lU MA J 6aturdayf January T, 1939, PAGE FOUR IB D AILT NZWI F Waterfront Whiffs Car Marge Job Getting; Under Way at Local Dry Dock Overhaul of Steamer Prince Georjjc Also Exceptionally High Tides The Prince Rupert dry dock has started work on the steel car barge job for which it recently received the order from the Canadian National Railways. Two hundred of the 3G5 tons of steel which will be used is due to arrive from Hamilton, Ontario, this week-end, enabling the work to get under way in lull swing next week. The remainder of the steel will be along later. Steel workers will carry out the fabrication here, the assembling to be done at Kelowna from which Okanagan Lake port to Penticton the barge is to be operated. The local end of the work will take from six weeks to two mouths and will Herring seining has been continuing steadily at the top of Prince Extremely high tides are the order at Prince Rupert these days. Yesterday afternoon one of the usually can only be boarded by means of ladders. Union steamer Venture, Capt' John Boden, arrived in port at 7 o'clock last evening from the south and sailed at 7 o'clock this mornln n "turn to Vancou-forty mean the employment of about he,r ver and ypoints. She waited here men. bringing the dry dock staff while the Job Is on up to about eighty-five. Busier days are coming up for the local yard as the annual overhaul of the steamer Prince Rupert is to be started next week, with the Prince George, scheduled to enter the yard early in March for her overhaul. overnight owing to tidal and weather conditions. DIES AT TERRACE Late Fred Beard Was Real Old Timer There and Port Edward reduction plants.' 'TZZV ,71 , ,t During the cold weather which &Zr JSJt I ? . , . . ,. ncer, died at w his home yesterdav e,",PLlSter.d51WaS qulte,after a short illness. Mr. Beard had OahUlAbbUlJ Ul iiail. 1 (.,,! . rr . , days. business In South Africa. An Ener llshman. he learned the ernrprv highest on record was observed, j business from his father and set 41 . ...I 1 ..I T 1 41 .. t LI 1 1 , i. C I. i n . n m omoKea nupert Drana j Mild Cured Salmon ! 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'ocuvre One Package Serves Four People Keeps for Weeks In Refrigerator I Canadian Fish & Cold Storage i Co. Ltd. Prince Rupert British Columbia ACTIVITIES RESTRICTED Premier Mackenzie Kinr Tell What May and What May Not Be Done During Visit Of Their Majesties IMPROVE VANCOUVER PIER VANCOUVER, Jan. 7: (CD Canadian Pacific Railway officials announced yesterday that $1,000,000 would be spent by the company before the end of April in remodelling Pier B-C from which the King and Queen will board ship for their visit to Victoria on May 29. The job will include enlargement of the waiting room, a new entrance for coastal passengers and better auto ferry facilities. Pier B-C has been very busy sinre Pier D was burned last summer. Evidently, there is no immediate intention tf replacing Pier D. OTTAWA, Jan. 7: (CP) There will be no more than one official function such as luncheon or dinner on any single day except on the day of landing at Quebec where there will be a luncheon by the Dominion government and a dinner by the provincial government. Prime Minister W. L. Mac kenzie King says in announcing; detailed plans of the forthcoming tour of Canada by King George and Queen Elizabeth. There will be no visits by Their Majesties to educational or charitable Institutions or industrial plants and there will be no private entertainment. Several points in Ontario having expressed disappointment at not belna" Irieliirlpd In th Itinerary af Deceased was for some years inlThel, xiatestips. the Premier re peated that, in drawing up the time table for the tour, the aim had been to cover as thickly popu- Mic swu6 wmu iiiivniB puaiica im up nimseu m uuroan. ilatcd sections as possible so that water up even further than