Utter i territorial possessions. No More Sacrifice ) 1 ALOIERS. January 7: CP-jrranre will make no more aacrt-hrt for Deace." 8o declared Prem ier Edouird Daladlei here yesterday , is be concluded his tour of Norm African possessions of France fol- fcwing hU vUlU to Corsica and Tuniiia, . France mould not s "P an Inch' . . . - ..tju nsiam.p Nnr t dixiswi? ;t MINERALS s used In production imicikm materials - s i;u 1 1 in WV I Pattullo To Meet. Gov't On Monday mlcr of British Columbia T Oixuss Number of Matters With Federal Authorities 1Ui interviewers yesterday. Keeps In Touch With His Office By Radiophone NEW YORK, Jan. 7: (CP)- By use of a two-way radtotelcphone installation In his automobile, Mayor Florella LaGuardla is now able Lit lrukt I a t. nt i -ia.. stt I Big Reduction In Number Of Workless Now rVTTAU'4 Jn 7- i'CVi M00NEY IS She DJIBUTI, January 7: (CP) Italian Fascists have attacked a station on the French-owned Djibuti-Addis Ababa railway line, it was reported here today. The in- i ...211 V jlitlt Intnci irro t A1 moir n vnA tUn FREE MAN I (CP Tom Mooney, the world's . . ... -,. 4S at Sj first sentenced to aeam bus lne Dominion. , CrAA nPM(..MiuM lhi Vsnr U tux u.nc rnmmtltfd to UtC lmptiS up fourteen per cent, nickel is down onment. He is 56 years of age ana fn per cent, silver down fle per has spent 21 years In prison, cent and coal'down nine pen cent.1 Labor' Long cruo The granting oi mwikj a marks a triumph for Labor's world wide crusade to Iree him. The crowded assembly room broke Into excited cheers as the new governor granted the pardon. I have signed and now hand you, Tom Mooney, . st Irs unconditional .paraon. i .r.. warden Smith to release you to the freedom which I expect you ... . t i S liitAta T r, . i.. "to exercise wiwi wiiawa, Jan. i . iuri rrcnuci -- - . ,nj,rfl.,. T. D. Pattullo will meet with Xtov itdfrat Mooney saia aucr nicy " ir,v.,r.mi. nn vfnnrfnv to v - n l ir ri inrniA a. Woman Fatally Injured by Wave Boy Swept Out To Sea Three Sailors Lost Off Ship ClflCni Will iin"""-" nij iiiauc tuv nuu-'storms storms Oil off the uic northern norvnrrn California wmuiiiw : iect of a protest. The Djibuti-Addis Ababa railway line orecon and Washington coast sone of the principal bones of contention in the situation jdurn th few e m. jsuii-" . . .u. 'Martha m.iu MrCollev. who - - died - from PCl'lH. mw ASTORIA. Oregon, Jan. 7: CP Known dead ad a result of 01 "mTe rJSed 5 SitE " "on Norman RersV minuter board from the German rnotorshlp ri, Frtnre be iwaeo. oy political Ann-li-.-. Fjubmn- on Thursday i -.1 nMMrl T OI UDUI . ioia UCICR-UVI1 JC t - i "iXTSS "here. Premier terd.y thai :the total number " to TunU that al- of employable on relief in DiUdler had ld In Za m branch defences facing Canada was now 123.000. Since aOTtSJ inH natlu 1 regUtratlon of un- I IMIMP llD tlrtnithened, f . in .h. r..ms,r th Trtl-ar H i liTV Chimberlaln To Taris L0NTX)S( January 7: 'CP' Prlmf minuter Neville Chamber-UtD, iho leave here next Tues-dij tr lt to name, will, it U aU jtoy olf enrqute in Paris to mt Prrnii Edoyard Daladler. While otrtrjtUy. the tUit to Parts It aid vi be of no mere than social ilpiflw st is taken in some; W4' ;i the nature-of a8ijmaJ to Pmr.i'r DenlU) MuswMnt of Ottst Br.Uiii'a continued frlchdll- era nth France. Undoubtedly, the mnr .