion with pink ir.d wh:'tc streamers, , white beus and pink roses. The evening wa sper.! playin? bridge, chlnece rhrc-rrs and bingo. The prize winner-; at bridge were Mrs. F Ellison and Mrs. H. Oden. At midnight refreshments were served when the bride-elect cut a beautifully decorated bride ant? groom cake after which a heavily laden basket was presented o th' bride-elect. The evening closea with the singing of "Aula Lane Syne" and "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow." I Those present were: 1 Miss Rose Smith, Mrs. H. Smith' sr.. Mrs. H. Smith Jr.. MrJ L. Wide Mrs. J Murray. Mrs. R. Murray. Mrs. Lineham. Mrs. Healy. Mrs G. Howe. Mrs. F Ellison. Mrs PHONES IK and 81 AL MALT 22-lb. tin, plain Hop fla- Q-l OA vonred Q-&& FANCY PINK SAL MON Yacht I . 2 tin 23c LETTUCE Large, firm and crisp. 2 lp heads LOCAL RHUBARB - Crisp, fresh stalksure to OCf please. 7 lbs. Catholic Card Party Enjoyed Large Attendance at Happy Affair in rarish Hall Last Night An enjoyable card party was held in the Catholic Hall last evening by the Ladies' AW of the Annunciation Church. There were fifteen tables in play and the priae-wtnners were ladies' first. Mrs. A. Nobles: ladies second. Mrs. Ctecone: men's first. Mrs. Tatters 1; men's .erond, Mrs. ! Harriot c-n. The door prise was won by Mr. Buchanan with ticket number 51. Antcelo Astori was master of ceremonies and, J. L. Blaln presided at the door. A feature of the evening was the drawing for the sweater which was raffled by the Acropolis, softball team. The ticket was drawn by by Mrs. Peachv and resulted in ticket number 143 being the MacLean. Miss M Ketchum. Mrs O. Graham. Mrs. S. V. Cox. Mrs A. Barbe. Mrs. H- Oden, Mrs. C. Boulter. Miss Dolly Smith, Miss Eleanor Barber. Miss Betty Barber, Mrs. Dan Parent. Mrs.. J Johan-sen. Mrs. Adams. Mrs F. Barber. P. O. BOX 575 Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" HEDLUNDS SANDWICH SPREADS rjn 2 tins -ill CUT GREEN BEANS Better Buy. 2's talL 01 2 tins CLASSIC LAUNDRY SOAP 3 bars EDME GOLD MED 81.13 11c ROBIN HOOD OATS OQp Silverware. 3-lb pkg YELLOW SUOAR 25 C DUNDAS CLAMS Whole. Local product Vs 9Qp tall. 2 tins KREME WHIPT SALAD-DhESSlNG f OR SALADS 33c ELLO -SEALED rRESHNESS PRINCE RUPERT LOCAL EGGS- Oln OXK, Per dozen All our Cooked Meats are kept fresh and clean in our Electric Refrigerator Display Case Prompt. Free Delivery Service Throujhnut the City Two Telephones for Your Convenience Boat and Mail Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention B. C. FURNITURE CO. Bargain Prices In Used Furniture 1 Sewing Machine In QH (Z A good condition W i 0J i Typewriter In good QQ CA condition Jf7.tJV 1 Vacuum Cleaner jjJ2 50 1 Spic Span Cleaner (I OCA Just like new PX4.JU 1 Solid Walnut Bedroom Suite Consisting of Bed, Spring, Mattress, Chiffonier, Vanity and stool in QfiQ on excellent condition tpUtl.VV 3 pjece Chesterfield Reg. 79.50. Now . . . NEW FURNITURE $64.00 Heavy Rugs 4x6 .".-piece Bliic Vclour Chesterfield Reg. $105.00. Now $8.00 $89.00 Buy Your Furniture at the B.C. FURNITURE CO. On Easy Terms. Phone BLACK 32 1 Next Door to B. C. Clothier THIRD AVENUE THB DAUT K&n Hotel Arrivals Royal George Wilson, Stewart; Lee Rudolph and Bock Roberts. Endako; C. P. Billenttne, Vancouver. Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. A. M Richmond, A. Farrow. O. W. Pearson and R. Knox. Vancouver; R, J. Lamport. Toronto; CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings received from our many friends during our sad bereavement. MRS. A. J. PHILLIPSON And FAMILY and BARNEY Those sending flowers were: The family. Phil Ray. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Murray and family. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wiggins and family. Mr Lahiff. Mr. and Mrs. Cousbu and Ethel. John and Anna, Don Macrae. Doris Larsen and Ellen Brown. Mr. and Mrs. TheophlU Collart. The Lancasters. Tsimpsean Lodge. No. M, A. F. and A. M.. Eric Rosang and family. Mr. an1 Mrs. George Johnstone and family. Mr. and Mrs. P. Doherty and family. Sisters and brothers ln the Old Country. Mr and Mrs. F. U. Oood and family. Mr. and Mrs George Scott. Mr and Mrs. Oeorg J. Davey and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McLeod and family. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Nlckerson. United Church C O. I. T.. Mr. and Mm H R. Hill and family. Mr Mrs. E. P. Jenner and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Dawes and family. Pete Lorenzen. Soarkes family "Terrace. B. C.. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Vettch and Mrs. Christine Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Simunson and Anton. Old Empress Hot.' Mr. Hlbbard. Pat and Haldls. Mr. and Mrs. P. Byrne and family. Mrs. Caravan and family, Mm i A. Wick and Roy. Wm Millar. liar-' ry and Sara. Mr. and Mrs. OreJg and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fran Lockwood, McFadden Bros.. Mr.j and Mrs. J. Anderson and family.' Evening Empire. Mr. Melvln, Mr i and Mrs. H. E. Alton. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Evans. Mr. and Mrs.' M. F. Nlckerson. Olof Anderson. Mrs. Macey sr. and BlU, Frank, Macdonald. Prince Rupert Plo-j neers. Martin Johnson and Mar- paret, Mrs. Forrest and Mary I;t-ness. H. Friesen, James Thomas, Bums Co.. Rex Cafe. Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Ayers and family. Doro-i hv and Arthur Davis (New West-' minster. Leslie and Dulcle Martfn 'Vancouver. Fred and Sybil Dlp-f tock 'North Vancouver). Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lindsay and family. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Eburne. Mr. and Mrs.j A. O. Birtlett and family. Mr.j and Mrs. Lance Stiles and family, Rita and Jack, Mr. and Mrs. V. L Hanson. Mr and Mrs. R. B. Mor-Tan and Walter. Mr. and Mrs. J A. Murray, Judge and Mrs. Fisher and family, Mr.1 and Mrs. W 4. Lineham and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Brass and family, Eleanor and Bob Moxley. Barney and family. Home Oil Distributors, Ltd., Mr. and Mrs. A. C. K. Sloan, Tuxlj and Trail Rangers Group of ths United Church, Mrs Sara Rud- land. The United Church Ladlei' Aid, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Ryan apd 1 family, Mr. and Mrs. ' Jim Park3 and family. Hazel P. Hill, the Junior Choir of First United I Church, Mr. and Mrs. SJancy, Abe jKing and Boys' Band Parents' I Association. Tyee Lodge number 66 A.F. & A.M.. Jim Munnls, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Macey. Dally advertising In the Dailj Npw Is sure to bring dally results. -!t 1 DAY and NIGHT Phone 13 Taxi Opp. PAT MAZZIE Post Office, 1th St. Donations For Celebration At Port Simpson Whifflets From The Waterfront -1 C. N. R steamer Prince Oeorg.v The following were the donations James Watt, arrived in port ; to the innual Victoria way ceie- at I0 od this morning from bratton at Port Simpson on Victor- Vancouver. Powell River and Rev and Mrs. A. Abraham. Massett: i la Day: Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 Arthur UMand. 5tt: Mr. and Robin Hood Flour Mills, four 36' Auw.v thta ft rnnnn far Anvoii Mrs. T. Johnson. Port Edward. Central John Lothian. cKy 3. H. Rut- ledge. Kirkland Lake J Huzto. C flour. Burgess Batteries, three two- and gtewart. The vessel brought cell rushlights. Ever-Ready Bat- ln a Brtsed list of pasnengers. terle. one flasnltcht et. Blue Rio- bon Tea. five lbs. tea. Hudson' Bay c N n uaamer Prince John, NR.; O. Downey. Wetland; D. B.j Company Wholesale. 