L Tomorrow slSdes Weather Forecast . 0:18 a m. 21,9 (t. lll pjn. ;19.4 ft. " 1) am. 1.9 ft. r p.m. tA ft. VV - v .v v xxvin.. N I. Tl, I Tims f ln Vnl i res w our iir i " v refrfed to the Dom- ' north laruLas "a field i - .... Iu...ik - m I V TVHWI . mv . . ...a. ilked Mtd Ills Majesty. able to have Unveiled ;vely into the north- I! audience consisted ol ,1 . , . t. PnlumVilanl re-fdent by applauding! western style. Form I when the-King speak li - lutened to In silence. 1 however, were tool rrd by His Msjetsy s r abide by this rule. Other formal Inunctions r , he day the King and 'f. ; . night stay following I from Vancouver, and. r ' 'he City Hall where they J ' ,v welcomed to the city !' Andrew McOavln. Civic' - . ad visiting rcevea were. vd r cuy Hall Their MaJ.es-' rd to the legislative whre a formal address of " wa read and presented by T D Pattullo. In reply " K ad that he and the V jetted that time did not u. enjoying the scenic T " c f other parU of British L if ueisons were presented T , - Mileitles at the three' : functions of the day. T - Majesties derived obvious t: rrnt during the alternoon ' ) r brief visit to beautiful Bca-11 j Park I " at Esqulmatt. where colors r; prr ;emcd to the Royal Canad-Naval Station, the King chatted i.' rr.allv with men from the Can- i'.'n warships. He Joked heartily 1 vrr.-atlon with some ol mem. bard the steamer Prince Robert, ' iiim-.nilml k rl tf V. Mivtden. ' i mj vaJK. . " 4r ampanled by the Prince Rupert. J apt m McLean, as pilot ship. royal party left for New West-miter there to reloln the royal ain this afternoon and start the upward Journey. During the brief , ay at New Wpmln.il(r Tliclr Ma- C:'lf! ...Ill ..i-i. (l.,,l. TODAY'S STOCKS (Court? B. D. Jobturton Co.) Vancouver Dig Missouri, .10. Dralome. 11.75. Cariboo Gold, 225. Dentonia, .03. Falrvlew, .04. Gold Relt. .38. Hedley Mascot. .93. Mlnto. .OHi. Noble Five, XlVs-Pacific Nickel, .18. Pend Oreille, 1.45. Pioneer, 2.40. Premier. 1.95. Privateer. 1.40. Reeves McDonald, .18. Reno, J&2. Relief Arlington, .09. Salmon Oold, .08. Sheep Creek, 1.14. Oils A. P. Coruj,!, Calmont, J9. C. &E.. 2.20. Freehold. 04. Home, 2.47. Pacalta, .06. Royal Canadian, 21. Okalta, 1.20. Mercury. -08. Prairie Royalties, 21. Toronto Aldennac, 28. Deattle. 1.28. Central Patricia, 2.58. Con. Smelters, 41.00. East Malartlc, 2.70. Fernland, .04. Francoeur. 26 Vi. Oods Lake, 27. Hardrock, 1.15. Int. Nickel, .49. Kerr Addison, 1.83. Little Long Lac. 3.10. McLcod Cockshutt, 220. Madsen Red Lake, .42 Vj. McKemle Red Uke, 121, dlv. Moneta Porcupine. 121. Noranda, Pickle Crow. 4.85. Preston E. Dome. 1.60. San Antonio. 1.62. Sherrltt Oordon, 1.09. Stadacona, .56. Uchi Oold, 1.40. Douscadlllac, .06. Mosher, .14. Oklend, .07 Vx. Smelters Oold, .04. Dom. Bridge. 29.75. BAR COLD She Compromise on Sockeye for This Those of Foreign Birth who Spread District is sent to fire unions for Ratification prmlt of runner iravn in i ' nrmu oi . . . . . . . Agreement on sixty cents a fish for victoria Returns to , . Uockeye In the Ftaser River district , m UI i J a thU year was signed yesterday. A I compromise of 45c and 50c for sock- - T T1A, May 31: CP King 'eye and eight cents for chums and along at the provincial pinks for District No. 2 was referred luncheon yesterday, to five unions for ratification. , ' .fficlal function of Their vi-.it to Orlllsh Columbia. ,,d realize the position upiea In world affairs A windows looking toll ,;c and Pacific windows to L Far East. n reduces the barriers M country wtll become fare between two hemls-- King said. - ' v referred to the "won- x me" he and the Queen d everywhere in the umey. ri through so grand a a privilege to any man." ''b lared 'but to travel to the accompaniment verwhelmlng testimony s from old and young ' xperlence that has. I rraiitcd to few people The inspiration It . will hearten and en- Propaganda May Have Natural Ization Cancelled OTTAWA, May 31: (CP) The new official Secrets Law. which re Nine Hundred Children Take Tart In Proceedings Monday ceived Its second and third reading , In the House of Commons today. The K!ng' vfcit to British Col-glves power to cancel naturalization umbla was fittingly observed In certificates of persons of foreign Prlnre Rupert Monday with a fine birth who spread objectlonal prop- celebration for children. It Is es-aganda, Rt Hon. Ernest Larolntc. timated that some; nine hundred down 1c at $34.84 per fine ounce ' Qj Uack tQ the cnglnethe Acropolis fire. m(.m1aV I.. i ,1 1 1. I i I 4' jiukEtuu. tnal was up ine vracii wuimuk ji : '. hook on to the train to pull It out. t q . T i nnrhiMrcatherlng there. He wanted totalk to the englneO street UeatllS V::::. k" . rhiu crew. Some fiat cars were oemgi Kl.