.! V ' t: 1 e H ' sT fief r S3 '. ! A Jy 26, 1SS9L DR.MANDY I BACK HERE T M ndy resident tnln-hits finished a trfp ioit of the mining pr-' the Smltheri district rfturned to Prince Rup- . and awtotance to the uv sre working on their viiig to prove up proper-r making small shipments ade ore to the samplinc ; Prince Rupert has been -i value K l reported, and j ! appreciated by these ..cad -f ore Is belnt mlnrd - C x-irr Oulch property on Buv Mountain and fine progress to belnc made In mining! and sorting high grade ore which j snowi a great oetl of free geld to the naked eye These owners have made a number of small rtilpmenU which pay thm wrtl for their labor and trite year will I robably be the beat one tbey have had In that reret 8 tan TewfMefKl. aaststnnl to Dr. VUndy. hai been aaasmpanytng him on the lour. LOST HIS WINCH KITCHINER. Ont.. July M: CP -A policeman on his way to work raw an Hh-galrr parked ear in tront I of a bank He put down his lunch pall and went In search of the ear-owner but the pall was missing on his return BARGAINS IN Used Furniture 3 Scwin Machine- 87.50 v From, up 2 DrcsscrsLarge ize mirrors. " S900 Each 1 Washinjr Machine In good condi- 35a00 tion. Special m n 1 Royal Typewriter- $15.00 1 Odd Cliwlerfield Couch- $15.00 8 Urge Size Carpel 86.95 v F rom, up NEW FURNITURE 2 Cast Iron Cahin Cook Stoves 813.95 Bach . Uhesterfield Suites In UKtrie QfJQ (III vr and Velours. SciaL per runte vvt.y Urge assortment of Unpaintcd Chests and Modern Buffets. It will pay you to come in and look over our Iarjjc stock at a great savings. B.C. FURNITURE CO. Phone BLACK 321 TIHUI) AVKNCK Next Door to H. C. Clothiers .SALE - LARGE STOCK Gramophone Records To lie Cleared at Special Price of . 10c & 20c Each 10-inch Double Sided Records Hluebird Victor, Decca. Popular Musical and Vocal Numbers by RING CROSBY r-FATS WALLER TKI) WE RMS ARTIK SHAW-GUY LOMBARDO HILLBILLY RECORDS DANCE RfcCOKDS Only n limited number of each recording. First come first served. Make your own selection. While they last . . . 10c' ami 20c Small Quantity Victor Red Seal Records 25 Discount MacKenzies Furniture - i Simmons Felt Mattresses All sizes. 750 Each SH THIRD .AVENUE" ritone 175 8. C. Thomson returned to the; city on Sunday night train from, a crop buying trip to interior points as far as Vanderhoof. A. Swing, who ha been In charge of the dismantling at Anyox for the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Co.. was a passenger aboard the Ca- stretcher at the train tomorrow r.jgght Mr and Mrs. James Simpson returned home on the Prince Oeorgt this morning from the south.. Mr. 81mpson has been for some time at Kelowna In connection with the assembling there of a new ca ferry for the Canadian National Railways and Mrs. Simpson hat been visiting there and In Vancouver and Seattle. Hotel Arrivals Central E S. Wuron. Edmonton. Prince Rapert A. Rutherford and Philip. Port Esstngton: Mr. and Mrs. Gill and daughter. Montreal: J. A. Thorn Advertising is an investment For Sale SEALED TENDERS will be Te reived bv the undersigned up to noon of Friday, July 28th, next, for the feasbodt Wren" 24 ft; 5 H. P. Easthope, moored at Armour's Salvage Dock, and Lot 5935, 160 acres, Oona Rivet Estate Erik i. Enerolh. Oiriclal Administrator Prince Rupert, B. C. Announcements All adverUMQfcnU in thlj col umn win be charted for a full month at J5c a word. Lutheran Tea Le land's August 4. Hospital Bazaar, October 4. Catholic Bazaar October 11, 12. "Crescent Canadian Shows" Bigger and Better. Legion Women's Auxiliary Bazaar November 3, - - a- - THB