-Italian situation will be' Critics of Prime Minister lain Are Organizing in England , LONDON. Jan. 7: CP -Critics I of the policy of Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain were in ses-tnn hr iat nisht under the; North and South Seen Follow ins Munkacs Incident LONDON, Jan. 7: (CP) Poland is taking the side of limitary in the trouble with Czechoslovakia following the attack of Czech troopi on the frontier city of .Munkacs yesterday. Accord ing nig to io report reports here ncre today, imuji llun- hum " injuries suffered when struck bv' f2tiin ttoop re rcady to march a log swept in by a comber on a frora the Mu(b toward Czecho- beach near here, arid Roy Suabert jwho was carried out to "sea near: Florence. Oregon. Mrs. McColleyj 4 1 was 77 years of age and camel . from Puyallap.. ! I Ships two hundred miles west of , Cape Mendocino, Northern California, continue to watch for the bodies of three seamen be- lleved to have Been wasnea over Slovakia while Polish troops have already moved from Warsaw to the Czech border. Meanwhile, Czechoslovakia is preparing to send troops wherever needed. Six infantry and cavalry regiments and machine gun units are said to have been sent by Toland to the border. Hungarian authorities claim that Munkacs was deliberately attacked by the Czechs. There were angry demonstrations in Budapest yesterday, drmanding immediate military action against Czechoslovakia but the Ilungari an rovernment an Dears to be dlinosed to settle the inciden peacefully. Both Czccfioskrrakua and Hungarian authorities have Mgement at a ,chainnanshlDqf,D?ricdn Sandys., "'-h border h of "yhnston sonln-law Rt. Hon. ' Uaves San tluentin Today And I'll T to1 Before Churchill. A definite program u is to, Made His Appearance rJrn!.r fllM-n UP fir WhlCh maSS GovernrJ)lsen mttm will be called to proceed SAX QUENTIN. Cal. Jan, 7 . ; with party organization. most famous convict, was w.e f J 'this morning from Ban Quentln KpntlPlI l)n WaV DeiUieil VII If dj HIITDTIT OF IPeiiltentlary U, Sacramento, the UUirUl VI J stale capital, where he was granted "T1 Tl,,c Pnacf . a full, full, free free and and unconditional unconditional par- x m iihu vwuui don by Governor Cuthbert u. Olsen for a life sentence wnicn i.aTM Edmonton For Vancouver v,. n-o urvlnir a a result of the i r- -f " lit mm v..... , )1 VUUIC vvp, -" - - Dttrfe in Vslue Shown In 1SJ as preparedness Day riots on Market j .eadi por uu(r anj Cohesion Compired With Year Previous street, San Francisco, In 1918- which resulted in ten deaths, He( edmonTON, Jan. 7: CP In OTTAWA. Jan 7: CP Value (Was accompanied by his wife. lne courM! 0f his farewell tour of ot Canadian mineral producUon for olsen had declared that he be- Wt5tern Canada before leaving foi 1JM a estimated at $440,OOOW) as nevrd in Mooney innocence and gngjand to make his future home compared with H57.00u.OO0 in 1937. that It was his Intention to grant a Formfr Prlme Minister R. B. Ben-The decline is accounted fox by nardon. nett visited Edmonton yesterdas lower wcr crlces prices for ior base oase metals meva uu,," during Mooney. Moonrj, through miuu" the years, ' has ana d Droceeded proceeaea to io Vancouver inuui fortr Czechoslovaks and Hungarians being killed. TODAY'S WEATHER Terrace Raining, calm, temper ature 32. Alyansh Snowing, calm. 26. Alice Arm-Light rain, calm, 33. Anyox Light rain, calm, 29. Stewart Snowing, calm. 28. iinultiui rlnnHv nlm 25. v- the vrar and a falling oft of sales of persisted In his Innocence, assert- SpeBklrig here. Mr. Bennett made I Smlthers Part cloudy, calm. 28. mlnrrals of con inr that, he was "framed "framed." He was .IP1it onH rnheslnn lm Hums Lake Snowing, calm, five n ais.,c tut v t j -- - - " AM lncnes new snow, AGRICULTURE PROVIDED MORE EMPLOYMENT; LESS i WORK FROM INDUSTRIES By HON. W. D. EULER Minister of Trade and Commerce .