- and Premier T. D. Pattullo. .per morning cji stay. Their Majesties start ineir nomc - " vmv queens vuik owu-- - -. luin dk and waved farewell. fo,n to ,ee Maypole dancing, ten NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1939. w - : n a i ISHhD 1 U SEE MORE OF COAST NEGOTIATE MAY CANCEL FINE DAY I FISH PRICE; CITIZENSHIP TO HONOR - KING HERE NEW PLANE VERY FAST minister of Justice, told the House, children participated in the day's Great Speed of Pursuit Ship Which 1 The salt fish board bill was given proceedings whlin included morn jas Been ,ddrd To Lquipment Its third reading as was the 70c lng and afternoon fparades, flag of Royal Air Force guaranteed wheat price bill. The raising ceremony at the Court ( . . . guaranteed price will be for Van- House grounds, children sports LONDON, May 31: (CPt A new .couver. Fort William and Port Ar- and distribution of candy and Ice type 0f pursuit plane has been d3 thur delivery, a move to include cream at Acropolis Hill grounds and Tiopcd for the Royal Air Force I Fort Churchill falling. two monster bonfires In the even-j,jth a flight speed of 529 miles lng one at Acropolfi, Hill and the,an h0ur ana- a diving speed of Head Of Polish 'Army Is Invited I To Manoeuvres ENGINEER DEAD OF INJURIES other at Seal Cove. Weather was 720 it will become a regular part favorable for the ..various events,, 0f the Royal Air Force equipment a threatening sky holding on. Bc7lnnlng at 10 am the parade fell In at the Canadian Legion Hall on Third Arenue, under marshal-ship of Lieut. Orme Stuart, and moved off to the Court House grounds. grounds. Led Uta by oy a a small smau detach- aeiacn- 'of his severe Injuries after putting assembled at the corner of Third as oovernor General. Avenue and Fulton Street and mov-' ud a hard fight for recovery from. the loss of an arm and a badly ed oir to the Acropous run nere i p p 4 rp tv i V krnleg. ... UAl Mrs. Somemiie naa armea m ....v... Smlthers from their home In Kam- to the unexpected size of the at-1 . tendance of children there was a s Mr! Somervllle's left arm was so shortage of Ice cream and candy but the difficulty was overcome and found badly broken up that It was ttarv t hAv it amputated every child received a share. m th.. shoulder althoush It Followed a program of children's and soft ball under the dlrec- had been hoped earlier that it sports might be saved. The left leg suf- tlon of G. W. Johnstone, William the bnd Jack Preece In boys fracture fered a compound near ttball Gamma defeated A Stars ankle and the bones were badly broken 12 to 9" In glrls' sonba11 AU stars Mr. Somervllle had arrived In ov Oamma. Smlthers on the noon train from. In the evening at 9:30 1 the bon- the East enroute from his home In 'Kamloops to Prince Rupert where !he was to work as locomotive en- Q-n Eiizabcth chatted with ntot out by the engine that had Just !.. :er William Lvon Mackenilc'wt". t t tnrifrrnll' . . ,h nasslng " ' rAir . ho - TMPnrn uimuiiuw w... - - Lirutpnant Governor and Mrs. E. W Hamber were hosts at dinner to T-tf.r Majesties In Government - ? iast night. The evening was 'Pnt quietly and this morning Somervllle, he tried to board them. In some manner he fell alongside the track and was hit a j . .n h fit ttipv numoer mmo j u.w v. arUUUUS nip (,u., - ,int r.frtr ran under the sovereign. He dealt with the symbol of the flag under which I SMITH ERS, May 31- Thomas freedom and security had been as-w sured Britons for so many years. u .i-iim Somervl le. ho was the victim cana(ja was $ung and the par- of a serious accident In the railway ade returned to lu starUng point yards at Smlthers last week, died and was dismissed. In Winnipeg Yet Since Last Traffic Fatality Occurred Veterans Demonsiraie ' " I demonstration to him and pulled him away from WINNIPEG, May 31: (CP) -u.. There was a great mi.n as the track. Two police constables