the . xn the early days of the cen-ltne maXimum number of Deonls 23.7. feet given in the tide book. urV he came to Canada and en. T-. ,j .i . icicu me uuici ousiness ai rut- Even old timers could not remem- Jj sumkalunit laUr moving to ber having seen the water higher race where he Joined the staff of In Cow Bay. Another foot would the Co-operative store. When that have brought it level with this store wenl out of business Mr-banks. One could step from the eard ,oined Fred Bishop's general . . . . , ' . , . store business, steamboat docks to the decks of " rw-,c v,j j i Deceased had lived in retirement fishpackers and such vessels which during the past five 0r six years cms ii ii vxm u an bj usui ux b:i msnz wtm mn -? ELIO'S FURNITURE I JANUARY SALE I 2 Only Seamless Axminster.Rugs 9xl0V2. oqj aa Regular $39.00. Sale ?tA.UU g m o yjmy ixminsier .Mais 27X54. Q g .Regular $4.00. Sale toa3t) 2 Spring Filled Mattresses Size 4-0. CI Q Cft m ivcfeuiai oaie vrv g 2 Only Snrinr Filled MattressTJPfrniar rnn nwm r n 1 sale : oi.uu i 1 Only Size 4-6. Regular $20.00. CI CT CA 1 Sale . MDDU I, g We Take Old Furniture on Trade-In jj THIRD AVENUE Prince Rupert g JiNtwciia rw; hk. - w :a air mtaxa'irB nursra imm rmsmvg r" Nanaimo-Wellinffton Alberta Foothills and 'Bulkley Valley Coal Philpott Evitt & Go. Ltd. Telephone 651 or 652 would be able to see and hear the monarchs. Regina Air Spectacle REOINA, Jan. 7: (CP) Regina is making preliminary plans for a large aerial spectacle in May to coincide with the visit of Kins Ooerge and Queen Elizabeth. One hundred Canadian and United States aircraft would participate. Readying Repulse PORTSMOUTH, En.?., Jan. 7. (CP) Workmen are busy on H. M. S. Repulse getting the cruiser in readiness to carry King George and Queen Elizabeth on their trip to Canada. Some refitting is being carried out although the King has requested that no elaborate changes be made. Normal officers quarters will be used by Their Majesties. Extra cabins are being Installed for officers. The Queen's piano will be taken along and arrangements are being made that the King may be able to enjoy; the odd game of badminton during the voyage. TERRACE A. Cook and A. E. White have returned to Terrace to resume duty at the public school. Miss Marjorle Kenney has returned to Prase r Lake to take up her duties again. A public dance In Terrace on the eve of New Year's Day drew a large crowd. The Oddfellows' Hall was so crowded that dancing was almost At Prince George After Being Many Months In North PRINCE GEORGE, Jan. 7: (CP) I Mr. and Mrs. J. F. S. Fletcher, who have spent many months Im the Bear Lake country engaged In their work as naturalists, arrived here yesterday, being flown out by Pilot Russ Baker. They are on their way to Vancouver. Jefferson Davis Of Grand Forks Dies On Friday. TODAY'S STOCKS (Court; 8. D. Jotuutoo Oo.) Vancouver Pacific Nickel. 20. Big Missouri, .30. Bralome. 1130. Cariboo Quartz, 2.35. Dentonla, OSti. Mlnto. .02 V2. Falrvlew, .03 Noble Five, .03 8. Pend Orielle. 1.80. Pioneer. 2.55. Porter Idaho, .03. Premier. 2.32. Reeves McDonald, .25. Reno, .23. Relief Arlington, .12. Reward, .OS';. Salmon Gold, .1012. Hedley-Amaig-., .04. Premier Border. .01. Sllbak Premier, 1.75. Congress, .OO;. Home Gold. .003g. Grandvlew, .08',v Indian, .01 V2.-Grandvlew, M. Indian, .01 Vj. Quatsino. .03 ii. .Oils A. P. Con., .25.. Calmont, .60. C. &,E..'2.50J: ' Freehold, .06. Hargal, .18 (ask). McDougal Segur, .19. Mercury, .12. Okalta, 1.53 (ask). i Pacalta, .10. Home Oil, 3.30.' Toronto Beattle, 1.40. ' Central Pat, 2.70. Gods Lake, 21. Little Long Lac. 330. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.27. Pickle Crow, 5.30. San Aiitonlo. 1.34. Shervitt Oordon, 1.38. Smelters Gold, .02i. McLeod Cockshutt, 3.15. Oklend. .26. Mosher. .20. Madsen Red Lake, .55. Stadacona, 63. Francoeur. 2b. Moneta, 1.43. Bouscadillac, .08. Thompson Cadillac, .26 Y2. Bankfleld, .35. East Malartlc. 2.70. Preston E. Dome. 1.69. Aldermac. .50. Kerr Addison, 1.91. Uchl Gold. 1 60. Int. Nickel, 55.00. Noranda, 8 TOO. Cons. Smelters, 59.75. ' " Athona, .07. Hardrock. 1.93. Barber Larder, .12. Dominion Bridge. 35.75. WINNIPEG WHEAT WINNIPEG, Jan. 7: (CP) -Win- nipeg wheat futures were Ue tn A Hot Time Is What Tou Want This WInier Tou can get It by using our famous Edson, Bulkley Valley or Nanaimo-Welllngton coaL PRINCti RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 or 558 Impossible until the sma' wee hours 1' . . . had passed. A draw for lucky DDlMrT D I IDPDT tickets resulted In Miss Marjorle,! iAlINUH, KUrHKl jvenney winning me uirxey wniie R. W. Riley and Sam Klrkaldy each won a goose, DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and Engineers Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding Specialists on Sawmill and Mining Machinery All Types of Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled Alt" And 'Kitsegukla Celebrates Week Between Christmas and New Year's Busy in Interior Village KITSEOUKLA.'Jan. 7. Kitsegukla, like other villages in the district, had entertainments throughout the week between Christmas and New Year. On Monday night there was a fine program in the McDames Hall, arranged by the young people. There was a square dance for the opening followed hy Christmas games, the ladles serving refresh ments before the gathering dispersed. On Tuesday night there was a unique entertainment consisting of Indian dancing In which war paint, feathers, bear skins, ancient drums and other devices were used. Douglas Wesley took the leadership In the presentation. Wednesday flight there was a farewell meeting In the Salvation Army Hall to bid goodbye to Captain More of Canyon City, on the Naas River. Capt. More addressed the natives in their own language, speaking on the houses built on Sand and on Rock. Everybody en-Joyed the service Friday night there was a community dinner In the McDames Hall. Entertainment was by the ladles who brought a homemade field gun and fired Chinese crackers as salutes to the various local organizations. Dressed In military uniforms of various colors the ladles look charming. Salute were fired for goodwill In (039 to the Athletic Club, Band, Home League. Ladles' Aid and Choir. Short speeches were delivered by Arthur Sampare. Bert Russell, Rev. Bishop Black, Chief Cookrson. Capt. Johnson (Salvation Army and Alfred McDames. complimenting the vari ous organizations on what they had accomplished during the old year and wishing all the members a very happy New Year i rim urn's i CLEAN, Well - furnished modern I apartments. Phone Red 444. tf. LOST lie higher yesterday after having 'LOST-New navy blue coat and dropped lc on Thursday. Mavi dosed at 62c, I tIaii dance. Return to 34 Taxi. I (6) YYilKK WANTF l EXPERIENCED Olrl wants work Housework, laundry, store. Phone Black 820. (61 EXPERIENCED girl desires housework by day or hour. Phone 52. 19) WANTED LOAN $300-Will pay 8, best security, for six months or 13 months. (9) PERSONAL WE HAVE HELPED HUNDREDS' TO OBTAIN positions as Le' ter Carriers, postal Clerks. Cus-, toms Examiner, Clerks, and' aienograpners, etc, and can help you. Write us for proof IN THE SI I'HKMK t'Ot'HT OK WUTIMI I OI.I. Mill A IX TIIK hl l'KKMK I'Ol'KT M ItKITlHIl ! In the Mattrr of th Mdmlnlitritcn COLt.MMA Att" IN FIlOrtATK j And h im iM.iirr 01 ine -iiin.niiru.jn n fn. Miller of the of llfnry t. niatl-roa. inrawd. Olhrmlif Known a llarrr F MacLeod In the Miller of the lUU of Harold TAKE NOTICE th,t bv Order of III Hlgtald l)irlu Jaiohsen, Dereaned Honour Judge W. E. FWner, Local Judji TAKE NOTICE that bj order, ot HI of Cho Sdiprane Ouurt erf BrltUh Col-Honor, W. E FWier, the 29th diy , umbto, Tusd the 2lnt day of December, .of Dncnnber, A, D. 1938, I tu up- 1838, I wa