-trm i ttr T rr . S"ir) A tiMrlrviiVif- i a iv & .1111 iii i"Ar i - it ! i r ! I 11 iiliii t: . liiiuijli i-i. "viai uYcniiuciiv im . nware that this is wi ion wnj v-- ' . Jtacus, matter., the exact nature.B provided work for .. more peoplem , 1938 than , in 1937. not case 0' oi an inaiviuuai viiB-.- iuij jj i . . , , a i n o which he declined to discuss wiith murder hut but svmbollies symbolizes the the Ln On. the L other other hand, hand, emnlovment employment in m industry mdustq' was was shchtly slightly .. ui. n.nnnm nrder. Thatorderli U ..mmftinrr inrliicf fine nf P.nniirln mvilllT WOfk to -A11UIC ivviiviii.v - . I Il!SJ. tllk IC 'Ul uuh iinmunivu v.. j-. o - is in a state oi ucv throughout the world. I Intend to rededlcate my life to remove shame from the State of California by working for the release of my co- sufferer, Warren K. uinuig. Billings received a sentence of life imprisonment for the same i Kinr. which resulted In forty persons being lnjurea m aaun.u.. to the ten killed. Provincial Constable .Gordon Lee will arrive In the city irom van ai .it . it.. rn rriAnti tnmorrow an times by the simple, turn oficouvcr on w , L ' ft .in wuch. He can call the office1 night. He Is Imsclf boat P.M.L. 8 as wire or can.be called fromlthe police ""To. , . less officer. r,o tinxcnne in iniV? fnr ovorv fiO that thev eninlovcd m 1937. Nevertheless, they employed many more workers in 1038 than In 1936 or In any pre- .....!.. loin i omlc areas. Quebec and the Prairie The general Index number of In-j Provinces, employment In 1938 was cllne of 1.6 per cent. Yet there wasSllghtly lower than the 114.3 of the in inaa nn increase ot o.a per ceniiuic iauw vi "t over 1936 and larger Increases over the earlier years of the present decade. Indeed, in two of the five econ- an Increase of nearly eight rer cent over the eleven months' average of 103.1 recorded lit 1936, when the (Continued on Pago Tico) Tomorrows Tides 141 Capitol TAXI i 3:04 am. 21.9 ft. High 13:00 p.m. 22i ft. Low 9:05 a.m. 5.5 ft. Macey's Coffee House 21:33 p.m. U ft NORTHKKN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER r V01, XXV1H . No. 5. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 1939. -4 PRICE: 3 CENTS ft? Is Started For Police Bdat FASCISTS ATlY v STATION ON ADDIS ABABA RAILWAY; DALADIER IS UNYIELDING ARE DEAD SQUEEZING HITLER AND Northern Trapper Is Found; IWCTHDM H17f7FrHS ROOWVPI T Had Been Lost In Portland Possibility of Trouble Both FromlN.,ther Germany or Italy Respond Yet To Attack on Dictatorships BERLIN, Jan. 7: ( CP -Chancel or Adolf Hitler of Germany intl mates that he will make a person- j al reDly to President Roosevelt's' speech on international affairs atj the earliest posslblei ' opportunity j This may be. It Is thought, on) January 30 at the openln? of the session of the German Reichstag in Berlin. Mussolini Silent ROME, Jan. 7: CP Italian of flcialdom has refused to discus the speech of President Franklin D. Roosevelt with its attack on r Fascist aSCISC dlctatorshiDS. uiciauirsiiluo. It ll i Is un ux : JC0LD IN moved to officially investigate J " the rUsh. -Second Co'd Snap Being HUNGARIANS CLEANING LP , perienced Tw0 Below Zero The Hungarians had their , In Scotland . .jt I i .. ,1 w A I lum iuuij aiiu, uiic u v. what they termed "cleaning up, up.' thev reported that an a post on the snap of the JQiSfj had resulted In , In Scotland rvrat.tire readins ' In southern cities there Is chok The report added that two in? fog with frost, hundred houses In Munkacs ' Owing to ice. roads are town, which had been ceded to very treacherous condition. Hungary on November 1, had j been damaged by Czechoslovak 1 shelltlre. Czechoslovak forces retreated, the report said, but thousands of Hungarian troops have been moved up to the zone. i Bulletins in a CHINESE OFFENSIVE SHANGHAI Chinese launched a surprise offensive on Hang-chow today after a lull in the zone of more than a year but the Japanese reported the attacks had been repulsed. The invaders have held the Chekiang Province capital since late in DUN WELL REMOVED Ltd. was removed from trading on the Vancouver Stock Ex-rhanre todav following a bank ruptcy order issued In Supreme Court on petition ot the Crawford Transfer Co. of Stewart. The British Columbia-Canadian Credit Men's Trust Association was appointed custodian. ENGLAND LEADING JOHANNESBURG At the close Review of Conditions in Canada Continued by Minister of! twien si.ee, and Eastern rrov-Trade and Commerce s tod- .Iiat"n.rrfovinces nan Hi ana i.vov wicket. Mutton, not out, had 152 - and Gibb, 51. Eighty-Two Year Old Glace Bay Man's Whlrland Courtship Of.... Widow dustrlal empioymcjii.i v u it- ntAPF GLACE olauc. n.AY BAY. uai, Nova Nova rova bcoua, ocoua, Scotia Jan Jan. ju. . ports from some 10,800 employers! the Marltlmes, Ontario and British (CP)fter a whirlwind court- m of staffs averaging 1.067.400, was Columbia there was some decline. I M Murphy. aged 82. of on the first eleven months of; Factory employment, as recorded Qlace ti hoc nas hwn been morr married M to; In:"" 5 1116 In - - - " " . """ lii.o in i. . ""J" , ,,, , , ii"-'",-c 'Jhi" ..j ...itK nil nil in in ih ih,K In In th( the Inrtr index, nveraced averaced 111.1 111.1 In In the the - u u .i .u-, v,nm v, v.. m.f m.f i"1 i"e I93B lvJO, RS BS comptucu vOUipMCU wiiii wifci. " .- iiv .v " -- corresponding period of 1937 a de-i first eleven months of 1938, Octogenarian Going Strong less than a month ago. Tonight's train, due from the East nt 11 o'clock. Is reported two hours Jlate which would bring It ln at 1 am. tanal Aboard riis omall ISoat Ocean Falls Police Boat Unreported for Week While Searching For Missing Fisherman and His Son Down the Coast f NO ALARM FOR HARKLEY STEWART, January 7: (CP) H. W. M. Rol- cfnn totvnrf nou'enqnormon cave ilinf Tlnrf Olclrin va. wwBy ws.. v av ojiujfvi inuiif ou; J iimv a uiVUf a, V ported missing since before Christmas, left for his cabin down Portland Canal yesterday after spending la few days in Stewart. Rolston added that there was no search for Harkley yet because there is no alarm con-cerning safety. Still onnf Vinr miccinrr man rn fno rnvVi nnocf iirVitnV miiu.u.i iuuh vi witv liui ill umgii fvittvii certain whether or not Premier has been storm-lashed for most of the time since before Benit Mussolini will make any , Christmas is safe after fears that he might have reply although it u suggested th j,erished. This man is Bert Olsen, Portland Canal trap-'V'!::: ! Slier, who was last seen December 21 off Georria River. in the Jewish refugee problem, asidown the canal from Stewart. He was in an outboard appealed for by United States, concerned I motor-equipped rowboat. the engine of which was bucklnz as he ; faced into a strong northerly wind. Olsen was believed to be heading TTi T"i TT1 1 1W wn- He was sighted at that time tlKI I A.llllby Mlke Krt Georgia River. i since then, evidently, there had I iaie yesieraay. nowever, uus aavice I I I t 11 1 1 for Stewart, as was his annual cus- SpPQ Imii I 310 P the Christmas JCCO llU iaiC torn, to spend sea- War 1 his Year NEW YORK, Jan. 7: (CP) Dewitt Mackenzie, veteran As- Quarters here. A search was to be socia. Pss Jorelgn corres- M .!.. 