Contlnuine an unequalled record King's Visit DESCRIBED Local People Return Home After Having Seen Kins and Queen in Vancouver Quite a number of-Prince Rupert people returned home on the Prince George this morning after seeing the King and Queen in Vancouver. All declare that the southern metropolis was completely captivated by Their Majesties. Words do not ln nio" m0St ( Robert Yerburgh and Charles Elll-,seem; P j5',?6 . . ..... ..j neon e who attended the memor- glneer. He was well acquainted wilh " cnarg Anc5 " able occasion, adequate to describe .n Wni miiwav men and had .Cecil Fitzgerald and Ken Dakln atl . ? .. . . . Seal Cove where the May Queen. - le t he train to Udk to some of : dem LONDON. May 31: (CP)- -nw f1 had not seen for Skinner, lit the blaze. Hve Sula?mpSn Suf Montreal price or par goia "..,,. He was walking along !nuntlre1 Psons crowded arouna ParHMilnrlv lnvplv ; Is the queen all agree. Her lasting 'smile captured the affections of all i Weather was ideal In Vancouver ifor the King's visit. Their Majesties I rode more than fifty miles ln an open car. Everybody had ample opportunity to see the monarchs at close hand. In fact, the most of ' people seem to have seen them two Two Hundred and One Days Now 0r three times. v, VteVmer Prince Robert pulled were also nearby and had a doctor f0r any city of corresponding size! The Canadian National Railways ...Vu Tt,.ir MnitlM on called Immediately and rushed him on the continent. Winnipeg jester- city ticket office moved yesterday I L nrK i,mv nniirp lines and to the Smlthers Hospital where he day had its 201st. deathless daylafternoon Into Its permanent quar- uuaiu. .v i--" - . ... n,tinn i .o.fi, ij. hnnied "We Want the King, we was . B3 iar 3 s,UiCk na.t.v. v,v.v.. " Tlielr Majesties,! This was the first serious accident are concerned. There has not been w. warn ine hi. oneen vjuim. t Mn- Wnilw for mviL 4-.i nt Viro w. smiling, appeared on tnc uppcrji "ic ..y.., .v. .,.,( uumt. iiaiu; .v years. ember 10, Arrangements for the processions and other events were perfectly carried out and not a hitch of any kind marred the great day ln Van couver's history. ters ln the new Dybhavn & Han son, block on Third Avenue. The Vork Yankees snlit a double-head EDMONTON. May 31: iCP) er with the running up Boston Red A full gold service will be used Sox and the margin separating the this wTek-end when King George ; tw0 team3 stiU remains at five-and-ind Queen Elizabeth attend a a.naif games. tate dinner hen1. It will be the- 0nly one Big League game Is flrt tlmp It hac hwn nvrl since i i .. -j last night in the Smlthers Hospital At 2 o'clock the second parade' vlslt b th; of Bessborough omnr,, of k vrk- in th,. Na- tlonal League. New- series com- 5c Halibut Sales Lorelle, 5.5c. American 15,000, Booth, Prince Rupert and Qeuen Charlotte Islands Fresh south winds, shifting to southeast, cloudy and calm with showers. 8c and Rainier II, 8,200. Pacific, 8c and. Canadian Skeena M., 6,500, Pacific, 7c and Revllla, 4,000, Cold Storage, 6.9c and 5c. Margalice. 6,000, Atlln, 7c and 5c. Ed. Llpsett. 10,500, Cold Stor. age, 6.9c and 5c. telegraph office will be moving ln the presence of the course of the next few days. Queen, PBICE: CENTS Pact British Non-Aggression Plan Insufficient And Ineffective ; Says Soviet Foreign Minister Theatre In Birmingham i f ) 11 I LONDON. May 31: CP The ment of the Royal Canadian Naval g DOHlDeQ 'DrltUh government has Invited Ed- volunteer ueserve. me paraae con-- ward Smlgley-Rydz. Inspector gen- alsted of war veterans, prince ku- " ... . BIRX LNO 1AM M May 31. ML-army eral of the PolUh Army, to attend pert Boys" Band, Sea Cadet-. Boy manoeuvres In the autumn. Scout- of First and s'econd Prince 'The latent ne Jrnt to be JaWat n.,rrf rrT, wif r.i.hi ..r Rali he door of the outlawed Irish 1 ' . " - - 1 Docs Not Trust Great Britain and France Must be Vigilant About Pulling Chestnuts out of Fire Selfish Motives are Imputed MOSCOW, May 31: (CP) Foreign Minister Vyach-cslaff Molotoff today rejected the Anglo-French mutual aid pact as being insufficient and ineffective. He said that Russia must be vigilant and "must remember Stalin's warning about pulling chestnuts out of the fire." He said 1 - ., that no progress had been made fwlth regard to small countries