DATtT KXW1 PAuE THRE2 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mrs. T giorrte Is Balling this For prompt and courteous er-; afternoon on the Princess Louis vice Phone 13 Taxi. it. for a visit In Victoria. I ! - j Mrs. John Bmnner Is aallln Miss Margaret McLean sailed on this afteTnoon on the Princess the Caiala last evening for a trip 'Louise Tor Victoria to pay Visit to Vancouver. with her son, Stephen. Henry Mlsner Is leaving on this evening's train for Rivers, Mani toba, being called there on account of the death of his sister RcT. A. Rutherford and son ofj Port Ewhigton are in Prince Rupert: today, making tti trip on Fitaell'sj Laura F. i 1 City Commissioner W. 3. Alder-' will be the sneaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Ru pert Rotary Club tomorrow. 3. R. Hartley, provincial govern ment auditor, who has been on al visit to Stewart hi the coarse of a trip through the north on official tala last evening going through to duties, arrived in the city on the Vancouver enroute back to Trail. Catala last evening. Called to Terrace on account of the condition of their 83-year od mother. Mrs. Sam ITaudenschlld sr.. who is reported to be sinking rapidly. Mrs. P W. Wesch and Mrs. Thomas Dalllnger left on last evenings train for the Interior. Later today word was received to have a ason. Montreal: J. R. Hartley. Vic toria . Stewart Robson. O. O. WU- on D E Bed and D. 3. BarUett Vancouver: Mrs. D. Daln and Don ald, Sunnyslde Cannery: P. H Cawley. Edmonton: Mr and Mrs. R S. Doyle. Washington. D. C : O H Tycho. Smlthers: R W Riley Terrace: Dan OTCeefe. Calgary: E i Price. Skeena Clacion. England: E W Hodgson, city. Royal Mrs. A. W Colllnson. Bkldegate. 3 D. Sutherland. Kelowna: E. M Reld. Vancouver; H. Hunter. Prtne? Oeorge: M Mlltchln. Winnipeg. jj Timely Recipes TOMATO JUICE Tomato Juice has varied uses. A glass of chilled tomato juice, with or without seasonings to taste, h a refreshing and also a nourishing first course for any meal of the day. In addlUon. this healthful Juice, full of flavor and attracUve In color, can be put to many other excellent uses. Tomato Milk 4 cup Tomato Juice i tup mux Mix tomato Juice and milk thoroughly toeether. Serve well thllled. J. E. Gill, professor of geology at McOlll University, who Is making a tour of mines and mining areas In this dUtrlct. arrived in the dtyj on the Catala last night after) ' ipending ten days In the Portland Canal area. He was accompanied by Mrs. GUI Steamship Sailings ( For VmcotrTrj 1 Monday Ss. Prince Rupert 3 pm Tuesday Catala 1:30 pin,! Wednesday Ss. Princess Louise 5 pjn, Friday Ss Prln. Adelaide 10 pjn. 8s Cardena 10:30 pjn. Saturday Ss. Princes Alice pm. July 9 and 23 8 pm. from Vancouver- Sunday ss Catala pm. Monday 6s. Princess Louiae am, Wed 6s. Pr. Rupert 10 am. Friday Ss. Princess Charlotte am. Ss. Prince George 10 am. Ss. Pr. Adelaide 4 pm. as Cardena pm. July 17 and 31 Ss. Prince Robert 8 am. For Anyox and Stewart- Sunday ss. Catala 8 pm Friday Ss. Prince George 3 pm. From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday ss. Catala .11:30 am. Saturday Ss. Prince George .5 pm. For Xaas River and Tort Simpson-Sunday as. Catala 8 pm. From Xaas Knrr anA Port Simpson Tuesday . Catala . 11:30 am. For Ocean Falls Tuesday ss. Catala 1 :30 pm Friday ss. Pr. Adelaide .. 10 pm. Saturday Ss. Pr. George 7 pm From Ocean Falls- Wed Ss. Pr. Rupert 10 am.' Friday Ss. Pr. Oeorge .... 10 am. Ss. Pr. Adelaide 4 pm. ss. Cardena pin. For Queen Charlotte Islands-July 15 and 29 Ss. Prince Charles 10:30 pm. From Queen Charlotte Islands July 13 and 27 Ss. Prince Charles am. For Alaska-Monday Ss. Princess Louise am. Friday 5s. Prln. Charlotte am. July 17 and 31 1 pm from Alaska- Wednesday Ss. Prin. Louise pm. Saturday Ss. Prin. Alice . pm. July 9 and 23 3 pm. From Skeena RlTer Fridays, Cardena pm. YOUNGSTER WIX!? TITLE MELBOURNE, July 26: TCP) Fifteen-year old Eileen O'Brien won the Victoria! Ladies 6oif Union Junior championship. She was the second youngest player in a Held limited to girls under 19. rhones 18 & 19 Mussall P.O. Box 5T5 t ems Economy Store "Where Dollars Hare More Cents-Have you tried our CASH COUPON SYSTEM? You re-ceive dishes, silverware and valuable premiums suitable for gifts. Why not start now at no extra cost to you? Opposite Canadian Legion MISS YURI Dressmaker , Ladles' and Children's Alterations Moderate Price Phone GREEN Ut 727 FRASER ST. t OLD BELL-RINGER DIES THAMES FORD. Ont July 26: (CPi Amos C. Weber. 83. bell-ringer in this Western Ontario village for a quarter of a century, died C0ED BOARD AND KOOM BOARD, Good 2nd. Avenue home West cooking, 814 t! CONNECTIONS WANTED WEST African Importers and exporters seek connections with Canadian nroducers or manufac a a a o lO t D to o o o o o o o I a a o turers. Samples, offers for mer- g CIUlIlUISC Mi OU UBUIIUVU tlpafly fish products, and terms toll cited. The Colonial Fisheries, Limited, Benylwah House, Wln-neba, Gold Coast, British West Africa. tf- FOR SALE FOR SALE House and lot, clear title. AddIy owner. 236 Seventh East t FOR SALE Second hand piano. Good condition. Phone Red 401. 11751 PERSONAL BE READY FOR EXAMINATIONS. We have helped hundreds to obtain positions as Letter Carriers, Postal Clerks, Customs Examiners, Clerks and Stenographers. I etc, booklet of, lnformatloa M. C. C. Schools Ltd, Winnipeg. Oldest In Canada. It. MEN! WANT VIM? TRY RAW OYSTER Tonic. OSTREX Tablets, to pep up whole body quick! II not delighted with results first' package, maker refunds Its low price. You don't risk a penny. Call, write McCutcheon's Drug Store. HELP WANTED STRONG Girl to do all general ily of four, modern conveniences In house. Apply Mrs. J. S. Nelson,! clo Hudson Bay Co., Port Simpson. B. C. (178) For Summer Days and EVERY DAY ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION Delicious ice creams and frozen desserts; tinkling ice cubes for cooling hot-weather drinks: enjoy them ANY time with Electric Refrigeration. And save money all the time, too; for Electric Refrigeration ends food spoilage and waste; keeps leftovers delightfully fresh and tasty; enables you to buy perishables in quantity at bargain prices. Models for every home and purse. Just make a small down payment: balance on easy terms. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited DO OO CO 0300000000000 O0O6Oiiua-O0lO00000000C 000 000OOO0OO Remember the Day with a SNAPSHOT Complete Developing, Printing and Enlarging Service Agents for Kodak and Voigtlander Cameras Special While They Last Warwick box Cameras Taking Pictures Size 2 1-4 x 3 1- i $1.95 Ormes Ltd. 3fuf Pioneer Drtiqgists The RexaU Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Dally from 8 ajn. til) 10 pan. Sundays and "Holidays from 12 noon till 2 pja. 7 p.m. till 9 pan. OOWOOOOOHCrtKXHOOOaCK5O0O0OO KHK0O00 00000000000000 COAL drain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 and 558 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 11.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 It's interesting to know when reading the Daily Newa that the people of the whole district are doing the samf. 11 Ik m 4