4 aI frnm Ctan-n Tha rlttO pondent, arriving today from LONDON. Jan. Y-Ojjjj SSS t T 1 t C1Q Lt '"I 5LlU the fact the residcpnsUblVi f seven 4here Larry Retnta. is already away two below zerS. 8 .Xhlor Jack Hark! doubtf h"? a showT f ngs arc recorded ewart down be ween democracy and dictatorship which might cul- who to now over three weeks over-: mmate m "Vd due whUe coming in over the snows from Bitter Creek to Stewart. Olsen j was a Swede, fifty years of age and : was in good pnysicai condition. News of his safety was received today with no details. Police Boat Unreported It became known here yesterday afternoon that the provincial polce boat P.M.L. 9 has not been reported since December 31 when it lelt lion Do,lars Worth of cn board F'r Ocean Falls with officers on to conduct a search for Hugh Grex- n national securnies to o Iton and his son. Jimmy, who left Offered j Alert Bay December 19 to engage in fishing off Cape Caution north of OTTAWA, Jan. 7: (CP) A new Queen Charlotte Sound and have Dominion government bond issue not been heard of since. will go on sale next weanefoay I Todav it was announced that the 'forestry boat had been dispatched 'm Ocean Falls to conduct vtvrorvER ANCOLs ER Dunwen Uunwen .Mines Mines cpirch fnr tho rmllre wt hoat ,rhiM which Is This Is Finding of Jury in Case Of Japanese Girls Whose Body Was Found In Furnace VANCOUVER. Jan. 7: (CP) niehl by the coroner's Jury into the death of Emlko Yamada. 17 year old Japanese school girl, whose badly burned body was 1 .i...J ln iV, a ftroVuw nf coroner's Jury contradicted the theory. The coroner's verdict read that the girl had met death "by suffocation brounht about by violence through the hands of a person or persons unknown. NEW ISSUE OF BONDS when the Bank of Canada opens subscriptions books for $50,000,000 of Canadian National Railway securities in two maturities bearing i believed to have been forced Into j interest of 2' and 3 per cent. shelter owing to stormy weatner 'which has been prevailing In the1 Queen Charlotte Sound area for thei past week or so. I Aboard the unreported police; boat, which is not equipped with radio, are Constable Saunders and Special Constable Gladstone. MURDER WELCOMED IN GUELPH New Conservative Leader Acclaimed In His Native Ontario City I GUELPH, Ontario. Jan. 7: (CP) -uueipn gave a civic wciu yCpi 181 I last night to one of Its noted Y ElIJLlV 1 I sons, Col George Drew, the new Conservative party leader for On tario. Col. Drew Is a former mayor of Guelph. Among those on hand to take part In the welcome was another , . . iiaraou" sou ui uuciyn, iu"i Verdict of murder by a person or Johnson manager of the Metropol-persons unknown was returned last Jta opera Co. and hi (Col. In the course of a speech, Col Drew said that Canada had little to fear for the future If proper iiounu avuncu in wit i Influences influences were were maintained mainiamea ln in the tne 'the urnacc ln tne . basement o f ner lf thpre was commonsense . . gpy.n.K Avenue , .u. , in the December 27. The police had h inmipst that thev believed " - . . t a g trlrl wmnuu committed SUlClae out tne sul"u'. . .. li-JCor UiU wiuuw nitwiii iv .mvw Drew's) father-in-law. In the schools and. safety church. Joseph Dunn returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yes terday alternoon from a trip to Tacoma where he me$ a brother, John Dunn of Fairbanks, whom ha had not seen for thlrty-threa years. '