on TrTn Ir It i I X IllSr rvpp ' Russia' borders. Great Britain and XXLaUu LuvJULt France "only think of those whom TWO GAMES: Shut-Out Twice Yesterday by Chicago Cubs Who Take Third Place in National League i CINCINNATI. May 31: (CPt Thei National League leading Cincinnati Reds suffered two shut-out defeats at the hands of the Chicago Cubs yesterday. Larry French pitched the Cubs to a six to nil victory in the first game while Vance Page was - the bomn- - wjiuwe in. the second woeb two io to 10 nothing. nuuuu8. The they guaranteed." OPPOSED TO COMPULSION British Labor Party Against Con scription And Also Rule By Armed Force LONDON, May 31: (CP) Ths British Labor Party, In convention yesterday, expressed itself "by re- Cove Women's Auxlltery or the ijoiution being oonosed to any Canadian Legl.n. Uds of the Jerda' of a B rmlnghara rjub,, as a tto Into mbte -1 Jjg g Mnnn Mnnu Xtncnp MiVKt Lndee I rtW and ana tax L32 dav OH '""'' .... tory, vuij, went m uivu thlrq iiiuu place u I 1 .V... . Ugger-some. In natlriwOcaiurae. Ir.re no casualUes. under Mrs. Haudenschlld. ' . v . " At the Court House grounds. "Ood Alkaffo To Tlcinor ajtft v . aa0 v w w Ranee sounded a bugle rally and. the flag was hoisted. Very Rev. James B. Olbwn. dean of St. An drew Cathedral, then gave a pat- Gold Dinner Set rrfmicr irinici Aberhart .iuihioii To Trot u Out wm V JZ,.y! VWMlt tntar W 'done Or combat who k double-header wlth spilt ,ates a j, b arme(, f the second place St. Louis Cardin-1 . .... I ii Reds Kwis are are now now leaai Thomas Somerrille Tassed Away in riotic address strewing necessity GUM -are Qn 0cca$ion of Smlthers Last Mht for unity of the far flung Empire i als. Johnny Mlze's home run help-j ed the cardinals win ine iirsi game , 17 to 2 while Jchnny Rizzo made two 'circuit blows to assist the Pirates to take the night cap 14 to 8. The leading the Cardinals BRAUN ID. RECOVERS In the American League the New Prelty Farm c)mniuntr ear Ter race Restored After Flood TERRACE, May 31. Those who visit Braun's Island, four miles west of Terrace, are scarcely able to recognize the place as It appeared three years ago. At th time the Skeena had wrought great havoc, much of the cultivated land mence tomorrow with the National had been overrun by the flood iLeague ln the East and the Ameri-arirt and sand ..nA riimPie dunes hai had t;ie.n taken ihm the can League in the west as ioliows: National League Chicago at Brooklyn. Pittsburg and Philadelphia, Cincinnati at Boston, St Louis at New York. American League New York at Cleveland. Washington at Chicago, Philadelphia at St. Louis, Boston at Detroit. Yesterday's Big League scores: National League Brooklyn 4-3, New York 5-1. Boston 9-3. Philadelphia 7-5. Chicago 6-2, Cincinnati 0-0. Pittsburg 2-14, St Louis 7-8. American League New York 4-17. Boston 8-9. Philadelphia 3-4. Washington 1-8. Detroit 2-8, Chicago 6-3. St Louis 2-2. Cleveland 7-3. The league standings to date: place of the pretty garden patches for which the Island was formerly famous. Also there N were great plies of driftwood and some of the houses had been overturned or moved away from their foundations to be deposited as thev water receded on uneven gTound. Today all this Is changed and the government, having provided a good bridge ln place of the one which disappeared, the residents have cleaned their land again and put their fences and buildings ln order so that one may enjoy a pleasant drive or walk by following the little system of roads on the Island. Although the farming operations are still reduced ln comparison with their former extent, there are to be seen oats, root crops and garden stuff. A promising feature appears ln ths new buildings which have been put up ln recent months. Intended To Quit Race Track Soon Circumstances In Connection With Death of Floyd Roberts Are Ironic Enough INDIANAPOLIS, May 31: (CP) Ironically enough, Floyd Roberts, racing driver, who; was klU- ed In yesterday's annual' Memorial Mrs. J. A. Teng and son, Maurice, pay Indianapolis Speedway race, and daughter. Barbara, left on had Intended this to be his lat Monday night's train for Jasper race. He had promised that h where they will pay a visit during, would return to California to set- I the King and tie down there with his wife an two children.