3 lbs. coffee, rjapt. George Coles, coming nor'h Axwll. Watrous. Sask ; B. Houzen. Francois Lake; M. Hougen. Burns Lake; A. Cleland, Prince Ocorge; J. Hartand. Digby Lsland. Savoy Mrs. J. R. Rogerson and Miss M. E. Wilson. North Island; Mrs. Tom Cornell Port Simpson: A. Mtkefoon. Jofcn Johnson. Elinor L&trud. J. Clarkran and A. Allen, city: John Sheehan. Eddv Pass: Mr and Mrs. C. Johanson. Dundas Island. Columbia Paoer. one wnung iper fmoi Vancouver via the Queen set. Oeneral Steelware. one set charlotte Islands, was in Masseit pantry tins. Oeneral Sieel wares. Inlel morning and la expected one kitchen waste can Ormands to MrlTe hett at $:4S pm Foj. LW.. one box chocolate. ficott tewdng arrtvai, the Prince John Bathgate, one carving set National iU be withdrawn from service .- Biscuit Co. Ltd.. three Eversnarp undergo annual overhaul at the pencils, three fountain pens. Oar- local dry dock, the steamer Prlnc-natlon Milk, 24 tin mHk. Pacific charle Ukin over the run with Milk. : tins milk p. Buna ii Co. ih sailing from here Friday nigh. Ltd.. one nam. r. u. b'ewmrt r;o. Ltd. one box apples. Heini Co. Ltd.. Southbound from 8wagway ti one dozen soup. North Star BotUtng Vancouver. C. P. R. steamer Prtn-Worfcs. 8 only ladles compacts. jeew Louise. Capt. S K Gray. i Cash donations received from due In port at 3:30 this afternoon outside: R. W. Sinclair. Inverness from the north and will sail an Cannery. $35. B.C. Packers, $23.00. hour later in continuation of her Cassiar Cannery. SIO. New England voyage. (Carlisle Cannery $5. John Clau- sen (FUh packer). $10. Van's Bak- Albert Farrow, steamboat In-cry. prince Rupert. B.C.. W Chris" spec tor, and Richard Knox. Lloyds Mill Bakery. Prince Rupert. B.C., $3. surveyor, arrived In the city on On behalf of the Sports Commit- the Prince George this morning tee of Port Simpson I wish to thank j from Vancouver to make an in-the generous doners listed above, spectlon of the steamer Prince The money and goods were used ln ' John which Is going into the a good way to make our celebration ; local dry dock tomorrow for an- a success. The B.C. Packers hasinuai ovrrnaui donated 3123 up to this year. A. Wesley, financial secretary. Victoria Day Is Celebrated TERRACE, May 30. Weather was not propitious for Victoria Day but. under the auspices of the Canadian Legion, the sports took place ln the park at Terrace. About 130 young people Joined in the events tnehid- ami'lng jumping competitions for boys ana giris. a ngnt drizzling rain kept up most of the day. In the evening, ln spite of a heavier down pour, a considerable crowd attend - ded the dance in Oddfellows' Hall -1 DEATH OF rj USK MAN The death of Henry Albert Butt of Usk occurred on the eastbound; tram yesterday morning while the train was between Hazeiton and Smlthers. It appears that Mr Butt had suffered a stroke at his home at Usk Monday evening and wa , being taken to the Smlthers hospital but did not survive the trip Deceased was a long time real dent of Usk. having lived there for fifteen Years He Is aurrlve-1 by a son. Henry, and a daughter J Mrs Bracken The remains will be brought to Prince Rupert Thursday night fo- burial beside deceased's wife. ' ""-. ;w una ! SUr Laushlng No. They're Bark In Anh iB-l Grand Show! MICKEY R00NEY LEWIS STONE "Out West With The Hardy's" At 7 1? and J i IT AIo M.MAUri or TIMC and NoTtll M CO.MINO TII' RS. ni CUtitrt fVtlHrr fan Amerh- Mar V v in -MHlMfillT ssBaswssssMsasasaHassaVaisst Office Supplies Typewriters and Supplies Stationery Printing DIBB PRINTING Company Reiner Block Phone 23 MISS Yt Kl Dressmaker Ladle' snd Chlldrfn"! Alterations Mtdrratt fritt rhone citr.r.s III ttl IRASEK ST. for the JUNE BRIDE ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES IP ivill gladden her heart and solve her J housekeeping worries before they start Don't worry over what to give that charming bride-to-be. Choose any one of the many attractive, moderately priced, useful Electric Appliances available now. A Percolator, Grill, Hostess Tray, Toaster, Waffle Iron, Roaster: each of them makes a gift she'll be delighted with. In fact, why not get together a few friends and give her an Electric Shower! NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED .