Letter Box MATRICULATION CLASS "WW woJd tempt you lo aoy?" "Ill ma with o $ Cop" SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES "TA aureif erm in lotttco ran he imoitj." Editor Daily News: During the past few weeks, a few citizens, who are keenly in-tt:r::ted in establishing a Senior! Ua neulation Class In Prince Rup-r for the coming fall session, have met and discussed ways and nr.. 3 of obtaining same, with the rr a. that w are now practically inured that our objective may b t -ned Cpmralulontr W. J. Alder has s'jrcrd that If eight or more stud- r : are enrolled and the sum of $12:0000 raiwd by the parent cf ',3k students, that he will es- L.t.h a Senior Matriculation C here At this date we have t tudents desirous of attend- us Senior Matriculation Class l:i I .Rupert, but it would be tdrar.tageous to enlist more stud tztL thereby reducing the burden d expense, put upon the present , j j .......i.... ', ' ;uk sir murYuui 111 w ri- Li.-sh this class Ten student w ..A mean an assessment f (Interested in this project, please communicate with the undersign ed who will gladly furnish more detailed Information. TIIEO. COLLART A. II. HILL-TOUT. iv tiih "i fKmr. roi kt or iikitimi (Ol l'Mllli i ritnimr In Thr Ullrr r Tk -AdiaiuMrallan Art" And la thr Maltrr ut r rUtr ut Jrn Trn fxilinrr Tlwroimm, lirrrawj, IkI .lair TAKE NOTICE UuA by ordrr of HU Itooor. W K. I1hrr. ch l&tb. HJ cf lUj. A. D 1939 T 4U .MMtnld Ad-tatnmUMr of th rnUr- erf Jrn Frier Dokmr TYiunpMm Orrranni, amd all ftVk tatkna; ctaima aaisi lb aa'd ntate arr hrBy rrqulrrd to furnta)) Mir. a. ptofMsrij ttU td to m on of tror the 17tt day at Jua. 19M. and ill ftfUf UMXKod to tfe nU r roojtaj to PT the amount of their MaiaVktnma to m rrthIHt. DATED th ISUi OM r May. AD lW. KlO.fA tOinSZ THOMPSOK Adzuijalratnx rruv Ttajxr B.r Lli I Capt. Gerald H. Barry, Inspector! Ot Indian Schools, and Indian Agent W. E. Colllson returned to .the city on last night's train from a trip to KlUells on official duties. Oapt. Bariy, who has been In thLi district for the past few weeks, tmvot by the Princes Louise this aftttpe&n on his return to Rev. and Mr. A. Abraham and little daughter of Massett arrived In the city from the East on last nlfhft train and will sail by the Prince Charles Friday night for th Islands. Mr. Abraham has been vwunc various Eastern cities .n Mnneetlon wHh the campaign for s new missionary boat to replace til Western Hope which was losl test year. Mrs. Abraham has been visiting her home In Toronto. 1 The executive of the Religious .Education Council met at the ; Baptist Church last evening with thirteen members present. Thl main Item of business was th? reading and discussion 0f the con- $123.00 each, and for thirteen or slltutlon which was received from more a minimum of $100.00 pr the head office in Vancouver. I; student has been fixed. is to be brought up for approval ' Anyone In Prince Rupert or; at a general meeting of the whole Northern British Columbia who Is; council next Tuesday with ths May Queen Dance At Seal Cove Much Enjoyed Seal Cove Parish Hall, gaily decorated in flags and bunting, was lven over to dancing for the remainder of the evening following the crowning of the May Queen Monday night. Music was by Bob Reld's Orchestra, J. E, Boddle was master of ceremonies and Mrs. II. Henderson was hostess. At midnight delicious refreshments were served with Mrs. J. V7. Moorehouse, Mrs. W. B. Skinner.' Mrs. Charles Toombs, Mrs. W. Garllck and Mrs. W. Dalzell In charge. A fifty cent classified ad. w.ll iften make you many dollars. Britiftli f 'oliinihia led tlie Dotiuiiion ot THE DAILY NEftS LOCAL. NEWS NOTES Allan M. Davles returned tq the Mrs. I. Halcrow, who has bee.j city on the Prince Georje thU on a trip south, returned to ths morning from a" trip to Vancouver city from Vancouver on the Prince and Victoria. .Owe this, morning. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Appleyard. Thomas Trotler, who has been who have been oa hoHdaj? 1 cm a trip south, returned to th to Vancouver, returned to the city f Ky on the Prince George thls from the south on the Prince morning from Vancouver. , George thtf ' morning f . '' ' ,, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Deny, who II. Lincoln or the Canadian Na- iinM,. staff rttmxied U, jtlonal Railways v,ctorla returned lrorn tne city on wr the south on the Prince Oeonrs morning from vacation trip to Vancouver andEast, 1 . ' Miss Emily Christopher and ui. 1 Mrs. Howard Hlbbard and. ch .d. local Hlsn who have been on a holiday visit whQ Wfnt to v&n soutH, returned to the city rom,COUTtr M gts of the school Vancouver on the Prince Oeorge Qf cUy durJng this morning. King's visit, returned home from . rTTT'i.u inn.1 itb on the Prince George and little'.. . Mrs. J. R: Mcllralth dauehter. Patricia Jean, In the city, on last night's train from Cobourg, Ontario, to pay a.' CanaiLi in Wliahnp? lli.e two f halitta; i- . -" --5 statiwnllie(ineen (liarlolte Islands . -- are n-p"wilJe for practically all of Z. '- ''-.-"l Canada's whale oil pro!uction, - - Production tif'wliale and fish oil in -Zrl2 HritiOi Columhia is a 8GI.81fl.OO ;T"'- indmtrv, llri iirovince accounting for irsii:,J 4'itlis of CHiiada'A total out nut - LirjT.'-t single itwn is l.'JOO.OOT gallons Jai of rilchard oil produced exclusively in 1U and -alul at $300,000. YOU SHOULD KNOW that "111 CD SPECIAL" Rye VAYlmkoy is wood-aped 10 years in hond audi made ly Hritisli Colnmln'a master distillers with a lifetime experience in producing the hest. 'There Is no substitute for afte" ASK FOR AND GUT im m m aariaTaamrar-arTM-awi ill IT PRODUCTS LJIJall.l--i!BrjllIII,j;fll'll mMllJilllMMldimm Ifrtl ffl - ; tWaaaa------------i This ndverUsement Is not II 1 1 II -hZa-BaVW 13 OZ. - J -i tab Tarn" aVBHHvS' iaJ 1 fJ9V' t arrived ' ! published ur displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of BrltlsH Columbia. Rev. W.- R: Pierce, retired native Mltilnnnni f Vi A rWtrH aVt crlVs visit with Mrs Mcnralths parent . the regu. Kir. anu mi-, v, iuuii- lor weeldy luncheon of the Prince t-i....i ff f a .viinrfar- RuDert Gyro Club. President W. Mi IT, TV TJTVTlTot the locomotive caused ti r-..- ii vifc' tn ho late !n-with. a few guests. 3b Ofc w coming in. The accident occurred! no-ir Erstew A work engine go; outcome 01 an auiomomie crasn behind the train and pushed It on the Kalen Island Highway a Into Prince Rupert, arriving at few weeks . ago, Harry W. Robb ap- I t .l 1 f a. 2 jm. ipearea in provincial pouce court Princess Louise for Vancouver. I yesterday afternoon Deiore btip- a if nirhmnnd. porsultin2 en-'eodlary Magistrate Andrew Tnomp-ii gineer for the Reward Mining Co., son on a charge of driving la ak who has been spending tne past manner aangeruus to uk puuin. week or so at the Eddy Pass mint?. He was fined $25 and his driver's-' and Mrs. Richmond arrived in the licence suspended for sixty days. ' city yesterday-from Porcher island. I and will sail this afternoon by th: p' sjl ir., D.:-Mnfn Rev. Adam Crisp arrived in th PataCC Taken: Over tlty on the Prince George thii tending the recent United Church BERLIN, May 31: .CP)- Th rsHitMncm in New Westminster palace of the primate of the Ro- 1. nrrw.KHn hv the .venln? man Catholic Church in Germany train to Terrace. Mr. Crisp will has been seized by the Nazi auth-jl k i,w T-a h!vnT orltles. The archbishop had been been transferred by the Confer- previously, advised that it was thi ence. fegfely DID YOU KNOW THAT... tC. ,lntentiln to taceover uic nu.cj 1 CITS. OF PRINCE RUPERT" Notice The Rrovincial Government has aDorovrd and. will guarantee the repayment to the Dominion. Gov-j eminent of a loan which it nasi agreed to advance t the city of j forty thousand $40,000) dollars at two per cent Interest for a period j of thirty years for the 'purpose of! rpnlacinz certain wooden water pipe mains with cast Iron and It is my Intention to take advantage of this loan. Any property owner objecting please advise In writing "The Honorable Minister of Municipal Af fairs at the City Hall, Prince Rupert on or before the twelfth day of. June, next. ) W. J ALDER. " Commissioner. Eagle's Dance June 7. !! (tf.i Announcements All advertisements in this col1 tmn will be charged for a full month at-tic a-word. Women's Auxiliary Canadian Legion Spring Sale June 2. J High School Tea and Display . June 3. Anellean Tea. Mrs. C. V. Evltts, June 8. f Preshjterlan Tea Mrs. J. R. Mitchell's; June 15 ' Parent Teachers" Tex, Oddf eltows' Hall, June 16. . . , . United Tea; Mrs.- Armour's June 12. THE StTRF.ME COfRT OF BRITI'll rOIA'MHI IX PROBATE In The- Matter- of The "A l in I n 1st rat 10 u Aft" And In the, Matter or th Estate of Albert I f:ret. Irrl,. Derraied ' take NOTICE that bT order ot HU 1 loner. W. E. Fisher. Ui 15Ui day of Htf, Ai D- 193a I waa aponlt. Ad-'favtototrfctor of the estate of Albert Ernest KerrU, dereoeod. and aJl paxttea tmtLng cuana: ajUct th said eal!a are hertibT required to fumteU aame, profwty verifteii. to ta on or before th Mti dy cf'Jmiier Ai U. 1939. and Wll n&rtlea lndeh&rd to the eataie ar retfutred to pay Ui Sunount of their Indebtwtaeta to me forth'rtth. I DATXXt.th, UUi. VJ ot Uay, AXV 939 OriVTIXE K. SPENCER, EMcutor. AljUiall, B. O. NEW STREAMLINE WHEELGO0DS Airline Wagons Sturdy baited construction no rivets). Canadian Hardwood box Disc wheels Rubber tired 22-Inch box - $s '-.B0 24-inch box ...- $i50 2S-tneh box The Clipper Wagw Extra large, 34-Inch 1 $TS Tricycles rf- t la.':--. The Monarch A low priced weU made tricycle 14-ioch size X , 12-lnch size $50t ,lki.$6ZQn Children's WJe!bxrrow 30-Inch hardwood; extra strong- i KIDDO BIKES, PEDAL CARS Fun and exercise- for youngenr children. Three sizes i - - - $25, .:5i' SCOOTERS StZ5r, $3J!3s MacKenzie s Furniture Curtain Rods Extends to 48 Inches. From, each Kirsch Curtain RodsExtends from 48 Inches to 86 inches. From, each Window Blinds flits Sash Rods 36x72. From, each phone Each 15c 25c IRON STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Lesrs riince Rupert for Vancouver: 1 T.S.S. CATALA E'ERX TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY. 1:10 tun. l:3ftp.nv ' Due Viocouver, Tburs. aan. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER. Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone. 56S SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVEI Steamer learea Prince Rupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the Eaat Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. AIR-CONDITIONED SLEEPING CAR For fares, etc, call or write City Ticket Office, C16 3rd Ave. V-17-S9 a. I NEW AND BETTER 5 COLD CURED ICE For the Halibut and Sainton Fleets Followlne the lnvesttaations of the Fisheries Research Station, the Company has Just completed extensive changes and Improve- i ment& In Ice storaee and Ice delivery methods. Ire for the boats will all be old Ire, thoroughly cured or aged at new low temperatures. It will be delivered Into the hold, even In the hottest weather, as cold at the storage room. Fishermen are inrited to inspect the new system. Better ice than ever before, at no Increase in cost, means economy to the boat and Improved quality in fish delivery. I Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Kupert J: H. BULGER Optometrist Co. Ltd. Royal Bank Bldg. British Columbia Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rilONE 657