appatntod AdmlnUtautor of pointed AdmlnWtrator of itle eatate nf th cutAts ot llonry P MAcLeod, other- , Harold Slgvald DotIua Juxtmen, de wl known aa Harry T MacLeod, Co-onand, and all pnrU having claton cemied, and all piutkw having claim - agalnut the M4d mtate are heroby re- aalnat the aald entate are hereby r. , quired to furnUh nunc, properly verl. quired to fumkh hum, property terl-ifled to me on or before Jhe 2nd day nd, to me on or "before tJi lt day of . . w rvarwLTj. a. u. jww, na an pturiea rroruary, i:ia, and all parU indebted GRAND FORKS, Jan. 7: (CP) Indeibted to th etat arn required u to the estate tre miulrod to pay the Jefferson Dafls. Dromlnent bust- W th amount of their IndebtedneM amount of theur ladtdJve to me '''.., to me xorthwith. . ness man of Grand Forks and a norman a, watt resident pf tila city for more than i official AeiminJutrator, fory. years, passed away yesterday. Uie 3W4l 2 at the age rof 'eighty years Id. isss; . . : 1 l ( f forthwith NORMAN A WATT, Official Administrator, Prlute Rupert, B O. Daited th Slat dy of December, A.D. 1938. Francois Lake Welcomes New Year At Dance raANOOIS LAKE. Jan 7: Dc- srjlte the difficulties that hardy farmers and others encountered in' getting through deep snows, there was a large and happy crowd at the New Year's Eve dance in the' Francois Lake Farmers' Hall. Although .some were late, the hall was crowded to capacity. The Harris Orchestra became snowbound west of the ferry landing and a relief expedition headed by Verne Taylor had to dig them out. Then Mrs. Hilly Jewell from Burns Lake showed up to play tht piano. There were prizes for dancing even the Lambeth Walk. At midnight the advent of the New Year wa enthusiastically ob served. The floor was inches deep with confetti and the noises of whistles and horn drowned out the best effort of the orchestra. Splendid refreshments were served and, along towards morning, the affair came to a close with the. singing of "AuW Lang Syne." Try a Dally News clunslfied advertisement for best results. LAST TIMES TONIGHT 2 Shows. 7:00 and 9:00 Fannie Hurst's Superb Story Tour Daughters' Is a MUST SEE Picture With the Three Lane Sisters John Garfield, Jeffrey Lynn (At 7:20 and 9:20) CARTOON and NOVELTY Coming MON. - TUES. . Wtl), Errol Flynn, Belle Davis Anita Lsulse in THE SISTERS" O. Stevens a'nd A. Martet. forrm :i for the Northern 'construction Co and E. J. Ryan Contracting Co , arrived on the Princes Adelaide yr. terday afternoon from ( Vancouver, being here In connection with construction of fortifications at the entrance of Prince Rupert Harbor RIGHT from the start 193!) RCA Victor Perfection Is Your One Iicst Huy With ItCA Victor jou know what you gel. Each year HCA Victor leads off with every advantage to bring you another greater year in Radio Model 9512 $67.00 Now at Popolsr rrleei RCA Victor Magic firsln Mailc Volts Majlc Kie Electric Tuning for Alt A Triumph of ToneA Symphony of Wood Hut Itadio Performance of Highest Fidelity Only RCA Victor Offers You All These Radio Refinements And in addition you ran have the advantage of RCA Victor iuf trior radio-technical adjustment service for local radio conditions it Espert Itadio Servicing All Makes of Radio oooooooooooooooooooooooocoooooooooooooooooooooooooox 2 o MacKenzie's Furniture o o 0 t Estb. 1924 o January Sale Bulkley Valley COAL From TROPICAL VEGETATION Gives TROPICAL HEA' (Set a Ton Tomorrow 0 s Sizes o o s o o rnone "5 327 THIRD AVENUE O n1 fro fnfnrmaHr.n If fl' I . . O c. l i t. J .... V '.. ." WUWUMU"WUMWWUUUOOOOoooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOaOOKH00 ocuuois L.iu., Winnipeg. uiaeM In Canada. If. PRIVATE HOME KINDERGARTENS PAY. We start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute. Winnipeg, tf On Barrymore Carpets and fieorgle Carpets 39 only 4Vix7j. 6'9x9, 9xl0i. 9x12. See Our Windows Wateh This Spare